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Worksheet 5


1 Which of the following freedoms is most important to you? Why?

Financial freedom Freedom of speech Freedom of movement

Political freedom Religious freedom

2 Match the picture with the word in the box.

Brave Starve Liberty

Slave Abolition Finance
Disobedient Poverty

1_____________ 2 ___________________ 3 ______________

4________________ 6______________

7_______________ 8________________
3 Complete the table with the missing words belonging to the different word

Noun (thing) Adjective Noun (thing) Verb

Finance Move
Religious Abolish
Politics Disobedience
Courageous Liberate
Bravery Belief

Noun (thing) Noun (person)


4 Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentences.

1. Sometimes even to live is an act of courage/courageous. (Seneca)

2. Better to starve free than to be a fat slave/slavery. (Aesop)
3. It is easy to be brave/bravery from a safe distance. (Aesop)
4. You can’t separate peace from free/freedom because no one can be at peace
unless he has free/freedom. (Malcom X)
5. It is through disobedience/disobey that progress has been made, through
disobedience/disobey and rebellion. (Oscar Wilde)
6. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by total, direct and immediate
abolish/abolition of poverty. (Martin Luther King. Jr)
7. I prefer liberate/liberty with danger than peace with slavery. (Jean-Jacques
8. Equal/Equality rights for all, special privileges for none. (Thomas Jefferson)

5 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statements in exercise 2?

6 Debate in class.

Do you think that the Unites States gives a good example of equality to the
world? Why or why not?
Noun (thing) Noun (person) Adjective Verb
Finance Financial
Religion Religious
Movement Move
Politics Politician Political
Speech speak
Courage Courageous
Slavery Slave
Bravery Brave
Freedom Free
Disobedience Disobey
Abolition Abolish
Liberty Liberate
Equality Equal

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