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From Left Ventricular Hypertrophy to

Dysfunction and Failure
Davide Lazzeroni, MD; Ornella Rimoldi, MD; Paolo G Camici, MD

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is growth in left ventricular mass caused by increased cardiomyocyte size. LVH
can be a physiological adaptation to strenuous physical exercise, as in athletes, or it can be a pathological condition,
which is either genetic or secondary to LV overload. Physiological LVH is usually benign and regresses upon reduc-
tion/cessation of physical activity. Pathological LVH is a compensatory phenomenon, which eventually may become
maladaptive and evolve towards progressive LV dysfunction and heart failure (HF). Both interstitial and replacement
fibrosis play a major role in the progressive decompensation of the hypertrophied LV. Coronary microvascular dys-
function (CMD) and myocardial ischemia, which have been demonstrated in most forms of pathological LVH, have
an important pathogenetic role in the formation of replacement fibrosis and both contribute to the evolution towards
LV dysfunction and HF. Noninvasive imaging allows detection of myocardial fibrosis and CMD, thus providing unique
information for the stratification of patients with LVH.   (Circ J 2016; 80: 555 – 564)

Key Words: Coronary microvascular dysfunction; Heart failure; Left ventricular hypertrophy; Myocardial fibrosis;
Myocardial ischemia

eft ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is growth in left produces an increase in volume load whereas static exercise,
ventricular (LV) mass caused by increased cardiomyo- such as weight lifting, causes mainly pressure overload.
cyte size.1 The process is compounded by a complex Accordingly, athletes may develop eccentric (eg, runners) or
series of transcriptional, signaling, structural, electrophysio- concentric (weight lifters) LVH. LVM in highly trained ath-
logical and functional events that affect all the cardiac cell letes may exceed that in matched nonathletic controls by up to
types.2–4 60% and usually reverts to normal values after a period of
LVH can be a physiological adaptation to strenuous physi- deconditioning, which can take up to several years in athletes
cal exercise, as in athletes, or it can be a pathological condi- with evidence of marked LV cavity enlargement. Similarly,
tion, which is either genetic or secondary to LV overload. wall thickness in athletes has been shown to decrease signifi-
Physiological LVH is usually benign and regresses upon reduc- cantly after deconditioning, together with cavity dimensions,
tion/cessation of physical activity. Pathological LVH is a although in some elite athletes, the LV cavity may remain
compensatory phenomenon that eventually may become mal- enlarged even after cessation of training.5 Athletes with LVH
adaptive and evolve towards progressive LV dysfunction and generally have a normal ejection fraction (EF) and no evi-
heart failure (HF). dence of either systolic or diastolic dysfunction.
The aim of this article is to review the present understand-
ing of the mechanisms involved in the transition from LVH to
LV dysfunction and HF, with particular emphasis on the poten- Pathological LVH
tial role of coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) and LV geometry can be classified using 2 simple parameters:
ischemia. relative wall thickness (RWT), calculated as posterior wall
thickness×2/LV internal diameter at end-diastole, and the LVM
index (LWMi, normalized for body surface area or height).
Physiological LVH This classification permits categorization of LV geometry into
Intense training results in a physiological adaptation of the 4 types: normal (RWT ≤0.42 and normal LWMi), concentric
heart, characterized by increased LV mass (LVM), cavity remodeling (normal LWMi with RWT >0.42), concentric
dimensions and wall thickness, known as the ‘athlete’s heart’. (increased LWMi and RWT >0.42) or eccentric hypertrophy
The changes in cardiac structure differ depending on the type (increased LWMi and RWT ≤0.42) (Figure 1).6
of training: dynamic exercise, such as running and swimming,

Received January 22, 2016; accepted January 22, 2016; released online February 5, 2016
Prevention and Rehabilitation Unit, Don Gnocchi Foundation & University of Parma, Parma (D.L.); CNR IBFM, Segrate (O.R.); and
Vascular and Cardio-thoracic Department, San Raffaele Scientific Institute and Vita-Salute University San Raffaele, Milan (D.L., P.G.C.),
Mailing address:  Paolo G Camici, Professor, MD, FESC, FACC, FAHA, FRCP, Vita-Salute University and Scientific Institute San Raffaele
Milan, Via Olgettina 60, 20132, Milan, Italy.   E-mail: camici.paolo@hsr.it
ISSN-1346-9843  doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-16-0062
All rights are reserved to the Japanese Circulation Society. For permissions, please e-mail: cj@j-circ.or.jp

