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Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

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Journal of Econometrics
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Misclassification in binary choice models

Bruce D. Meyer a,b , Nikolas Mittag c, *
University of Chicago, United States1
NBER, United States
CERGE-EI, Czech Republic2

article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: Bias from misclassification of binary dependent variables can be pronounced. We examine what can be
Available online 29 June 2017 learned from such contaminated data. First, we derive the asymptotic bias in parametric models allowing
misclassification to be correlated with observables and unobservables. Simulations and validation data
JEL classification: show that the bias formulas are accurate in finite samples and in most situations imply attenuation.
Second, we examine the bias in a prototypical application. Erroneously restricting the covariance of
misclassification and covariates aggravates the bias for all estimators we examine. Estimators that relax
this restriction perform well if a model of misclassification or validation data is available.
Keywords: © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Measurement error license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Binary choice models
Program take-up
Food stamps

1. Introduction participation in welfare programs (Marquis and Moore, 1990;

Meyer et al., 2015, 2017), Medicaid enrollment (Call et al., 2008;
Many important outcomes are binary such as program receipt, Davern et al., 2009) and education (Black et al., 2003). Bound et
labor market status, and educational attainment. These outcomes al. (2001) provide an overview. In the case of program reporting,
are frequently misclassified due to interviewer or respondent error false negatives, i.e. recipients who fail to report receiving pro-
or for other reasons. It is a common misconception that measure- gram benefits, are the main problem, with rates of underreport-
ment error in a dependent variable does not lead to bias, but this ing sometimes exceeding 50%. Measurement error can badly bias
requires classical measurement error. Misclassification of a binary substantive studies with binary outcomes such as those examining
variable is necessarily non-classical measurement error, and thus take-up of government programs (e.g. Bitler et al., 2003; Haider
leads to bias. However, there are few general results on bias in et al., 2003), labor market status (e.g. Poterba and Summers,
binary choice models. Yet, given the pervasiveness of misclassifi- 1995) or educational attainment (e.g. Eckstein and Wolpin, 1999;
cation in common data sources, it is important to know whether Cameron and Heckman, 2001). A frequent cause of error besides
we can still learn from contaminated data and which methods misreporting is subjective classification of a dependent variable,
allow it. To address this issue, we first examine the properties of for example whether there is a recession or not (e.g. Estrella
binary choice models with measurement error in the dependent and Mishkin, 1998), the presence of an armed civil conflict (e.g.
variable. We then discuss the performance of several estimators Fearon and Laitin, 2003) or whether an individual is disabled or
not (e.g. Benítez-Silva et al., 2004; Kreider and Pepper, 2008).
designed to account for misclassification. We rely on a combination
Similarly, a proxy variable is often used instead of the true variable
of analytical results, simulations, and results from an application to
of interest, such as arrests or incarcerations instead of crimes (e.g.
the Food Stamp Program.
Lochner and Moretti, 2004). Another reason for misclassification
Several papers that examine misreporting in surveys have
is prediction error, for example, if some observations of a variable
found high rates of misclassification in binary variables such as
are missing and imputed values are substituted. Moreover, there is
little ex ante reason to believe that misclassification is independent
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: bdmeyer@uchicago.edu (B.D. Meyer),
of the covariates, not even conditional on the true value of the
binary variable, though it could occur if misclassification stems
nikolasmittag@posteo.de (N. Mittag).
1 Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, 1155 E. 60th Street, from coding errors or failure to link some records.
Chicago, IL 60637, United States.
A few papers have analyzed the consequences of misclassi-
2 CERGE-EI, a joint workplace of Charles University in Prague and the Economics fication for econometric estimates. For example, Bollinger and
Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1, 111 21, David (1997, 2001) and Meyer et al. (2017) examine how mis-
Czech Republic. classification affects estimates of food stamp participation and

0304-4076/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
296 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

Davern et al. (2009) analyze Medicaid enrollment. They show that is conditionally random or additional information on the mis-
misclassification affects the estimates of common econometric classification model is available. Section 2 introduces the models
models and distorts conclusions in meaningful ways. From these and discusses the bias in theory, while Section 3 examines it in
studies we know that misclassification can seriously alter esti- practice using the matched survey data and simulations. Section 4
mates from binary choice models, but we know very little about the introduces consistent Probit estimators and evaluates their perfor-
ways it affects estimates in general. This situation is aggravated by mance when misclassification is unrelated to the covariates 4.1 and
the scarcity of analytic results on bias in binary choice models. Car- when it is related to them 4.2. Section 5 concludes.
roll et al. (2006) and Chen et al. (2011) provide overviews of the
literature on measurement error in non-linear models and there 2. Bias due to misclassification of a binary dependent variable
is a small body of literature on misspecification in binary choice
models (e.g. Yatchew and Griliches, 1985; Ruud, 1983, 1986), but We are concerned with a situation in which a binary outcome y
general results or formulas for biases are scarce. is related to observed characteristics X , but the outcome indicator
Thus, the literature has established that misclassification is is subject to misclassification. Let yTi be the true indicator for the
pervasive and affects estimates, but not how it affects them or what outcome of individual i and yi be the observed indicator that is sub-
can still be done with contaminated data. This paper characterizes ject to misclassification. The sample size is N and NMC observations
the consequences of misclassification of the dependent variable in are misclassified, NFP of which are false positives and NFN are false
binary choice models and assesses whether substantive conclu- negatives. We define the probabilities of false positives and false
sions can still be drawn from the observed data and if so, which negatives conditional on the true response as.
methods to do so work well. We first present a closed form solution
Pr(yi = 1|yTi = 0) = α0i
for the bias in the linear probability model that allows for simple
corrections. For non-linear binary choice models such as the Probit Pr(yi = 0|yTi = 1) = α1i .
model, we decompose the asymptotic bias into four components.
We refer to them as the conditional probabilities of misclassifi-
We derive closed form expressions for three bias components and
cation. Additionally, we define a binary random variable M that
an equation that determines the fourth component. The formulas
equals one if the outcome of individual i is misclassified
imply that if misclassification is conditionally random, only the {
probabilities of misclassification are required to obtain the ex- 0 if yTi = yi
act bias in the linear probability model and an approximation in mi =
1 if yTi ̸ = yi .
the Probit model. If misclassification is related to the covariates,
additional information on this relation is required to assess the We consider two cases, the linear probability model and the
(asymptotic) bias, but the results still imply a tendency for the bias Probit model. For the linear probability model, E(yT |X ) = X β , so
to be in the opposite direction of the sign of the coefficient. one would like to run the following OLS regression
Next, we examine whether our analytic results help to explain
the bias found in empirical applications and whether one can use yTi = x′i β LPM + εiLPM
them to interpret coefficient estimates from contaminated data. to obtain the K -by-1 vector β̂ LPM . Using only the observed data
We conduct simulations and estimate models of food stamp receipt yields
in two unique data sets that include ‘‘true’’ food stamp receipt from
administrative data along with the survey reports. Overall, the yi = x′i β̃ LPM + ε̃iLPM .
results underscore that our formulas can be used to judge whether
The Probit model can be motivated by a latent variable yTi ∗ such
substantive conclusions obtained from misclassified data are likely
to be valid. They show that the signs of coefficients are robust to
a wide range of misclassification mechanisms and that there is a yTi = 1{yTi ∗ = x′i β + εi ≥ 0} (1)
tendency for the coefficients to be attenuated, though this result is
not expected to hold in all cases. The results suggest that in some where εi is drawn independently from a standard normal distribu-
cases one can learn about coefficient signs from the contaminated tion and β is the K-by-1 coefficient vector of interest. Extending
data. our results to other binary choice models in which εi is drawn
Finally, we evaluate six estimators that take misclassification from a different distribution is straightforward. Estimating a Probit
into account to examine whether it is feasible to obtain consistent ˆ
model using the observed indicator yi instead of yTi yields β̃ , which
parameter estimates from data with misclassification. Several such is potentially inconsistent. Little is known about the effects of
estimators have been introduced in the literature (e.g. Bollinger measurement error in non-linear models (see Carroll et al., 2006).
and David, 1997; Hausman et al., 1998), but unless the true pa- While some of the papers mentioned above propose consistent
rameters are known, it is impossible to know whether these es- estimation strategies and show that ignoring the problem leads
timators improve parameter estimates or only change them. We to inconsistent estimates, they do not discuss the nature of this
use the same data with a measure of ‘‘truth’’, and model food inconsistency. Hausman et al. (1998) assume that the proba-
stamp participation as above. If misclassification is conditionally bilities of false negatives and false positives conditional on the
random, it is feasible to obtain consistent parameter estimates true response are constants for all individuals, i.e. α0i = α0 and
from the observed data. We find that incorporating information on α1i = α1 for all i. We refer to this kind of misclassification as
the misclassification rates greatly improves the robustness of the ‘‘conditionally random’’, because conditional on the true value, yTi ,
estimates to misspecification. However, applying an estimator that misclassification is independent of the covariates X . Hausman et
assumes misclassification to be conditionally random can make al. (1998) show that under this assumption the marginal effects in
estimates substantively worse when this assumption is false. In the observed data are proportional to the true marginal effects
such cases, one can still obtain consistent estimates if validation
∂ Pr(y = 1|x)
data or a model of misclassification is available. Our results suggest = (1 − α0 − α1 )f (x′ β )β (2)
that such additional information is still likely to improve parameter ∂x
estimates even if it is not completely accurate. where f () is the derivative of the link function (e.g. the normal cdf
In summary, our results underline that misclassification can in the Probit model), so that f (x′ β )β are the true marginal effects.
lead to severe bias. Nonetheless, the observed data remain infor- As long as α0 + α1 < 1, the marginal effects are attenuated: they
mative about true parameters, particularly when misclassification are smaller in absolute value, but retain the correct signs.
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 297

