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Basic Skills of Volleyball

The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without
knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right
place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in
the sport. Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need
for every game.

1. Serving. This is what always starts the game and helps to keep the game. There are
two basic types of serves. One is overhand; where the player will throw the ball in the air
first, then hit it. The second is underhand, where the server will hold the ball and swing
their other arm underneath the ball to hit it. There are a variety of other serves beyond
these basics, all which help to get the ball over the net, and get the game going.

2. Pass or reception. This is usually set up by the setter of the game. It is used in order
to take the ball and give it to the other players on your own team. They will then have the
ability to put the ball to the other side like they want to. You can either pass by the
forearm or by hitting the ball overhead.

3. Tip. A tip is used as a way to trick the other team into thinking that the ball is going
further than it will. The player will hit the ball lightly, making it go over the net but not
too far into the other player’s area so that they can’t hit it back.

4. Dig. This is the ability for a player to save the ball from hitting the court after it has
been spiked. It usually requires a player to slide underneath the ball on the court or to
dive underneath the ball.

5. Rebound. This occurs when the ball stays on one side, making the players rebound, or
take the ball back.

With all of these different hits for a ball, you will want to make sure that the players have
the ability to move freely and effectively with every move. With all of these different
hits, the players will need to connect where they want to hit the ball with the way that
their feet move. For example, a dig will require the feet to move under the body in order
to save the ball. A serve will require more balance on both feet in order to hit the ball
more effectively. This will be important to keep in mind as you are training players.

The basics of volleyball hits can lead a long way when you are working towards playing
the game. If you are finding ways to teach techniques to players, this is the place to start.
It will allow everyone to have a good chance at controlling and hitting the ball, no matter
what the set up is.

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