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Name __________________ Date __________ Period________

Egg Lab – Osmosis and Diffusion

Cells have an outer covering called the cell membrane. The cells membrane
controls what moves into and out of cells. Food and oxygen move into cells through
the membrane. They move by diffusion. The movement of a substance from where
there is a large amount (high concentration) to where there is a smaller amount
(low concentration) is called diffusion.
The movement of water across the cell membrane from greater to lesser
concentration is called osmosis. Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion.


In this lab you will:

1. Observe osmosis across the cell membrane of an egg.
2. Measure the amount of water that moves across the cell membrane of an

Define the following keywords:

1. Cell membrane ______________________________________


2. Diffusion ___________________________________________


3. Osmosis ___________________________________________


Lab Procedure: (Write a brief overview of the entire experiment).

Day One

1. Obtain 3 plastic cups and 3 eggs. Label the cups “Cup #1”, “Cup #2”, and
“Cup #3”.

2. Find the mass of one of your eggs using the scale.

3. Record the mass of this egg (Egg #1) in the data table provided under the
column that says “Mass Day 1”.

4. Using the string and ruler, find the circumference of each of the eggs. To do
this, wrap the string around the widest part of the egg. Mark the
circumference of the egg with your finger, then use the ruler to find the actual
distance (in centimeters). Record this value in the table under “Circumference
Day 1” for Egg#1.

5. Place Egg #1 in Cup #1.

6. Repeat these steps for the next 2 eggs. When done, place them in Cup #2
and Cup #3.

7. Using a beaker, measure 200 mL of vinegar. Add the vinegar to Cup #1.
Repeat for Cups #2 and #3.

8. Store the eggs overnight and answer the following question.


Hypothesis: What do you think the vinegar will do to the eggs? If, then statement..

Day Two

1. Carefully rinse and dry the egg from Cup #1. Pour out the vinegar.

2. Find the mass of Egg #1 using the scale and following the same steps as
yesterday. Record the mass of Egg #1 in the data table provided under “Mass
Day 2”.

3. Using the string and ruler and the same steps as yesterday, find the
circumference of Egg #1. Record this circumference under “Circumference
Day 2.”

4. Return Egg #1 to Cup #1.

5. Repeat the above steps for Egg #2 and Egg #3 to find the mass and
circumference of each egg. When done, make sure to return each egg to the
correct cup.

6. Using a beaker, measure 200 mL of distilled (not tap!) water. Add to Cup
#1, Add 3 mL of blue food coloring.

7. Using a beaker, measure 200 mL of Corn Syrup. Add to Cup #2, Add mL of
green food coloring.

8. Using a beaker, measure 200 mL of salt solution. Add to Cup #3. Add mL
of red food coloring.

9. Store the eggs overnight and answer the following questions.


Was your hypothesis from yesterday correct? Why or why not? Explain.


What happened to the mass of the egg after being in the vinegar over night?

What substance moved into/out of the egg?______________________________

Did the substance move in or out of the egg?_____________________________

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to the mass of your egg sitting in the
water overnight?

Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to the mass of your egg sitting in the
Corn Syrup overnight?
Hypothesis: What do you think will happen to the mass of your egg sitting in the
salt solution overnight?

Day Three

1. Rinse and dry Egg #1 CAREFULLY.

2. Take the mass and circumference of Egg #1 (water) using the same
procedures you used yesterday and record it in the data table under the
column marked “Mass Day 3” and “Circumference Day 3”.

3. Find the mass and circumference of Egg #2 (Corn Syrup) and record in the
data table.

4. Find the mass and circumference of Egg #3 (salt solution) and record in the
data table.

5. Write a short description of what each egg looks like in the data table under
the column marked “observations”.

6. When you have recorded all of your data, you may throw out your materials.

7. Answer the following questions.


Was your hypothesis from yesterday correct? Why or why not? Explain.
Data Table
Mass Circum. Mass Circum. Mass Circum. Observations
Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3





1. What passive process of moving molecules is demonstrated in this lab? How

do you know?

2. What happened to the mass of the egg after remaining in the corn syrup?
a. Which substance (if any) moved into or out of the egg?___________
b. Did the substance move in or out of the egg?________________

3. What happened to the mass of the egg after remaining in water?

a. Which substance (if any) moved into or out of the egg?___________
b. Did the substance move in or out of the egg?__________________
4. What happened to the mass of the egg after remaining in a salt solution?
a. What substance (if any) moved into or out of the egg?______________
b. Did the substance move in or out of the egg?__________________

5. Which solution (water or corn syrup) is hypertonic? How do you know?

Give at least two reasons.

6. Which solution (water or corn syrup) is hypotonic? How do you know?

Give at least 2 reasons.

7. Was there a solution that was isotonic? How do you know? Give at least 2

8. Create a drawing of what happened to the egg after it was in Corn Syrup.
Label it as hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic. Use arrows to show whether
substances were moving into or out of the egg and label the substance that
was moving.
9. Create a drawing of what happened to the egg after it was in Water for the
night. Show which substance moved in or out of the egg with arrows. Label
as hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic.

10. Create a drawing of what happened to the egg after it was in a Salt
Solution for the night. Show which substance moved in or out of the egg
with arrows. Label as hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic.

11. Was there any scientific error in your experimentation?

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