If one has consistent estimates of the marginal effects in the else fixed, decreases the estimated coefficient on that particular
observed data, Eq. (2) implies that they are all attenuated pro- variable, while misclassifying it from 0 to 1 increases it. The op-
portionally, which suggests that inference based on coefficient posite effect occurs at lower values of the variable. Misclassifying
ratios may be valid. If one also has consistent estimates of the more observations amplifies this effect. The bias can only be zero in
probabilities of misclassification, α̂0 and α̂1 , one can use (1 − α̂0 − knife-edge cases in which the expression in brackets is 0. Neither
α̂1 )−1 ∂ Pr(y∂= equal probabilities of misclassification nor (conditional) indepen-
ˆ 1|x)
to consistently estimate the true marginal effects.
However, while estimating the marginal effects in the observed dence of X and misclassification are sufficient for the bias to be
data is often possible using semi- or non-parametric estimators, zero. Eq. (6) only depends on the probabilities of misclassification
we show below that using the Probit marginal effects from the and the conditional means of the covariates, so one only needs
observed data in (2) usually yields inconsistent estimates. Section 3 these quantities (or an estimate of the expectation of δ̂ ) to correct
discusses this further and examines the extent to which Eq. (2) is the bias or assess its likely direction and magnitude.
useful in practice. If the conditional probabilities of misclassification are con-
stants as in Hausman et al. (1998), the results above simplify to
2.1. Bias in the linear probability model ˆ LPM
E(β̃ k ) = (1 − α0 − α1 )βkLPM for the slope coefficients.5 So if the
true model is a linear probability model and misclassification is not
Measurement error in binary variables is a form of non-classical correlated with X , knowing the conditional probabilities of mis-
measurement error (Aigner, 1973; Bollinger, 1996). The bias classification is enough to correct both coefficients and marginal
in OLS coefficients when the dependent variable is subject to effects.
non-classical measurement error is the coefficient in the (usually
infeasible) regression of the measurement error on the covari- 2.2. Asymptotic bias in the Probit model
ates (Bound et al., 2001). Our dependent variable is binary, so the
measurement error takes the following simple form: No general result on the consequences of measurement error
in the dependent variable exists for non-linear models. We first
−1 if i is a false negative
show that misclassification of the dependent variable is equivalent
ui = yi − yTi = 0 if i reported correctly
to a specific form of omitted variable bias. We then use results on
1 if i is a false positive.
the effect of omitting variables from Yatchew and Griliches (1984,
Consequently, the coefficient in this OLS regression X (if it were 1985) to decompose the asymptotic bias due to misclassification.
feasible) would be: The results below are for the Probit model, but the extension to
other binary choice models such as the Logit is straightforward. The
δ̂ = (X ′ X )−1 X ′ u (3) true data generating process without misclassification is assumed
to be given by Eq. (1). Thus, with mi the indicator of misclassifica-
δ̂ can only be zero if the measurement error is uncorrelated with X ,
tion, the data generating process with misclassification is
which is unlikely: If a variable is a relevant regressor, Pr(y = 1) is
1{x′i β + εi ≥ 0}
a function of X . Since u = −1 can only occur if y = 1, this creates a if mi = 0
3 yi = ⇔
dependence between u and X . Eq. (3) implies that the coefficient
1{xi β + εi ≤ 0}

if mi = 1
in an OLS regression of the misclassified indicator on X , β̃
ˆ , is 1{x′i β + εi ≥ 0}
if mi = 0
β̂ LPM + δ̂ . So the bias is yi = (7)
1{−xi β − εi ≥ 0}

if mi = 1.
ˆ LPM ) − β LPM = E(δ̂ ).
E(β̃ (4) Therefore, the true data generating process has the following latent
variable representation:
The measurement error only takes on three values, so Eq. (3)
simplifies to y∗i = (1 − mi )(x′i β + εi ) + mi (−x′i β − εi ) ⇔
y∗i = x ′ β + εi −2mi x′i β − 2mi εi . (8)
δ̂ = (X ′ X )−1 (NFP x̄FP − NFN x̄FN ) i     
( ) Well-Specified Probit Model Omitted Variable
= N(X ′ X )−1 x̄FP − x̄FN (5) The first two terms form a well specified Probit, because εi is
not affected by misclassification, so it is still a standard normal
where x̄FP and x̄FN are the means of X among the false positives variable. We can decompose each of the omitted variable terms
and false negatives. Appendix A provides more details on the into its linear projection on X and deviations from it:
derivation. Consequently in expectation4
−2mi x′i β = x′i λ + νi
E(δ̂ ) = N(X X )
′ −1
[Pr(y = 1, y = 0)E(X |y = 1, y = 0)
−2mi εi = x′i γ + ηi .
− Pr(y = 0, y = 1)E(X |y = 0, y = 1)].
(6) Substituting this back into Eq. (8) gives:
That is, the bias in β̃
depends on the difference between the y∗i = x′i (β + λ + γ ) + εi + νi + ηi = x′i β̃ + ε̃i . (10)
     
conditional means of X among false positives and false negatives biased coefficient misspecified error term
where these conditional means are weighted by the probability
of observing a false negative or positive. The bias is this vector of Eq. (10) implies that the observed data do not conform to the
differences pre-multiplied by the inverse of the covariance matrix assumptions of a Probit model unless ε̃i is drawn independently
of the data. from a normal distribution that is identical for all i. While ε̃ is
Consequently, misclassifying the dependent variable from 1 to uncorrelated with X and has a mean of zero by construction, it is
0 at higher values of a particular variable, while holding everything unlikely to have constant variance and cannot come from a normal
distribution.6 Consequently, running a Probit on the observed data
3 However, if misclassification conditional on yT depends on X in a peculiar way,
X ′ u can still be 0. 5 For the intercept: E(β̃ˆ ) = α0 + (1 − α0 − α1 )β0LPM . See Appendix A for proof.
4 This assumes that X is non-stochastic. The extension to the stochastic case is 6 That they cannot be normal can be seen from the fact that the omitted variables
straightforward. have point mass at 0.
298 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

does not yield consistent estimates of the marginal effects in the elements are zero, bias from other coefficients ‘‘spreads’’ and may
observed data, so that using Eq. (2) to obtain estimates of the true reverse this tendency.
marginal effects is inconsistent. In summary, the magnitude of the first component of the
In summary, Eq. (10) highlights three violations of the assump- asymptotic bias depends on three things: all else equal, it is larger
tions of the original Probit model: First, the linear projection of if the probability of misclassification is larger, if misclassification
the latent variable is X β̃ instead of X β . Second, the variance of the comes from a wider range of X , or is more frequent among extreme
misspecified error term ε̃ is different from the variance of the true values of X . The second point follows from the fact that in such
error term ε . Finally, ε̃ is not drawn from a normal distribution cases the conditional covariance matrix is large relative to the full
that is identical for all observations. The next sections discuss the covariance matrix. The third effect is due to the covariance matri-
implications of the violation of these assumptions for maximum ces being uncentered, so if the mean of X among the misclassified
likelihood estimates of β . We start by deriving an expression for observations differs much from that in the general sample, the
the estimate of β̃ that one would obtain if ε̃ were a regular iid asymptotic bias will be larger.
normal error term. We then apply results from the literature on The second component of the bias in the linear projection stems
functional form misspecification in binary choice models (Yatchew from the fact that misclassification may create a relation between
and Griliches, 1985) to derive how parameter estimates of a Probit X and the error term. Using the standard formula for linear projec-
model differ from β̃ in a second step. tions, Eq. (9) and the definition of S from above, it is:

2.2.1. Bias in the linear projection γ̂ = −2(X ′ X )−1 X ′ S ε (13)

The first component of the asymptotic bias is the result of the γ̂ can also be interpreted as minus twice the regression coefficient
coefficients on X incorporating the linear projection of the omitted on X when regressing a vector that contains εi for misclassified ob-
terms. The linear projection has two parts that are analogous to the servations and zeros for all other observations on X . Using exactly
two bias terms Bound et al. (1994) derive for linear models. The the same arguments as above yields
first term arises from a relation between misclassification and the
covariates X . The second part stems from a relation of misclassifi- plim γ̂ = −2 Pr(M = 1)Q −1 plim N −1 (X ′ ε|M = 1). (14)
cation and the error term ε . The familiar linear projection formula N →∞ N →∞

gives While plim N −1 X ′ ε = 0 by assumption, this restriction does not

N →∞
λ̂ = −2(X ′ X )−1 X ′ SX β (11) determine the conditional covariance between X and the error
term, plim N −1 (X ′ ε|M = 1). The conditional covariance and thus
where S is an N-by-N matrix with indicators for misclassification N →∞
on the diagonal. Eq. (11) shows that λ̂ can be interpreted as minus plim γ̂ are 0 if besides the assumed independence between X and
N →∞
twice the coefficient on X when regressing a variable that equals ε it is also true that ε and M are independent. If X is independent of
the linear index X β for misclassified observations and 0 for cor- ε and M and the model includes an intercept, this bias component
rectly reported observations on X . Under the usual Probit assump- does not affect the slope coefficients. However, if the probability
tions, N −1 X ′ X converges to the uncentered covariance matrix of X . of misclassification depends on the true value yT , because the
Let plim N −1 X ′ X = Q . Additionally, we define the probability limit determinants of false positives and false negatives differ, the bias
N →∞
of the uncentered covariance matrix of X among the misclassified is unlikely to be 0. In this case, M can only be independent of X or
−1 ′
observations as plim NMC (X X |M = 1) = QMC . A typical element ε and is likely to depend on both.
N →∞
(r , c) of X ′ SX is i=1 xri mi xci , whereas a typical element (r , c) of

