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Do Trade-offs Exist in Operations

Strategy? Insights from the

Stamping Die Industry
Mark Pagell, Steve Melnyk, and Robert Handfield

nc of the basic concepts underlying case study of three

O operations strategy is that of the trade-

off. Since the early' days of this field,
researchers h a v e focused ~)n the "inherent" trade-

nies provide c,,,np:,-


Must: firms c o r
, ..:. , ~ , . . . . . . . .

offs present I~etween the wlrious elements of unique, richly h~,- (7111 dJrnen
vahw. Some tbcused on the trade-offs between mogeneous setting ¢~ r c ' , , ~ # i 4 . ,", " v r , , ~ . ~ . "~ " I

efficiency' and flexibility, or between cost and fk)r this study be- oh I It.JI!ut It::~.,Juo/2
qualiw, arguing that those transformation systems cause of their manoge =o=Dk and
that performed extremely well on one dimension strong similarities. == "~, 1
of vatue (such as quality) could not simultane- The,. m:,ke the ChooSe:".
ously perform equally ,,,,:ell on the other dimen-
sions (('()st, lead time, and flexibility). As a result, uct for sale to the -s- ......
-e, ~a- m
- ~ .e
- n t s ::
managers were left with the ongoing task of de-
termining which dimensions of value they would they operate in the
' tyof
empllasize. Ideally, these dimensions would be same geographic m e e t cus t
the same ones desired by the targeted customers. area: they use most
ltowevcr, recent developments have caused of the same shop
researchers and managers to reexamine the con- floor equipment; and their operational employees
cept ~f tradc-offs and its impact on both the firm :ire of equivalent skill levels. In additkm, they arc
and i~s c~,npetitive stance. The introduction and among the largest companies in their industry
acceptance ~f such developments as Justqn-Time niche. Despite these similarities, however, they
producti~m (JIT) and Total Quality Management have responded differently in such areas as out-
(TQM) have resulted in situations in which the sourcing, amount of capital intensity, demand
expected tr.qde-offs have not been observed. management, and market competition.
Un&_'r TQM. improvements in quality have im- Using the data drawn from these three firms.
pr<wed lead times, cost, and flexibility as well. we will set ¢)ut t~) show that while simultaneity
[JndL'r JIT, activities aimed at reducing lead times may exist at operational levels, trade-ol:fs exist at
have also simultaneously resulted in lower costs, strategic levels. And these trade-offs arc often :t
high quality, and greater flexibility. Although this result ()f the resources management chooses to
evi&'nce w<~uld seem to say that trade-off3 are invest in. with serious competitive implications.
no l<~nger a relevant concept, others argue that
they :ire still important in today's world. THE TRADE-OFF QUANDARY
As our discussion indicates, managers forlllu-
lating and implementing manufacturing strategy nderlying the notion of a trade-off is tile
face a serious quandary involving trade-offs. How
this quandary is resolved can have major implica-
tions for research and practice in operations strat-
U premise of compromise. Such a view
states that operational systems cannot
simultaneously excel <m all dimensions of value
egy,. Wc can res~lve it by drawing on a structured {where value is defined in terms of its four deter-

I ) o Tradc'-offs Exist in O p e r a t i o n s Strategy? Insights from the Stamping Die lndustl T 09

