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ffoorfgb ^#stiond Sryuhlir Jfrebrrut @ohernment

\> * Socfeteg ;&efu[ticue @& S[ Slaurthsilog * \e.
Soorfr[ trEibtne un[ ^#,atfonu[ Sobemsfit st tbe BorI]
-#ortlh*st $mexem / #.s*ltturst $frfm / fr"*rtl| Smerita / ,&ltt frorttl
\* -- (Eempte of tbe #nos$ srEb $ufi - rr.
(f}rle Wrut an! Ee Sure "#atursl Ssoptrt -Mtits of t$e {,Enb
!* - I.S.L.,{.I\{" -- \>

\ro - pmdicial .tVotice and .?roclamation - <r

ilCI.{llElc'cted, tl! non-eletterl and to all appointecl Unitecl States ltepublic t}11!ci*ls,
Ptthlic Servants, and Oftir:q:r's of 'I'rust, etc., doing business as, o['" and lhr thc F'ederal, State,
{,'ity, anci }iunicip;rl Covernmenis; including their Personnel, tlreir Conti'acttii's, anti flieir
other associatt Corporate Enfities doing husiness at North Arnerica; anrl to all "['hird Partv
lnterlopers' on Contractors, etc".: Conrerning their F'icluciarv Obligations, tlaeir Of'flcial
{.}aths, *llcl iheir Duties eltulrei'ateiI in the Arnerican Coristitutinn, aclopfeci for govurrrani:r: ul'
The {-inited States liepublic; all l}inding Treaties; the Est*trlished Law of the l-,ancl; and arll
Sfttutorv and Civil l-alv Cocles ol'the Lanrl, etc., Know AII Ntren hv These llublications antl
q I cBEltr: "

'l{poxl my Iieirship, iriherited Nobiliti, - and upOn rrw Private Aborisinal / Indigenous, Froper
Fcrson St;itrrs atld C$nlrliurciai Liiilriiitt,. l, .ffto l€f €u*s Tb 1

beinu duly r\ffinnecl uneicr Corrsauguine Unit,v: pletlgc my National. Political, ancl SpriritLral
Allegiancc t{} rnv Moabite / N'loor-ish Natiorr - heing tlre arclraic ALroriginals i Incligcnt:s of Amererl
{iitr'rirntt'it'trr): siirittiiitg sqi"iarcly;if-ilrttretl upon rny Oatir to iIrc'i--ive Foiirts r-ri'Liglit'- Love. ir-utir"
Pcacc" Frccdont- and Jr"tsticc; clo srlr"rarcly Afhmr to teil tlre truth. the rvhi.rlc trutir. aucl notliiirg lrut the
tlutlr: auel harini: knt:vi,lcdge anci iinulv - estatriislretl belief upon tlre hisroric:tl. larvlul. ancl
ad-iutllcrrtcd i;acts cuntaitrcd lrcreitr. [icirrg conillr-'tent (*t l,{v i)n'rt i't'oltt:r' Prt'sort) ir} Atiesi iii tiiis
Alliclavit uport lvhich I placc'rny Sienaltrrc. Whc'reas. I State. Proclaiui. and Decltrre the ibllowrng to
hr: tri:e. correct. ct'rtiiiu. eonrlrlelc. riot mislcailing. suprcrne. and not intended to be presenlerl tiir an-r,
lnisrepresentecl" 'coloretl' or inlproper usc oi' pllrpr)-\L'. to u'it:

.f;Erat i. . An a Nolrlc ol tlre Ai

Morilccait I-11;rrre meriru
ln ) (nt.\: own propet' .se#): hcing N{*rtt'islt
Atnct'it:tui - irti lIcii' and oi'tlre AliciLrni lv4tiai:iir's i ivioors, i.ry BirtlrLiglri. b,v F:r-ecirr.rid, Lr,,
Pt'irrogcrritttrc aud Lr1, 1t',n,"n,,unce; bcins Aborigirral and IndiqenoLts to tltc Land(s) {ln;c.rt,ni .,'
.4tntt'itus) 'l-erritqlriurn Llcrcclitamcnts of my Ancicnt L,foairite i Moorisl-r Forc-Nlotlrers and Forc*
Fatltc-rs - to *;it:

.l he Ai h'loroteiu {.rlmrrit'Ltrt) Clontinent: - i1re tlrc l-ttnris uf tlre }vloors: being l\ortir Atntrica.
Strtttit ,'\nrt-'riea. ('cntral Arncrica: incluriing thi: adjoinine Islands (itntric'utru / Atueru /.41 NIorrx).1
liit,,,c- I ackr-ruivlcrigc. tr ciaiin ancl i ;tusscss. b1, iiic said inirei'iiance arid Plirliouelriiiir*. iiru i'ri-cehuld
Stulus thcrcto: all lJilaiienable and Suhstarrtivc R"ights- to F]e, to Enioy. and to Act. distinct itr r.n_rr
.\horiginal Traditions. C'ustt>llls anr! f'ulturc; and detcnnining tTry nwn political. soc:iai" aurl
cconoitiic sititus oi'iitc Staie. i itrn iulriiri3r inr, hcari. rrr_1,rriicgianec, anei riry rriilrd irack io rliy Aneicrri
lvlctittrs atrtJ Fatlrers - N,I*ors / Muurs" rvitl: clrgnate lrouor. and [:y Divinc and Natural t{.ight. Bein!{
\4ot'rl-ish An-:cricans- ttre rlireci llcirs ant'l Lltscendant',r oitfie,,\ni:ient |'4t>'.ibites-:ve lravi: an<1 possess
lhc f)ir,itle anii internationaiil, rccognizcd Rights to orlr Ilcrcrlitaments and Rcsourerc's: und

&borigi*al and Sndigarous,f,eoples' Doeuments: -#orthwest drnexem / .#orth {dfiiea I "Sr:*hdlmerica / 'ji}re l{oroccan tmpire'
- Coiltinsntial iJnited States: 'Serrple ofthc."&{oo* and "9un': Non - Dorrestic, Non * Resident, }.lon-Subjeet * Being the
Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
Page I of8
L* A


,,S^- :.
c-d_-t "r

;rroclaitu the rigirt to dctelntinc ()ur rlwn sociirl" ecunomic anci political iife anti'Stirius of the Stirte":
.rnti in ltart't-uttty rvitlr 'lntemational Larv': ancl lvith such 'Rights of C-'lairn' treing absent of toreign -
Iaw threats. coetciort. t"u'ncrlnirsccnre [() a C'olerr-ol'-L-ar,v. a {]olor-lrt--Of}'iee. nor tro be sLrbiecteci by.
itnv occuirying lrlreign pers()n\ t() anv ir-nposerl tiauds.'norn - de - gr-rcrr-e'r:rColt'rr-ot-Authoritl,.