2.2.2. Rescaling bias
X ′ X is ′
i=1 xri xci . From the sums in X X , S selects only the xi that
The second effect of misclassification is a rescaling effect that
belong to misclassified observations, so that always occurs when misspecification affects the variance of the
error term in Probit models. The coefficients of the latent variable
1 NMC −1
X ′ SX = plim X ′ X |M = 1 = Pr(M = 1)QMC
( )
plim plim NMC model are only identified up to scale, so one normalizes the vari-
N →∞ N N →∞ N N →∞ ance of the error term to one, which normalizes the coefficients
i.e. it converges to the uncentered covariance matrix of X among to β/σε . Consequently, misspecification that affects the variance
those that are misclassified multiplied by the probability of mis- of the error term leads to coefficients with the wrong scale. In the
classification. Thus, the probability limit of λ̂ is absence of the additional asymptotic bias discussed below (i.e. if ε̃
were iid normal), estimating (10) by a Probit model gives
plim λ̂ = −2 Pr(M = 1)Q −1 QMC β. (12)
ˆ β̃ β +λ+γ
N →∞
plim β̃ = = ≡ β̄. (15)
Eq. (12) shows that the asymptotic bias from this source cannot N →∞ SD(ε̃ ) SD(ε + ν + η)
be zero for all coefficients if there is any misclassification, i.e. if One may expect the error components due to misclassification to
Pr(M = 1) ̸ = 0. Otherwise, both right hand side matrices are increase the variance of the error term, i.e. SD(ε̃ ) > SD(ε ), so the
positive definite, so lambda has positive rank, i.e. it contains non- rescaling will tend to result in an asymptotic bias towards zero.
zero elements. Thus, while some elements of λ can be 0 in special However, the variance can decrease if misclassification depends on
cases, misclassification always induces bias in some coefficients. ε . The rescaling factor is the same for all coefficients, so it does not
Multiplication by −2 Pr(M = 1) creates a tendency for the asymp- affect their relative magnitudes.
totic bias to be in the direction opposite from the sign of the
coefficient, which reduces to the rescaling effect if misclassification 2.2.3. Bias due to misspecification of the error distribution
is not related to X . This effect can be amplified or reduced by If ε̃ were iid normal with constant variance, estimating Eq. (10)
Q −1 QMC , which is due to the relation of misclassification to X . by a Probit model would yield a consistent estimate of β̄ as given
Both matrices are positive definite, so the diagonal elements are by (15). However, additional asymptotic bias may arise from het-
positive, which creates a tendency for λ and β to have different eroskedasticity or differences between the higher order moments
signs, causing the asymptotic bias to be in the opposite direction of the distribution of the misspecified error term and those of the
from the sign of the coefficient. However, unless the off-diagonal normal distribution. Ruud (1983, 1986) characterizes this bias, but
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 299

closed form solutions do not exist. Adapting a result from Yatchew biases as population summary statistics. We treat the adminis-
and Griliches (1985) provides an implied formula for the exact trative food stamp indicator as truth, even though it may contain
asymptotic bias. Taking the probability limit of N −1 times the errors, e.g. due to an imperfect match to the survey data. Given that
first order conditions of the log-likelihood function, the parameter there should be few mistakes in the administrative records and the
estimate converges to the vector b that solves match rate is high, this assumption seems plausible. Additionally,
most of the analysis below does not require this assumption — the
x′j φ (x′j b)

Fε̃|X =xj (−x′j β̄ ) − Φ (−x′j b) dxj = 0 survey data can be considered a version of the administrative data
[ ]
fX (xj )
Φ (xj b)(1 − Φ (xj b))
′ ′
with misclassification even if neither of them represents ‘‘truth’’.
(16) We restrict the sample to matched households with income less
than 200% of the federal poverty line and estimate simple Probit
where Fε̃|X =xj is the conditional cumulative distribution function and linear probability models of food stamp take-up with three
of ε̃/Var(ε̃ ), i.e. the misspecified error term normalized to have covariates: a continuous poverty index (income/poverty line) as
(unconditional) variance 1, evaluated at X = xj . Consequently, well as dummies for whether the householder is 50 or older and
Fε̃|X =xj (−x′j β̄ ) provides the probability that ε̃i /Var(ε̃ ) is smaller than whether the household is in Maryland.7 Misreporting is related to
−x′j β̄ in the sub-population with a specific value of the covariates all three variables in both surveys. False negatives are more likely
(X = xj ). Thus, it provides the probability of observing y = 1 when for higher income households, while both households in Maryland
drawing from the sub-populations with covariates equal to xj . Note and those with a head over the age of 50 are less likely to be false
that the left hand side of (16) is the first derivative of a concave positives and more likely to be false negatives. See Meyer et al.
function, so the equation has a unique solution. (2017) for further details on the data, the matching process and
If Fε̃|X is a normal cdf with the same variance for all values of the determinants of misreporting.
X , b = β̄ solves (16) so that (15) gives the exact probability limit The closed form solutions for the bias in the linear probability
of the coefficient estimate. Unfortunately, (16) has no closed form model are straightforward to analyze. The results in Table 1 for
solution and can only be solved numerically for specific cases of Fε̃|X the ACS and Table 2 for the CPS conform to the expectations
which is usually unknown. Note, however, that the unconditional from Section 2.1. The first column presents the ‘‘true’’ coefficient
distributions, Fε̃ and Φ have the same first and second moments by estimate from the matched data and the second column contains
construction. Consequently, (asymptotic) deviations of the param- the inconsistent estimates from the survey. In the simulations in
eter estimates from β̄ only occur due to a dependence of the first column 3, the dependent variable is administrative food stamp
two moments of Fε̃ on X (e.g. heteroskedasticity) and differences receipt with misclassification induced with the probabilities ob-
in higher order moments of the two distributions (so we refer to served in the actual samples, but independent of the covariates
this bias component as the ‘‘higher order bias’’). conditional on true receipt. This exercise leaves the remainder
If one has reasons to believe that the bias due to functional form of the data unchanged, so it allows us to focus on conditionally
misspecification is small (such as in Ruud, 1983, 1986), Eq. (15) random misclassification. We perform 500 replications. The factor
provides a tractable approximation to the inconsistent coefficients of attenuation in column 3 is very similar across slopes. In both
and thereby makes the asymptotic bias easier to analyze in prac- surveys, it is close to α0 + α1 as expected. The coefficient on the
tice. We find the effect of misspecification of the error term to be Maryland dummy in the ACS is an exception due to the fact that
small in Monte Carlo simulations, but the bias can become large it is imprecisely estimated and indistinguishable from 0. Column 4
if misclassification depends heavily on ε or the true value of y. shows that in the survey data, where misclassification is related to
Appendix B discusses how to further assess the likely direction and the covariates, the factor differs substantially between coefficients
severity of this component of the asymptotic bias and conditions and is different from α0 + α1 . Since the only difference in the data
under which one can expect (15) to provide a good approximation. used for columns 3 and 4 is the correlation between misclassifica-
tion and the covariates, the difference between the columns is an
3. The bias in practice estimate of the effect of the correlation of misclassification with
the covariates. This difference is presented in column 5 and in our
We use administrative data matched to two surveys to illus- case biases all coefficients away from 0. Thus, it is in the opposite
trate the applicability of the results from the previous section direction of the estimated bias in the random case, i.e. the two
and examine what can still be learned from the observed data. effects partly offset each other. Consequently, the estimated bias
Misclassification is correlated with the covariates in the matched in the correlated case is smaller for all coefficients except for the
data, but we also conduct a Monte Carlo study in which we induce imprecise Maryland dummy in the ACS. In both the random and the
conditionally random misclassification in our matched sample. correlated case, the estimated bias is always equal to δ̂ as defined
Finally, we use simulated data to assess the size of the components by Eq. (3) (results not presented).
of the bias in the Probit model in more detail. Table 3 examines to what extent Eq. (2) allows us to learn some-
thing from the biased coefficients. The first three columns present
3.1. Bias from misclassification in models of food stamp take-up coefficient ratios, since Eq. (2) suggests that if misclassification is
conditionally random, the constant of proportionality may cancel.
We use the data employed in Meyer et al. (2017): the 2001 Coefficient ratios are informative about the relative magnitude of
American Community Survey (ACS) and the 2002–2005 Current the coefficients and, if the sign of one coefficient is known, their
Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS direction. The table contains estimates of the ‘‘true’’ coefficient
ASEC) matched to administrative food stamp data from Illinois and ratios from the matched data (column 1), the average estimated
Maryland. We successfully link more than 90 percent of house- bias in percent of the true ratio from simulating conditionally
holds in the ACS and more than 70 percent of households in random misclassification as described above (column 2) as well
the CPS to the administrative data. We estimate the probability as the difference to the ratios from the survey data (column 3). If
of a household being linked and use inverse probability weight- the conditional probabilities of misclassification are known, one
ing (Wooldridge, 2007) to adjust the household weights in order can also multiply the estimated coefficients by the constant of
to keep the sample representative of the population in the two
states. We weight to make the analysis comparable to common 7 Income is also known to be measured with error, but we focus on the conse-
applications and allow the reader to interpret the estimates and quences of measurement error in the dependent variable here.
300 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

Table 1
Estimated bias in the linear probability model, ACS.
β̂ LPM β̂ LPM Bias in Bias in (4)–(3):
matched survey MC study survey Bias due to
data data (random MR) data correlation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0018 −0.0019 −27.94% 5.56% 33.50%
(0.0001) (0.0001)
Age≥50 −0.1166 −0.1046 −28.93% −10.29% 18.64%
(0.0145) (0.0133)
Maryland −0.0034 −0.0217 −10.03% 538.24% 548.26%
(0.0157) (0.0141)
Note: Sample size: 5945 matched households from IL and MD with income less than 200% of the federal poverty line.
All analyses include a constant term (not reported) and are conducted using household weights adjusted for match
probability. All estimated biases are in % of the coefficient from the matched data. The first two columns report OLS
coefficients using FS receipt according to the administrative data (column 1) and according to survey reports (column
2) as the dependent variable. In the MC design in column 3, the dependent variable is administrative FS receipt
with misreporting induced with the misreporting probabilities observed in the actual sample (Pr(FP)=0.02374 and
Pr(FN)=0.2596), but independent of the covariates conditional on true receipt. 500 replications are performed and we
report the average bias in %.

Table 2
Estimated bias in the linear probability model, CPS.
β̂ LPM β̂ LPM Bias in Bias in (4)-(3):
matched survey MC study survey Bias due to
Data Data (random MR) Data correlation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0023 −0.0021 −42.18% −8.70% 33.48%
(0.0002) (0.0001)
Age≥50 −0.1264 −0.0985 −41.79% −22.07% 19.72%
(0.0174) (0.0151)
Maryland −0.0937 −0.0706 −42.60% −24.65% 17.95%
(0.0184) (0.0156)
Note: Sample size: 2791 matched households from IL and MD with income less than 200% of the federal poverty line.
All analyses include a constant term (not reported) and are conducted using household weights adjusted for match
probability. All estimated biases are in % of the coefficient from the matched data. The first two columns report OLS
coefficients using FS receipt according to the administrative data (column 1) and according to survey reports (column
2) as the dependent variable. In the MC design in column 3, the dependent variable is administrative FS receipt
with misreporting induced with the misreporting probabilities observed in the actual sample (Pr(FP)=0.03271 and
Pr(FN)=0.3907), but independent of the covariates conditional on true receipt. 500 replications are performed and we
report the average bias in %.

