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Standard citation of Thomas??? Aristotle???

Book and chapter for all Aristotle citations
p. 4
Albert the Great, Elenchorum Sophisticorum, Liber II, Tractatus V, Caput III, in Opera Omnia, v. 2, ed.
Borgnet (Paris, 1890) p. 711
Thomas Aquinas, Sententia Ethic., lib. 10 l. 10 n. 17 (hereafter, SE)
Metaphysics, 1.1 (hereafter, M)
Thomas Aquinas, Super De causis, pr (hereafter, SC)
p. 5
Thomas Aquinas, Expositio Posteriorum, lib. 1 l. 2 n. 5 (hereafter, EP)
Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, 87a.38 (hereafter, PA)
Armand A. Maurer C.S.B., “The Unity of a Science: St. Thomas and the Nominalists”, in St. Thomas Aquinas
1274-1974 Commemorative Studies, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto: 1974, p. 269-291,
285 (hereafter, “Unity”)
p. 6
Ockham, In I Sent. d. 2, q. 4; II (St. Bonaventure, New York 1967) p. 134, qtd. in “Unity”, p. 281-2
Ockham, Prologue to the Expositio super viii libros Physicorum, qtd. in Armand Maurer C.S.B., “Ockham's Conception
of the Unity of Science”, in Medieval Studies, v. 20 (January 1958): p. 98-112, 101

Ockham, In I Sent. Prol. q. 1, qtd. in “Unity”, p. 284

Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Tr. N.K. Smith, Macmillan (London) 1950: B xvi, p. 22
p. 7
Guillelmus De Ockham, Expositio in Libros Physicorum Aristotelis: Prologus et Libri I-III, in Opera
Philosophica, v. IV, The Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University (St. Bonaventure, N.Y.) 1985: p. 9-
Sententia Ethic., lib. 6 l. 3 n. 8 SE
Summa Theologiae, Ia-IIae q. 54 a. 4 ad 3 (hereafter, ST)
p. 8
Thomas Aquinas, De Veritate, q. 24 a. 4 ad 9
Thomas Aquinas, Sentencia De sensu, tr. 1 l. 1 n. 1
Unity, 270
p. 9
Sententia Metaphysicae, pr. SE
Summa Theologiae Ia-IIae q. 54 a. 4 ad 3 ST
in Thomas Aquinas, Opera Omnia, ed. Leonine Commission, Tomus Sextus, Propaganda Fide (Roma) 1891:
Ia IIae q. 54 a. 4, Commentaria, VIII, p. 346-7
Summa Theologiae pr. ST
Summa Theologiae Iª q. 1 a. 1 co. ST
M.-D. Chenu, O.P., Toward Understanding Saint Thomas, Tr. A.-M. Landry, O.P., and D. Hughes, O.P.,
Regenery Co. (Chicago) 1964: p. 215
Doig p. 226-227
Thomas Aquinas, Contra Gentiles, lib. 1 cap. 12 n. 6
T. 1, c. 2, p. 10 Avicenna Latinus, Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina I-IV, Edition
Critique de la Traduction Latine Medievale, Ed. S. Van Riet, Brill (Leiden) 1977
Thomas Aquinas, Super De Trinitate, pars 3 q. 5 a. 2 ad 3 (hereafter, SDT)
Super De Trinitate, pars 3 q. 6 a. 1 co. 3 SDT
James C. Doig, Aquinas on Metaphysics: A Historico-Doctrinal Study of the Commentary on the Metaphysics,
Martinus Nijhoff (The Hague) 1972: p. 3

Joseph Owens, “Aquinas as Aristotelian Commentator”, in St. Thomas Aquinas 1274-1974 Commemorative
Studies, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto) 1974: p. 213-238
Chenu, 207-9