.Moars L$Loorisk &mericans i ,'?[uurs I Iav*. Proe lairn and Posscss the LJnalienable Rights,
Substantivc R"ights. and lSirthrigl.rt - li"ihcritaircc to our ancient per{igree traclitirxrs antl CLrstoms. anr]
ihc- Riglhi ui Ciainr to our ;\I Mur.trccal Aiiritnrtes. Nanrcs. anrl Natiolr:riity, stiirstairiiatetl by. arrel
suppoltcd Lry. Naturc's l-,arvs. by Divine Larv. hy Pl'imogenitLrre. and by the recognized Laws ol'thc
Nalirrns ol'the Eadh /lirtei'ttLtlionul). Br:ing the true- Arrcient. Aboriglnal / Incligenes and FIcirs qr1-thc
L*trr.i i.,inrc-rrnr i ..tntrittt) - 'T'he Nolili Cate', bciitg i[tc gt,ogt'ttgtltit'ttl itt:ttt'i-lurtl lrtfuglttiiri of titt'
Moroccan fJmpir-e. ]t{oors / fuluurs are the 'Dc "iLrre' ancl righrh:l Frcchoklers by Bi*hrigltt, by
lnheritarrcc antJ t"r}, tr]rinrogcniture Status: ant-l have by those Inherited ltights. flcsccndible Clairns"
Nio'tc trc ail Courcrs. iirat rve (Hein o{ iitt'Luttr.lJ Posse'ss tire lieuuretl Rights to Tlar.,el upou tlic L:ttrr-ls
ol'llur Ancient ['*re-Mothcrs ancl i-ore-Fathers; upon tlre Pub]ic Roadrvays. upr.rn the Byrvays ancl
rrpolr thc Ilighrvrilis o['our Continenial Uniteri States (rclutitt-g io the Ot'ganit' l.ond)and absent ot'thc
gcuocirlai, fi"a-r"rd brrsr:r1 c:iitx'iion tribuies" alrd Itrurntrrr Tr-afirckiiig inip,---sctl by ibLcign'coLrrerl'
Int-1r-lisitionists- or by their corporation - irnpcsecl ercise taxatioir constrlrcts, inventcd by the
mciictrcring. anti-constitirtitrnal. lbrcipr States' Lcgislatoi--s. i-:nilstructed uncler rolol ancl styled to
ubririgc and to stcal Substantivc l{igirrs bclonging to the Naturai Feoplcs. Tircsc Suirstarrtivc Rights
are si"rlrported h1.'. and asserted by. Rol,al Lir.w; Moorish l,au,; Moslem r'Muslinr Lau': fhc Larv oi
thc Greal Peace : -['he !-arvs oi'Nittrrrre: Divinc [-arv. Nature 's God: The Larvs eif Nations: The Frcc
lv{oi.rlislt Grea'i S,;;rl Zr-'tiiirc Cotistitutioil: Siarc Dccisis; itcs iurliciital ari.l i.liiiriitgiy Aii'ir'nicd ir1'
r\rficics lil. lV airci VX of tlie Arnerican Cr',nstitrrtirin C,:venar"rt of 11r-4 - l78l A.D. = and'I're;rt1,
llf)O -l M. f'., as larvlirlly acit-rptcd l'or-'Ihe Llnitecl Statcs Itepuhiir-, estabiishinq its Republican Fortl
ol Co,rernr-nent. 'l'lrr: said ,,1rnci-ican CurrsiiiLitir:tt estai:lisilet] tlie Peoples' 'Supi'eitt,; Larv oi titc
[,and' standinu riprin ihe principles o1'rrora] g()\,erninent to sccure tlre f{iqhts oi'the Pcople. attd tri
kccp Iinritccl (ior,entntcnt opi--rativcs bouncl and in chcek by Olficial Oath. and b1'Olticlal Eonrl. Lcl
it he kntrivn th*t: 'l)or,l,n ll'orn tlrc Anc:ients Oncs. (t.;ur {}ritrtogenilr;t's) earle the Al!rltlial {sontitli
I'rinciples vvhicir estabiishccl the Sutru'eme Larv oltlre l-and!'
€gyfrt. (tfikutrttuh) is'fhe Capital Enrpirc ol'lhe Llominion oiAfrica' 'I'he Inhabitants o1'Atiica
iire the Dcscendants ol the Ancient Llanaanites J'rorn the L.ancl ,:1'Canaail. fhe L4oabitcs. from tltt:
I'-artri oi'iv{tiair. rvlio receir.,,.:r.i perrnissi*r; ii'tiric tire lliiataoiis of Eg'v1'ri ia) s.ltlc rrrrcl irlilielrii l\iot'tlr-
West Atl-ica: they rvere tlre {buntler-s lnd irrc' thc trlre ilossessors ol the prcsent i\'[oroccan Ilrnpire.
This incIudcs Algiers. 'I'r-rnis. Tripoli. fvlauritania. ancl thc An"iericas. "tvlth their Canetanitc. Ilittite anrl
Arritllite brr:iirrerl $,it() sL)-ir)!-lulcti fi'our tirc Lanil oiL-enaau scekiuc ircu, li,.irrtes. 'i'hcir ijontitrion iind
Inhabitation extcuded liom North-East and Sor"rtli-West Alrica. across tirc great Atlantis, even Lrillo
the picscnl Nortfu Arnerir:r, South Americ:l anri Central America; and also l\{exico and tlti:
.,\tlamtis Eslamds {Antt'r'it'itttttl hcttrre the greilt eaitlrcluake, rvilich c-auscri tire great /\tiantic Oct:an.