Circulation Journal  Vol.80, March 2016

556 LAZZERONI D et al.

Figure 1.   Classification of left ventricular

(LV) geometry based on relative wall thick-
ness and LV mass index. (Reproduced with
permission from Lang RM, et al.6)

Primary LVH DCM is generally caused by viral/bacterial myocarditis, expo-

Variable degrees of LVH are present in most forms of primary sure to cardiotoxic substances or is a manifestation of a sys-
myocardial diseases, including hypertrophic (HCM) and dilated temic disease. Before cell death and fibrotic repair occur,
(DCM) cardiomyopathy. multiple factors contribute to contractile dysfunction, includ-
HCM   Given its Mendelian inheritance, HCM was the first ing abnormalities in sarcolemmal integrity, energy production,
cardiomyopathy to be associated with a genetic origin,7 and calcium handling and force transmission.10 Both systolic and
specific mutations in genes encoding sarcomeric proteins can diastolic dysfunction worsen with time and EF is progressively
be identified in over 50% of patients. The mechanisms respon- reduced, with symptoms and signs of HF.
sible for LVH development in HCM remain incompletely
understood. Impaired myofibrillar contractile function, mainly Secondary LVH
caused by abnormal cardiomyocyte calcium cycling and sen- Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy is the primary mechanism by
sitivity, is thought to be the key mechanism triggering com- which the heart counteracts a protracted increase in stress (or
pensatory hypertrophy, although other factors may play a role, load) on the ventricular wall.11 According to Laplace’s law,12
including disturbed biomechanical stress sensing and altered wall stress is directly related to LV cavity size and intracavi-
energy homeostasis.8,9 Hypertrophy is generally asymmetrical tary pressure and inversely related to wall thickness. Thus,
(with wall thickness >15 mm) and affects predominantly the wall thickening will counteract, at least in part, the increased
interventricular septum, although it may also be symmetrical stress and oxygen demand caused by pressure or volume over-
or localized to the apex or posterior wall. LV volumes are load, although, in the long run, this compensatory mechanism
normal or reduced, systolic function is preserved and there is may become maladaptive. On the other hand, several other
often evidence of hypercontractility with EF higher than nor- nonhemodynamic factors, including activation of the adrener-
mal and near obliteration of the cavity in systole. HCM is gic and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAAS) systems, release
characterized by variable degrees of diastolic dysfunction that of growth factors and cytokines, contribute to the development
may be severe enough to cause symptoms of HF despite a of LVH.13,14
normal EF. In a minority of patients, the disease evolves towards Pressure Overload  In most cases, pressure overload man-
severe remodeling of the LV with cavity enlargement, wall ifests as arterial hypertension (AH) or aortic stenosis (AS).
thinning and progressive impairment of systolic function, a Hypertensive Heart  The most common condition associ-
condition known as endstage HCM. ated with an increase in cardiac afterload and wall stress is
DCM   Progressive LV cavity enlargement, wall thinning AH.15 Approximately 20–60% of patients with uncomplicated
and hypertrophy caused by an in-series disposition of sarco- AH have evidence of increased LVM on echocardiography.16
meres with slippage of the fibers characterize DCM. The LV LVM can increase from wall thickening, chamber dilatation
tends to become spherical and hypertrophy is eccentric. Gene or both. Wall thickening occurs more commonly in response
mutations can be detected in 20–30% of patients with the to pressure overload whereas chamber dilation occurs more
DCM phenotype and involve proteins of the membrane-scaf- commonly in response to volume overload. Although LV wall
folding apparatus, sarcomeric proteins, nuclear envelope pro- thickness is more closely related to systemic diastolic blood
teins, calcium-handling proteins and transcription cofactors of pressure (concentric hypertrophy), reflecting pure pressure
the cell energy-generating machinery.10 In all other cases, load caused by increased systemic vascular resistance, LVM

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From LV Hypertrophy to Dysfunction 557