minants--cost, lead time, quality, and flexibility). path that will dead-end in unexpected trade-offs
As an operational system is increasingly focused that may hamper a company's competitive edge
on excelling in the dimension of cost, for ex- far more than any trade-off it plans for and un-
ample, compromises must be made on one or derstands.
more of the remaining dimensions. One attempt at resolving this quandary was
The trade-off concept was formally intro- presented by Porter (1996), who introduced the
duced and described by Wickham Skinner (1969) concepts of a productivity frontier and operating
as a means of resolving one of the paradoxes that efficiencies. The experiences of the firm are de-
surround the understanding of operations man- termined by its position relative to the productiv-
agement (OM): that of a plant being able to per- ity frontier, which Porter defines as
form welt simultaneously on the dimensions of
cost, lead time, and quality. To Skinner, such [t]he sum of all existing best practices at
performance was not possible because it ignored any given time.., the maximum value that
the realities imposed by trade-offs. Once intro- a company delivering a particular prod-
duced, this concept became a hallmark of think- uct or service can create at a given cost,
ing in OM until the early 1980s. using the best available technologies,
During this time period, several new devel- skills, management techniques, and pur-
opments took place in the OM area, including chased inputs.
JIT. TQM, and time-based competition. These
developments provided managers with a new Porter also notes that this frontier is a moving
way of viewing the tasks of designing and pro- target because new innovations can shift it out-
ducing a product or service. They also shed a ward. The closer one gets to the frontier, the
different light on areas that managers traditionally more likely one will experience traditional trade-
considered to be constraints. Areas such as setup offs. On the frontier, there are only trade-off~.
and inventory were now seen not as constraints However, the farther back from the frontier the
but as variables--issues that could be changed if firm is, the more likely it will experience simulta-
management was willing to invest the necessary neity. In other words, simultaneity is indicative of
time, effort, and thought. Thus, the new develop- slack in the existing processes. This is an intrigu-
ments forced a reexamination of these and other ing and interesting resolution to the quandary.
areas and their associated practices, resulting in But to succeed with this approach, one must first
a series of impressive improvements in perfor- establish the productivity frontier and then be
mance. Just as important, the new developments able to position tile firm's systems relative to it.
also challenged the traditional view of trade-offs. This task is not yet possible given the state of
In practice, firms working under these new current research tools and instruments.
developments found that improvements in one Our approach is to examine three very simi-
area, such as quality, also generated improve- lar companies. By addressing their differences,
ments in the other areas, such as cost and flex- we will show that even in a very homogeneous
ibility. Such positive correlations, which ran group of companies, trade-offs do indeed exist.
counter to the traditional view of trade-offs, were What's more, these trade-offs have serious impli-
captured under the term simultaneity. Some re~ cations for how the company is able to compete.
searchers extended this concept. Ferdows and
DeMeyer (1990), describing competitive priorities THE COMPANIES STUDIED
as a "sand cone," argued that simultaneity was a
result of building on successive foundations. The onsistent with the guidelines and recom-
starting foundation was quality. Developments
such as flexibility or speed built upon quality.
Companies preserved their quality gains while
C mendations set down by many research-
ers, several considerations were used in
developing the sampling strategy and selecting
adding new gains in the areas of lead time, waste the firms for our study. First, the selection was
reduction, and greater flexibility. purposeful. We were interested in identifying
By the end of the 1980s, management was companies and settings in which trade-offs were
faced with a crucial contradiction. The expected most likely to occur and in which different ap-
trade-offs from the investments in all these values proaches to managing these trade-offs would
did not occur. Many have responded to the re- become evident. Second, a multiple case study
suits by suggesting that there need not be trade- strategy was selected to provide a larger scope to
otis anymore, which would result in a never- examine the issue of trade-offs. Within this strat-
ending attempt to improve companies along mul- egy, the multiple firms were regarded as replica-
tiple dimensions simultaneously---obviously a tions.
laudable goal. However, trade-offs may continue Again, to help focus on the issues pertaining
to exist in other guises. If they do still exist, many to trade-off;, the firms were chosen to emphasize
proponents of simultaneity are traveling down a commonality: in the same industry; located in

70 Business Horizons / May~June2000

a p p r o x i m a t e l y the same geo-
graphic area; s e n d n g similar Figure 1
markets and with access to the Criteria for Study Firms
same technological options
and svstems. There were sev-
eral reasons fl)r this e m p h a s i s
on commonality. The first was Use advanced These technologies have been described as mitigating the trade-off
to control for the potential manufacturing between flexibility and efficiency, so the existence of trade-(>ffs in
presence of c o n f o u n d i n g vari- technology these settings provides a stronger text.
,, , ,.

ables, g~e also tried to maxi-

Exposure to lIT, To test the concept ~)f simultaneity, the l:irms had to I)c aware ()f
mize the potential for alterna-
TQM, and/or time- programs that might enable simultanet)us impr(~vements ~)n multiple
tive explanations to exist based competition elements of wdue.
( t h e w b y providing an opportu- . . . . . .

nity flw falsification) by look- Same geographic Eliminates possible complications from culture, local ec{,nomic c{mcli-
ing f()r firms that have installed location tions, availability of skilled labor, and the like.
a manufacturing t e c h n o l o g y - -
c o m p u t e r numerical control, or Same Eliminates p()ssible complications from different cusl()nler requirements
CNC--that can eliminate :it custoIllers across various competitive priorities.
. . . . . . .