$hc 'Greaf Sea! F3rramid' is ihe 'Natio*al ljrnbicn.r and lirsignia' ol'I'ht Ntoorish Nation /
ErnXrirr rri'i{or{it iLutel'iua (gtr;grupititui {u(utirx:1. Thc Clcai P.vratr,itl ictluiiuiet'tri) is uisc iitc
arciraic syrnhol lor Clivilization on thc plirnet Ear-th. Tlrc litxrerrablc Moors' acknorvlcdgel-nent of ortt'
'Creat Seal'indicatcs ttrrose l:leirs rvho own L]f] lo- r,ilio sr:pport. and rvho proclaim- rtur'Frc'u
Naii,.rttai {lkrvct'rtr.rtclti". Mr-rs-rls \,v1}(} i}rc "Aciivc'erit[ NiiT'i]assivc'iri iltc Sociai. Civiiiz.riiurl,
Culturc and Custonl rratters- invclving l-,;rul, Order and fiovcrnrnerrtai Pr:incipics, are herehl,
entreiateil to support this Atllrrrtation. h4riors ,/ hzluurs lvho strive torvarel lhis enil. '"l,itlr hcnor. arc
eriinisted ir-v i.ioblc Dreu, Ali. to irclp irr tire grcai iiumainiiaritur rvork oi'iiplifiing uulselv€s. ulir
lcllorr,-rlran. ai-td hur:ranity ilt lar:re. We, the consciolrs lleirs. seek. at all tinics^ to be cogtiizant tii'thc
ciriilization rvor-ks" instnlctions. ancl progi-cssivc rcts nccessai'y to teach. to flrcsLrrv. anrJ to defbntl
tlre Nationalrtv and Birthrigiits o1'All Moorish Arnericarrs (,41 it'lrtroct:ciirs/. etc.

JFhe Nobie l.4oors / Muurs {Ht,ir.r -lltSturcnt) arc the Natural fuIen:bers I f itizens of the Aritririrt

d&origirral and .Tndigenous Feoples'Documents: .iforthwest &mcxem / .fforth d{iica / "rYorth flmerica I 'jlhe.&{oroccan €mpire'
* Continential Unitcd States; 'Semple of the .fl{oon aud Sun': Non * Dornestie, Non * Re sident. Non-Su-ujrct * Being the
Righrful Heirs and lnheritors of ihe Land.
Fage 2 of$
C qI

'\l Monrccan Enrpire lNrtrlh Arnerit'tt / "l-he Nortlt Cutt, '/ and are by civic and social duty. bouncl to
recttgttize and to slrppo!-t our'Grcat Seal'Sovereign kioorish National l--edera[ Covernnrent ancl
ctinsait-quinc Nation of lhe Niltural People. In rrur relation n,irh otlrcrs- \vc corr-lrland thc cnlbrccrricnt
of ottt- Al Moroccarr Constifution. Thus. sucl: organizecl coururunicatior-rs ancl Ortlers are refbrred to
irs "Thc Greaf Seal National Association ot'Moorislr Affirirs". Thc Free Moorisl: Natian - inclusivc
ti1'ali tltc Aboriginal ,/ lr:digene 'f,nbes anrl Pro.,,inces ot'thc Natural Pctiple. ctc.. are the rightful
bcarers r;f tlre Attributes" Nanres arrti Nriblc Titles, Ali, El, Bey" flev^ arrrl Al. TIre Free Moors ,/
Muurs. hy Freeholtl Inheritance. retain all Substantive Rights ilnd lnrmunities: enjoy thc ercrcising
of ail Strbstantive Rights. and opcratc rrpolr consulnrnalec'l. t{ight-Larr,'" [sonorni - Frinciples: having
prc-cristine. r;eslerl Clonstitution anri Trcaty - secured Rights and Inrinunities t}orn tbrcign
corporate TAX,ATION. and tiorn firreign. Clriminai ancl Civil Juriscliction try. and of. tlre coloniai
Llnitrn Statcs Rights RcpLrblic U.S.n., (ltrit'ttlt'r'tsroorrtiittrt ttntl llet'st)nsl pursuant to. but not lrniitccl
to. Divine llight; the LJnited Stirtcs I{epublic Sulrrerne Clourt; lniemational Larv: and tlrc 'Acts ol'
Sta{e" to r.r,it:

"Every Sovereigrc State (People) is bowttcl to respett the independent'e oJ'every ather Sovereigu
St*te (['cogtle] und the courts t$'one coilntr_t: (People] will not sit in .t'udgntent on the ucts ttf'tltt
goverilrrrertt o.f'an*tket', done within (ths sarue or) its ott,n teryittt J'...