Figure 2.   Classification of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and prognostic implications according to Khouri MG, et al. 32 AR,
aortic regurgitation; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejec-
tion fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; MR, mitral regurgitation; RCM, restrictive cardiomyopathy. (Repro-
duced with permission from Khouri MG, et al.32)

is more closely related to systolic blood pressure, suggesting disease that generates a pure volume overload because the
an influence of both pressure and volume load (eccentric extra volume is ejected into a low-pressure chamber (left
hypertrophy).17,18 atrium).24 Pure volume overload induces an increase in dia-
In most patients with mild to moderate AH and LVH, sys- stolic stress, leading to an in-series disposition of the sarco-
tolic performance at rest is normal or mildly increased and a meres and thus increasing myocyte length. This in turn produces
varying degree of diastolic dysfunction can be present. LVH an increase in LV chamber volume, allowing the LV to aug-
may evolve to overt systolic or diastolic dysfunction (or both) ment stroke volume to accommodate the extra volume lost in
with the corresponding clinical presentation of HF with pre- regurgitation. This high-volume/low-pressure state produces
served (HFpEF) or reduced EF (HFrEF). an enlarged, thin-walled chamber that represents the classical
AS  Valvular AS is the second-most prevalent adult valve geometry of eccentric hypertrophy. This eccentric remodeling
disease, occurring in 4% of patients older than 75 years.19 has a temporary favorable influence on diastolic function,
Severe LVH is found in 17% of symptomatic patients with which is usually supra normal in patients with compensated
mild to moderate AS20 and in 67% of those with asymptomatic disease.25,26 Clinical HF occurs lately, with the development
severe AS.21 The increased LV afterload produced by AS results of a progressive reduction in systolic and diastolic function.
in a structural hypertrophic adaptation that is generally con- Aortic Regurgitation (AR)  Volume overload in AR is
centric, characterized by wall thickening with normal LV caused by the back flow of blood into the LV during diastole.
cavity dimensions.22 Systolic performance at rest is normal or As in MR, the LV cavity is enlarged and the stroke volume
mildly increased and diastolic dysfunction is present.22 The increased. Moreover, the interaction of the large stroke vol-
natural history of AS is characterized, in most cases, by pro- ume with the elasticity of the aorta increases systolic blood
gressive LV dysfunction and HF, although it may be favorably pressure. In fact, although many AR patients are normoten-
changed by valve replacement, particularly in those patients sive, systolic pressure in AR is approximately 50 mmHg higher
with preserved EF before surgery.23 than in MR.27 This unique combined pressure and volume
Volume Overload  In most cases of volume overload, the overload leads to hypertrophic remodeling that is both eccen-
enlarged intracavitary volume contributes to the increased LV tric and concentric,28 producing the heaviest LV in valvular
systolic pressure and afterload, leading to a combined pressure heart disease,29 which eventually results in both diastolic and
and volume overload and an eccentric pattern of hypertrophy. systolic dysfunction and overt HF.30,31
Mitral Regurgitation (MR)  Isolated MR is the only heart

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558 LAZZERONI D et al.

Table.  Myocardial Perfusion and Coronary Flow Reserve in Normal Controls, and Primary and Secondary LVH Patients
Method n CFR Reference
(ml/g/min) (ml/g/min)
Normal controls
  PET 3.484 0.82±0.06 2.86±1.29 3.55±1.36 Gould et al38
    PET 10 0.74±0.17 2.69±1.15 3.58±1.02 Radvan et al41
    PET 14 0.8±0.2 NA 6.1±1.9 Toraa et al42
    Doppler 52 10.6±3.1 (ml/min) 61.9±17.8 (ml/min) 5.9±1.0 Hildick-Smith et al43
Primary LVH
    PET 345 0.90±0.10 1.57±0.33 1.84±0.36 Gould et al38
    PET 23 1.02±0.39 1.55±0.58 1.51±0.48 Camici et al44
    PET 51 0.84±0.31 1.50±0.69 1.80±0.70 Cecchi et al48
    PET 61 – 1.90±0.90 – Olivotto et al45
    PET 22 0.80±0.25 1.91±0.76 2.38±0.5   Neglia et al49
    PET 67 0.69±0.23 1.53±0.79 2.22±0.89 Neglia et al50
Secondary LVH
  Hypertensive heart
    PET 20 0.69±0.13 1.42±0.32 NA Neglia et al52
    PET 30 0.89±0.18 1.9±0.62 2.18±0.74 Rimoldi et al51
  Aortic stenosis
    PET 20 1.05±0.26 1.99±0.78 1.9±0.6 Rajappan et al54
    Doppler 24 23.3±10.1 (cm/s) 37.8±11.3 (cm/s) 1.76±0.5   Hildick-Smith et al55
  Mitral regurgitation
    Doppler 31 28±8 (cm/s) 56±14 (cm/s) 2.1±0.5 Akasaka et al56
CFR, coronary flow reserve; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MBFH,
myocardial blood flow during hyperemia; MBFR, myocardial blood flow at rest; NA, not available; PET, positron emission tomography.

