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Job satisfaction:

“It is combo of psychological, physiological and environmental

situations that cause an employee to say that I am satisfied with my job
that I am doing.” (Hoppock, (1935))

Job Satisfaction is the combination of positive and negative feelings

having towards their job. When a worker get job in an organization he
has some expectations that he has dismissed. Basically job satisfaction
is level of match of expectations with real situation of the organization.
(Davis, 1985) .Job satisfaction directly related to the productivity. It is
the sense of achievement and rewards of an employee. Job satisfaction
is the key component which leads to the promotion, incentives and
fulfillment of goals. (Kaliski, (2007))Job satisfaction is the mixture of
feelings and beliefs or expectations related to their work. The level of
job satisfaction ranges from extreme satisfaction to extreme
dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is an important factor which brings
effectiveness and efficiency in an organization. Despite job satisfaction
there is also job dissatisfaction which has negative consequences
includes increased number of turnovers, no loyalty etc (George, 2008)

Organizational Culture:

“It is the set of norms, values, beliefs and attitudes that shows the way
in which a firm conduct its business.” (Schein, 1992)

Organizational culture can be defined as the collective programming of

different minds which differentiate the members of one organization
from others. (Hofstede, 1991).It is considered as the glue which binds
the whole organization together (S.C. Schneider, 1998)By
understanding the basic values , norms can help in avoiding conflicts
which considered as the main issue in managing the culture (Watson
Bill, 2005).There are some internal factors and external factors that can
influence the culture of an organization. Internal factors include
leadership style, values etc.While external factors includes technology
,environment etc.The attitudes , values , norms of peoples working in
an organization peoples as well are the most important determinants
of an organizational culture. (Dhir, 2019)

Davis, K. a. (1985). Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior. 109.

George, J. a. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior. Fifth

Edition,Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Yersey , 78.

Harmon, C. H. (2003). The returns to education: Microeconomics,. Journal of economic Surveys ,


Hoppock, R. ((1935)). Job Satisfaction. Harper and Brothers , 47.

Kaliski, B. ((2007)). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance. Second edition, Thompson Gale,
Detroit , 446.

Davis, K. a. (1985). Human Behavior at work: Organizational Behavior. 109.

Dhir, S. (2019). "Te changing nature of work, leadership, and organizational culture in future
ready organizations". CMC SeniorTeses , 2064.

George, J. a. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior. Fifth

Edition,Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Yersey , 78.

Harmon, C. H. (2003). The returns to education: Microeconomics,. Journal of economic Surveys ,

Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, London. New York:
McGraw-Hill .

Hoppock, R. ((1935)). Job Satisfaction. Harper and Brothers , 47.

Kaliski, B. ((2007)). Encyclopedia of Business and Finance. Second edition, Thompson Gale,
Detroit , 446.

S.C. Schneider. (1998). "National vs. Corporate Culture:. Human Resource Management, , 231-

Schein, E. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership,. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, .

Watson Bill, C. C. (2005). : Exploratory factor analysis of the research and development culture
index among nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing , 1042-1047.

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