.fh* p."sen{ Union Stiites Municipal and Civil l-aws and Cocles iinposccl upon tlre Lancl ure a
;:rir,'ate larv. 'incorporartccl unit of 5elf--goveffinlenl.' establishcd by thc political powcrs of {}rc
"Ccr-rct'al Asscurbly' of cach State of the LIniou. lir-lritecl ancl bound by Arlicle IV, and initiatcrd ai
Plrilaclclplria, Pcnnsylvarria. Nortlr .Arncrica. in the year Iiighleen fitiy-fbur (1854) lt sor,crn-s
'ONI-Y' the rights anci conducl ol-thc alleged "W}IITE PtiOPt-E". Christians and ,Iervs. ol' thc
l:ighteen sixty-thrcc (1863) Union Statcs Rights Reputrlic, uncler tlie Magna Charta {Tht {it't,ut
('ltttrter). the Krrights of C'olunrbus Code. and thc KLr I(lLrx Klan Oath. Forever, the said 'Uniolr
Statcs Riehts Repr-rbrlic'tlcnies citizrnship in thc United Statcs Repuhlic (Ll.S.A.) to tire Flcir
ricsc-c-ndants of tlrc lV{oor-ish Naticin in lhe' Wcstcm l.lcmisplrere, rvho lravc bcen crroneoLrsly ret'eu-ed
to. 'brirnclc'd as' and rrrislabeled ns. Jrlgrgroes, Fllacks. Colorcds. ar-rd Atr-isan Arnericans. I-atinos" ,.-tc..
ctc. lrr addition. tlie Suprerne Court rll'the Urritcrl States litt tlzt lutidmurk t'ttse) o{ "Dred Scott r,.
Sanrilbrd"60LjS (].9 llcw,tu'tll 3S3 i1857)heltl thatNcgrocs---uhethr:rhclcltoslaveryorfi'ee-rvci-c
nt;t irrclucleci antj r.vere not intcnded to bc includeri in the 'catrgory' of 'e,itizen' (subjccts) t'i1'tlrc
[,Jnirin States Rigirts ltcpuhlic" Resultanl.ly^ [[re
-frue lndigene Nobles oi lhe: Al Moroccan Enrpirc
(Frec Moors). bcarcrs ol the AttribLrtes ,i Nanres 1 Nobie Titlc-s. Ali. tjl. Bey. Dey and Al. arr
e-rclrrrled li-onr tire Unirin Statcs trliehts RepLrbtric (Li.,\.,1.)-iurisdiction. Tlre Tnrc Nobles o1'the Al
Moroccan Hrnpire rre Sovereign" Privatc. anel Seli:Govenred. by'f{iglrt-Larv'Principles artrl
custtuns: and ON[-Y Obligated to the 'Free Moorish Zotliac Constitutiou'- Circlc 7 - archaically
establishctl Lry r:ur Ancient l"-ore-Mothels ancl lrorc-Fatliers. Such cxtended allegiancc and
'Obligation'inciudcs ''lhe Cre;rt Seul'aircl thc lligh Fi-inciples ancl l\4oor-al Standarcls" emlrodir-.d in
the lVloorish Natiorral I"las f,Sl.irrlrtrtl) - Liola. Truth. Peace. Freerlom. and.lustice. The True Al
N'lorocoan Noble indiqenes of the I-ancl r-naintain a Constitr"rtiolal ancl law'h"rl, NON-Olll--lCA'T'OliY
tax 'Status' irnci position. rclative to all 'FOR[rlCN ENTITY TAXA-t'lON' (lndigettes Not Tulctl)
and nuintain a NON- OLlt-IGATORY respect lbr thc lJnion States Rights Republic 1L1.5'.47, its
lrembers. its laws; its orilinanccs: its codes" it customs and its tladitions, pursuant to: Tlic Frrcc
Vlor:rish American Zodiac Constiturion - Articles IV anil VI: The Treatl, ol lreace and Friendshi;r
Bctrvcen the Urritccl States anci lt{orocco -Seventr:cn Eiglrty-Scr,,eu ll7.\6 - 87) - supcrscrled by the
of Eielrteen i'hirty-Six (/8-16); ltesolutiou 75: -loLrrnals of -l'he Flousc o1'Ilepresentatives,
arlt>ptedlbrthcUnitedStatcs-April 17. 193iA-D.-MoorislrAr-ncricariSocietvot'Philadelphia:,rnd
thc Llse ot'Tlieir Narlres. I{ca{linnations have beerr rnacle via The {-lr:itcd Natierns "Declaration ot
the Rights of the Child" Ceneral Assernbly Rcsolution 138{r (XIV)" l4 Ll.N. CAOR Supp, f,Vo. l6;
al 19. U.N. DocLrrnent Al4i54 (1959); Thc Unitcri Nations "Unlversal tr)eclarations on Flumran
Itights" Arlicle X\r, Cener-al Assenrhll, Resolution 217 A (lll) of 10, Decembcr 1948;\-D.:
'"Execrative Orrler I3107'1'- Uniied States llepublic, Irlorth Amcl-ica -'l'he Implenrentatitx"r oi'lluman
Rights Trcatir-:s; The Natior-ral Clonstitutior.r lor the Ct>ntinental Unitcd States. Articie Ill. Section l.

dhoriginal and fndigenous feoples' Do,cuments: ,,{/orthlvest finrexem /;Vor1h &fnca I alrorth &merica / '5h* 'il[arccean €mpire'
* Continential United States: '9emple of the.,{&rcn rnd Sun': Non * Domestic, }'Ioa .- Resident, Non-Sulrject * Being the
Righrful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land-
Page 3 of8



,\tletrcltrettt V -
Libertv Clause; Arnenduient lX--Reservation of- the Righls ol the Pcople, TIrc
LJnttecl States Deparlment of Justice Moorislr Ci-edentitrls; F-ree Moorish Zodiac Constinltior-r. Tmth
,'\-1 Classiflcd; The [Jnitcti Statcs Copyright Ccrtiilcate Nurnber AA222141 Clock tf Destiny; 1-lre
Moorish Nationality and Identilication Clard: Moorish lloly 1'errrple of Science i Moorisli Sciencc
'Iemple of America lde-rrtr{ication Clards. rtc.

.Turtherrnore. I Asserl M;, lull Birthrights - Sovercisnty and Sub--tanlive Rishts ar:d rny Right oi
C lairn to all I Iereditaments - Being a Sunclry Free fuloor / Muur urtl a {Nutttt'ttl Bei ng) distinguishr.d
liont all anci any spurious constrLrcts. created by the ftx'eigners. or by tlieir agencies. pul'suant rr).
Moabitc, i Moorish Pcdigree : The i'-ree Floorish Zodiac Constitution; The Creiit Seal of the Moorislr
Nation (,4h .Antiqtto),'Thc Trcaty ol'Pr-ace and Fricndship - 1786 -87 / l836:'[-lie Sundrv Frec
Nloors Act of 1790; The i7ll1 Organic United States Constitution; The Moorish Fcderal Firancicrs
Att (Llttion Stute,s At'ttt.v': l86l -1863). The i8-5.4 Rornan Catholic Magna Charta: the Knights of'
C-'olutnbus Coile; The KLr Klux Klan Oath; Thc Unitcd Nations Charter, Articlc 55(c); The Riehts of
lncliqenous Peoplc: Part I. Arliclcs 1.2.3" 4.5: Part Il. Articlc 6:'fhc'Unitecl States Srrprenre flourt -
'Actsof Stalc'; Thct'oreienSovcreisnlmmrLniticsAct2l{LISC 1601:etSequa-,TlreConvcntionon
Intcmtrtiotral Roacl Traft-ic -tlay 19. Scptenrber 1949. -fhc World Court Decision, T'hr.: Ilaguc"
Nethcrlands - Du,y 21, .lanuary' t9-58 A-D =. i378 M.C" In relerencc to tlie R.ights of the Natural
Pcoplcs and of tlicir Substantivc- Rights. etc.. the fbllowing are pertinent and cstablished Supremc
(lotrrf Decisions, (Sirl;'r, L)ecisis ancl llcs Jtulitutn) to u,it:
l..9.he ftiglri to Travcl; The Riglrt to Motle ol'Clonveyancc:'fhe Right to Loconrotion arc all
Absolute Riglits, and the Ilolice can not rrake void ti.re exercise ol'Rights. Stafe v" Anmstead,60 s.
7i8,779, and 781.
Z.5ne ol'the higliways ltrr the purpose oltraveI ancl transportation is not a rnere privileu,-'.
but a commorr and Fundiunentat Right of rvhich the public anrl Natural Beings canrl()L he dcprivcri.
Chicago Nlotor Coach v. Chieago 337 lllinois 200, 169 NE 22, A[,tr{, l-igare v" Chicago I39 {l-L.
,{6,28 t{E 934, Boone v. Clark 214 SW 607.25 AM jur (lst). Flighrvays, sec. 163:
:..ffre R.ight to Park or"'f ravel is part olthe Liberty ol'rvhich tlre Natr-rral Person. citizcn eann()t
he detrlived rvithtxrt "duc pl'ocess of lar.r," unelcl'the 5th Amenrimeiil ol tlre Linited Statcs
Constitution. Ken[ r,. Dulles 357 US 116, 125:

4" .$.Uc Righr ol a citizen to l'ravcl upon the publlc highrvays ancl to transpoit one's properi\i
thcreon" either by carriage or aLrtor.r'rr--itrilc. is rrtrt a lrcre irr-ivilcge, rvlrith rr City rnay prohibit or
pcnnit at r,vill. but a comrlon Right, which he / shc has undcr the Right to Lif-e, Liberly. and tire
Pursuit ot'l lai;piness- '['hrrnpson v. Srnith 154 SE 579:
5" St*t* Police Porver ertenrls only to irlincdiate threats tri public saf-ety. health. rvclthre. ett:..
v. Du$<e 266 LlS, 476 l.ecl. At 449: which driving anci speeclirlg are not. Califi)rnia r'.
Iiarley Ced. Idpt. 89, 20 CA3rd 1032 (1971):
A. .ffre state is prohibitecl llorn vioiating Substantivc- Rights (Jrvens v. City- 445 LJS 662 ( 1980):
and it cnr"l not clo by one power (cg. Folice Porvcr) that ivliich is. lor examplc. plohibited expri:sslv to
any othcr such por,ver (eu- I'artrtion / Enrinent Doinain) as a rratter of [-arv. US and [,lT' v. I]aniels"
22 p t59, nor inclirectly that rvhic:h is prohibitcd to it dircctly. tr airtranlis v- US tBl, US 283,294,
7. frar.eling in an aLitor-nobile on thc public roads was not tr tlrrciit to the pLrblic sal'cty or health
and constitulccl no hazarti to thc public. ancl silch a travcler orvcd no otirer duty to thc pLrblic (cg thc
Statc); lre / slre arid l-ris I her auto. havir-rg equal right to ar,d on thc roadways i trighways as horscs
and u,asons. etc.; trhis sa*ie right is still Sulrstantive trtule. in tlrat speeding^ runniltg stop siults-
travcling uzitl-roirf license platc:s, or registration, are rot threats to the public sal'ety, and tltus, arc rot
arrcstablc- oflenscs. Christy v. Elliof,2l6 i 131,74 fIE 1035, l-trtA ]\S 1905-19t0: California v.
F:rrlev gli CED Rpt. {i9" 20 CA 3d 1032 (I971}.

dlborigiaal and .fndigenous fecples' Documents: rtlorthwest dmexem / ;Vorth 6&ica I -{rar& &meriea / 'fhe;fioroccan Empire'
- Continential United States: 'Semple of the ,{doon ard $un': Non * Darnestie, Non * Resident, Non-Subject -- Being the
Rightful Heirs and Inherit$rs of the l,and.
Fage 4 of8
C &


il. 'lfnder the United Statcs Relrublic's Constitutional sysicln of Covenrtuent an(l upon tlir:
inilividLrality and intelligence of the citizen. the State does not claim to control one's conduct tir
rithers. leavinq one tlre solc juclge as to all tliat afllcts tit'rcscll'. Nlugler v. Kansas l2l3 LiS 623'
g. 'I.{/here Riqhts sccurecl by the Constitution arc involved, tl-rere can lre no rule - making or
Iegislatiori, lvhich would abrogatc thcrn. Nlirtrnda v. Arizona 384 tJS 436, 125:
10" j'he claim ancl cxcrcisc of tlonstitltional llights canltot tre cotrvertcd into a crilnc. Miller r'.
Kansas 23t) F 2nel 486.489:

ll. 5or u crirle tr.r exist. there must be an iniured party (Corpus Delicti). Therc can he trt'r
sairction or pcnalty irrposecl on onc lrecause of this Constitutional Right. Sherer v- Cullen 481 F-
l2- Jf Tribula[ (coLrrt) fprds absence o1'proof ol'.!urisdietiolt ovL]r a persotl and sublccl
ltaftcr^ thr case rnust be disrnissed. Louisville v. Motley 2t t I tls 149, 29S" CT 42- "Thc Aceuser
Bcars tlte f3urden of f'roof Beyond a Rcasoirahle L)oubt"-
I3. "fack gl F-cderal .turisdiction can not be rvaivctl or o\.'crcornc by agrecmetrt o1'' paftics"-
Criffin v. N,I:ltthe*,s,310 F Supra 341"342 (t96q): and "'Want of Jurisdiclion n'iay not tre curetl h1'
c01.rsr11t o{ paflies". [ndustrial Adttition Association v. C.I,R., 323 US 310, 313.

