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Qbank revision

Upper and lower limb

Granzman dz ..


Hemolytic newborn RH : T2HS cytotoxic

ACE inhibitors: best for Hypertension + renal condition

Loop diuretics: K+; NA+, CL- excretion

Opsonization : enhances igG and or C3b

Celiac dz: jejunum and duodenum

Oesophage manometry

Saccrococcygeal teratoma: remnant of primitive streak: contain all 3 layers echo -

mess - endoderm

Kawasaki vasculitis: leukocytosis + left shift of neutrophils

Spontaneous abortion: listeria monocytogens in dairy product unpasteurized

M2 receptors: found in heart not blood VX, cause decrease in HR

Attack rate: nb of ill on nb of exposed people not all the people

Middle ear cavity surgery: submandibular ganglion nerve 7: salivation

Parotid: nerve 9

Nerve 9 : baroreceptors in carotid sinus : if u cut it u send signal to medulla that

there is hypotension —response is hypertension and tachycardia
Metenphetamine : induce NE release —stimulates alpha 1 - increase BP

CAS: unstable angina: progressively worse or at rest

Chronic gastritis A: autoimmune + A+ with Hashimoto and pernicious anemia

Tumor markers

Parasites such as nematodes: type 1 HS: igE


Active error: error infusing pump

Latent errors

Wegener granulomatosis: anti Anca

Good pasture: anti GBM

Swiss cheese model : errors don t line up

Catastrophic error: they Line up and all defences are defeated

Sentinel error: yeah or serious damage to the patient unrelated to natural cause

4ICS: right ventricle

Berger diz: nephritic sd mc world-wide

Axillary nerve: deltoid and teres minor

Hepatitis B markers
Angiodysplasia in GI : right colon and duodenum
Ischemia: splenic flexure of colon + u can shit blood
Right to left shunt: can t correct hypoxemia with O2 breathing

Type of crystals in synovial spaces

Innervation of tongue

Cryptoccocus neoformans: lattex agglutination or India ink less effective

increase iron : deposition on heart - restrictive CMPX - HF - deems

Positively skewed distribution : means more than median

Negatuve : contrary

Heparin : monitor PTT

Check INR
INR and PT : warfarin monitoring

Zileuton: blocks conversion of Arch acid to leukotrienes

Shoulder dislocation : damages axillary nerves (hockey) check effects of that

Circumflex artery: lateral left wall ventricle

Bbloquers cx in diabetes: hypoglycaemia

T1/2 = 0.7 * VD / Clearance

Androgen insentivity in XY : testes +rudimentary female external genitalia like

undeveloped vagina without uterus and appear like females

CDKN2A : melanoma ABCDE rule

Ehlers danlos: collagen pb : frequent joint dislocation + easy bruising

Spironolactone : blacks aldosterone and androgene increasing testosterance

learance and thus increasing estrogen thus gynecomastia

Episotomy: block pudental nerve: near ischial spine

Acetaminophen toxicity : leading cause of liver failure in USA : deplenishes
gluthotione; antidoye: acetylsalycicline

Prevention of dz recurrence : tertiary prevention

TCA: anticholinergic effect: Dry as a …hot as. .

Warfarin : blocks Fc 7 so prolonge INR/PT but if overdose or + itroconazole

prolonges also PTT

Face / arm swelling and neck with erythema : superior vena cava sd associated
with small cell lung carcinoma

Reaction 48 _72H after: T4HS: t cell destruction of tissue via macrophages

SClung carcinoma = L-MYC

Coarctation of lower limbs + HPT in upper extremities + rib notching :coarctation

of aorta

Kwarshiorkor : leucine deficiency

Anti SM + vasculitis: SLE

Finasteride: no 5alpha reductase

Alar plate: : becomes dorsal sensory spine / basal plate : ventral motor spine

Gag reflex: ipsilateral sensory afferent 9 : bilateral motor efferernt : 10

Fibrates: increase HLD decrease TG : gallstones : CX

Sjorgen: ant SSA Ro and anti SSb La

DT2 : u can have hyperglycemia – and hyperonsulinemia: and follow same pattern

Fibrosis : decrease TCL

Fragile X: mitrale prolapse, aortic root dilation

Inspiration : increase RV preload – increases heart rate stretch bc RA + lower

intrathoracic pressure – increase flow capacity in pulmonart vx and reduce flow in
left heart – systolic pressure falls –


PXvirus : only DNA virus replicating in cytoplasm not nucleus

Parvo B19: only DNA sngle stranderd virus

Lambert eaton MG : assosciated with small cell lung carcinoma

Locala anesthetics: 2 tyeps: esters: one or no “I” in name and amides: one or 2 “I”

ACE inhibitors : lower GFR acutely if already fucked up kidney GFR

Lyme dz: western bloat

Diaphragmatic hernia : pleuroperitoneal mb underdevlpmt/pulmonary hypoplasia

Miosis ptosis anhydrosis: horner sd : Pancoast tumor is one etiology

Acute promyelocitic leukemia : can release procoagulant stuff , t(15,17)

