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context - this is the context in which we are working, or the particular topics being studied,
convention - where mathematicians and scientists have decided that particular symbols
will have particular meaning.

The = sign and its variants

= which means ‘is not equal to’

≈ which means ‘is approximately equal to’
≥ which means ‘is greater than or equal to’,
e.g. x ≥ 2 means that x can equal 2, but it might also be any value larger than 2.
≤ which means ‘is less than or equal to’,
e.g. y ≤ 7 means that y might equal 7 or might be any number less than 7.

Variables-are used when quantities take different values.

Subscript-a distinguishing symbol written immediately below to the right or left of another character.
Superscript- are small numbers or symbols are written at the top right of another
Coordinate Plane- a two dimensional surface by two intersecting and perpendicular number lines on
which points are plotted and located by their x and y coordinates.
Square Root- the extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favorable
cases to the whole number of cases possible.
Percent- a rate, a number, or amount in each hundred.
Exponent- a number that produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.
Mean- is the average of the numbers; a calculated “central” value of a set of numbers. To calculate ;
just add up all numbers, the divide by how many numbers there are.

SET- is a well defined collection of objects/elements
ex. A= {1,2,3,4,5}
1. Roaster Form- all the elements of a set are written in a row; separated by commas, and
and the enclose with braces.
ex. A set consisting of elements as the numbers 2,4,6,8.
A= {2,4,6,8}
2. Set Builder Form – a set is described by some property common to all elements
ex. B is the set of all even natural numbers - “X”
B= {x/x is an even natural numbers}

1. UNION “U” = those elements that belong to both sets
ex. A= {2,3,4,5,6}
B= {1,2,3,4,5,}
AUB= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
2. INTERSECTION= are elements from both sets.
ex. A= {2,3,4,5,6}
B= {1,2,3,4,5,}
AUB= {2,3,4,5}
3. FINITE SET= a set that has finite number of elements is called as finite set
ex. A= {2,3,4,5,6}
4. INFINITE SET= a set that has infinite number of elements is called infinite set.
ex. A= {2,3,4,5,6…}
5. EQUAL SET = two sets A and B are equal if and only if every elements in A belongs to B and every
elements in B belongs to A.
ex. A= {1,4,9,16…} B= {1,22,,32,42…}
6. EQUIVALENT= two sets A and B are said to be equivalent sets if they have same number of elements
ex. A= {2,3,4,5} B= A= {2,3,4,5,6}{A,B,C,E}
Cardinal Number N(A)= 4 Cardinal Number N(B)= 4
7. NULL SET= a set with no elements.
ex. C is the set of integers 2 and 3
C= {} or {Φ}
8. SUBSET= a set B is a subset of A if and only if every elements of A is also an element of B.
ex. A= {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} B= {3,4,5,6,7,8}
9. PROPER SUBSET= a set Y C X and Y ≠ X the Y is called
ex. X= {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Y= {3,4,5,6,7,8}
Y C X ,Y ≠ X
10.POWER SET= is a set of all subset of a set .
A= {2,3,4,} no. elements 3
8 sets = 23 or 2n

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