?flto..*ur, In light ciitl.re tbrceoing.lurispruclcnce'Stare Decisis'and'l{es.ludicata'aillnr-red irtrr-1

cleclaretl Lry thc Sutrrrernc Court Dccisiorrs; by l--acts. and by Law; and coulrter to thc trcsrrtivc ut.tti
'colgrtrble' social and political conelitions instituted by cotporatc Staie Persons of the 1-lnion Slates
Socicty. rhere exisrs a Llatant'WANT Ofr JURISI)ICI-ION'on thc part olthc tJnion Slatcs Riglrts
Reputrlic (Li.5..4"), anci by its agents, personnel. contractors, antl assiqns. Maxinrs and Axiotns are
lau,tiLll:r, lcgally in {trrce under National and Iniernational [-arv aftcrnding to tlicse issr-les- ,{nd tliis
Aillant (Nntttt.ul Bt:ing - ln f'ropritt f't,t'sonu)docs nclt abtrndon any ol'my l-statc- Rights: tlo uot
rvaive any Sr-tbstantivc Rrghts; does not transltr'Power olAttorncy'to and fbreigner: and dot:s t.tLrt
u,illingly conseut to any public trial or rninisterial itearins in ;rtlv 'colorablc' tribunal venltc or
irrr,olverlent rvith any non-Adicle IlI, urrconslilutional -iurisdiction" Thc Ol'{icial Oaths and Botlrls:
thc Oblrgations; ancl thc l-icluciary duties ol all accuscrs and prooLbound 'clainrants' to National
C'onstitufion ancl Law irncl Orcler; the Civilization Principles t'ixed in Constitution Larv. still
slancls! Definition and Trutlr still Rulcs. NON-COMPt-IANCE is a [:ederal Lau'r,'iolation anel

lntenratior-rzrI Larv ol'ftnce and Trespass-

?CIh*."rs. thr,:rc is rio question that a 'llench Appearance Stturtntlns'. a Dctention. alr Arest and
;r Ticket or Citatios, issue<l t-ry ir Poticc l(}fticerl or l-ry <tthers. against tht peoplc, tor traveling with
rro driver's licelse, ftlreign clriver's licensc. not having c:urrent registratiort, tlr t]landatory insrtrancc"
etc.. rvirich carrics a tine or-iail time. is a penalty or sanctior and is indced "convefiil"tg a right into a
cr-ir1e'". thus violating Suhstantive Rights. It is reasonable to assulne that tltese Supreine L'ottrt
iLrrlicial clecisisus are straiglit and to tl:e poiirt, that there is no lawfir! metlloel
lor govcnttllent to put
rcstlictions or Iintitations on Riglils belonging to tlie Peoplc'

.fhat the Orgalic Unitcti Srates Republic: Constitution (it't'itctl .fi'om Attcit:ttt ,illouhile.'t l'lottt'islt
'['reaties nrade. orrvhich shall be nlade. ttndcr
/.rrir,/ rer-pains'T'hc Supreme Larv of tlre l-anrJ': and all
thc Authgrily ol'-l'he Ulitcri States Covcrnrnent. and uncler its Flag of Peace, pltrsttatlt to Liuited
States (lgele- Titte 4, Chaptcr l. Any latv or colorable proccsses wlrich are Repugllant to the
'and arc Nuli and Voicl. Mar[:Lrry v. Madisot-t
f'orrstitution 3r'I'rcaty shalI rcmain tbrcvcr 'tt;lotuble
-5 U,S. 137. 114, 176 f t8A3). Any Municipal Officr-r'(s). Person(s), Persotrnel,
llnplol'ee1s) ttr
C.rtractgr(s) w-hg violatc or abridee tlie Rigirts ot'the Naturral People or Citizens. arc suLr.ieet fo suit
or other toil actiott. in the ir personal atrd / or oiflcial capacity to ri it:

({rttclica I 'Jht -*{oroct'irn ft:lnirc'

{fhgri{linal and inriitcuous.?copics' L)trcurncnts: .ilrortltrvu'sl (ltttexent i .,forth flfiic;t I .,tr'olth
- oiltin*ntial Llnitrd statcs: '.ftrnplc ol'rhc -,,[ortn ancl SLrn': Nrx Dorrcstic" Non . Resitlonr. Non-Subiccr - Ilcing thc
Rightlirl t{cirs and }nheritols oitirc l-anil
Pagc 5 ol'tl
-, 1:

iitl* 18, Part I, Chapter 13 $241 of {-}nited States Csdes of Law:

S1'tt'r, ot'tt1ot'€ llt'r'.\on.\ t:urt.sstit'e to injtrre, o!tpt'€s.g, thrtoten, or ittlitnidule cnv p(t',\ou in trtr1,

ot' pt'irti/eue set'ut'ed to hin h.t, the Conslittrlir.ut rsr Lcv,s of tha I,lnilerl States, or hetuust, o/'hi.t
huvirt,q so etet'cisr:r! the sutnt: ot'...

SS t r,r, ot' art in tli.sguise on the highv,u.\', or on lhe prcntises of unolht,r', r,t-ilJt tht
'ttore llar,\()ns
inlent to pr€v€nt rtr hiruler his /i'ee exertist'rx'erujo_t:rtt'trl of unv right ot'priviltgt, so serured -
Slrny shall be ./ined trrtcler tki,s title or itnprisoner! nrst ntore thun terr,t,r,..rr.!. or hotlt; ttnt! i.! deuth

urt(ntpl to kill, thet; slrull be./inetl under this titlc ot'irrtyst'isonrtl .fbr utn) term o.f vetrrs or.t'itr lifi', or'
hollt, or'*rr : ht sentencetl ks deoth.

.fitle 18, Part l. Chapter l3 $242 of United States Codes of Larv:

i'igltls, Strivilega.t, ot'itnmunitit:s stt'uretl or pt'ol(ctetl {tv,the {'onstittrfiotr or Luvt,s o/'lkr Urrilcd

ttittlulion fi this ,vet'littr, or if'sutlt acl,s incltttle the trsa. oltempted use. {}t'tltr(atefat{ tr.te rt{ u

)'t'rtrs or.liu'life, or lsoth, rtr mut, lrc stnlented to deoth.

