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Anne Soleil Agasang

Professor Holly Batty

English 101

28 May 2019

Students and Illegal Drugs

Many college and university students have used illegal drugs. Reports of illegal drug use

on campus should be directed to the Department of Public Safety (Drug Abuse and Prevention

Control 21). Drug violations which occur off campus are investigated by the law enforcement

agency in the jurisdiction in which the alleged illegal activity occurred. The department of public

safety, the office of the dean of students, publish a summary of drug-related complaints in their

periodic reports. Both states and federal laws prohibit distribution of manufacture of, or

possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance or a counterfeit controlled substance.

State penalties range from 5 years to life confinement and a fine of $1,000 to $1,000,000,

depending upon the type and quantity of drug involved. Conviction may also result in the loss of

state and federal benefits, such as grants, schools’ loan, or work assistance, during the time

periods required by federal law (Drug Abuse and Prevention Control, 21 US code).

Maximum federal penalties range from 1-year confinement to life imprisonment and a

fine of $250,000 to $400,000, depending upon the type and quantity of drug involved. Specific

drugs, amounts, and penalties are described by the state and federal legal sanctions are subject to

change by the General Assembly and Congress, respectively.

The growing rise in opioid use among pregnant women and students have used illegal

drugs are attributed to poverty and lack of the necessary information concerning illegal drugs

among the poor population. Drug abuse has grown into a critical challenge facing individuals.
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The growth of opioid use among pregnant women especially students has developed into a

crucial problem affecting the community. The study established that several measures some

extreme and others mild have been adopted to curb the issue in the society.

Illegal drugs exact staggering costs on American society, accounting for about 52,000

drug-related deaths and an estimated $160 billion economic costs each year, according to the

Office of National Drug Control Policy. drug dependence is a chronic, relapsing disorder that

takes enormous toll on individuals, families and communities. Addicted students frequently

engage in self-destructive and criminal behavior (Goldberg and Bamossy).

The school shall not tolerate the use of drugs that are illegal. Students are expected to

abide by the laws concerning controlled substances, marijuana and alcoholic beverages. Drug

testing is routinely carried out for substance abuse screening. The US department of education’s

office of safe and drug free has made grants to fund programs that support mandatory students

drug testing in schools. According to this program, both parents and students have to sign

consent forms agreeing to the student’s random drug-testing program, however, this applies to

only individuals who participate in athletics and other school sponsored related activities

(Goldberg et al; James-Burdumy et al.). The students using of illegal drugs belief in poorer

attitudes towards the school.

The random drug test can also have other consequences as students who take certain

medication for health reasons will have positive results on the test which may potentially lead to

suspension of the student. Fear of being caught may lead to an increase in school dropout rates.

The major limitations to this approach are that they should consider prescription drugs also and

the information should be collected about the reason for its use during testing. Drug testing only
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helps to identify the individuals who are consuming drugs. However, for an effective approach,

positive test results should be followed up with regular counseling and other psychosocial

services instead of imposing punishments. That way, students will get the advice and counseling

required which will lead to a higher success rate (Goldberg & Barmossy).

In conclusion, there need to be several evidence-based studies conducted in order to

measure the effectiveness of such methods and create treatment and prevention programs that

will have a higher success rate. According to many articles, the current random drug testing

program for students have not been effective and more than positive have negative

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Works Cited

Alcoholics Anonymous-http://www.aa.org, Al-Anon – http://www.nycalanon.org.


Drug Abuse and Prevention Control, 21 U.S. Code § 841. Prohibited acts A Oct. 15, 2008, 122

Stat. 4828, 4829; Pub. L. 111–220. https://inside.msmary.edu/public-safety/

Goldberg, M. E., Gorn, G. J. Peracchio, L. A., & Bamossy, G. (2003). Understanding

materialism among youth. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13, 278 – 288.

University of Iowa Operations Manual V. 26, Policies and Regulations Affecting Students V.

26.2 https://dos.ulowa.edu/policies/illegal-drugs

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