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Actividades de nivelación Junio 1 de 2019

Segundo periodo 2019

Grado sexto

Estas actividades tienen un valor del 50% deben desarrollarse, entregarse y sustentarlas hasta el 7 de junio después
no se recibirán, se realizara una evaluación la cual tiene el valor del 50% para quienes nivelen la nota es de 60
máximo, debe aparecer la firma del estudiante y el acudiente, se debe presentar además el cuaderno con todas las
actividades desarrolladas durante el segundo periodo.

1. Escribir el adjetivo que corresponda a la imagen y hacer 10 frases en las que se empleen 2 o más adjetivos,
recordar que el orden debe ser ( cantidad, valor, tamaño, temperatura, edad, forma, color , origen , material)

Ejemplo : My mother is a short, young and Colombian woman ( mi mama es una mujer baja, joven y colombiana)

2. Escribir en números las siguientes cifras :

a. Ten thousand ten___________________________

b. Seventeen millions five hundred and seventy three thousand two hundred and ninety

c. Eight hundred sixty two______________________________________________

d. Twenty thousand four hundred fourteen___________________________

3. Contestar en ingles las preguntas

4. Escribir en ingles estos números

a. 11.020_____________________________________________________________

b. 236.976__________________________________________________________

c. 15’891.653_________________________________________________________

d. 41.368_____________________________________________________________

e. 3’000.133__________________________________________________________
5. Escribir que hora es :

IT'S EIGHT O'CLOCK _____________

IT'S TEN PAST TEN ____________

IT'S A QUARTER PAST SIX_____________

IT'S TWENTY PAST TWO______________

IT'S HALF PAST EIGHT ______________

IT'S TWENTY TO NINE______________

IT'S A QUARTER TO FOUR _________________

IT'S TEN TO SEVEN____________________

IT'S NINE O'CLOCK_______________

Escribir estas horas en ingles americano y británico

Firma Acudiente ____________________________________________ Fecha _______________

Firma Estudiante ___________________________________________

Firma Docente _________________________________________ Fecha de recibido:__________

Actividades de nivelación Junio 1 de 2019
Segundo periodo 2019
Grado séptimo

Estas actividades tienen un valor del 50% deben desarrollarse, entregarse y sustentarlas hasta el 7 de junio
después no se recibirán, se realizara una evaluación la cual tiene el valor del 50% para quienes nivelen la nota es
de 60 máximo, debe aparecer la firma del estudiante y el acudiente, se debe presentar además el cuaderno con
todas las actividades desarrolladas durante el segundo periodo periodo.

1 Repasa el tema de preposiciones y realiza las actividades

2. Escribe el significado de las siguientes frases subraya el verbo , dibuja cada acción

a. She was at the school last Monday

b. My brother did the homework at ten o`clock yesterday

c. Some students danced into the classroom last class

d. The teacher’s Gerando classroom was too hot at midday

e. Next to the cafeteria the watchman played with some students

f. There were many doves among the green zone

g. The coordinator wrote a note into his office

h. The cat slept on the table of the house near the school

i. The chef created an excellent dish for the party

j. I met my English teacher last January

3 Busca en la sopa de letras los verbos en presente teniendo en cuenta si es regular o irregular, crea una frase con
cada uno en pasado

4. Leer , subrayar los verbos y las preposiciones y traducirlo , responder en ingles las preguntas

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are in some way smaller,
weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. Bullying is not garden-variety aggression; it is a
deliberate and repeated attempt to cause harm to others of lesser power. It's a very durable behavioral style, largely
because bullies get what they want—at least at first. Bullies are made, not born, and it happens at an early age, if the
normal aggression of 2-year-olds isn't handled with consistency.

Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 students in the United States reports being bullied at school, according to the National
Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics. In grades 6 through 12 alone, over a quarter of
students have experienced bullying. Electronic bullying has become a significant problem in the past decade. The
ubiquity of hand-held and other devices affords bullies constant access to their prey, and harassment can often be
carried out anonymously.

What kind of people suffer bullying?

What means that bullies are made, not born ?

How many people do report be bullied at school at the school?

Why electronic bullying has become a significant problem?

Firma Acudiente ____________________________________________ Fecha _______________

Firma Estudiante ___________________________________________

Firma Docente _________________________________________ Fecha de recibido:__________

Actividades de nivelación Junio 1 de 2019

Segundo periodo 2019
Grado Noveno

Estas actividades tienen un valor del 50% deben desarrollarse, entregarse y sustentarlas hasta el 7 de junio
después no se recibirán, se realizara una evaluación la cual tiene el valor del 50% para quienes nivelen la nota es
de 60 máximo, debe aparecer la firma del estudiante y el acudiente, se debe presentar además el cuaderno con
todas las actividades desarrolladas durante el segundo periodo periodo.

