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Details of how alternatives are being considered, and the alternatives that ought to be

Among the alternatives considered are inclusion of wastewater treatment, the relocation of the eco-
park (thus a no action in the area), a miniforest, a materials recovery and recycling facility. These
alternatives consider the fact the area is previously an open dumpsite and possible hazards are still
present. The inclusion of wastewater treatment plant and use of non-invasive plants are options ought
to be considered. There are still risks of the leachate contaminating the groundwater and must be
mitigated by in-situ treatments or other methods. The choice of the trees and plants may also affect the
ecosystem of the surrounding area since they are planning to introduce alien species.


Air, water and land assessment are required for the environmental impact assessment. There are still
noticeable unpleasant odor in the area with volumes of methane being emitted which may pose hazards
if properly monitored and mitigated. Risks for the leachate contaminating the groundwater system still
exists. Run-off water are also observable in the area which can controlled by installing proper draining or
vegetation. Contamination of hazardous wastes like batteries and computer parts may also increase the
overall hazards during the groundbreaking and construction stage of the project. Alternatives like
inclusion of wastewater treatment, the relocation of the eco-park, a miniforest and use of less invasive
plants can also be considered.

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