mechanism of myocardial ischemia.36 Abnormalities in the

LV Geometry and Prognosis function and structure of the coronary microcirculation impair
Khouri et al have proposed a new classification of LVH into 4 the control of myocardial blood flow (MBF) and can contrib-
subgroups: eccentric non-dilated (or indeterminate hypertrophy), ute to the pathogenesis of myocardial ischemia.37,38 According
eccentric dilated, concentric non-dilated LVH and concentric to Camici and Crea,37 patients with LVH have type 2 CMD
dilated LVH (Figure 2).32 According to this classification, (ie, occurring in the absence of demonstrable coronary artery
patients with eccentric hypertrophy can be subclassified into a disease (CAD), but with evidence of myocardial disease).39
low-risk (indeterminate hypertrophy or eccentric non-dilated CMD determines significant blunting of hyperemic MBF and
LVH) and a high-risk group (dilated hypertrophy). Similarly, reduction of coronary flow reserve (CFR) (Table). This impair-
concentric hypertrophy can be subdivided into 2 risk groups: ment of coronary physiology predicts development of LV
thick hypertrophy and both thick and dilated hypertrophy where dysfunction in patients with LVH (Figure 3).40
the latter is the phenotype carrying the highest risk. Bang et al
proved the prognostic validity of this classification in 939 CMD in Physiological LVH
hypertensive patients of the LIFE study (mean follow-up of 4 Radvan et al measured MBF and CFR with positron emission
years), identifying a low-risk subset with eccentric non-dilated tomography in a group of elite rowers (all with LVMi >131 g/m2)
LVH and 3 subsets of LVH at high risk of developing LV and a group of age- and sex-matched sedentary controls. They
dysfunction and HF.33 Garg et al validated this classification found that both resting and hyperemic (dipyridamole) MBF
using cardiac magnetic resonance in 2,458 subjects, demon- and CFR in the athletes and normal controls were comparable
strating that the risk of HF and cardiovascular death was greater (Table).41 Similar results were obtained in subsequent studies
in those subject with either dilated hypertrophy or both thick comparing MBF and CFR in elite athletes and control sub-
and dilated hypertrophy.34 In patients with concentric dilated jects,42,43 suggesting that MBF and CFR are preserved in ath-
LVH, diastolic LV dysfunction is a frequent finding and is the letes with physiological LVH.
functional determinant predisposing to HFpEF. On the other
hand, systolic dysfunction (which can be associated with vary- CMD in Primary LVH
ing degrees of diastolic dysfunction) is characteristic of eccen- In HCM, both severe structural remodeling of intramural cor-
tric dilated LVH and is the substrate of HFrEF (Figure 2).35 onary arterioles and increased perivascular fibrosis has been
described. These structural changes, in addition to the increased
extravascular compression, cause severe CMD that can be
CMD in LVH demonstrated by a severely blunted maximal MBF and reduced
In the past 2 decades, CMD has emerged as an additional CFR.44,45 The anatomical basis of CMD is supported by the

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From LV Hypertrophy to Dysfunction 559

Figure 3.   Proposed chain of pathophysiologic events linking microvascular remodeling and dysfunction to myocardial ischemia
and left ventricular remodeling and their consequences on patient outcome. (Reproduced with permission from Camici PG, et

study of Basso et al46 who found evidence of ischemic damage

at autopsy in 19 patients with HCM who died suddenly. Within
the septal myocardium, the small intramural coronary arteries
showed varying degrees of medial hypertrophy-dysplasia and
intimal hyperplasia and were closely related to fibrotic scars
(Figure 4). The damage was either acute/subacute necrosis or
fibrotic scarring, lending support to the clinical picture of
ischemia occurring in the natural history of HCM. The patchy
distribution of fibrosis may also contribute to life-threatening
electrical instability.46 The degree of hyperemic MBF impair-
ment is a powerful long-term predictor of adverse LV remod-
eling and systolic dysfunction,47 as well as an independent
predictor of death and unfavorable outcome in HCM.48
In DCM, different studies have shown not only that MBF
abnormalities occur even in the early stages of the disease and
in the absence of epicardial stenosis, but also that myocardial
ischemia attributable to CMD may have an independent role Figure 4.   Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Intramural coronary
in the progression of the disease.49 Furthermore, it has been arterioles with increased medial thickness and luminal steno-
demonstrated that the severity of the hyperemic MBF impair- sis (black arrows) and perivascular fibrosis (white arrow) are
ment is a predictor of poor prognosis independent of the associated with myocardial ischemic micro scarring (yellow
degree of LV functional impairment and of the presence of arrow) (azan mallory staining, original magnification ×10).
(Courtesy of Giulia d’Amati, MD PhD, Department of Radiol-
overt HF.50 ogy, Oncology and Pathology, ‘‘Sapienza’’ University of Rome,
Rome, Italy.)
CMD in Secondary LVH
Patients with AH often have symptoms and signs suggestive
of myocardial ischemia despite normal coronary angiograms.
The abnormalities of the coronary microcirculation may be