least part of the traditional

trade-off b e t w e e n flexibility Ability to make Requires equipment and capabilities beyond the average t<)<>land die
body dies shop, effectively linliting the size <)f the strategic gr()up.
and efficiency, as well as look-
ing for industries that have Prototyping Requires equipment and capabilities bey(m(t tt~c average to~)l and die
b e e n e x p o s e d to TQM, fiT, capabilities shop, effective]y limiting the size ¢)f the strategic gr(mp.
a n d / ~ r time-based competition
systems over a n u m b e r of
years. If trade-offs are identi-
tied in such a sample, then this finding will not t(~ols ff)r u n d e r half a million dollars (less if the
likely be the result of the firms having limited e q u i p m e n t is preownett). And the labor rectuire-
exposures t() such innovations that are frequently ments are also modest. All that is n e e d e d is at
associated with the e m e r g e n c e of simultaneity. least one machinist and a tool and die maker.
Simultaneous i m p r o v e m e n t s along multiple fronts O n c e these elements are in place, the firm can
after tirms adopt these innovations m a y be due to start m a k i n g stamping (ties.
a m o v e m e n t ot productivity frontiers or b e c a u s e Not all firms are al)le to m a k e and sell exte-
these innovations truly do eliminate trade-offs. rior auto bo(ty dies. These dies are very targe,
Exposure to m a n y of the innovations that gave often large e n o u g h to stamp out the entire side <~f
rise t<~ the simultaneity proposition m a k e s for a a car or van. The e q u i t m l e n t n e c e s s a n to ma-
mucl~ str(mger test b e c a u s e the existence of chine this size of (lie is huge, with table sizes
trade-offs in these e n v i r o n m e n t s is contrary, to reaching 30 square feet or more. The m a c h i n i n g
what is suggesmd by m a n y of the p r o p o n e n t s of and material h a n d l i n g capabilities n e e d e d t()
simultaneity. In addition, the differences will not move parts this size are far bev<>nd the capabili-
likely be due t~) differences in the firms' competi- ties of most die-making firms.
tive space. Tolerances and contours are also imp()rtant
We were able to identify,' three c o m p a n i e s issues. The exterkw sheet metal of a car may
satisfying these requirements. The three m a k e have a n u m b e r of c o m p l e x curves thai llltlS[ }~e
metal stamping (lies primarily for automotive cut to tight t()lerances. Producing these u n i q u e
applicati(ms. Specifically, they m a k e and sell s h a p e s to tile proper c~mtour (especially with the
body dies used to stamp out tile exterior sheet size of tile parts being p r o d u c e d ) requires a great
metal for cars a s s e m b l e d in North America. This deal of skill and relati\ ely high investments in
product line is critical b e c a u s e it effectively limits capital e q u i p m e n t . In general, these m a c h i n i n g
the n u m b e r of firms that can be considered. It capabilities are also bey()nd tile levels found in
als() reduces the opportunities for introducing most small tool and (lie shops.
complicating fitctors. F i g u r e 1 details tile selec- Such a firm must :lls() be able t~) pr<M(te
tion criteria for the three companies. prototype parts. Most ~ontracts for these dies
The ()verall metal stamping indust W is ve W require tile supplier to pr(~victe prc-pr()duction
large and fragmented, with thousands of tool and stampings to be used in building prototypes ~ff
die sh()ps located in the IJnited States. In general, the n e w models. T() m a k e pre-production parts
the c()sl of e n t w into this general category of for stampings of this size, tile c o m p a n i e s must
business is fi~irly low. The capital requirements have not only the m a c h i n i n g abilities to cut the
are relatively modest. Any firm can b u y a CNC (lie but also tile stamping e q u i p m e n t to pr()duce
m a c h i n e center and a few ()ther general p u r p o s e tile sheet metal parts nm(le from the (ties. A1-