Table 3
What can be learned from survey coefficients, Linear Probability Model.
Coefficient ratios Bias rescaled
(relative to age coefficient) marginal effects
Matched Bias in Bias in in MC in
data MC study survey study survey
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index 0.0154 1.41% 17.67% 0.37% 36.84%
Age≥50 – – – −0.85% 39.48%
Maryland 0.0292 12.82% 611.46% 25.95% 39.63%
Poverty index 0.0182 3.51% 17.17% −0.29% 71.43%
Age≥50 – – – 0.97% 73.50%
Maryland 0.7413 5.56% −3.31% −0.44% 73.51%
Note: See notes to Tables 1 and 2.

proportionality, (1 − α0 − α1 )−1 to obtain estimates of the true fails. As we have seen above, the correlation of misclassification
coefficients. The last two columns examine whether this reduces with the covariates partly offsets the attenuation effect in our
the bias in simulations where misclassification is conditionally application, so that the rescaling factor under the assumption of
random (column 4) and in the estimates from the survey data, no correlation induces an upward bias.
where misclassification is related to the covariates (column 5). We perform the same analyses for the Probit models and
Columns 2 and 5 show that if misclassification is indeed not related present the results in Tables 4–6. The third column of Tables 4 and
to the covariates, ratios and scaled up coefficients indicate the right 5 shows that, as in the linear probability model, coefficients are
relative magnitudes and signs of the true parameters. However, a attenuated by a similar factor if misclassification is conditionally
small difference remains for all coefficients, which becomes sizable random and the coefficient is reasonably precisely estimated. The
for imprecisely estimated coefficients. As one would expect, the re- factor of attenuation is different from α0 + α1 , because coefficients
sults in columns 3 and 5 show that both approaches perform poorly and marginal effects are not equal in the Probit model. As discussed
if the assumption that misclassification is conditionally random above, Eq. (2) does not apply to Probit estimates due to the higher
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 301

Table 4
Estimated bias in the probit model, ACS.
β̂ β̂ Bias in Bias in (4)-(3):
matched survey MC study survey Bias due to
data data (random MR) data correlation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0060 −0.0071 −20.51% 18.33% 38.84%
(0.0004) (0.0005)
Age≥50 −0.4062 −0.4167 −22.15% 2.58% 24.74%
(0.0512) (0.0543)
Maryland −0.0187 −0.0978 −9.08% 422.99% 432.07%
(0.0548) (0.0582)
Note: Sample size: 5945 matched households from IL and MD with income less than 200% of the federal poverty line.
All analyses include a constant term (not reported) and are conducted using household weights adjusted for match
probability. All biases are in % of the coefficient from the matched data. The first two columns report Probit coefficients
using FS receipt according to the administrative data (column 1) and according to survey reports (column 2) as the
dependent variable. In the MC design in column 3, the dependent variable is administrative FS receipt with misreporting
induced with the misreporting probabilities observed in the actual sample (Pr(FP)=0.02374 and Pr(FN)=0.2596), but
independent of the covariates conditional on true receipt. 500 replications are performed and we report the average
bias in %.

Table 5
Estimated bias in the probit model, CPS.
β̂ β̂ Bias in Bias in (4)-(3):
matched survey MC study survey Bias due to
data data (random MR) Data correlation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0074 −0.0083 −32.47% 12.16% 44.63%
(0.0005) (0.0006)
Age≥50 −0.4297 −0.3992 −32.17% −7.10% 25.07%
(0.0614) (0.0682)
Maryland −0.3338 −0.3189 −33.15% −4.46% 28.69%
(0.0736) (0.0808)
Note: Sample size: 2791 matched households from IL and MD with income less than 200% of the federal poverty line.
All analyses include a constant term (not reported) and are conducted using household weights adjusted for match
probability. All biases are in % of the coefficient from the matched data. The first two columns report Probit coefficients
using FS receipt according to the administrative data (column 1) and according to survey reports (column 2) as the
dependent variable. In the MC design in column 3, the dependent variable is administrative FS receipt with misreporting
induced with the misreporting probabilities observed in the actual sample (Pr(FP)=0.03271 and Pr(FN)=0.3907), but
independent of the covariates conditional on true receipt. 500 replications are performed and we report the average
bias in %.

Table 6
What can be learned from survey coefficients, probit model.
Coefficient ratios Observed Bias in rescaled
(relative to age coefficient) marginal effects marginal effects
matched Bias in Bias in Matched survey MC survey
data MC study survey data data study data
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Poverty index 0.0148 2.19% 15.35% −0.0018 −0.0017 1.39% 38.89%
Age≥50 – – – −0.1033 −0.1164 −0.58% 39.50%
Maryland 0.0460 9.40% 409.82% −0.0242 −0.0053 3.66% 39.67%
Poverty index 0.0172 4.84% 20.73% −0.0019 −0.0021 1.98% 73.68%
Age≥50 – – – −0.0902 −0.1214 2.76% 73.50%
Maryland 0.7768 6.32% 2.84% −0.0721 −0.0943 0.95% 73.37%
Note: See notes to Tables 1 and 2.

order bias from misspecification of the distribution of the error the bias in models of program take-up is relatively small given the
term. So, contrary to the linear probability model, this proportion- extent of misreporting in the data.
ality may not generalize to other applications. Table 6 examines the implications of Eq. (2) for Probit models.
Column 4 underlines that both the proportionality and the Columns 1–3 and 6–7 are the equivalent of Table 3, i.e. they present
attenuation only apply if misclassification is conditionally random: coefficient ratios and rescaled marginal effects. Columns 4 and 5
contain Probit estimates of the observed marginal effects in the
The difference between survey estimates and those in column 1
matched data and the survey data, since, contrary to the linear
differs between coefficients and is sometimes positive, indicating
probability model, coefficients and marginal effects differ. Contrary
a bias away from zero. It is again smaller in absolute value than to the linear probability model, using a Probit on the survey data
the estimated bias without correlation. Column 5 confirms that the does not yield consistent estimates of the observed marginal ef-
effect of correlation is in the opposite direction of the estimated fects in the presence of misclassification due to the higher order
bias in the conditionally random case, so the two effects partly bias. Nonetheless, the results in Table 6 are qualitatively similar to
offset each other. This explains why Meyer et al. (2017) find that the results for the linear probability model in Table 3: only a small
302 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

Fig. 1. MC Design 1 — Uncorrelated Misclassification (b=0).

difference remains in the conditionally random cases in columns Figs. 1–3 show the bias of the two coefficients in the left panel
2 and 6, suggesting that the bias from functional form misspecifi- and the decomposition for the coefficient on x1 into the four
cation is small here. However, both ratios and rescaled coefficients components in the right panel. Overall, the results are as expected
are substantively misleading if misclassification is related to X . based on our analytic results. The left panel of Fig. 1 shows that
Overall, the results in this section show that the results from in the uncorrelated case, the bias is the same for both coefficients
Section 2 describe the (asymptotic) bias well in practice, which (in relative terms) and always between 0% and −100%, i.e. both
makes the formulas useful to interpret estimates obtained from coefficients are always attenuated. It also shows that the bias is
contaminated data. The results in Tables 3 and 6 show that exam- not linear in α0 + α1 , which underlines that Eq. (2) is a relation
ining coefficient ratios and scaling-up marginal effects can be very between true values and not between Probit estimates. The bias
useful to learn something from data that is subject to misclassifica- decomposition in the right panel shows why this is the case: In
tion if it is conditionally random. However, one should be cautious addition to λ̂, which is linear and has a slope of −2 as predicted
with this assumption, as using results for the conditionally random by (12), there is a rescaling bias that is non-linear in the level of
case when this assumption fails can be severely misleading and misclassification.
make matters worse than if the problem of misclassification were The main difference in Fig. 2, where misclassification is corre-
ignored. lated with x1 , is that the coefficient on x1 is less severely biased. As
in the food stamp data, the bias due to correlation reduces the bias
3.2. Assessing the bias and its components in simulations from λ̂, but is not strong enough to override it. This finding does not
generalize. If the (negative) correlation is stronger, the coefficient
In order to obtain more evidence on the determinants and can be biased away from zero. If the correlation is positive, the bias
relative sizes of the bias components derived in part 2.2, we per- is more severe than in Fig. 1, so that the coefficient can change
form three simulation studies that allow us to change the factors its sign. The bias decomposition is similar to the previous case,
that cause the bias components. We generate data with a similar but λ̂ is not linear in the fraction of misclassified observations.
structure as the observed data. In particular, we generate two The difference in the rescaling bias is mainly due to its numerator
covariates (x1 and x2 ) from normal distributions with variance 1. (which is less attenuated and thus bigger in absolute value).
The mean is 0 for x1 and 0.1x1 for x2 , so they are mildly correlated. The key insight from the results in Fig. 3 is that most of the
The dependent variable is generated according to the Probit model regularities we have stressed can be overturned if there is a strong
yT = 1{a + 0.5x1 + 0.5x2 + e ≥ 0} where e is drawn from a standard relation between the covariates and misclassification. With ex-
normal distribution. The intercept a is chosen such that the mean treme negative correlation, the bias exceeds −100%, so that the
of yT is always 0.25. We generate misclassification according to coefficient changes sign. For high positive values of the correlation
m = 1{c + bx1 + eMC ≥ 0} where eMC is another standard normal the bias from λ̂ is away from zero. If the off-diagonal elements
variable. Note that misclassification is related to x2 only through in (12) are negative and large relative to the diagonal elements,
the correlation between x1 and x2 . some components of λ̂ can become positive and cause bias away
In the first two setups, we increase the level of misclassification from 0. Thus, coefficients are not always attenuated. However,
from 0% to 50% holding everything else constant. In the first setup, while not always true, coefficients tend to retain their sign and
misclassification is not related to x1 , while in the second setup b is are attenuated for a range of reasonable correlations even at a
constant at 0.25, creating a modest correlation. In the third setup, relatively high level of misclassification (30%).
we hold the level of misclassification fixed at 30% and increase b The results from the last simulation raise the question in how
from −1 to 1, so that the correlation between x1 and m increases far the patterns in these simulations are artifacts of the simulation
from roughly −0.5 to 0.5. In all cases we take 100 equally spaced setups. In order to assess this question, we conducted several
grid points over the parameter space. At each point, we draw 100 additional simulation designs, the results are available upon re-
samples of 10,000 observations and run a Probit on yT to obtain β̂ quest. Our misclassification model generates misclassification that
and on the data with misclassification (yielding β̂ MC ). We record is independent of ε , so γ̂ is zero in all three cases. However, if
the difference between the two estimated coefficient vectors (β̂ − misclassification depends on both X and ε , γ̂ becomes non-zero
β̂ MC ) as well as the bias due to λ̂ as given by Eq. (11), γ̂ as given by and behaves as one would expect based on Eq. (13). Similarly, the
(13) and the rescaling bias implied by (15): (β̂ MC + λ̂ + γ̂ )/SD(ε̂ + higher order bias is small in all three cases here, but can become
ν̂ + η̂) − (β̂ MC + λ̂ + γ̂ ). We calculate the higher order bias as the noticeable, for example when the models for false positives and
‘‘residual’’ difference, i.e. (β̂ MC − λ̂ − γ̂ ) · SD(ε̂ + ν̂ + η̂) − β̂ . false negatives differ. It becomes sizable in our simulations when
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 303

