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Module 5 : Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Coping with stress is essential in life. 6.

n life. 6. Make use of your down time.

Adolescence According to Santrock (2012), coping involves A support group may be simply be your
managing difficult situations, exerting efforts to friends who accompany you in this journey.
Stress can affect your physical and
solve your problems, and striving to master or
psychological well-being.
reduce the stressful effects of these situations. In Emotion-based coping refers to
order to cope successfully, attitude plays a key responding on an emotional way. This way of
The cognitive Symptoms include the following:
role. coping actively makes use of defense mechanisms
1. Having memory problems
such as rationalization, projection, displacement,
2. Being unable to concentrate
Coping with problems may vary: problem-focused aggression and avoidant coping.
3. Having poor judgment
or emotion focused.
4. Seeing only the negative There are instant "relaxers" that you can
5. Being anxious do as a first aid in emotionally wrought and
Problem-focused coping has been linked to
6. Worrying constantly stressful situations, such as eating comfort food,
effective adjustment, and this includes enhancing
the following skills: deep breathing, relaxing your muscles, engaging in
Emotional Symptoms: physical activities that may help you to calm down,
1. Study skills
1. Moodiness using aromatheraphy, and having a good cry.
2. Time management
2. Irritability
3. Problem-solving skills
3. Agitation or restlessness Personal Ways of Coping with Stress:
4. Support group
4. Feeling of being overwhelmed 1. Deep breathing exercises
5. Sense of loneliness and isolation 2. Having a massage, warm shower, or taking a nap
Being self-efficient will help you sustain
6. Depression or unhappiness 3. Engaging in Physical Activities
your motivation. Also, academic success is attained
by improving your concentration or your ability to 4. Listen to others' criticisms
Physical Symptoms: 5. Aromatheraphy
focus on what you are doing.
1. Body aches and pains 6. Express yourself/ Catharsis (crying)
2. Diarrhea and constipation
Time management skills are important in
3. Nausea and dizziness Indicators that you have successfully handled
coping because, if you manage your time well, you
4. Chest pain stress:
may be able to make your life less stressful.
5. Rapid heartbeat 1. Emotional Stability
Here are some tips to improve your time
6. Frequent colds 2. Being tactful
management skills.
1. Monitor your time. 3. Doing well in school
Behavioral Symptoms:
2. Plan your activities using a schedule, and protect 4. Learning to say "no"
1. Eating more or less
it as much as you protect your goals.
2. Sleeping too much or too little
3. Increase your efficiency so that you finish your
3. Isolating yourself from others
tasks in less time.
4. Procrastinating
4. Tackle one task at a time so that you do not get
5. Neglecting responsibilities
6.Drinking alcoholic beverages, abusing drugs,
5. Group similar task together so that the fluidity of
playing computer games
doing of doing so facilitates efficiency.
7. Having nervous habits.
Psychological and Emotional Changes Relationship of Thoughts, Feelings and
 For adolescents, it’s a period of Moral and Spiritual Changes Behaviors
“Storms and Stress” and  According to Kohlberg,  Thoughts – determine your moods
emotional ups and downs adolescents should have attained and emotions
 Material Possessions – used by the post-conventional reasoning or  Way of Thinking – influenced by
teenagers as status symbols have developed moral reasoning your personal, familiar and social
 Emotional maturity should be based on the universal human experiences, which may not all be
achieved by the end of rights. positive
adolescence  Adolescents who deviate from  ANTs (Automatic Negative
their own general principles and Thoughts) – thoughts that come
Social Changes act upon the wishes of others even into mind without any basis, which
 Adolescences influenced each though these are wrong are more can make you feel sad, hopeless
other’s attitude, speech, interests, likely to suffer from self- and angry.
appearance, and behavior. condemnation  The more you believe them, the
 Social changes include peer  Sound conscience or the inner more pessimistic and unhappy you
acceptance (intimate relationships, force development has important become
physical attraction and comfort in role in assuming responsibility in  Bodily Reactions – influence your
sharing feelings & experiences) and your life. thoughts and feelings
peer pressure (cut class, take illegal
drugs and perform sexual
 Early Adolescence is characterized
by bias regarding the members of
the opposite sex. As they progress
through the years of adolescence,
social insight improves.
 Choosing a leader who would
represent the peer group is
important for teenagers.

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