1)o Tr:Lde-{fffsExis{in Opera6ons Strategy? Insights from the Stamping I)ic hKlustrv -1
exterior sheet metal in the United States. Figure
Figure 2 2 details the similarities among them. They use
Company Characteristics very similar types of machining equipment, al-
though they differ in terms of how the equipment
is used. Extensive use is made of large CNC ma-
chine centers to do the bulk of the machining of
Customers Generally the "Big Three" North American Auto the die faces, which is the only capital-intensive
Assemblers step in the process. Most of this equipment
comes from the same supplier and is roughly of
Equipment Very large computer controlled machine centers. the same age. The result is that the type of ma-
generally the same age and from same supplier chining equipment is almost identical among the
three firms.
Employee Machinist and die assemblers at all three companies
The skill level of the operational work force
skill levels went through state-recognized apprenticeship programs
among the companies is roughly identical. The
Unions All non-union two key functions performed in the three plants
are that of machining and assembling the dies.
Location All located in large cities in Michigan All three companies (non-unionized) use state-
recognized apprenticeship programs to train em-
Size 200-600 employees ployees for their jobs. The extent to which the
labor is equivalent among the firms can be deter-
mined by noting that two of them are located in
though many tool and die shops have one or two the same city and frequently "poach" workers
small presses on which to make prototype parts, from each other.
few have the size of press required to make such Finally, the firms are located within 150 miles
large parts. Even fewer have their own stamping of each other. To protect their anonymity--a
lines, consisting of between 10 to 40 presses--a requirement, since their managements provided
feature of the firms in our sample. access to sensitive information--the names of the
By focusing on firms making and selling companies have been changed to Capital, Life-
exterior body dies, we essentially limited the time, and Overtime. Ttaese names reflect a key
population to a relatively small number of unique decision choice made at each company.
firms, enabling closer comparisons. The industry
SIC code for these firms is 3544. Capital
Two other issues influenced the choice of
firms. First is their focus on manufacturing. The The largest company in the sample, Capital em-
vast majority of resources are tied up in manufac- ploys some 600 employees. At the time of data
turing or design processes. Without extensive collection, it was the largest maker of dies for
support staffs, generally every decision made automotive applications in the United States. Like
regarding structure or infrastructure is an opera- the other two firms, Capital is located in a large
tional decision. So issues that are arguably not city in Michigan and has been in the same loca-
specific to operations, such as one firm's decision tion for more than 20 years. At the time of our
to have lifetime employment, are being made by visit, the owners had been in control for about
management mainly to improve the way opera- 2.5 years. In addition, the firm had recently gone
tions perform. They have no impact on opera- through a decertification process, which coin-
tional strategy. By focusing on companies whose cided with the sale of the company.
primary functions are operational, it is easier to Capital's unique competencies are speed and
examine how trade-offs are induced by the in- capacity, which it has achieved primarily through
vestments in various resources. heavy capital investments. This was the only
The final criterion in choosing these compa- company in the sample that made dies fiom
nies is their long-term survival. Although none of blanks rather than castings. A blank is a solid
them has been profitable every year, they have block of steel that is machined to the final shape
all survived for at least 20 years. In addition, their of the die. Using blanks made Capital much faster
primary customers, the Big Three North American than its competitors, but at a cost. Machining dies
auto manufacturers, have been aggressively cut- from blocks of steel requires the removal of a
ting back on the number of suppliers they use. In great deal of metal. The block of steel must have
other words, the fact that these companies still dimensions as large as the largest dimension of
exist to serve this market suggests that they have the finished product. So a die with a high point
been and remain competitive. that is six inches higher than the low point may
The three companies are among the largest mean removing a few inches of metal across a
25 firms in their industry group and are also in 100-square-foot area, requiring a serious invest-
the top five main suppliers of stamping dies for ment in equipment.

