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What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present simple progressive

Ella está montando cicla con su hijo en la calle

1 She is riding bicycle with his son in the street

2 She are riding bicycle with her son on the street
3 She is riding bicycle with her son on the street
4 She is ride bicycle wiht her son on the street
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Past perfect progressive

Ellos habían estado jugando fútbol bajo la lluvia

1 They had been playing soccer the rain

2 She had been playing soccer under the rain
3 The boy been playing soccer under the rain
4 They had been playing soccer under the rain
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present perfect
Ella ha nadado desde niña

1 She have swum since childhood

2 You has swum since childhood
3 She has swum since childhood
4 He has swum since childhood
What is the correct option about the image and why?

Simple Past
Cuando era niño me gustaba jugar al baloncesto.

1 When I was a child, I liked to game basketball

2 When I was a child, I liked to play basketball
3 When I a child, I liked to play basketball
4 When I am a child, I liked to play basketball
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present progressive
Loa niños están jugando baseball en el parque

1 Children is playing baseball in the park

2 Children are playing volleyball in the park
3 Children are playing baseball in the school
4 Children are playing baseball in the park
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present progressive
La niña está compitiendo con el niño por el trofeo

1 The girl is compete with the boy for the trophy

2 The girl is competing with her boy for the trophy
3 The girl are competing with other boy for the trophy
4 The girl is competing with the boy for the trophy
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Simple past
La abuela jugaba al tenis cuando tenía treinta años.

1 The grandmothers play tennis when was thirty

2 The grandmother played tennis when is thirty
3 The grandmother played tennis when have thirty
4 The grandmother played tennis when was thirty
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present perfect progressive

La chica del uniforme rojo ha estado
jugando con el chico del uniforme verde.

1 The boy in red uniform has been playing with the girl in green uniform
2 The girl in red uniform has been play with the boy in green uniform
3 The girl in red uniform has been playing with the boy in green uniform
4 The girl in red uniform has been playing with the girl in red uniform
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present perfect
Ella ha practicado con su patineta para competir

1 She has practiced with her skateboard to compete.

2 She has practicing with hers skateboard to compete.
3 She has practicing with his skateboard for compete.
4 She have practiced with her skateboard to compete.
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Present progressive
Una niña salta a la cuerda y otra la mira.
Mientras un niño saluda y el niño gordito come un chocolate..

1 A girl is jump rope and another boy looks at her,

while a child greets and the chubby boy eats a chocolate

2 A girl is jumping rope and another girl looks at her,

while a child greet and the chubby boy eat a chocolate

3 A girl are jumping rope and another girl looks at her,

while a child greets and the chubby boy eats a chocolate

4 A girl is jumping rope and another girl looks at her,

while a child greets and the chubby boy eats a chocolate.
What is the correct option about the image and why?
What verb tense is it?

Simple Present
la niña está asustada porque
el niño la está atacando.

1 The boy is nervous because the girl is attacking him.

2 The girl is scared because the boy are attacking her.
3 The girl is scared because the child is attacking her.
4 The girl is scared because the child is attack her.
Now, make up a sentence about some of the characters
that appear there, using one of these verb tenses

You should not say the name, just invents the phrase and
another partner guesses
Present perfect
Past perfect progressive
Past / present perfect
Future progressive

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