Chapter 1
Duns Scotus, Quaestiones Subtilissimae Super Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis, I, q. 1 ????
Steel, Carlos. 2005. "Theology as First Philosophy: The Neoplatonic Concept of Metaphysics." Quaestio no.
5 (2005): 3-21
Joseph Owens, The Doctrine of Being in the Aristotelian Metaphysics: A Study in the Greek Background of
Mediaeval Thought, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: Toronto, 1951, 9 (hereafter, Doctrine)

Aristotle, Posterior Analytics (hereafter, PA), 76b.11
Thomas Aquinas, Expositio Posteriorum (hereafter EP), lib. 1 l. 2 n. 5
Thomas Aquinas, Sententia Metaphysicae (hereafter, SM), lib. 11 l. 7 n. 3
EP, lib. 1 l. 18 n. 10
Aristotle, Aristotelis Metaphysica, Ed. W. Jaeger, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1978 (hereafter, Meta.) E 1, 1025b.11
SM, lib. 6 l. 1 n. 6

Meta., A 1, 982b.9
Doctrine, 10
Theophrastus’ On Frist Principles: Known as His Metaphysics, Tr. and Ed. Dimitri Gutas, Brill: Leiden, 2010. 5a7-10

Cf. Steel, Id., p. 7

The Goals of the Metaphysics, qtd. in Amos Bertolacci, The Reception of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in Avicenna’s Kitab al-
Sifa: A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought, Brill: Leiden, 2006; 67 (hereafter, Reception)
Syrianus, in Metaph, 58.12-15, qtd. in Doctrine, 13
Steel (id., 7)
Asclepii in Aristotelis Metaphysicorum Libros A-Z Commentaria, in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, v. 8, pt. 2, Ed.
Michael Hayduck, Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae: Berlin, 1888, p. 364

2, 9-15 qtd. in Bertolacci, “Ammonius and Al-Farabi: The Sources of Avicenna’s Concept of Metaphysics”, in Quaestio
5 (1): 287-305; 294
Steel, 5????
Avicenna Latinus, Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina I-IV, Edition Critique de la Traduction Latine
Medievale, Ed. S. Van Riet, Brill: Leiden, 1977, T. 1, c. 1, p. 4 (hereafter, ???)
Thomas, EP, lib. 1 l. 2 n. 5

Al-Kindi’s Metaphysics: A Translation of Ya’qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi’s Treatise “On First Philosophy”, Ed. A. Ivry, New
York State University Press: Albany, New York, 1974

Goals, qtd. in Bertolacci, Reception, 67

Averroes, Long Commentary on the Physics A.83, in Aristotelis Opera, v. IV, 47 F-K, qtd. in Bertolacci, “Avicenna and
Averroes on the Proof of God's Existence and the Subject-Matter of Metaphysics”, Medioevo Rivista di Storia della
Filosofia Medievale 32 (2007): 61-97; 86

T. 1, c. 1, Avicenna Latinus, Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina I-IV, Edition Critique de la Traduction
Latine Medievale, Ed. S. Van Riet, Brill: Leiden, 1977, p. 3. (hereafter, ????)

Avicenna (Ibn-Sina), Metafisica: La Scienza delle Cose Divine (Al-Ilahiyyat) dal Libro della Guarigione (Kitab al-Sifa),
Tr. Olga Lizzini, Bompiani: Milan, 2002, p. 20

Id., T. 1, c. 1, p. 5-6
Bertolacci, Medioevo Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, 32 (2007): 92-93
Id., id., id., id., ….

