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Chapter 10

📍 vapors- solid and liquid in their gaseous state

📍 Gases
� expand spontaneously to fill its container
� highly compressible: when pressure is applied, volume decreases

📍 Pressure - push that tends to move something in a given direction

P = F/A
� SI unit = N/m² = pascal (Pa). - after Blaise Pascal
1 bar = 10^5 Pa

📍 Force
�SI unit = kg m/s² = newton (N)

📍 Evangelists Torecelli
- invented barometer

✏ as height of the barometer ascended the height of the mercury column diminished

📍 standard atmospheric pressure - corresponds to the typical pressure at sea level

✏ pressure to support a column of mercury 760 mmHg
1 atm = 760mmHg = 760 torr = 1.01325 × 10^5 Pa = 101.325 kPa
(Know barometer, manometer)

📍 blood pressure ( measurement is torr)

� systolic pressure - maximum pressure when heart is pumping
� diastolic pressure- pressure when heart is resting
📍 hypertension- abnormally high blood pressure- greater than 140/90

📍 gas laws - expresses relationship among T,P,V, and n

📍 Boyle's Law ( Pressure-Volume Relationship)

- Robert Boyle
first to carry out series of experiment on w/c a variable was systematically changed
� volume of a fixwed quantity of gas maintained at constant temperature is inversely
proportional to the pressure
PV = constant
☝ plotting V vs 1/P obtain linear relationship

📍 Charles's Law (Temperature-volume)

- Jacques Charles
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
- proposed absolute temperature to be known as kelvin scale
Absolute zero - 0K = 273.15°C
� the volume of a fixed amount of gas maintained at constant pressure is directly proportional
to its absolute temperature
V/T = constant

📍Avogadro's law (Quantity-volume)

- Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (adventurer) and Amedeo Avogadro
� Gay-Lussac observed the law of combining volumes
� Amedeo Avogadro interpreted Gay-Lussac's observation

� Avogadro's hypothesis: Equal volume of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain
equal numbers of molecules
� Avogadro's law: the volume of gas maintained at constant temperature and pressure is
directly proportional to the number of moles of the gas.
V= constant × n

📍Ideal-gas equation
� combining relationship of boyles , Charles and Avogadro's law
PV=nRT, where R is the gas constant

📍 Ideal gas - hypothetical gas whose pressure, volume, and temperature behavior are described
completely by the ideal-gas equation

✏Standard temperature and pressure (STP)

0°C = 273.15K; 1 atm; 22.41L (molar volume)

📍combined gas law:

✏ density of the gas by ideal gas law equation
d= (PM)/(RT). Where M is molar mass

📍 Dalton's Law of partial pressure

- John Dalton
� The total pressure of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the pressures that each would
exert if it were present alone
partial pressure- pressure exerted by particular component of a mixture
Pt = P1 + P2 + P3....

📍 Mole fraction = n1/n2

📍 the ideal-gas equation describes how gases behave, but it does not explain why they behave as
they do,

📍 kinetic molecular theory (Rudolf Clausius)

- model to understand physical properties of gases
� explains both pressure and temperature at molecular level.
1. Gases consist of large number s of molecules that are in continuous, random motion
2. Combined volume of all the molecules of the gas is negligible relative to the total volume in
w/c the gas is contained
3. Attractive and repulsive forces between gas molecules are negligible
4. Energy can be transferred between molecules during collisions, but the average kinetic
energy of the molecules does not change with time as long as the temperature of the gas remains
constant. Collisions are perfectly elastic
5. The average kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature. At
any given temperature the molecules of all gases have the same average kinetic energy.

📍 root-mean-square (RMS) speed, u

average kinetic energy, €
€ = ½ mu²

📍 Application to the Gas Laws

1. Effect of a volume increase at constant temperature
� constant temperature, average kinetic of the gas remains unchanged
2. Effect of a temperature increase at constant volume
� increase in temp, increase average kinetic energy, increase in u
� no change in volume, more collisions with the walls per unit time

📍 molecular effusion and diffusion

RMS speed, u
u = sqrt[(3RT)/M]

📍 Effusion - escape of gas molecules through a tiny hole into an evacuated space
📍 Diffusion - spread of one substance throughout a space or throughout a second substance

📍 Graham's Law of Effusion

- Thomas Graham
� effusion rate of a gas is inversely proportional to the sqrt of its molar mass
(r1/r2) = sqrt(M2/M1) = (u1/u2)
✏ the only way for a molecule to escape from its container is for it to "hit" the hole in the
partitioning wall
✏ Diffusion like effusion is faster for lower mass molecules than for higher mass ones.
✏ collisions occur because real gas molecules have finite volumesvolumes

📍 mean free path - the average distance traveled by a molecule between collisions
✏ Real gases do not behave ideally at high pressure
✏ as temperature increased, the behavior of the gas approaches ideal gas, in general, the
deviations from ideal behavior increase as temperature decrease
📍 real gas must be in low pressure and high temp to be ideal

📍 Real molecules do not have finite volumes and they do attract one another
✏ gas volumes tend to be slightly greater than those predicted by the ideal gas eqn.
✏ pressure is less than that of an ideal gas
✏ Temperature determines how effective attractive forces between gas molecules are; as gas is
cooled, the average kinetic energy of the molecules decreases, but intermolecular attractions
remain constant.

📍 Van der Waals Equation

- Johannes van der Waals
[ P + ((n²a)/V²)] [V - nb] = nRT
Where a and b are van der Waals constant
a is a measure of how strongly the gas molecules attract each other
b is a measure of the small but finite volume occupied by the gas molecules themselves
((n²a)/V²) accounts for the attractive forces
nb accounts for the small but finite volume occupied by the gas molecules themselves

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