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FST-(UT-4/17) FST-(UT-4/17) 2

¶ß±Ó¬fl¡ ¬Û±Í¬Sê˜ ( B.D.P.) [‡] [’] Œ¬ı˛±·Ê√œ¬ı±Ì≈Àfl¡ fl¡˚˛øȬ Œ·±á¬œÀÓ¬ ˆ¬±· fl¡¬ı˛± ˚±˚˛ ∑
ø˙鬱¬ı¯∏«±ôL ¬Û¬ı˛œé¬± ( Term End Examination ) õ∂ÀÓ¬…fl¡ Œ·±á¬œ¬ı˛ Ú±˜ ø˘‡≈Úº ŒÎ¬e≈, fl≈¡á¬,
øάÀ¸•§¬ı˛, 2016 › Ê≈√Ú, 2017 ’…±ø˜ø¬ıfl¡ ’±˜±˙˚˛ › √±√ Œfl¡±Úƒ Œfl¡±Úƒ õ∂fl¡±À¬ı˛¬ı˛
øˆ¬øM√√˜”˘fl¡ ( Foundation ) Ê√œ¬ı±Ì≈ ¡Z±¬ı˛± ¸—Sêø˜Ó¬ ˝√√˚˛ ∑ Œ¬ı˛±· ¸‘ø©Üfl¡±¬ı˛œ
ø¬ı:±Ú › õ∂˚≈øMê√ ( FST : Foundation Course in Ê√œ¬ı±Ì≈ fl¡œˆ¬±À¬ı ’±˜±À√¬ı˛ ˙¬ı˛œÀ¬ı˛ õ∂À¬ı˙ fl¡À¬ı˛ ∑
Science & Technology ) [’±] ˙s”√¯∏À̬ı˛ ά◊»¸&ø˘ fl¡œ ∑ ˜±Ú¬ıÀ√À˝√√
¸˜˚˛ – øÓ¬Ú ‚KI◊±¬ ۔̫˜±Ú – 100 ˙s”√¯∏À̬ı˛ õ∂ˆ¬±¬ı fl¡œ ∑ ¤øȬÀfl¡ fl¡œˆ¬±À¬ı øÚ˚˛LaÌ
Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100 fl¡¬ı˛± ˚±˚˛ ∑
[ ˜±ÀÚ¬ı˛ &èQ – 70% ] [1 + 4 + 4 + 1 ] + [3 + 4 + 3 ]
Weightage of Marks : 70%
[·] ¬[’] Œ¸Ã¬ı˛Ê√·ÀÓ¬¬ı˛ ¬ı‘˝√M√˜ ¢∂˝√ Œfl¡±ÚƒøȬ ∑ ¤¬ı˛ ¬ı±Ó¬±¬ı¬ı˛Ì
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1º Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ≈íøȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ø√Ú – [ ά◊M√¬ı˛ 250 ˙Às¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… øÓ¬ÚøȬ ˜±Ú˜øµÀ¬ı˛¬ı˛ Ú±˜ ø˘‡≈Úº ¤À√¬ı˛
¸œ˜±¬ıX ¬ı˛±‡± ¬ı±>Úœ˚˛ ] 20 × 2 = 40
fl¡±˚«fl¡±ø¬ı˛Ó¬± ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº
[fl¡] [’] Ó¬c-’±À˘±fl¡ø¬ı√…± ¤¬ı— ’±À˘±fl¡œ˚˛ Ó¬c¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ…
[1 + 4 + 5 ] + [ 3 + 3 + 4 ]
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¸y±¬ıÚ± Ô±Àfl¡ ∑ 10 + [ 2 + 6 + 2 ]
fl¡¬ı˛± ˚±˚˛ ∑ [3 + 4 + 3 ] + [3 + 3 + 4 ]
B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G [ ¬ÛÀ¬ı˛¬ı˛ ¬Û‘ᬱ˚˛ ^©Ü¬ı… B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G
3 FST-(UT-4/17) FST-(UT-4/17) 4