.fherefore. in prcservation of 'The Rights ol'Incligenous Pcoplcs' and thc Preservatiou of the
Rights of the Pcople. in ace-r.rrd and dcfense of thc Constitutiorr firr tl"re t-lnited States Republic ol'
North Aurerica and its Republican Fonn of'Govcrnilent - lre-ing the 'Supreme Larv of the [-and'; auri
prirlal to thc contractual tiabilitics, Oath - bound Obligations. ancl Fiduciary Duties of thc (Jfficcrs
of thc C'our1s - F'edcral, Statc. City. and Municipal, etc.. t h*rctry. Demand the enfrrrccrnent of'thc De
_iure l,arvs ol'thc United States. aud all macie under the Authority ol Thc Urritecl Statcs" in
accord rvith Article VI of the Constitution:'I'he Ilill of Rights; The f)eclaration ol'thc Rights oi the
Child: The Riglrts of Indigcnous Peoples: Thc Universal Dcclaration of Ilurnan Ii.ights: Thc Uniteri
Nations Cliar-ter, ;\flicle -55(c): Thc United States Suprelne Coufi - 'Acts of State'; 'Ihe- Foreign
Sovcrcign Imrnunities Act 219 USf- 160l: et Sequa., Tlre Ctinvention on'lntentatitxal Roacl
-l'rafllc'-Day 19. Seprtemtrer 1949. The Worlel Court Decisions.'l-lre l{aguc. Netherlands, Day 21.
January 19,58 A.ll - 1178 IVI.C-'.; and "Erecutive Ordcr 13107" - l-initeil States llepulrlic. North
Airierica: The lmplcrnentution o1' lluman Rights 'i'reaties; The Nzltioital Constittttriott ftrr tht
Llontincntal lJnitecl Statcs. Article 1ll. Section 2: Artendrnent V'- L.iberly Clause: Amendnrent lX.
ctLr.. elc. I hercby, I)emand a Dismissal of any and all unconstitutional sanctions, clairrrs. or othcr
\viirranrs or charges rlacle or issuecl. rvhich arc cicvoid of tme identitl, personages: a denial o{"Due
Process" ol'a 'lrial' hy a Jury of my orvn National Peers: or absent of a vcrifitd and lawlirl
Inclictrncnt, sanctirincd by an asseurtrled (irard .lury: ancl that I tle irvailed all larvlul Cortstitutional -
secirred sai'cguaruls, establisl-red by the Suprerne [,aiv: rvith docurnented proper .]urisdictron ancl
Vurue continled ancl in placr'.

?l/herefbre all partics of intercst arc Autht:rizcd by this Wdt^ pursLrant to Natitintrl anri
International Lalv, to lronor all Sut-rstantive Rights and Constitutional Immunities reservcd firr- and
tu" this Aboriginal i Incliqenous Free ancl Sovereign Mloor i Muur*. All Olllcials are to errlist all
availalrlc and appropriatc urcasures to cnsure. and assurc. tlrat all M1'Sirtrstantivc Rights and
Constitutionally - securerl Rights arrd lrrrnunities are n<'rt violatccl. n{}t tlreac}rcd. nor abridgcd. Thc
Sorrereilan, Natural [3cing. narncci hc'rein. is nrit to be An"cstcd nor hcld li-rr Detr:ntion untlct' any

&boriginal and .fndigenous Seoples' Doeuments: Jlrorthwest &nexsrn / ryorth 4frica I .lFortl: &merica / '9he "d{aroecan €rrpire'
* Continential United States: 'gempie of the ,*{oon and Sun': hloa - Domestic, Non - ResidenL Non-Subject - Being the
Righfful Heirs and Inheritors of the tand,
Page 6 of8

.in-: .
-C-t i i-.

'colorablc' circurnstane'es! You are to notitv thc active Ministers o1'the Aboriginal i Indigcnorrs
lVloorish Nationals of the 'fcrritorv (Organic Land). 'lhe Natural Person narned herein is NON-
OIILICA-fORY and thus E-xernpt fi-orn Custorns. Tariffs. -[-aration, 'Olvner in [icc' pcnnit-deception
Clonstructs, and f}rxn any other hindrance or restriction of llis or ilcr Freedon'rs, Allodial Properties,
Conrpc'nsations. Rights of I'ravcl, or ftrreedom clf l\.{ovcment on, irr, or rvithin. any mernber or r'}on-
nrcurlrer States of tlre I jnitcd Srates Union. etc.'tr'hc Moor l'Muur (bcarer of this Inrlisenous Pcoplcs'
L)ocunrent) is to be treated rvitlr all duc Rcspect ancl 'Due Process'Rights uncier the L"aw. All
avarlable ancl apprtlpriate measures elre to be taken to prevent injusticc. l-rann, t-alse arrest" trumped -
up charges. or attack on thc Natural Being's Persorr. Property, Pcrsonalty, Convcyanccs, fircedonts.
antJ / or Dignity.

€xplirit Reser-vation irnd use ol' '.,\ll Rights l{r-'served Without Prciudice' tJ-C.C. l- 2A7 r' 308.
U.tl-C. l-10f, is Notccl T<i All l;ederal. State. City, and Municipal Peace Offrccrs; in harrntmy rvitlt
State's Statutes. and irrclicates tlre l{cscn'ation of My Rights. Wherebv I may Reserue M-v
Substantive Rishts ancl Constitutional - securcd Rights and Immunities to 'N0-f' be Compcllcd tir
perfbnn undcr"any Contracts or Agrccr.r-rcnts that Ihave not enter"cti into linorvitrgly, voluntarily.
rvillingly. or unintentionally. I do not accept auy actual or implied 'Liabilities'itssociated r,r'ith an-v
'COMPBLLEII - BITNEITITS' of any 'unrevealcd' or clcceptivcly-irnposed cornrnercial contracts- ].
ilfilicrnrrire, cjo nrit sanetior.r alry 'Lrnco,rstitutional ' rulcs or policies" or acts tit'Misprision corrttt.tittetl
bli any [J.S- L]or.,crnmcnt or State Otlicials, at any level, claimed by any of them. in tlrc'natre olthc
[Jrritcrl States Republic. nor dt-r I assent to any irnplicd cclorable policies macie Lry allegetl
rcpresentalives, as being sanctioncd by the People and Citizens. Crinsider any lbrurcrlv-assut'netl
coilstruc{s allcgcd to bc rclatcd {o rne as being lrisrcgrreseniations arrci tlrusly "Cured' firr-thwith. Let
it hc knou,n. , , -