72 Business Horizons / May-June 2000

Capital m a d e about the same n u m b e r of dies n e y m e n w h o have already c o m p l e t e d all their
as the other two c o m p a n i e s in the s a m p l e com- training, rather than gn)w their o w n talent. This
bined, but with about five times as m a n y ma- tends to strain the ties b e t w e e n the c o m p a n y and
chine centers. The ultimate impact of this invest- its e m p l o y e e s .
ment was that the average machine time to go By investing heavily in such structur<tl re-
from blank to finished die was about 30 hours. sources as e q u i p m e n t , Capital incurs a n u m b e r (~f
This was in m a r k e d contrast to the 12 w e e k s the strategic trade-offs (see F i g u r e 3). It is faster than
other two c~mapanies required to obtain a casting the competition. Its excess capacity allows it t()
fl-on'l a tbrge. enter other markets. Bt~t the e q u i p m e n t must bc
To <)ffer this s p e e d advantage, the c o m p a n y paid for. So Capital trades off speed :rod flexibil-
needs e n o u g h capacity to aw:)id having dies wait- ity for higher fixed costs and low w~ik f{~icc
ing f¢~r :l m a c h i n e or die assembler. Its a s s e m b l y colnnlitnTent.
capacit) is eqtlal to the nmxilnl_un level of pro- There are two key competitive implicati(ms
clucticm. Because of the presence of excess ca- fl~r this system. First. tl~e speed and capacity en-
pacity (in all but the busiest periods), Capital was able C a p i t a l t() make n / o r e m o n e y t h a n t h e c'c>il~i-
the (ml$' c o m p a n y that actively s{)ught work out- petition in good times, but it risks losing llt{)le in
side the aut(m]olive industry, such as in aircraft d o w n t u r n s :is welt. Second, the hiring and firing
and pleasurc craft, to try :rod maintain high levels of e m p l o y e e s , most of w h o m will gain their skills
()f tlSC. elsewhere, thiN.Ills the work force ct()cs n()t tla\,'t' a
The he:ivy investments in e q u i p m e n t have str{mg link t~) the firm :ind cann(>t bc reticcl <m 1<~
led t(~ the key trade-off for Capital. Its m a c h i n i n g help m a k e it more coll]peliti\.c.
capacit$' gives it a s p e e d advantage and the abil-
ity tc) seek work in other industries, but at a cost Lifetime
both in dollars and in lost c o m m i t m e n t from the
work force. In dollar terms, Capital has the high- In m a n y ways, Lifetime is the opposite of Capital.
est fixe<t costs ~)I"the group. It must actively seek It has a very limited investment in cqt~ipment,
v,;ork in ~Mler industries t(~ try and pay for its but a large irivestlnent in its work f~rce. Its
q'he other c(~st is the It)st c o m m i t m e n t from
the \~ork f<)rcc. To help cover high overhead Figure 3
costs. Capital has a work force policy that neces- C o m p a r i s o n o f C o m p a n y P e r f o r m a n c e s to E a c h O t h e r
sitates large fluctuations in employn~lent. W h e n a n d to I n d u s t r y N o r m s
m a n a g e m e n t can find the work, it will m n three
shifts with all the overtime it can squeeze in: the
end goal is t¢~ be running 2/i hours a day, seven [ tigh i
days a week. W h e n the plant is this busy, it is
m a k i n g m o n e y because it can cover the fixed
COSTS. It only o u t s o u r c e s w h e n it is fully l o a d e d
for the foreseeable future. Such a policy helps
g u a r a n t e e lll:tt the fixed costs are spread over as
nmc]~ w.'{~rk as possible. However; to control costs,
it llas t{~ lay off e m p l o y e e s w h e n work is slow.
)vet the three years prior to our data collec-
tion, Capital's e m p l o y m e n t had fluctuated from
50{) to "700 e m p l o y e e s . Because the firm is in a
mater industrial city w h e r e m a n y of the skills it i
reclctires :ire in great d e m a n d , m a n y of its laid-off
e m p l o y e e s do not come back w h e n they are
recalled 1-Jecause they have R:)und other work.
The c o m p a n y has relatively high turnover a n d is
tistlally k>oking lr\~r skilled e m p l o y e e s . Low
A final l~uman resource proMem Capital en- Quality Cost Time Flexibility Innovation
cotlnters is that it is hard to grow talent internally.
The s e n k m l v system that remains fl'om its u n i o n
days has some loopholes, but in general the last • Indust W perlkmnancc horn>
pers~m hired is the first fired. With every d o w n - • Capital's perff)nnance
turn, the pec~ple w h o are most likely to have [] Lifetime's perf~rmance
recently received training are also those rnost
likely to be laid off---often to take their n e w skills [] Overtime's performance
elsewhere. So the c o m p a n y prefers to hire jour-