Fig. 2. MC Design 2 — Correlated Misclassification (b=0.25).

Fig. 3. MC Design 3%–30% Misclassification, Increasing Correlation With x1 .

misclassification has an asymmetric effect on the distribution of 4. Consistent estimators

ε , i.e. if the probability of misclassification for large values of the
error term in the outcome equation is higher or lower than for This section evaluates estimators for the Probit model that are
small values. This is in line with the symmetric weighting function consistent under different assumptions. What is unique about our
in Eq. (16), which suggests that symmetric deviations of Fε|X and Φ analysis is that we use the actual data for a common use of binary
may average out over the sample. choice models, and, more importantly, we know the true value of
In summary, the results in this section underline several useful the dependent variable from administrative data. We focus on the
conjectures suggested by the analytic results, which can be used to Probit model, because it is the most common parametric model
interpret estimates from data with misclassification and assess the and other maximum likelihood estimators can be corrected in
robustness of substantive conclusions. However, they also verify similar ways.8 We use six different estimators: three estimators
that there are exceptions to the regularities we find. While the are only consistent under conditionally random misclassification,
usual caution regarding generalizations from simulations and par- and three are still consistent if misclassification is related to X .
ticular cases applies, a robust finding is that slope coefficients only After describing the estimators, which are all variants of estimators
change sign if misclassification is strongly related to the covariates that have been proposed elsewhere, Section 4.1 evaluates their
or ε in particular ways: none of the coefficients in any of our appli- performance under conditionally random misclassification and
cations changes sign, and it only happens for some extreme cases in Section 4.2 allows misclassification to be related to X .
the Monte Carlo studies. In addition, one of the components of the All estimators can be derived from Eq. (7), which implies that
bias may sometimes bias the coefficients away from zero, but an the probability distribution of the observed outcome yi can be
written as:.
overall bias away from zero only seems to arise in cases where M is
highly correlated with X or ε . Thus, the coefficient estimates tend
Pr(yi ) = α0i + (1 − α0i − α1i )Φ (x′i β )
to be attenuated, i.e. lie between 0 and the true coefficient. This ]1−yi
+ 1 − α0i − (1 − α0i − α1i )Φ (x′i β ) .
is always the case when misclassification is conditionally random,
but can be overturned if it is strongly related to X . If one can rule
out such cases, the estimates can be interpreted as lower bounds 8 Section 3 shows that corrections for the linear probability model work well if an
for the true coefficients and one may be able to infer the sign of the estimate of δ̂ is available, so we do not examine corrections for the linear probability
coefficients, which is often of key interest. model.
304 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

This immediately implies the log-likelihood function of the ob- yTi , xi or both. The observations with yTi , but not xi identify the
served data: misclassification models, while those with xi , but not yTi identify
N the outcome equation in the predicted probabilities estimator. The
observations with both yTi and xi identify both the misclassification

ℓ(α, β ) = yi ln α0i + (1 − α0i − α1i )Φ (x′i β )
( )
model and the outcome model, so in principle they could be used
to estimate the outcome model directly. One may still want to
+ (1 − yi ) ln 1 − α0i − (1 − α0i − α1i )Φ (x′i β ) .
( )
estimate the full model, either because one is interested in the
The parameters of this likelihood are not identified, as there are misclassification model or because one considers the observations
2N + K parameters (two α s for each observation plus the K - in the intersection to be insufficient to estimate the parameters of
by-1 vector β ). Hausman et al. (1998) assume that the condi- interest (e.g. for reasons of efficiency or sample selection). Such
tional probabilities of misclassification (α0i and α1i ) are constants, cases often arise if a small subset of the observations has been
which reduces the number of parameters to K + 2: α0 , α1 and validated: the validated observations allow estimation of the true
β . They show that these parameters are identified due to the outcome model and the misclassification model while those that
non-linearity of the normal cdf as long as α0 + α1 < 1. We were not validated only identify the observed outcome model. We
refer to this estimator as the HAS-Probit. Their assumption that examine an estimator for this setting that we refer to as the joint
the probabilities of misclassification are constants implies that estimator with common observations. In other cases, such as those
α0 is the population probability of a false positive and α1 is the discussed by Bollinger and David (1997, 2001), observations that
population probability of a false negative. These probabilities or identify the true outcome model by themselves are not available,
estimates of them may be known from validation data or other so we also consider an estimator in which there are no observations
out of sample information. Let α̃0 and α̃1 denote such estimates. with both yTi and xi : Some observations identify the misclassifi-
Our second estimator uses these estimates in (17) and maximizes cation model and others the observed outcome model, but none
it with respect to β only. Poterba and Summers (1995) take a identify both. We refer to this estimator as the ‘‘joint estimator
similar approach to a model of labor market transitions. In our without common observations’’.
application, the probabilities can be considered known, because Several other estimators for misclassified binary dependent
they are either calculated within sample or are known from data variables have been proposed and examining their performance
on the whole population. If this is not the case, one should estimate would be an interesting extension to the evidence presented be-
standard errors as in Imbens and Lancaster (1994), because the low. Some papers consider point identification and estimation
usual standard errors are inconsistent (Hausman et al., 1998). with panel data (Feng and Hu, 2013) or in the presence of in-
Meyer et al. (2015) assume that α̃0 is small enough to be ignored struments (e.g. Hu, 2008; Lewbel, 2000). However, we do not
and calculate α̃1 as the ratio of the population weighted number of evaluate these estimators since we have neither panel data nor
people who report receipt of a program to the number of people sufficiently credible instruments. Similarly, some semi-parametric
who receive it according to administrative totals. While assuming estimators have been proposed (e.g. Hausman et al., 1998), but
α̃0 = 0 is a likely misspecification, estimates of the needed ratio misspecification and misclassification are different problems and
are often available when separate estimates of α0 and α1 are not. we focus on the latter here. Another related line of literature
Therefore, we also examine the performance of the estimator that builds on Horowitz and Manski (1995) to examine bounds in
maximizes (17) with α0 constrained to 0 and α1 constrained to α̃1 the presence of contaminated sampling. Most closely related to
estimated as in Meyer et al. (2015). All three estimators assume our approach is Molinari (2008), who derives tight bounds for
that, conditional on truth, misclassification is independent of the models with misclassified discrete variables for a broad class of
covariates. The unconstrained HAS-Probit teases out α̂0 and α̂1 restrictions on the misclassification process (see also Dominitz
from the observed binary responses, while the other two estima- and Sherman, 2004; Kreider and Pepper, 2008, 2011). Evaluating
tors constrain these parameters based on outside information. these approaches, or partial identification in general, is beyond the
In many cases, the assumption that misclassification is condi- scope of this paper. However, bounds are an attractive alternative
tionally random does not hold. One can allow the misclassification in cases where one does not have enough prior information to point
probabilities to depend on X if one can predict α0i and α1i . For identify the parameters of the model.
example, such predictions could be obtained by using the parame-
ters from models of misclassification that use validation data (e.g. 4.1. Performance when misclassification is conditionally random
Meyer et al., 2017; Marquis and Moore, 1990). As Bollinger and
David (1997) show, using such predicted probabilities in Eq. (17) We apply the estimators to the matched survey data used
and maximizing the resulting pseudo-likelihood with respect to in part 3. We begin by examining their performance when mis-
β yields consistent estimates. We refer to this estimator as the classification is conditionally random by conducting Monte Carlo
‘‘predicted probabilities estimator’’ and bootstrap standard errors simulations. In these simulations, we induce false positives and
to account for the estimation of first stage parameters. false negatives at the rate actually observed in the real data, but
The predicted probabilities estimator does not require access misclassification is unrelated to X conditional on yTi . We run 500
to the validation data used to estimate the probabilities of mis- replications. For the Predicted Probabilities estimator, we obtain
classification. If both the validation data and the data used to estimates of the probabilities of misclassification (the first stage)
estimate the outcome model are available, one could estimate the from the same sample that we use for the outcome model (the
misclassification model and the outcome model jointly. Assuming second stage). The joint estimators allow estimation with two dif-
that misclassification can be described by single index models, the ferent samples with different information, so we split the sample in
two models imply a system of 3 equations: One for the model of half randomly and use the two halves for the two samples required
false positives, a second equation for the model of false negatives for the joint estimators. With the exception of the estimator that
and a third equation for the true outcome of interest. We assume fixes α0 at 0, all estimators are consistent in this setting if the Probit
that the misclassification models are Probit models, which yields assumption holds in the matched data.
a fully specified parametric system of equations that can be esti- The results in Table 7 show that the HAS-Probit greatly im-
mated by maximum likelihood. The likelihood function is derived proves upon the uncorrected Probit estimator in terms of bias (in
in Appendix C and depends on three components. Which compo- columns 2 and 6) if one has estimates of α0 and α1 . Columns 4
nents an observation contributes to depend on whether it contains and 8 use the ‘‘true’’ probabilities of misreporting which results in
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 305