1 Escribir la frase que complementa cada una de estas debe tener coherencia y cumplir las normas
gramaticales de los condicionales 0, 1 2,3 :

A. If you had remembered to feed your cat, _________________________________________________

B. I wouldn’t have a back ache now______________________________________________

C. If she hadn’t invited me to that meeting , ________________________________________

D. If I won the lottery, ___________________________________________________

E. ____________________________________, I wouldn’t allow such behaviour.
F. If I were a man, ________________________________________________________
G. If I sleep on the sofa, _______________________________________________
H. _____________________________________, you burn yourself
- I would probably be still unemployed.
- he wouldn’t be so hungry now.
- I would wear colourful ties.
- If you don’t put suncream
- If I hadn’t taken so much weight,
- If he were his father
- I won’t (will not) sleep well.
- I would move to Japan.

2. Lee , realiza un resumen en inglés y responde las preguntas sobre sostenibilidad

What Is Environmental Sustainability?

BY MARNI EVANS Updated February 05, 2019 Texto tomado de https://www.thebalancesmb.com/what-is-sustainability-3157876

Many people wonder about the meanings of environmental buzzwords, namely sustainability; what is it? How does
it affect our planet and conservation efforts?

In essence, to sustain is to continue our capacity to live life on this planet — to endure — but because that
definition doesn't quite encompass the full meaning behind environmental sustainability, it's important to look at
the ways different organizations and experts view the topic.

Sustainability in a Nutshell

A walk on the beach or a hike in the woods are reminders that our forests, coral reefs, and even our deserts and act
as examples of sustainable systems. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are all regenerated and redistributed in invisible
chemical cycles throughout the world’s living (and not-so-living) systems, sustaining and adapting life since it first

Governments, industry, non-profits, and environmental agencies all have different definitions of environmental
sustainability and approaches to the issue. Generally, there are three definitions of the practice.

Definition No.1: Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.

This is the definition of sustainability as created by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and
Development. While it is not universally accepted, the UN's definition is pretty standard and has been expanded
over the years to include perspectives on human needs and well-being (including non-economic variables, such as
education and health, clean air and water, and the protection of natural beauty). It is clear that the potential of our
long-term viability of well being on this planet has to do with our maintenance of the natural world and its natural

Definition, No.2: Sustainability is the capacity to improve the quality of human life while living within the carrying
capacity of the Earth’s supporting eco-systems.This definition has been provided by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the work of which is driven by the fact that global production and consumption
patterns are destroying nature at persistent and dangerously high rates. As populations have increased and we
have relied on the earth's natural resources such as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas and so on, the earth's natural
ecosystems and creatures (from birds to insects to mammals) have declined. We have changed the sacred balance
of nature as environmentalist David Suzuki puts it, which has had a negative impact on both humans and other
living systems.

Definition, No.3: Sustainability is about stabilizing the currently disruptive relationship between earth’s two most
complex systems—human culture and the living world. This definition of sustainability was provided by
environmentalist Paul Hawken, who has written about the realization (and the science behind it) that we are using
and destroying the earth's resources faster then they can be regenerated and replenished.


a. What Can Be Done?

b. What if we, as an evolutionary species, changed the way we live, love, learn and conduct business on this
c. Is it possible to utilize business as the catalyzing force behind this change?
d. What if we acknowledge that financial success can be tied to ecological and societal success and the inverse as
e. .How can you help in the school and at your home?
3. Realiza el siguiente Proyecto en un moro del colegio y presentalo sustentando materiales y pasos en ingles

Muro de botellas recicladas

 Botellas de dos litros de refresco, vacías y limpias
 Tijeras
 Cuerda o alambre fino
 Juntas metálicas (las consigues en ferreterías)
 Tornillos de gancho
 Taladro
 Tierra
Recorta rectángulos a lo largo de las botellas y hazles dos hoyos paralelos de cada lado
para que pase el hilo o alambre. Fíjate en que los hoyos de abajo sean un poco más grandes
que las juntas metálicas para que las puedas atorar en los hoyos y asegurar que las botellas
no resbalen.

Recuerda hacer un hoyo pequeñito al medio de la botella para que las plantitas puedan tirar
el agua que no consuman.
Luego coloca los tornillos con gancho en la pared usando tu taladro, a la altura de la que
quieras que cuelguen tus nuevas macetas recicladas, y enreda en ellos la cuerda o alambre
de la que colgarán.

Tip: Pinta las tapas de las botellas para que no se les vea la marca y le des un toque de color
a tu muro verde.

Tomado de https://ecoosfera.com/2017/09/hacer-muro-verde-en-casa-te-mostramos-3-

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