I)o Trade-offs Exist in Operations Strategy? Insights from the Stamping l)ic Indu,~tD' 73
unique competency is the ability to leverage the when demand falls. So the employees who stay
knowledge of its work force to create innovative at Lifetime are those who like the idea of a
and/or high-quality products. steady paycheck.
Die manufacturing is a very mature industry. Lifetime essentially develops its employees.
However, customers do look for innovations, The company rarely hires a journeyman. Instead,
such as the ability to stamp different materials~ it relies on its apprenticeship program to develop
aluminum, say, or thin-walled steel. In addition, highly skilled employees who have a strong con-
customers are often looking for new ways to nection to the firm. From the beginning, manage-
increase the efficiency of stamping lines, often by ment tries to identify in each employee the types
combining multiple steps (hence multiple dies). of jobs he is best able to do. This applies to both
These increases in efficiency require the die the highest and lowest performers. By keeping
maker to create dies with new capabilities. Finally, an employee for many years, management can
customers may require a die that is a shape, size, learn what his unique skill set is. To manage-
or contour never before made. Of the studied ment, this certainty is very important.
firms, only Lifetime has the ability to consistently By investing primarily in its people, Lifetime
design and build dies that can be used in these incurs a different set of strategic trade-offs than
innovative ways, especially at the levels of quality Capital (see Figure 3). Its work force can be le-
demanded. This competency is directly related to veraged for competitive advantage, but it can not
the company's policy of no layoffs, which drives take advantage of large upswings in demand.
many of its decisions--from the speed with which Moreover, its focus on people has led to a flex-
it grows (or does not grow) to the way it invests ible work force but a small base of capital equip-
and makes dies. ment. So it has to buy castings, which increases
Once hired at Lifetime, a person essentially lead times but allows employees to focus on the
has a job for life (assuming he performs ad- work that requires the most skill--the work they
equately) at a set number of hours per week. are best at.
This number of hours is never exceeded and is The competitive implications of this system
almost never reduced. The end result is effec- differ from those of Capital. Lifetime is profitable
tively a fixed level of human capacity that does over the long run, but it cannot take advantage of
not use all the available machine capacity. More- short-term changes in demand (low-volume flex-
over, the company invests only in the level of ibility). It has traded speed and capacity for the
equipment needed to maintain operations run- ability to leverage its employees' knowledge to
ning two shifts a week. Demand in excess of this create high-quality products that often incorpo-
level is outsourced or refused. rate innovations its competitors cannot duplicate.
Lifetime machines dies from castings--not, as
Capital does, front blanks. However, the equip- Overtime
ment used to machine a blank is identical to that
used to machine a casting. What differs is the The third company, the smallest in the sample,
amount of machining that needs to be done. A uses a system that has elements of both Capital
casting is made by a supplier who pours steel and Lifetime. It has made low levels of invest-
into a styrofoam mold (made in house). Because ment in equipment, yet it also chases demand.
the casting is much closer to the final shape than Nor does Overtime make as many large dies as
a blank, it requires less machining. And the ma- the other two companies. Nevertheless, it still
chining that must be done is mainly the skilled gets orders tbr such dies. Located in the same
work of getting a die to the exact shape needed. city as Capital, it often finds itself in competition
Thus, using a casting allows the firm to ensure for the same people. And Overtime's manage-
that its machinists are using all their skills most of ment considers both Lifetime and Capital major
the time. Unfortunately, it also requires a castings competitors for the "best" work.
supplier and approximately 12 weeks lead time. Overtime uses a different method for making
Because of the presence of long-term em- dies. Like Lifetime, it makes its dies from castings.
ployment, Lifetime is very careful about how it However, both the castings and the molds are
hires people. Management expects its employees outsourced, which results in Overtime having the
to be willing to work outside their trade, such as longest lead time of the three companies studied.
in other parts of the plant. Because iobs are es- It also has the lowest equipment investments and
sentially guaranteed, Lifetime has very low turn- associated fixed costs.
over. What turnover it has is most likely to occur Overtime prefers to run operations 24 hours
during upturns in demand, when some workers a day, seven days a week, if possible. Each day
leave to take jobs at plants offering more over- consists of two shifts. This means the average
time. However, most employees realize that those employee works six or seven 12-hour shifts a
firms offering extra overtime when busy are usu- week. The reason for running two shifts a day
ally the same ones that will lay off employees compared to the more normal three is that man-