Table 7
Comparing estimators — conditional random misreporting.
β̂ Percent Bias β̂ percent Bias
matched Standard α̃0 = 0 α̃0 = .024 Matched Standard α̃0 = 0 α̃0 = .033
data probit α̃1 = .19 α̃1 = .26 data probit α̃1 = .29 α̃1 = .39
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Poverty index −0.0060 −20.51% −11.12% 1.34% −0.0074 −32.47% −18.43% 3.30%
Age≥50 −0.4062 −22.15% −14.45% −2.30% −0.4297 −32.17% −20.20% 0.00%
Maryland −0.0187 −9.08% 15.22% 13.20% −0.3338 −33.15% −24.90% 5.84%
Note: Sample sizes: 5945 (ACS), 2791 (CPS) matched households, based on 500 replications. See notes to Tables 1 and 2 for further details on the samples and MC design. All
analyses include a constant term (not reported). The conditional probabilities of misreporting in columns 4 and 8 are based on the actual probabilities; columns 3 and 7 use
the (expected) net under count as the probability of false negatives.

estimates that have little bias (with the exception of the impre- to account for misclassification can greatly improve the estimates
cise Maryland coefficient in the ACS). Sometimes only inaccurate in terms of bias. However, unless one has great faith that the
estimates may be available, such as the net underreporting rate underlying binary choice model is correctly specified, it is useful
for α1 and 0 for α0 . This means that the estimates of α0 and α1 to have external estimates of the probabilities of misclassification
are biased, but not too far off, so it is useful to know whether (even if they are slightly inaccurate). Otherwise, since the error
using them still improves the results. The results in columns 3 and rates are hard to estimate, their bias and imprecision can lead to
7 give an example where biased estimates of the probabilities of severe bias in the slope coefficients.
misclassification affect the slope coefficients.
In our case, choosing α0 and α1 to be lower than the true 4.2. Performance when misclassification is not conditionally random
probabilities leads to a partial correction: the corrected slope esti-
mates are between the estimates from the survey and the matched The assumption that misclassification is conditionally random
data. They are still substantially closer to the estimates using well- clearly fails in our data, which raises the question of how the esti-
measured administrative data than with the error-ridden survey mators perform when this key assumption is violated and whether
data, but it is unclear to what extent this holds more generally. In one can still obtain consistent estimates from the observed data
our application, the estimated bias is small when the error in the using other methods. Our matched data contains both the ‘‘true’’
assumed α0 and α1 is small and is approximately proportional to dependent variable yT as well as the misreported indicator y. This
this error. This suggests that choosing α0 and α1 between 0 and enables us to compare estimates of the true coefficients using the
their true values may lead to bias between that of the naive Probit administrative dependent variable to inconsistent coefficient esti-
and the HAS Probit using the correct values of α0 and α1 . However, mates from the survey reports that suffer from misclassification.
it is unclear whether this finding generalizes. Our estimates from We find that all estimators that are consistent only under con-
the ACS and CPS by and large support this conjecture, but also show ditionally random misclassification fare poorly if misclassification
that it is not always the case as it does not hold for the imprecisely is related to the covariates. Table 8 shows that in both surveys,
estimated Maryland coefficient. all estimates are further from the true coefficients than the naive
The results in Table 7 underline that the HAS-Probit can yield estimates. This strongly suggests that one should be cautious with
substantial improvements if misclassification is conditionally ran- the assumption that misclassification is conditionally independent
dom and one constrains the probabilities of misclassification based of the covariates.
on outside information. However, we find that the HAS-Probit Tables 9 and 10 present the results from the estimators that are
performs poorly in our application to real data when these prob- consistent if misclassification is related to the covariates: the pre-
abilities are left unconstrained. We do not report the results from dicted probabilities estimator from Bollinger and David (1997) and
the linked data, since they are too far off to be informative, but we the two joint estimators. The last two rows contain two measures
examined the problem further using simulated data and the ACS to evaluate their performance. ‘‘Weighted Distance’’ gives the av-
public use files.9 In summary, we find that the estimator works erage distance to the coefficients from the matched data weighted
well when the model is correctly specified and does not seem to by the inverse of the variance matrix of the estimates from the
be particularly sensitive to misspecification of the functional form matched data. We only use the variance matrix from the matched
of ε , such as skewness and heavy or light tails. However, we find data in order to avoid dependence on differences in the efficiency
that the estimator is sensitive to violations of the assumption that ε of the estimators. The number in the last row is the F-Statistic of the
is independent of the covariates. A possible explanation is that if X coefficients from the matched data using the variance matrix of the
and ε are related, there are surprisingly many or few ones at certain estimator in that column. This can be interpreted as a measure of
values of X . The estimator explains this as misclassification. Thus, efficiency with higher values being better. We use the coefficient
it is likely to pick up spurious misclassification, which leads to from the matched data rather than the estimates in each column
inconsistent estimates of α0 and α1 . If the probabilities of misclassi- in order to avoid confounding efficiency with estimates that are
fication are poorly estimated, the estimates of the slope coefficients larger in absolute value.10 The measures of efficiency of the joint
can be severely off. Knowing these probabilities from outside infor- estimators are not directly comparable to the other estimators,
mation fixes this fragility in our application, and greatly reduces since the sample definitions differ.
the bias even if the estimates of α0 and α1 are biased as in the MC The results show that all three estimators work well and
study using the linked data. thereby underline that a model of misclassification can serve as a
Results from the estimators that remain consistent under cor- substitute for ‘‘clean’’ data. The joint estimator without common
related misclassification in the same MC setup are as expected, so
we do not present them. In conclusion, our results suggest that if 10 As any summary measure, these two statistics measure a particular aspect of
misclassification is conditionally random, estimators that are able the performance and may not capture other aspects well. For example, the first
statistic is not a test of equality, but is the χ42 statistic of a test that the coefficients
from the matched data are equal to the values in a given column. The test statistic
9 All results are available upon request. from a test of equality may rank the estimators differently.
306 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

Table 8
Comparing Estimators — correlated misreporting.
Matched Standard HAS α̃0 = 0 α̃0 = .024 Matched Standard HAS α̃0 = 0 α̃0 = .033
data probit probit α̃1 = .19 α̃1 = .26 data probit probit α̃1 = .29 α̃1 = .39
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Poverty index −0.0060 −0.0071 −0.0188 −0.0082 −0.0094 −0.0074 −0.0083 −0.0082 −0.0107 −0.0146
(0.0004) (0.0005) (0.0019) (0.0006) (0.0007) (0.0005) (0.0006) (0.0006) (0.0008) (0.0015)
Age≥50 −0.4062 −0.4167 −0.8267 −0.4622 −0.5287 −0.4297 −0.3992 −0.3879 −0.4739 −0.6270
(0.0512) (0.0543) (0.1097) (0.0599) (0.0713) (0.0614) (0.0682) (0.0679) (0.0812) (0.1170)
Maryland −0.0187 −0.0978 −0.3187 −0.1140 −0.1238 −0.3338 −0.3189 −0.3058 −0.3604 −0.5760
(0.0548) (0.0582) (0.1137) (0.0640) (0.0757) (0.0736) (0.0808) (0.0805) (0.0977) (0.1655)
α̂0 0.0000 0.0011
(0.0000) (0.0000)
α̂1 0.6114 0.0000
(0.0233) (0.0000)
Note: Sample sizes: 5945 (ACS), 2791 (CPS), SEs in parentheses. All analyses are conducted using household weights adjusted for PIK probability. All analyses include a
constant term (not reported). The conditional probabilities of misreporting in columns 5 and 10 are based on the actual probabilities and columns 4 and 9 use the (expected)
net undercount as the false negative probability.

Table 9
Comparing estimators — correlated misreporting, ACS.
JE 1: no JE 2:
Survey Matched Predicted common common
data data probabilities observations observations
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0071 −0.0060 −0.0059 −0.0076 −0.0063
(0.0005) (0.0004) (0.0006) (0.0013) (0.0005)
Age≥50 −0.4167 −0.4062 −0.3950 −0.5086 −0.3660
(0.0543) (0.0512) (0.0530) (0.1229) (0.0615)
Maryland −0.0978 −0.0187 0.0050 0.1322 −0.0366
(0.0582) (0.0548) (0.0574) (0.1387) (0.0662)
Constant 0.0686 0.0987 0.1199 0.3088 0.1568
(0.0605) (0.0583) (0.0721) (0.1489) (0.0701)
Weighted distance 15.672 0 0.694 0.779
Precision 230.824 272.011 220.563 66.650 209.915
Note: Sample size 5945 matched households. The first stage model for (3)-(5) includes age≥50, a MD dummy, the poverty
index and its square. The model for false negatives also includes a cubic term in poverty. SEs for (3) are bootstrapped to
account for the estimated first stage parameters. All analyses are conducted using household weights adjusted for match
probability. A mistake prevented the distance statistic for column (4) from being disclosed.

