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Nonverbal Communication Part 2: Notes

Debate 1 Name:__________________________________

Essential Question
● ____________ and ______________ do people communicate without ______________?

● To identify the five principles of nonverbal communication.
● To express​ ______________ ​through​ ___________ ________________.
● To identify and use paralanguage.
● To identify social situations that necessitate different space requirements.

Perception Check
● A perception check “is a _____________ response stating one person’s
____________________ of someone else’s nonverbal behavior.”
○ (Verderber, 1999, p. 130)
● Example:
○ “You look _______________, am I boring you?”

Expressing Emotions Through Body Language

● ___________________ Expression
● Eye _____________________
● Gestures
● Posture
● _____________________

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Facial Expression
● Examples:
○ Winking
○ Making ___________ ______________
○ Raising an _____________________
○ Smiling
○ _____________________
○ _____________________

Functions of Facial Expressions

● Can help show a person’s ____________________ (either substituting or reinforcing a
verbal message).
● Can emphasize of contradict verbal language.

Facial Expression - Masking

● Masking is the “________________ of facial expressions normally associated with one
feeling to disguise other, true feelings.”
○ (Verderber, 1999, p. 36)
● Example:
○ ________________ to hide ____________ or ____________________.

Eye Contact
● Eye contact is “________________ the other person in the ____________ while
speaking or listening.”
● Eye contact can “indicate honesty or _______________”
● Eye contact can “demonstrate the intensity of ________________ that the speaker or
__________________ feels about the communication between them.”
○ (Verderber, 1999, p. 37)

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● “Gestures are the ___________________ people make with their arms, heads, and
● Examples:
○ Nodding your head “________”
○ Shrugging your shoulders for “___ ________ __________.”
● (Verderber, 1999, p. 37)

Functions of Gestures
● Gestures can:
○ “Replace ___________ in certain messages.”
○ “____________________ meaning of verbal language.”
○ “Add to meaning when a speaker gives _____________________.”
■ (Verderber, 1999, p. 37)

● “Posture is body ________________.”
● Examples:
○ Standing tall and sure.
○ Slumping in a chair.
● Funcation
○ “Can convey _________________, such as confidence and poise or dejection and
■ (Verderber, 1999, p. 37)

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● “Movement is simply the way a person ______________.”
● Example:
○ Dragging your feet reluctantly.
● Function:
○ “Can enhance the ________________ you want to make or the _______________
you want to convey.

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