Eeprcsent rteans to'Dcpict'to'Fofiray'. to'Sylt'rolize'and to'stancl tor', Lct it be known

that tlrc Llnion Statcs Socicty'Bar Association' I-arvyers. lrstlLrires" and Aftorneys ol liuropean
Colonial descent. ancl lbreign corporatiorr. cnnnot clcpict, p()rtray or syrlbolize a Frec Moor; as tite\,'
arc not of tlre sarne Nation Jurisdiction. CListonls. or National Puers: and cannot sit in -iudgrncnt ol'
auy [rree Moor (Acts ol'State). l:-iur<;peans are not Indigenes to the Land {Arncricas) - Moors are
Aboriginal! LJnion States Lawyers ancl AtJonreys operate in Demo - political fbtrnat, whiclr rs
corrtrary to Articlc IV, Section 4 of the Constitution fbr thc lJnited States. Moors opet'atc in u
Republican lronn ol Governnrent, conjoined rvitti Isononri Principles - being in ltannony w'ith the
Constitntion. Moors respect Constitr:tion I'rinciplcs. unconstitutional Tribunals operatitrg unricr
the [Jnion States Society conflicts i.vith. arrd is repugnant to. "Duc Process" undcr Constitulion
Principlcs, and fLnctions primarily in'coloratrlc'pnrcedures. Thcreitrre. no'Fair".'Just'trial, or
rernetly is availcd tci the Natr-rral Pecples of' tlie Land. through such 'colorable' processes! fliese
violating acts constitutc a'Cont-lict of lnterest'- a'Conflict of Larv': and clearly'cstablish thc
'Fetleral Questions' ol"f)iversity of- C'itizenship"; a Conllict ol'Identity; and of Nationality ancl
Intcrnational Lau,. etc. Thus, a L:lear and doculrcntetl 'Avcrrnerrt ot-Jurisdiction I Qtro Warr-anto' is
also hrrebv proclaimetl and advanccd to all parlies of intercst" Only Nloor-s can'Prcsent' ;tttrl
'Depict'themselves as being Moors i Al Moroccans. antl Aboriginal / Indigenes of the Land! Thus,
only Moors cau 'Present' 'Scll-!

J. being a rcirl. lii,e flesh

and blood- and Natural - born sanguincous o1' a natural. thinking antl
arrirnatctl Mother. rlti solernnly. sinccrely" and Altlnn that the fbrcgoing l'acts containerj in
this Cloustructive and Actual .fuclicial Notice and Proclamation. [:y Aflinned Affidavit. arc true. This
'Noticc' is constructL'd to the Llest olr-ny knorvlcclge, conjoined to my Culture, Custot.lls ancl Bc-lief-s:
bcing actual. factual, antl rcstorative in natLu"e to my ancient Traditiorts and Customs; presentc.l as
c()rrect, and not rnisleading, etc.. - ireing the Truth. thc whole 'lruth. and nothing bLrt the'l'ruth. As
rvitl-r our ancienl l-raditions ancl Customs. J cntrcat lo all:

fiborigiral and Sudigenous 9eoples' Documects: i$orlhwest dmexenr I -{Iorth Gfriea / vYorth dksenea / '"fhe J{orosca* €mpire'
- Crntlneirtial Uni&d State*: 'Semple of tbe .4{o*:r and $un : Norr -. Bomestic, b{on - Lesident, l'{oc*$*bject * Being tlte
Rightfti Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
Page 7 of8

1tlbr, {Lortt:), S(orry1(Tt'uth), Salaani (Peut:t), ft,,rryntu, ({''reedom). Ail 1/ustit:e1.

{ltt Rigl,r. Rescn,e:ri Without Prcjuclice: LJ.Cl,C i 1308" u.t-.c- i-t0i.

.7 A,,,.
..Vaturel l'crson - Srri .ltrris- arr! Srri I Icrcdcr AII lt rglrts Itcscrr,td

{lboriginal r licc Sovcreirn Moor - [..and: 'ln Propria Per-sona'

{Not Pro Se. Nor Colorable}
*Moom 1 Muurs: Tbe Aboriginal atrd lndigenons Natffil Peoples and Tnre Heire erd Inhrrirom of the tauds (7'€rrilories) (North Ancrim, Ceatrai Arcrica, South
r\nrcricr. artl tlrr Ail-ioirins, lslffnds - .{! lvlorrlc I Au!-tu / r\t}tct icar.l t.

.,flatrrrul Ptrson In !)ropria ln Sr:lo l)roprio: All ltilrhls Rcscru,ed

'l{litn"*. a - t hAAc<-ktr
,l.alurtl llrrsrxr In l)roori:i I'trsr;na Sui .lrrris. Sui llr:rtdcs ln Solo llnrprio: Reserved

. JBv Appcarancc, hreibre ile rrn Day (}l lu ehcl .20t8

143 8 ancl in I ltxor. thc Dir,ine Natural Beirtg.
Ai'lirms that i{c / She is a L)esccudant ,/
tlcir. N Person i Bcing herein nanled, standils'ln Full Lrfb', existing in Iirs r'
ller orvn Frr:per Person; nrccting the prinrai 'lar,v oi'cvidcnce' as rccluired anti detirreei in
'kientity"; atflrrncd by Lawlirl. Substantive Right; by Birthright; and respectivcljy
acknorvledsc'd - being iif descendiblc agc and conrpetence; and bcing lau,tirlly qualiiied anci
crlnlpctent to execute this Document o1'Atfidavit. i thereft.rre place my harrd. rny autograph
and my scal tlrereto-

Dair: ? Month Rabn cl- n,;,wlfJYrr$-*' l43E Mcc'I4pr&l et.Y.

J A,l
Viz-ier / Mlnister / Consul: .,Vatural Pcrsou - ln l)ropria Pcrsorur. Sui llcrcdcs In Solo Proprio:
Authorizcd Re prcstnlativc: All ltights Rcscrvci1. lrree Ir4oor,r iVIuur
.f orth*.csr (dinr:xe ur r1 ;trorrhu,cst (ltiicl / .,l/orth (llrrcricn ,/ 'l7hc -,l orth gatc


* Continential Unitrd
States: 'eempre
- Residenr, Non-sur,jecr - Being the
Fage s

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