Table 10
Comparing estimators — correlated misreporting, CPS.
JE 1: no JE 2:
Survey Matched Predicted common common
data data probabilities observations observations
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Poverty index −0.0083 −0.0074 −0.0070 −0.0044 −0.0070
(0.0006) (0.0005) (0.0007) (0.0028) (0.0008)
Age≥50 −0.3992 −0.4297 −0.4109 −0.3368 −0.3693
(0.0682) (0.0614) (0.0616) (0.1775) (0.0777)
Maryland −0.3189 −0.3338 −0.3733 −0.4076 −0.3347
(0.0808) (0.0736) (0.0819) (0.1958) (0.0931)
Constant 0.1892 0.4108 0.3688 0.1741 0.3454
(0.0735) (0.0723) (0.0836) (0.2462) (0.0998)
Weighted distance 27.197 0 0.318 0.481
Precision 148.198 189.154 153.357 37.682 131.888
Note: Sample size 2791 matched households. The first stage model for (3)-(5) includes age≥50, a MD dummy and the
poverty index. SEs for (3) are bootstrapped to account for the estimated first stage parameters. All analyses are conducted
using household weights adjusted for match probability. A mistake prevented the distance statistic for column (4) from
being disclosed.

observations is less efficient than the joint estimator with com- more efficient, as it is the maximum likelihood estimator.11 The
mon observations, but we cannot reject the hypothesis that it is main drawback of the joint estimator with common observations
consistent. Its lack of precision suggests that it may only be an is that it requires observations that identify the outcome model
attractive option in large data sets. Both the predicted probabilities because they contain both yTi and xi . Such observations are rarely
estimator and the joint estimator with common observations work
extremely well. The predicted probabilities estimator fares a little 11 The results for the joint estimator with common observations support this, as
better in our applications, but at least in terms of efficiency, we the SEs are only slightly larger than those of the predicted probabilities estimator,
despite the fact that the joint estimator only uses half of the sample to estimate the
have stacked the deck in its favor given that we split the sample outcome model. The SEs from the joint estimator without common observations
for the joint estimator. One would expect the joint estimator to be are surprisingly large compared to the predicted probabilities estimator.
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 307

available. When they are available, one may prefer to use only 5. Conclusion
these validated observations to obtain consistent, but inefficient
estimates of the outcome model rather than also using the unvali- In order to assess what can be learned from data with misclas-
dated observations in the efficient, but potentially misspecified full sification, we analyze common binary choice estimators when the
maximum likelihood joint estimator. On the other hand, the pre- dependent variable is subject to misclassification and evaluate the
dicted probabilities estimator does not require the linked data to be performance of several estimators that account for misclassifica-
available. It only requires consistent estimates of the parameters tion. In the first part of the paper, we derive analytic results for the
of the misclassification model, which can often be obtained from (asymptotic) bias due to misclassification when misclassification
depends on the covariates in arbitrary ways. We do so for the linear
other studies, as in Bollinger and David (1997).
probability model and the Probit model. We show that there is
An important concern for these estimators besides bias and
always bias and describe the determinants of its size and direction.
efficiency is their robustness to misspecification. One will usually
For the linear probability model, the bias formula is tractable
not be able to assess whether one has actually reduced bias by
and allows for simple corrections if the mean of the covariates
using a correction for misclassification since validation data are
among false positives and false negatives is available. For the Probit
not generally available. The results from applying estimators that model, the asymptotic bias consists of four components. We derive
are only consistent if misclassification is conditionally random formulas for three components, but there is no closed form solution
indicate that increased bias is certainly possible if the model of for the last component, which is the effect of misclassification on
misclassification is wrong. Informal evidence from using sub- the higher order moments of the error distribution. Nonetheless,
samples (such as one of the two states) to identify the mis- the results imply a tendency for the asymptotic bias to be in the
classification model suggest that neither of the estimators is opposite direction of the sign of the coefficient. With additional
particularly sensitive to minor misspecification, but the joint es- information, the formulas allow an assessment of whether this
timator with common observations seems more robust than the tendency is likely to hold in the case at hand. For example, the
predicted probabilities estimator. In the MC study where mis- covariance of X among the misclassified observations plays a key
classification is conditionally random, both joint estimators pro- role in the asymptotic bias, so additional information on it helps to
duced estimates that were closer to the ‘‘true’’ estimates from the assess the size of the bias and thereby the robustness of substantive
matched data than the uncorrected Probit estimates. The predicted conclusions. If misclassification is conditionally random, only the
probabilities estimator, on the other hand, produced estimates that probabilities of misclassification are required to obtain the exact
were further off than the survey estimates and fared worse in terms bias in the linear probability model and an approximation to the
of mean squared error than the joint estimator with common ob- asymptotic bias in the Probit model.
We then show that the bias can be substantial and that our
servations. This suggests that the predicted probabilities estimator
analytic results are useful in practice by using simulations and
may be sensitive to the inclusion of irrelevant variables in the first
models of food stamp receipt using two unique validation data
stage, which can usually be avoided by standard t- or F-tests.
sets. The formulas describe the estimated bias in the survey data
The results above show that the information obtained from val-
accurately for the linear probability model and approximately for
idation studies can improve survey based estimates considerably, the Probit model. For example, in our application, the correlation
but validation studies are costly. This raises the question of how with covariates reduces the bias, which explains why Meyer et al.
much one loses from correcting estimates based on validation data (2017) find relatively small bias. If misclassification is conditionally
from previous years, a subset of the population or even a different random, the inconsistent estimates are attenuated and coefficient
survey. Nothing is lost if the misclassification models are the same ratios as well as scaled up marginal effects are informative about
in the two data sets, but if they are slightly different the loss de- the true coefficients. However, the estimates can be misleading if
pends on the robustness to misspecification of the misclassification misclassification is related to the covariates. If misclassification is
model. We examine this issue by estimating the misclassification not conditionally random, there still is a robust tendency for the
model on the IL sample of the ACS and using it to see how well estimates to be attenuated, but it can be overturned if misclassifi-
it corrects food stamp take up in MD. The misclassification models cation is strongly related to the covariates. Thus, if one can rule out
are statistically different in the two states, but qualitatively similar, these extreme cases, one can still infer the signs of the coefficients
so one may be tempted to use them to correct estimates if vali- from the data with misclassification.
dation data are only available for some states. The results are in Finally, we examine the performance of six estimators that
line with our previous findings: The joint estimator with common account for misclassification. If misclassification is conditionally
observations performs best according to our measure of both bias random, the HAS Probit with the probabilities of misclassification
and efficiency. The joint estimator without common observations estimated from outside sources works well. Estimates of the er-
ror rates may be available from validation data or comparisons
still suffers from a lack of precision. The predicted probabilities es-
to administrative aggregates and they improve estimates in our
timator works well in terms of estimated bias (as measured by the
application even when they are estimated with error. Without such
distance metric defined above) compared to an uncorrected Probit,
estimates, the HAS Probit does not work well in our application
but contrary to the previous case it performs worse than the joint
to real data, likely because it is sensitive to violations of indepen-
estimator with common observations. All estimators work better dence between X and the error term. The estimators that assume
than the naive survey estimates in terms of the distance metric conditionally random misclassification can easily be further from
used above, so if similar data have been validated or parameter the true coefficients than the naive estimator when this assump-
estimates from similar data are available, using them to correct the tion fails. However, we show that even if misclassification is not
survey coefficients may be worth trying.12 conditionally random, it is still possible to obtain consistent esti-
mates from the observed data. This situation requires additional
information on the misclassification model, such as parameter
12 We also correct estimates of food stamp take-up in the ACS using the misclassi-
estimates from which one can predict the probabilities of misclas-
fication model we observe in the CPS and vice versa to see how extrapolating from
a different survey works. The results, which are available upon request, underline
sification. Among the estimators we evaluate, the joint estimator
that the joint estimator with common observations is more efficient than the other with common observations is not only the efficient estimator,
two estimators, but do not provide conclusive evidence on their performance. but it also performs best in our applications. However, it is often
308 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

infeasible in practice and our results suggest that the predicted function of the measurement error, U, conditional on X is
probabilities estimator is an attractive alternative. Neither estima-
Pr(U = ui |X = xi ) =
tor seems particularly sensitive to modest misspecification of the
⎨Pr(yi = 1|yi = 0) · Pr(yi = 0|X ) = α0 (1 − xi β ) if ui = 1
⎧ T T ′ LPM
misclassification model. This result suggests that if validation data ⎪
are not available, using approximate models may still improve the 1 − α0 + (α0 − α1 )x′i β LPM if ui = 0
estimates or provide a robustness check. One may often be able to ⎩Pr(y = 0|yT = 1) · Pr(yT = 1|X ) = α x′ β LPM if u = −1

i i i 1 i i
obtain an approximate model of misclassification from validation
studies in other samples or time periods or based on more detailed where the probability for ui = 0 follows immediately from the
aggregate tabulations. fact that the probabilities have to sum to 1. Consequently, the
Overall, our results show that misclassification of the depen- conditional expectation of the measurement error is
dent variable can lead to severe bias and standard results from
E(ui |X = xi ) =1 · [α0 (1 − x′i β LPM )]
linear models do not carry over. However, if misclassification is
conditionally random or additional information on the misclassifi- + 0 · [1 − α0 + (α0 − α1 )x′i β LPM ]
cation model is available, the formulas and estimators in this paper − 1 · [α1 x′i β LPM ]
can still be used to draw conclusions from data that are subject to
=α0 − (α0 + α1 )x′i β LPM .
misclassification, or even to obtain consistent estimates. This result
underlines the value of validation data to understand the nature Assuming that X is non-stochastic,13 this implies that the bias,
of misclassification and its effects, particularly since we find that E(δ̂ ), is
corrections based on incorrect assumptions can also increase bias.
E(δ̂ ) = E(X ′ X )−1 (X ′ u)
Consequently, when little is known about the misclassification
process, one may prefer to use our results to assess the robustness = (X ′ X )−1 E(X ′ u)
of substantive conclusions.

= (X ′ X )−1 x′i E(ui |xi )

= (X X )′ −1
x′i (α0 − (α0 + α1 )x′i β LPM )
Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of
∑ ∑
= (X ′ X )−1 x′i α0 − (α0 + α1 )(X ′ X )−1 xi x′i β LPM
the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
i i
U.S. Census Bureau. All results have been reviewed to ensure that
no confidential information is disclosed. We would like to thank
= (X ′ X )−1 X ′ α0 − (α0 + α1 )(X ′ X )−1 (X ′ X )β LPM
Frank Limehouse for assistance with the data and participants = (α0 , 0, . . . , 0)′ − (α0 + α1 )β LPM .
at presentations at the Census Research Data Center Conference,
The first term is the coefficient vector from a regression of a
UNCE at Charles University and Xiamen University for their com-
constant, α0 , on X , so the intercept will be equal to α0 and all other
ments. Mittag would like to thank the Czech Science Foundation
coefficients will be zero. The expectation of the biased coefficient
for financial support from Grant No. 16-07603Y and the Czech ˆ LPM
Academy of Sciences for funding during early stages of this project vector is E(β̃ ) = β LPM + E(δ̂ ). Consequently, the expectation of
through institutional support RVO 67985998. the (biased) intercept is

ˆ LPM ) = α + (1 − α − α )β LPM
E(β̃ 0 0 0 1 0
Appendix A. Derivation of bias in the linear probability model
and the expectation of the (biased) slope parameters is
Eq. (5) follows from Eq. (3) and the fact that the measurement ˆ LPM
E(β̃ 1...k ) = (1 − α0 − α1 )β1LPM
error, u, only takes three values (−1,0,1): ...k .