High grade dysplasia of cervix: don t evolve to carcinime ususally

CGD : nadph deficiency

Ataxia telangiectasia : ATm gene :failure to recognize and correct DNA double
strand breaks

Metatarsal stress fractures : Cx of sport by anorexic
TST : T5HS if previously infected

CO = O2consumption / Ar02 – V02

Lithium : nephrogenic diabetes

Papillary muscle rupture: 5-10 days after MI mediated by macrophages

Septic choc: TNF alpha : fungal or bacterial cause

Direct inguinal hernia : medial to inferior epigastric artery P364

Hypertrophic cmx : bblockers

Reaction 2weeks later allerigic : T3HS in slam vessels deposition of immune

compexes like in kidney

Risedronate: prevention of osteoporosis : biphospohnates

Glucocorticoids : hypocalcemia

Melanoma : prognosis determined by depth of lesion

ARDS = diffuse alveolar damage

Methamphetamibe : increase dopamine and norepinephrine release

Staph aureus: mcc acute bact endocarditis

Cardiac amyloidosis senile only : transthyretine

Pamphigus vulgaris

Actinic keratosis : may progress to squamous cell carcinoma

Lowering cutoff poont of a dz : increases sensitivity and decrease FN

PKD: associated with berry aneurysm : can cayse subarachnoid hemorrhage
RER: synthesis of proteins to pu in lysosomes + revise organelles functions`

Graves DZ : T2HS

Malignancy related cachexia: tnf alpha and interfgeron gamma and other

Anterior spinal artery : medial medullary sd

Somatostatin : inhibits GHRH in acromegaly

ICF = ECF – plasma volume

Patent formaen ovale: allows peripheral emloi to reach systemic circularion

bypassing pulmonary circulation :parodxical embolism

Trinucleotide expansion : S phase

02- 08

basiliximab : anti IL2 on T cell; for prevention of rejection in Renal allograft


cirrhosis : decrease Alb – decrease oncotic pressusre in capillaries = edema

narcolepsy : paramysis in waking up sometimes

Xeroderma Pigm: pyrimidine dimers bc defect in excision repair of dna damaged

by UV light

DIC : diffuse renal cortical necreosis: by thrombosing renal Arterioles : anuria

Rubella : PDA and pulmonary artery stenosis 50%

Restrictive dz: fibrios decresases TLC
Fluoroquinoilonoes: inhibit DNA gyrase: normal function is decoil DNA for UTI and
GI tract infections

Hypovolemia : NE : VC : veines contracts VC = push blood forward to right atria

(maintain preload ) : 1 maintain CO // arteriols contract VC = increase SVR 2 //
MAP maintaines bc MAP = CO * SVR

Hypothyroidism : cretinism + Thyroid act synergetically with GH so defect in GH

function = growth pb and dwarfism fq

Hypovolemia: decrease Parasympathitic activity

X linked Agammaglobulinemia : BTK gene defect

Kinesins : anterograde trpt

Dynein : retrograde trpt

Duodenum : secretes all hormones that reduce Gastric Acid including CCK , so
removal will increase Gastric acidity

AST/ALT : ratio > 2 : suggestes alcoholic hepatits when both increased // <2 =
hepatitis C

Age = strong distal pulse and less cardiac sound = elastin of arterioles replaced by
Collagen = arteriosclerosis : Decrease compliance = arterioles are distending more
easily= : increase SBP decrease DBP // peripheral pulse or PP = SBP-dbp widens

Thiazolidinedione : decrease : bld GLu –TG – ptotc // incease HDL //

AEHEPAtotoxicity and HF

TTP : FAT RN symptoms + normal coagu parmaters

Cardiopulmonary arrest : cardiac arrest: lactic acidosis : metabolic acidosis +

pulmonary arrest = hypoventilation : respiratory acidosis

Goodpasture sd: igG on basement mb + pulmonary hemorrhage

Muscle contraction : compress blood vs and raises vr

6th aortic arch in 6th branchial : dutus arteriosus

specifitcty: TN/TN+FP

brnachial cleft cyst: 2n branchial clef in neck not moving with swaloow lined by

PO2 imoroment in lung diseases

Pemphigus vulgaris: bullae in oral mucosa

Athletic girl : anovulation : progestin challenge triggers menstruation

Obese girls : anovulation : polycystic ovarian sd

Hyperthophic osteoarthyrpathy +digital clybbing : bronchogenic carcinoma

Sulfamethoxazole/trimethorpine : UTI when penicil is allergic

Transduction : DNA transfer via bacteriopghage vector

Theumatic fever: fibrous bridging with calcified leaflets of mitral valve
Emphysema : associated with anthracosis :heavy pigment depositon
I cells: cholecystokinin
Absent p wave + widened QRS + peaked T wave : hyperkalemia don t give
spironolactone : K+ sparing

Pancytopenia + splenimegaly : Hair cell B leukemia: trap

Water reabsorption : 67% in proximal tubule mostly

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