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560 LAZZERONI D et al.

unrelated to the degree of LVH and cause a reduction in nonischemic DCM, where it has been associated with adverse
maximum MBF and CFR.51 In the hypertensive heart there is cardiac remodeling and increased risk of malignant arrhyth-
remodeling of intramural coronary arterioles, because of mia.68–70 Even in the absence of replacement fibrosis, increased
hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells, and increased collagen extracellular collagen (interstitial fibrosis) is found in many
deposition in the tunica media, with varying degrees of intimal cardiac conditions.71–73 Diffuse myocardial fibrosis and remod-
thickening and perivascular fibrosis. Although the anatomic eling of the myocardial extracellular space can be measured
changes affecting the microcirculation are similar in hyperten- through changes in native (non-contrast) myocardial T1 relax-
sion and HCM, they are usually more severe in the latter ation times, post-contrast T1times, and derived estimates of
condition. The remodeled, hypertrophied vascular wall leads extracellular volume (ECV), using both native and post-con-
to an increase in medial wall area, with a relative reduction of trast T1 values.74 These techniques can help to discriminate
the vessel’s lumen. These changes are induced, at least in part, the different etiologies of LVH and detect progression of
by excessive activation of the RAAS. In fact, treatment with disease.75,76
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may revert micro-
vascular remodeling and improve MBF in experimental and Myocardial Fibrosis in Primary LVH
clinical AH.52 In patients with stage 1 or 2 AH and LVH, CFR In HCM, replacement fibrosis can be the consequence of
is transmurally blunted and inversely related to systolic blood chronic, repeated episodes of microvascular ischemia, leading
pressure.51 Detection of CMD is crucial to identify patients to myocyte death and replacement of the space with myofi-
with AH at higher risk of developing LV dysfunction and HF. broblasts, leading to progressive systolic impairment.47,77,78
In a study investigating the prognostic role of CMD in 2,783 Approximately 70% of HCM patients have evidence of LGE
consecutive patients with suspected or known CAD (80% of on CMR.79,80 Olivotto et al found substantial amounts of LGE
patients had AH), it was found that CFR was a powerful, in a subset of patients with HCM and low-normal EF values
independent predictor of cardiac mortality and provided mean- (50–65%) in comparison with patients with higher EF,81 but
ingful incremental risk stratification over other known risk little or no association was found between EF and several
factors.53 In particular, patients in the highest tertile of CFR, standard clinical and demographic parameters, such as age,
indicating preserved vasodilator function, had an extremely sex, LV cavity dimensions, wall thickness or LVM. Myocar-
low rate of cardiac mortality (<0.5%/year). Conversely, inter- dial fibrosis was an independent predictor of adverse outcome
mediate and severely reduced CFR were associated with an in the study by O’Hanlon et al, which assessed the presence,
adjusted hazard ratio for cardiac mortality of 3.4 and 5.6, amount and prognostic role of LGE in 217 patients with HCM
respectively. In that study, the addition of CFR to clinical followed for 3.1±1.7 years.82 LGE is also associated with an
variables, such as rest LVEF, LVEF reserve and the extent of increased prevalence of ventricular tachyarrhythmia and sud-
myocardial scarring, resulted in the correct reclassification of den death.83,84 A word of caution is necessary, though; indeed
approximately one-third of all intermediate risk patients. Ismail et al confirmed that the amount of myocardial fibrosis
In patients with severe AS, CFR impairment is directly was a strong predictor of sudden cardiac death, but this effect
proportional to the reduction of aortic valve area and diastolic was offset after adjusting for LVEF.85 Thus, despite being a
perfusion time, but there is no significant correlation with valuable marker, LGE does not provide the incremental inde-
LVM (Table).54 Moreover, CFR increases after aortic valve pendent prognostic information to LVEF and further work is
replacement and this increase occurs in parallel with regres- required to clarify the reciprocal role of myocardial fibrosis
sion of LV hypertrophy.55 and other markers of risk in HCM.
Reduced CFR can be demonstrated not only in patients with In DCM, diffuse interstitial fibrosis can be frequently
pressure overload but also in those with volume overload, observed in histological specimens and can lead in the long
such as MR, where CFR is reduced mainly because of eleva- term to irreversible replacement fibrosis.86,87 The occurrence
tion of the baseline resting flow velocity (Table). This reduc- of replacement fibrosis in patients with DCM is approximately
tion of CFR correlates with the increase in LV preload, mass 35%.88 Myocardial fibrosis in DCM patients has been identi-
and volume overload and CFR improves after mitral valve fied as an independent predictor of adverse clinical out-
surgery.56 A reduced CFR was demonstrated only in an animal comes.89,90 The presence of midwall fibrosis is an independent
model of AR.57 predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular hospitaliza-
tion, independent of ventricular remodeling and EF.70,91 In
Myocardial Ischemia, Tissue Fibrosis and addition, midwall fibrosis predicts sudden cardiac death and
ventricular tachyarrhythmia, especially if the conduction sys-
Progression From LVH to LV Dysfunction and HF tem is involved, suggesting a potential role for CMR in the
Myocardial fibrosis is an important determinant in the patho- risk stratification of patients with DCM who may need device
genesis of HF, regardless of etiology. It may be regional, such therapy.91
as the replacement fibrosis observed following myocardial
infarction, or a more diffusely distributed interstitial fibrosis Myocardial Fibrosis in Secondary LVH
as observed in the most advanced cardiomyopathies.58 Histo- In 83 patients with AS, AH, or HCM, LGE was present with
pathological studies have shown that the myocardial fibrosis a high prevalence in all forms of LVH (AS 62%, AH 50%,
in HCM,59 AH and AS60 is associated with increased risk of HCM 72%) without significant differences between primary
cardiac sudden death and congestive HF.61–63 Cardiovascular and secondary LVH, and correlated with the LVMi.80 The
magnetic resonance (CMR) offers a unique opportunity to results of that study suggest that LGE is a common finding in
noninvasively quantify LVM and myocardial fibrosis with high adaptive LVH caused by pressure overload and the patchy
accuracy and reproducibility, by means of late gadolinium pattern is most likely caused by focal ischemic necrosis. In a
enhancement (LGE). Replacement myocardial fibrosis follow- study of AH, patients with nocturnal non-dipper blood pres-
ing experimental myocardial infarction in animals coincides sure patterns had larger LVM and scar volume than those with
with areas of LGE in which transmural extension is also used dipper patterns.92
to assess myocardial viability.64–67 Midwall LGE is present in In moderate and severe AS, both ischemic subendocardial