ø¬ıˆ¬±· - ‡¡ [‡] &5˚≈À·¬ı˛ Œ|ᬠŒÊ√…±øÓ¬ø¬ı«:±Úœ¬ı˛ Ú±˜ fl¡œ ∑

2º Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± øÓ¬ÚøȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ø√Ú – [ ά◊M√¬ı˛ 120 ˙Às¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… ŒÊ√…±øÓ¬ø¬ı«:±ÀÚ Ó¬±“¬ı˛ ’¬ı√±Ú ¸—Àé¬À¬Û ’±À˘±‰¬Ú±
¸œ˜±¬ıX ¬ı˛±‡± ¬ı±>Úœ˚˛ ] 12 × 3 = 36
fl¡èÚº 1+ 5
[fl¡] ˆ¬±¬ı˛ÀÓ¬¬ı˛ fl‘¡ø¯∏ ά◊»¬Û±√ÀÚ õ∂±5 ‡±√…˙¯∏…, ∆Ó¬˘¬ıœÊ√ ›
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fl¡ø•Ûά◊Ȭ±À¬ı˛¬ı˛ ˆ”¬ø˜fl¡± ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6+ 6
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! 6+ 6 3+ 2+ 1
[‰¬] ˆ¬±¬ı˛ÀÓ¬¬ı˛ ˜ÀÓ¬± ά◊iß˚˛Ú˙œ˘ Œ√À˙ ¬Ûø¬ı˛À¬ıÀ˙¬ı˛ ά◊¬Û¬ı˛
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3º Œ˚-Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ‰¬±¬ı˛øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ø√Ú – [ ά◊M√¬ı˛ 60 ˙Às¬ı˛ ˜ÀÒ… [Â√] ”√¬ı˛¸g±Ú ¬ÛXøÓ¬ fl¡±Àfl¡ ¬ıÀ˘ ∑ ¤¬ı˛ ¸±˝√√±À˚… fl¡œˆ¬±À¬ı
¸œ˜±¬ıX ¬ı˛±‡± ¬ı±>Úœ˚˛ ] 6 × 4 = 24 ˆ”¬·ˆ«¬¶ö Ê√˘ ¸•Û√ ’Ú≈¸g±Ú fl¡¬ı˛± ˝√√˚˛ ∑ 4+ 2
[fl¡] Ó¬±¬ı˛±¬ı˛ ’±À˘±fl¡-¬ıÌ«±ø˘¬ı˛ ø¬ıÀù≠¯∏Ì ŒÔÀfl¡ fl¡œ fl¡œ Ó¬Ô…
[Ê√] ’±‰¬±˚«… Ê√·√œ˙‰¬f ¬ı¸≈ › ø¸. øˆ¬. ¬ı˛˜ÀÚ¬ı˛ ø¬ı:±Ú
¬Û±›˚˛± ˚±˚˛ ∑ ¸—Àé¬À¬Û ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº ¤˝◊√ ¬ı̱«ø˘
ŒÔÀfl¡ fl¡œˆ¬±À¬ı Ó¬±¬ı˛±¬ı˛ ·øÓ¬À¬ı· ˜±¬Û± ˚±˚˛ ∑ 4 + 2 ¸±ÒÚ±¬ı˛ ¸—øé¬5 ø¬ı¬ı¬ı˛Ì ø√Úº 3+ 3

B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G [ ¬ÛÀ¬ı˛¬ı˛ ¬Û‘ᬱ˚˛ ^©Ü¬ı… B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G

FST-(UT-4/17) FST-(UT-4/17) 2

( English Version ) (b) What are the sources of noise

Special credit will be given for precise and correct pollution ? What are its effects on
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling human health ? How can it be
mistakes, untidiness and illegible handwriting. controlled ?
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. (1+4+4+1)+(3+4+3)
C. (a) What is the largest planet of solar
Group-A system ? What is the composition
1. Answer any two questions : ( Write each of its outer atmosphere ? Give your
answer within 250 words ) 20 × 2 = 40 opinion regarding the existence of
life in this planet.
A. (a) What is the difference between fibre (b) What is meant by observatories in
optics and optical fibre ? Describe space ? Write the names of three
the use of optical fibre in medical such observatories. Mention their
science. Write three advantages of
the use of optical fibre cable over D. (a) Draw and describe various
copper cable in telephone processes of carbon cycle in nature.
connecting line. 3+4+3 (b) What is nuclear fission ? Explain
briefly how an enormous amount of
(b) What are the causes of soil energy is generated in this fission.
pollution ? Discuss its harmful What are the possibilities of danger
effects on man and other animals. involved in this process ?
How can the soil pollution be 10 + ( 2 + 6 + 2 )
controlled ? Group - B
(3+4+3)+(3+3+4) 2. Answer any three questions : ( Write each
answer within 120 words ) 12 × 3 = 36
B. (a) In how many families are the A. Discuss about the production of food-
microbes classified ? Write the grains, oil seeds and cotton fibres
name of each family. Which types obtained from agriculture in India. 4 × 3
of microbe infect dengue, leprosy, B. Give a brief description of the industrial
amaebic dysentery and ring- revolution mentioning background of
worm ? How do the microbes enter the changes of the feudal society in
into our body and cause disease ? Europe. 12

B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G [ ¬ÛÀ¬ı˛¬ı˛ ¬Û‘ᬱ˚˛ ^©Ü¬ı… B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G

3 FST-(UT-4/17) FST-(UT-4/17) 4

C. What is the composition of the outer

D. In ancient time ( 4000 BC to 1500 BC )
atmosphere of venus ? What has the
effect of this atmosphere on the surface there developed four great civilisations
of the venus ? Give you opinion in four particular areas of the world.
regarding the possibility of existence of
life in venus. 6+2+4 Name the civilisations and places of
D. Discuss the role of artificial satellite development. Give reasons for
and computer in modern
communications. 6+6 development of these civilisations in
E. Describe the method for determining such areas. 2+2+2
the age using radioactive carbon ( C ). E. What are the raw materials required to
Explain with reason whether the age of
an old timber can be determined by this generate 'Biogas' ? Mention two uses of
method. 6+6 this gas. Why has this gas got priority
F. !
Discuss the effects of increase in
in the field of generating energy ?
population on environment in
developing countries like India. 12 3+2+1
Group - C
3. Answer any four questions : ( Write each F. What a robot actually is ? Mention
answer within 60 words ) 6 × 4 = 24 some advantages of its use. 1+5
A. What information do we get by
analysing spectra of stars ? Discuss in G. What is remote sensing process ? How
brief. How can the speed of a star be are water resources searched in the
determined from the spectrum ? 4 + 2
lower strata of the earth ? 4+2
B. What is the name of the best
astronomer in the Gupta Age ? Discuss H. Give a brief description of significant
briefly his contribution to astronomy.
1+5 contributions in the field of science
C. What is bio-technology ? Write in brief made by Acharya J. C. Bose and C. V.
the applications of bio-technology in
Raman. 3+3
agriculture and animal husbandry.

B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G [ ¬ÛÀ¬ı˛¬ı˛ ¬Û‘ᬱ˚˛ ^©Ü¬ı… B.A./B.Sc/B.Com.-3201-G

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