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FOREIGN CORPORATION QUALIFICATION (Filing fee of $80.00 raqured) ‘The undersigned Corporation for the purpose ‘of qualifying pursua'tto the prev'sions of Title 7 of ‘he Corporations and sseiavons Ari of tho Arnal Code of Maryland, to inbasae, mrss and orig neetoor ae wae ‘in the State of Maryland, hereby certifies to the State ‘Depa-tment of Assessments and Taxation: (A) That the name of the Comoration is Tymmovetarion bio gies a ee ete wn LLISADE YO J ty be Pudi bet oe ns aye Gaal Git (D) That the name of the resident agent of the corporation in Maryland s_DrA 1. 0¢syy whos address is_36 Sout, Ghurles Steet Ck 2200 Mebane (AN 2201 (EVERY FORFIGN CORPORATION QUALIFIED IN MARYLAND IS REQUIRED TO NAME A MARYLAND AGENT) (E) (OPTIONAL) That the address ofthe principal of8 ofthe Corporation in Maryland is (B) The corporation was formed in the State of. (C) That (.@ address of the Corporation is __i “+ |: {F) That the Corporation (check appropnate response}, (1)1 nas _ (2) [S&j nas not done intrastate, interstate 0 foreign bus ness inthis State before quaiification or ‘ealsration 36 @ foreign Corporation or after the qualification or regalo’ wos cereal NOTE: if te box n Part (FY checked indicatng thatthe Corpo in Maryland before register orth if ‘company tis n has done intrastate, interstate or foreign business eae gr after tne registration or cuslfication has been cancelled: a penalty 3500 nee 10 the fiing fee of $50.00, By (Orginal signatal | hereby consent to Revised 8/98 37S DEPARTMENT OF STATE CERTIFICATE 1 aver DAVoEOR, sEeerARY oF tans oF mie snare or | | TRANSPORTATION LOGISIICS INT’L, INC. | | ACCORDING TO THE RECOR!S OF THIS OFFICE | | (COLORADC CORE ORATION) ! FILE # 19911073600 WAS FILED IN THIS OFFICS ON September 16, 1991 AND HAS COMPLIED WITH THE APPLICZBLE PROVISIONS OP THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO ANI’ ON THIS DATE IS IN GOOD STANDING AND AUTHORIZED AND COMPETENT TO TRANSACT BUSINESS OR TO CONDUCT ITS AFFAIRS WITHIN THIS STATE. Dat! February 1€, 20¢1 “ EAPEVITED SERVICE ** DF DOCUMENT CODE Pal . BUSINESS CODE Ox _" * Close Stock____—Nonstock___ PAL Religious_ Merging (Transferor) : Certified Copies: Copy Fee: Certificates: Certificate Fee: Other TOTAL FEES: Credit Card, check) > Cash. Documents on __ Checks APPROVED BY: 1 / N/A) EYED BY: COMMENT(S): dad Change of Name ___ Change of Principat Office __ Change of Resident Agent ___ Change of Resident Agent Address Resignation of Residert Agent _— Designation of Resident Agent and Resident Agent's Adidas Shange of Business Code | _—. Adoation of Assumed Namal CODE, ATVENTION: MAIL TO ADDRESS:, cay et Gan

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