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From LV Hypertrophy to Dysfunction 561

Figure 5.   Contribution of myocardial ischemia in the progression from left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) to heart failure. cLVH,
concentric LVH; EF, ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction. (Adapted with permission from Drazner MH. 100)

patterns and midwall fibrosis have been described, their pres-

ence purportedly a respective 6-fold and 8-fold increase in Conclusions
all-cause mortality compared with patients without fibrosis, Pathological LVH develops in response to different genetic,
independent of the severity of AS, LVM EF or concomitant physical and biochemical stimuli and represents the first step
CAD.93 A simple noninvasive marker, myocardial ECG strain, in ventricular remodeling. Although LVH can be initially com-
defined as ≥1-mm concave downsloping ST-segment depres- pensatory, eventually it may become maladaptive and evolve
sion with asymmetrical T-wave inversion in the lateral leads, towards progressive LV dysfunction and HF.
has been strongly associated with midwall and diffuse myo- Both interstitial and replacement fibrosis play a major role
cardial fibrosis and impaired LV performance. All these non- in the progressive decompensation of the hypertrophied LV.
invasive markers could be used as independent predictors of CMD and myocardial ischemia, which have been demon-
cardiovascular death or aortic valve replacement.94 In both AS strated in most forms of pathological LVH, have an important
and AR, early morphologic studies suggested that fibrosis pathogenetic role in the formation of replacement fibrosis and
precedes and may be related to the development of congestive contribute to the evolution towards LV dysfunction and HF
HF.95,96 Further, a recent investigation in rabbits with experi- (Figure 5).100 Noninvasive imaging allows detection of myo-
mental AR has highlighted abnormal extracellular matrix (ECM) cardial fibrosis and CMD, thus providing unique information
production featuring a relative abundance of non-collagen for the stratification of patients with LVH.
ECM, specifically including fibronectin.97 For the time being,
this difference in tissue composition cannot be discriminated
by available CMR sequences.
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