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WHAT IS A CRITIQUE? SUMMARY ƒ Are the article and the evidence
A critique is a paper that gives a critical Summarize the author’s purpose and still valid or are they outdated,
assessment of a book or article. main points/evidence cited that are leading to an invalid conclusion?
used for back up.
ƒ Was the author successful in
STEPS making his/her point?
ƒ Begin by reading the book or REVIEW & EVALUATE
article and annotate as you read. To critically review the piece, CONCLUSION
ask the following questions:
ƒ Note the author’s main Wrap up by:
point/thesis statement. ƒ What are the credentials/areas
of expertise of the author? ƒ Stating whether you agree
ƒ Divide the book/article into with the author.
sections of thought and write a ƒ Did the author use appropriate
brief summary of each thought methods to gather the evidence? ƒ Back up your decisions by
in your own words. stating your reasons.
ƒ Was the evidence used by the
author accurate? Give a general opinion of
Start your critique with sentences ƒ Does the author’s use and
giving the following information: interpretation of this evidence lead
the reader to the same conclusion?
ƒ Author’s name
ƒ Did the author build a
ƒ Book/Article title and source logical argument?

ƒ Author’s thesis statement ƒ Is there other evidence that would

support a counter-argument?

Taken from : http://sites.stfx.ca/writingcentre/sites/sites.stfx.ca.writingcentre/files/How_to_Write_a_Critique.pdf

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