Aquinas, SM, lib. 1 l. 14 n. 1

See Bertolacci, id., p. 76

Aquinas, SM, lib. 11 l. 7 n. 4

Timothy B. Noone, “Albert the Great on the Subject of Metaphysics and Demonstrating the Existence of God”, in
Medieval Philosophy and Theology, v. 2, 1992, p. 31-52

Meta., K.7, 1064a.7

Aquinas, SM, lib. 11 l. 7 n. 4

Averroes, Long Commentary on the Physics A.83, in Aristotelis Opera cum Averrois Commentariis, v. IV, 47 F-K, Juncta:
Venice, 1562
PA 76b.11

Averroes, On Aristotle's "Metaphysics": An Annotated Translation of the So-called "Epitome", Ed. R. Arnzen, De
Gruyter: Berlin, 2010, p. 22

Amos Bertolacci, “Establishing the Science of Metaphysics”, in The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, Ed.
R.C. Taylor and L.X. Lopez-Farjeat, Routledge: New York, 2016; p. 194

Averroes, Long Commentary on the Physics A.83, in Aristotelis Opera cum Averrois Commentariis, v. IV, Juncta: Venice,
1562; 47 F-K

Summa Contra Gentiles (hereafter, SCG), 1.12

Long Commentary on the Posterior Analytics, A.13, qtd. in Amos Bertolacci, “Avicenna and Averroes on the Proof of
God’s Existence and the Subject-matter of Metaphysics”, Medioevo Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale 32 (2007):

Averroes, On Aristotle's "Metaphysics": An Annotated Translation of the So-called "Epitome", Ed. R. Arnzen, De
Gruyter: Berlin, 2010, p. 24


“Establishing the Science of Metaphysics”, in The Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, Ed. R.C. Taylor and L.X.
Lopez-Farjeat, Routledge: New York, 2016; p. 194


B. Alberti Magni, Metaphysicorum Lib. XIII, in Opera Omnia, v. 6, ed. A. Borgnet, Ludovicum Vives: Paris, 1890; p.

Timothy B. Noone, “Albert the Great on the Subject of Metaphysics and Demonstrating the Existence of God”, in
Medieval Philosophy and Theology, v. 2 (1992), p. 50



Aquinas, SM, Proem.

Albert, idem

Chapter 2

p. 49
De sensu 450a7


J. A. Aertsen, La Scoperta dell’ente in quanto ente, in S.L. Brock (ed.), Tomasso d’Aquino e l’oggetto della metafisica,
Roma 2004 (Studi di Filosofia, 29), pp. 35-48, p. 45

Metaphysics 983b.6

In De caelo, lib. 3 l. 2 n. 5
SCG, 1.12 co. n. 6


Commentary on the Politics, lib. 6, l. 6 n. 1184


John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, Adam and Charles Black (London) 1908, p. 208


Lectio 1, De Hebdomadibus


De spiritualibus creaturis, a. 5 co.


Duane Berquist, “The Matter and Order of Wisdom”, in Philosophia Perennis: The Journal of the Society
for Aristotelian Studies, v. 3 n. 2 (Manchester, New Hampshire) Fall 1996

Contra Gentiles lib. 1 cap. 72 n. 4


De Memoria et Reminiscentia ch. 2 450a7


Metaphysics, α.3, 995a.12


CM 7.2


On Aristotle’s Metaphysics, 3.1, 171.5

Alexander of Aphrodisias the commentary on the De Anima 81.20


Contra Gentes lib. 1 cap. 72 n. 4


Super De Trinitate, pars 3 q. 5 a. 2 ad 3 (23 instances)

ST 1a 2ae q.7 a.1 c.


ST 18. 2. c. “[H]oc nomen corpus impositum est ad significandum quoddam genus substantiarum ex eo, quod in eis
inveniuntur tres dimensiones...”

Chapter 4


Aristotle of Aphrodisias, On Aristotle's Metaphysics 4, Tr. Arthur Madigan, S.J., Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY) 1994


Cf. Contra Gentes lib. 1 cap. 72 n. 4 Contra Gentes or SCG, etc.....

Plato, Parmenides, 131.a.8


Porphyry, Isagoge, Ch. 2 (1.2.10):


Plato, Parmenides, 131.a.8


Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics, Preface, p. 6


James C. Doig, in Aquinas on Metaphysics: A Historical-Doctrinal Study of the Commmentary on the Metaphysics.

Averroes, Commentarium Magnum in Aristotelis Physicorum, 1.83

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