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Seorang guru bahasa Inggris mengukur kemampuan siswanya dan membuat tes seperti ini:
"Amati lah hewan peliharaan mu, dan tulislah deskripsi hewan tersebut berdasarkan hasil
pengamatan mu tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris"

a) Apakah tes seperti ini sudah sesuai dengan National Educational Technology Standards
for Students (NETS-S), seperti termuat dalam module itu? Jelaskan.

b) Jelaskan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk memperoleh skor siswa yang mengerjakan tes


a) NETS-S consists of six standards namely: 1. Creativity and innovation, 2.

Communication and collaboration 3. Research and flow of information. 4. Critical
thinking, problem solving and making decision. 5. Digital citizenship. The operation
of technology and concept

According to the questions above, it will only enhance the standard of: research,
problem solving and making decision.
so I think it is not suitable with the standards of NETS-S.

In my point of view, if a teacher want to make an assignment based on NETS -S

standards, the question should be “work with your partners, make an analysis of
animals in Indonesia, choose one animal and make a descriptive text about the animal
that you will choose and later on present it with power point in front of the class”

b) The evaluation should be made in an authentic way,

Topic Score

Text structure




2. Materi pembahasan dalam KB3 M1, berisi tiga bagian utama, yaitu: (1) Prinsip
Pembelajaran abad 21, (2) Strategy Pembelajaran abad 21, dan (3) Penilaian abad 21.,
sekaitan dengan itu, seorang guru mengaajarkan asking for and giving information dengan
menggunakan strategi pembelajaran "Simulasi". Jelaskan hubungan antara prinsip
pembelajaran abad 21 dengan pelaksanaan strategi pembelajaran Simulasi tersebut dal am
konteks pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

The strategy of simulation is a strategy where the teacher let the students to be in a real life
context. I am imagining for this assignment, the teacher will ask the students to go outside of the
class, and ask for information from people outside of the class using English.

The connections of this activity to the principles of learning are:

1. Reviewing previous knowledge, whether the student have already understand about the
explanation and the examples given by the teacher in the previous meeting related to
“asking for information”
2. Developing metacognitive abilty, by asking some questions they will develop how to use
different kinds of question types
3. Giving social interaction, by going outside the class they will meet some people and it
will develop their social interaction
4. Involving students in relevant context, by choosing simulation strategy, the student will
be able practice their knowledge into a real life context

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