74 Business Horizons / May-June 2000

a g e m e n t believes it
would not be able to Figure 4
Summary o f Critical D i m e n s i o n s A m o n g Firms Studied
recruit e n o u g h quali-
fied p e o p l e for three
shifts. The c o m b i n a -
tion of limited capital
investments and ex- Capital Capacity and lead High fixed costs, low High Sh()rt Ix)w
lreme reliance ~m time employee conm~itment
~vertime results in
two effects. The first Lifetime Ability to leverage Difficulty in adjusting Medium Medium High
is that Overtime runs work force and its internal capacit,, in
its e q u i p m e n t in full knowledge base resp~mse to changes
use. nonstop. Equip- in industrial demand
ment, n~)t e m p l o y e e s ,
is treated as the Overtime Low costs and Long load times and ],()w lx>ng lx)~v
bottleneck. Second. volume flexibility low employee c~)mmit-
ment and knowledge
Overtime has a cost
structure character-
ized by relatively low
fixed costs and high variable costs. firms recognize that they must satisfy the same
Labor turnover at Overtime is very high. Be- set of indust W norms: quality and on-time deliv-
ing a small c~m~pany located in the same city as ery. O n e reason they m a k e extensive use of ma-
Capital {often c o m p e t i n g for the same employ- chine centers is to provide the capability (~f cul-
ees), ()vertime must pay the same wage rate, but ting contours to v o w tight tolerances. This capa-
with l{)wer benefit levels. It attracts p e o p l e w h o bility reflects the qualit.v norm.
a r e either u n a b l e to find work in more secure In additi{m t{> meeting these industry n~mns,
places (,)ften new iourneynlen), or p e o p l e w h o the firms have d e v e l o p e d a u n i q u e set of c:lpa-
are wq T motivated by money. W h e n the com- bilities or core c o m p e t e n c i e s that reflect the inter-
p a n y is busy, its competitors are generally busy action b e t w e e n investment strategies and man-
as well. So p e o p l e w h o hired on b e c a u s e they a g e m e n t skill sets. T h e \ also reflect the impact of
wanted that type of work, but not a 70-hour "niching," or the identification of a unique set of
week. leave. Then, w h e n the work slows down, market n e e d s that cannot easily be met by other
those w h o are primarily " m o n e y hogs" lose a fir111.S and that offer opportunities for survival and
large share of tlleir motivation. M a n a g e m e n t ' s growth. M a n a g e m e n t identifies a u n i q u e strategy
choice to m a k e the e q u i p m e n t the bottleneck or m e t h o d of offering value to its cust{,ners. This
leads to high turnover and little or no e m p l o y e e strategy, in turn, drives the resulting technok~gical
commitment. investments. Within the e n v i r o n m e n t defined bv
()vertime has m a d e two key trade-oflE (see these investments, m a n a g e m e n t cteveh~ps, imple-
Figure 3). O n e is the decision to have low levels ments, and refines stralegies for surviving and
of investment in e q u i p m e n t , w h i c h leads to the growing.
longer lead times associated with using castings. As king as these strategies are successful (as
The s c o r e d is related to the first: trading a stable observed in the three firms studied), they affect
work force f~r full use of the e q u i p m e n t it has future investments, w h i c h are continuations of
inw,~sted in. These trade-offs have significant past investment practices, tn other words, Capital
competitive implications fk~r Overtime. On the will likely continue investing in e q u i p m e n t , Life-
one lmnd, it has lower costs to spread over each time will likely continue investing in the knc~wl-
die, m a k i n g it the lowest-cost producer in the edge base of its e m p l o y e e s , and Overtime will
sample. On the <)thor hand, it also has the long- likely aw)id m a k i n g anv investlnents in either
est le:td times due to outsourcing castings and e q u i p m e n t or k n o w l e d g e d e v e l o p m e n t .
molds. And it cannot leverage its e m p l o y e e s for Of the three firms, Capital is the only one to
higher levels of quality or innovation. c o m p e t e effectively in shorter lead times. Its in-
vestment in technology that can m a k e dies from
DISCUSSION s~)licl blanks has e n a b l e d it to overccmle the cast-
ing bottleneck affecting the other two fim~s. As a
everal of the critical d i m e n s i o n s differenti- result, it is not constrained by the 12-v,'eek lead