Appendix B. Further analysis of the higher order bias

δ̂ = (X ′ X )−1 X ′ u = (X ′ X )−1 xi ui
⎛ ⎞ We have shown that the bias in the Probit model depends on
⎜ ∑ ⎟ four components: two components due to the linear projection,
a rescaling bias, and bias due to misspecification of the higher
∑ ∑
= (X ′ X )−1 ⎜ xi · 1 + xi · 0 + xi · (−1)⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ i s.t. y =1 ⎠ order moments of the distribution function. The bias due to mis-
i i s.t. yi =yTi i s.t. yi =0
&yT =0 &yT =1
specification of the error distribution is harder to assess than the
i i
other components. If one has enough information about Fε̃|X to take
= (X ′ X )−1 (NFP x̄FP − NFN x̄FN ) random draws from it, one can simulate the exact bias or even
( )
NFP NFN obtain an exact solution of (16). In practice, however, such detailed
= N(X ′ X )−1 x̄FP − x̄FN .
N N information will rarely be available, so we discuss some factors
that influence the size and direction of the bias. They may allow
We also consider the special case when the conditional prob- the researcher to informally assess whether this bias is likely to be
abilities of misclassification are constants as in Hausman et al. small, which justifies considering β̄ − β a good approximation to
(1998), i.e. when the full bias.
Given that the left hand side of Eq. (16) is the derivative of a
Pr(yi = 1|yTi = 0) = α0i = α0
∀i. Probit likelihood, which is globally concave in b, the left hand side
Pr(yi = 0|yTi = 1) = α1i = α1 of each equation in (16) crosses 0 only once and does so from above.
By the assumptions of the linear probability model Pr(yTi = 1|X ) =
x′i β LPM and Pr(yTi = 0|X ) = 1 − x′i β LPM , so that the probability mass 13 The extension to stochastic X follows from the law of iterated expectation.
B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311 309

In the absence of bias due to functional form misspecification, it (yi , yTi , xFP
i , xi ). This sample identifies the parameters of the mis-

does so at b = β̄ . In the univariate case, this implies that if the classification equations, but not the outcome equation. The second
left hand side of (16) is positive at this point, the additional bias subsample, S2 , contains all observations that have been validated
will be positive, while the additional bias will be negative if the left and includes all variables in the outcome model, so that it contains
hand side is negative at b = β̄ . In the multivariate case, this can in (yi , yTi , xi , xFP
i , xi ). This sample identifies all parameters. The third

principle be offset for some, but not all coefficients by the fact that subsample, S3 , contains the observations used to estimate the
the bias ‘‘spreads’’ between coefficients. For the multivariate case, outcome model that have not been validated. Thus, it contains
note that (yi , xi , xFP
i , xi ), which by itself identifies none of the parameters.

φ (x′i b) Frequently, one of the first two samples will be empty. For the joint
fX (xi ) >0 (18)
Φ (xi b)(1 − Φ (x′i b))
′ estimator with common observations, S1 is empty; for the joint
estimator with common observations, S2 is empty, as in Bollinger
[ (16) ′ can be ′ interpreted as a weighted average of x′i
and David (1997).
Fε̃|X =xi (xi β̄ ) − Φ (xi β̄ ) with the weights given by (18). Conse-
Since the subsamples are disjoint and independent, the
quently, observations for which sign(xi ) = sign(Fε̃|X =xi (x′i β̄ ) −
log-likelihood of the entire sample is the sum of the three
Φ (x′i β̄ )) tend to cause a positive bias in the coefficient on x, while log-likelihoods of the subsamples. Thus, it depends on three
observations with opposing signs tend to cause a negative bias. The
weight function has a minimum at 0 and increases in either direc-
tion, so differences at more extreme values [of x′ b have a larger im-] ℓ(y, yT , x, xFP , xFN ; β, γ FP , γ FN )
pact. Larger values of x also tend to make x′i Fε̃|X =xi (x′i β̄ ) − Φ (x′i β̄ ) ∑ S
larger, because x enters it multiplicatively. The expression at each = i , xi ; γ , γ
ℓi 1 (yi , yTi , xFP FN FP FN
value of x is weighted by its density fX (x), so differences at frequent iϵ S1
∑ S
values of x have a larger impact. In summary, one can get an idea + ℓi 2 (yi , yTi , xi , xFP
i , xi ; β, γ , γ
of the direction of the bias if one knows how Fε̃i and Φ differ. If the iϵ S2
former is larger in regions where the sample density of x is high, ∑ S
|x′ b| is high or |x| is large, the bias will tend to be positive if x is + ℓi 3 (yi , xi , xFP
i , xi ; β, γ , γ
). (20)
positive in this region and negative if x is negative in this region. iϵ S3

However, knowing more about the conditions under which the Eq. (19) and the assumption that the error terms in all three
higher order bias is small could allow researchers to characterize equations are independent draws from standard normal distribu-
the bias using the more tractable formulas and scaling up marginal
tions imply the following (conditional) probabilities
effects if misclassification is conditionally random. Thus, we addi-
]yi ′ FP 1−yi
tionally conducted several simulation exercises to further examine Pr(yi |yTi = 0, xFP
i ) = Φ (xi γ )
+ 1 − Φ (xFP i γ )
[ [ ]
conditions under which the higher order bias is small. Results are
FN ′ FN yi ′ FN 1−yi
Pr(yi |yTi = 1, xFN
i ) = Φ (xi γ ) + 1 − Φ (xFN i γ
[ ] [ ]
available upon request. While the regularities we find are in line ) (21)
with our analytic results, the simulations are just case studies, so T ]1−yTi
Pr(yTi |xi ) = Φ (x′i β )yi + 1 − Φ (x′i β ) .
they may not generalize. We find that the higher order bias tends to
be small, but can become large if misclassification depends heavily The first probability is the likelihood contribution of an ob-
on ε or the true value of y, for example because the models for servation in S1 with yTi = 0, while the second probability is
false positives and false negatives differ. Both are likely to induce the likelihood contribution of an observation in S1 with yTi = 1.
asymmetries (such as skewness) in Fε̃ , which creates differences Consequently, the likelihood contribution of an observation from
between Fε̃|X and Φ that are unlikely to even out over the sample. S1 is
Appendix C. Likelihood of the joint estimators ℓi 1 (yi , yTi , xFP
i , xi ; γ , γ

i γ ) + (1 − yi ) ln Φ (−xi γ )]
= (1 − yTi )[yi ln Φ (xFP ′ FP FP ′ FP

The setup in Section 4 implies a system of 3 equations, two that

i γ
+ yTi [(1 − yi ) ln Φ (xFN i γ
) + yi ln Φ (−xFN
′ FN ′ FN
describe misclassification and an outcome equation:
]yi ′ FP 1−yi This is the sum of the likelihoods of Probit models for false positives
Pr(yi |yTi = 0, xFP
i ) = F (xi γ )
+ 1 − F FP (xFP i γ )
[ [ ]
and false negatives.
[ FN FN ′ FN ]yi [ ′ FN 1−yi
Pr(yi |yTi = 1, xFN (xi γ ) + 1 − F FN (xFN i γ
i ) = F ) The likelihood contribution of an observation in sample S2 is the
T ]1−yTi probability of the observed combination of yi and yTi , which is
Pr(yTi |xi ) = Φ (x′i β )yi + 1 − Φ (x′i β ) .
Pr(yi , yTi |xi , xFP
i , xi )
The first equation gives the model for false positives, which depend {
on covariates X FP through the parameters γ FP and the link function Pr(yi |yTi = 0, xFP T
i ) Pr(yi = 0|xi ) if yTi = 0
F FP . Similarly, the second equation gives the model for false nega- Pr(yi yTi | = 1, xFN T
i ) Pr(yi = 1|xi ) if yTi = 1.
tives and the third equation the model for the true outcome of in-
terest, which depends on the parameters of interest, β . We assume Using the probabilities from (21) yields the likelihood contribution
that the misclassification models are Probit models, i.e. F FP and of an observation from sample S2 :
F FN are standard normal cumulative distribution functions. This S
assumption yields a fully specified parametric system of equations
ℓi 2 (yi , yTi , x, xFP
i , xi ; β, γ , γ
= (1 − yi ) ln [yi Φ (xi γ ) + (1 − yi )Φ (−xFP
i γ )]Φ (−xi β )
′ FP ′
( )
that can be estimated by maximum likelihood.
As discussed in Section 4, the sample can be divided into three + yTi ln [(1 − yi )Φ (xFN i γ i γ
) + yi Φ (−xFN )]Φ (x′i β ) .
′ FN ′ FN
( )
disjoint subsamples
] [ according to
] whether an observation contains
yi , yTi , xFP
i , xi , yi , xi , xFP
i , xi
Eq. (21) defines the probabilities of false positives as α0i =
or both. The first subsample, S1
i γ ) and of false negatives as α1i = Φ (xi γ
Φ (xFP ′ FP FN ′ FN
contains observations that are in the validation data, but not in ). Using these
the data used to identify the outcome model and thus contains probabilities of misclassification in Eq. (17) yields the contribution
310 B.D. Meyer, N. Mittag / Journal of Econometrics 200 (2017) 295–311

of an observation from S3 : the parameters of the outcome model, β . It also shows that obser-
S3 vations in S3 contribute to the identification of the parameters of
ℓ i (yi , ,
xi xFP
i ,
i ; β, γ , γ
false positives and false negatives even though these observations
= yi ln[ Φ (xFP
′ FP
γ) i γ ) − Φ (xi γ
+ (1 − Φ (xFP ′ FP FN ′ FN
))Φ (x′i β )] only contain information on the observed dependent variable.
i γ )
+ (1 − yi ) ln [1 − Φ (xFP ′ FP

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