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instructions for

MORNING: 1/2 to 3/4 cup of dog food with a squirt of fish oil on it
EVENING: 1/2 to 3/4 cup of dog food with a squirt of fish oil on it

add meat or nuggets or goats milk. In the morning give him half of Synovi G4

MORNING: 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dog food with a squirt of fish oil on it
EVENING: 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dog food with a squirt of fish oil on it
add meat or nuggets or goats milk. In the morning give him Digestive enzymes

MORNING: 1 HR BEFORE FOOD: 1 blue pill, in cheese
1/2 of a pink pill, wrapped in a small amount of cheese

1/2 vetmaden (big brown pill)

EVENING: 1/2 of a pink pill, wrapped in a small amount of cheese
1/2 vetmaden, 1 yellow pill

MORNING: Drop of Dorzolamide in his left eye (Blue top, the non-cloudy eye)
(Uggy only)

Wait 5 minutes, drop of sodium chloride in BOTH eyes

AFTERNOON (4 pm): Drop of Dorzolamide in his left eye (Blue top, the non-
cloudy eye) Wait 5 minutes, drop of sodium chloride in BOTH eyes
EVENING: Drop of Dorzolamide in his left eye (Blue top, the non-cloudy eye)
Wait 5 minutes, drop of sodium chloride in BOTH eyes

Make an eye appointment for uggy, I already requested it. All dog meds
are in the cedar closet OR in the cupboard under the counter.
If either dog scratches his eye, use the tobramycin.
If Heinz's eyes bother him/are dry, use "Soothe XP"

VET VISION OF ROCHESTER: (eye issues) 265 E 2nd St, Rochester 48307 248-402-9844
WILSON VET: (emergencies) 12000 Durham St, Washington 48095 586-752-6217

ANIMAL CLINIC OF STERLING HEIGHTS: (vet, Dr. Krieger) 586-939-4020

39990 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights 48313

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