S ating the three c o m p a n i e s we studied are

sun-lmarized in F i g u r e s 4 and 5. As we
can see, even though the three firms c o m p e t e for
time facirlg the other two firms, t]o\vevcr, this
increased level of investment has created its ~,,vn
burdens. Given the high overhead costs Capital
the same customers, they have strongly differenti- faces, its m a n a g e m e n t has d e v e l o p e d a strategy
ated themseh:es. The m a n a g e m e n t s of all three of seeking out n e w markets fk~r its capabilities in

1)o Trade-offs Exist in Operations Smttcgy? Insights from the Stamping Die Indust~' 7¢
Overtime, with limited investments in tech-
Figure 5 nology and equipment, competes in the market-
Comparison of Firms' Characteristics place by offering volume flexibility. That is, of the
three firms, it is the best at responding to sudden
upswings in demand. It can do this by relying on
High overtime for its employees. As d e m a n d goes up,
overtime increases; as demand drops, so does the
overtime. Because of less equipment combined
with almost completely variable labor costs,
Overtime is also the lowest dollar cost supplier
(as measured in terms of direct dollars per die).
This strategic stance has created several li-
abilities for Overtime. First, a lot of overtime
work is essentially a short-term solution. After a
period of time, employees experience fatigue.
There is a limit to the number of 70-hour weeks
they can work. Second, the loyalty of the work
force is limited primarily to money. This means
that when the demand drops, turnover increases
as employees leave (either by personal choice or
because of company layoffs). Finally, Overtime
Low does not have the same type of strategic assets
found in Capital and Lifetime. It exists primarily
Relative Relative Relative Ability AbiliW Employee
Fixed Variable Lead to Adjust to Commitment because of its ability to accommodate sudden
Costs Costs Time Capacity Innovate short-term variations in demand and offer low"

order to reduce the firm's d e p e n d e n c e on the he three cases presented here show not
automotive industry and the associated problems
w h e n d e m a n d suddenly drops. The more Capital
invests, the less able is it to tolerate any down-
T only that trade-offs still exist, but that
they have significant competitive implica-
tions. Companies taking advantage of innovations
turns in business, so the more aggressively it such as TQM, JIT, and the like have indeed expe-
must seek out new markets. rienced simultaneous improvements along mul-
In contrast, Lifetime, by investing primarily in tiple competitive dimensions. However, our re-
the skills and expertise of its work force, has search suggests that to expect these improve-
implemented what can be described as a "knowl- ments to accrue indefinitely or at all levels would
edge factory." For management, the key to suc- be a serious error.
cess at Lifetime is the knowledge possessed by its For example, every company in our sample
employees. To encourage workers to develop invested in CNC equipment at about the same
and share this knowledge with customers, Life- time, which lowered the cost of making a die
time has relied on two tactics. The first is the because the equipment was faster and more ac-
promise of constant employment in number of curate. In essence, improvements were made
work hours per week, which not only makes along all competitive dimensions. From a tactical
labor a fixed cost but also provides worker secu- standpoint, no trade-offs exist with the invest-
rity (resulting in more loyal employees). Second, rnent in the CNC. However, w h e n one looks at
management has tried to identify the capabilities the entire system front a strategic standpoint,
of all its employees, then assign each employee trade-offs can still be found.
to an area or areas of the plant where his capa- The new equipment must be paid for. Capital
bilities can best be used and developed. and Overtime try to pay for it by running it as
This strategic stance brings with it several close to 100 percent of the time as possible. Life-
important implications for Lifetime. First, the com- time cannot spread its fixed costs over as much
pany has a strategic advantage in situations where work without risking its investment in people.
flexibility and knowledge are critical. Second, it is Moreover, machine time may be reduced, but the
least able to adjust quickly to changes in short- decision to use blanks is still not viable for Life-
term demand. It takes time to recruit new em- time or Overtime--hence, they still cannot com-
ployees and allow for the knowledge generation pete on time, even if their lead time has been
process to take place. Short-term variations in decreased somewhat.
d e m a n d are accommodated either by relying on Trade-offs are often strategic in nature and
its vendors and using subcontracted capacity or have major implications for how a company com-
by simply refusing the order. petes. To retain its competitive advantage, Life-

76 Business Horizons / May-june 2000

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I).A. (;zuwin, :lla#mRi,z,g Quali(r {Ne,x York: Free Press, North Carolina.

l)o Trade offs Exisl in Operations Strategy? Insights from the Stamping Die Industry ~-

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