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 Cenogamy - Two or more men mate with two or more women in group


Social Institution - a group of social positions, connected by social relations, According to Line of Descent
performing a social role, e.g. universities, government, families.  Patrilineal - Descent is recognized through the father’s line
 Matrilineal - Descent is recognized through the mother’s line
Characteristics and functions of an Institution  Bilineal - Descent is recognized through both the father’s and mother’s line
 Institutions are purposive. According to Place of Residence
 They are relatively permanent in their content.  Patrilocal - Married couple lives with the parents of the husband
 Institutions are structured.  Matrilocal - Married couple lives with the parents of the wife
 Institutions are a unified structure.  Neolocal - Married couple maintains a separate household and live by
 Institutions are necessarily value-laden. themselves
According to Authority
Major Social Institutions  Patriarchal - Father is considered the head and plays a dominant role
1. FAMILY - The family is the smallest social institution with the unique  Matriarchal - Mother is considered the head and makes the major decisions
function or producing and rearing the young. It is the basic unit of Philippine  Equalitarian - Both the mother and father share in making decisions and are
society and the educational system. equal in authority
Characteristics of the Filipino Family  Since the family is a very important institution, education for the family life
 closely knit and has strong family ties should be part of the curriculum.
 has a strong loyalty among members  People who intend to get married should be oriented regarding their
 individual interests are sacrificed over the welfare of the group obligations so that the marriage will be successful.
 kinship ties are extended to “compadre” or sponsors  Since the average Filipino family is big, the school should teach the
advantages of small families.
Functions of the Family  Enculturation being a function of the family should pass on only worthwhile
 Reproduction of the race and rearing the young values, customs, mores, beliefs, and traditions.
 Cultural transmission or enculturation  It is not only the children who need an education, but also the parents
 Socialization of the child  Since children are the ones who suffer from broken homes, couples should try
 Providing affection and a sense of security hard to be reconciled and their parent, relatives, and friends, should help them
 Providing the environment for personality development and the growth of self toward this end.
concept 2. EDUCATION
 Providing social status Multiple Functions of Schools
KINDS OF FAMILY PATTERNS  Technical/economic - refers to the contributions of the school to the technical
According to Membership or economic development and needs of the individual, the institution, the local
 Conjugal or Nuclear Family - Husband, wife and children community, the society and the international community.
 Consanguine or extended Family - Married couple, their parents, siblings,  Human/social - refers to the contributions of the school to human
grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins development and social relationships at different levels of society.
According to Terms of Marriage  Political - refers to the contributions of the school to the political development
 Polyandry - One woman married to two or more men at different levels of society.
 Polygamy - One man married to two or more women
 Cultural - refers to the contributions of the school to the cultural transmission Characteristics of Religion
and development at different levels of society.  Belief in a deity or in a power beyond the individual
 Education - refers to the contributions of the school to the development and  A doctrine (accepted teaching) of salvation
maintenance of education at the different levels of society.  A code of conduct
 The use of sacred stories
Manifest and Latent Functions of Education  Religious rituals (acts and ceremonies)
Manifest functions of education - defined as the open and intended goals or Functions of Religion
consequences of activities within an organization or institution.  Religion serves as a means of social control.
 Socialization  It exerts a great influence upon personality development.
 Social control  Religion always fear the unknown.
 Social placement  Religion explains events or situations which are beyond the comprehension of
 Transmitting culture man.
 Promoting social and political integration  It gives man comfort, strength and hope in times of crisis and despair.
 Agent of change  It preserves and transmits knowledge, skills, spiritual and cultural values and
Latent functions of education - are the hidden, unstated and sometimes unintended practices
consequences of activities within an organization or institution.  It serves as an instrument of change.
 Restricting some activities  It promotes closeness, love, cooperation, friendliness and helpfulness.
 Matchmaking and production of social networks  Religion alleviates sufferings from major calamities.
 Creation of generation gap  It provides hope for a blissful life after death.
Functions of Schools by Calderon (1998)
 Conservation function Churches, sects and cults
 Instructional function  Church – tends to be large, with inclusive membership, in low tension with
 Research function surrounding society and tends toward greater intellectual examination and
 Social service function interpretation of the tenants of religion.
 Sect – has a small, exclusive membership, high tension with society. It tends
IMPLICATIONS TO EDUCATION toward the emotional, mystic, stress faith, feeling, conversion experience, to
be “born again”.
Education is one of the most important social institutions without which, all the  Cult – the more innovative institutions and are formed when people create
other institutions would be rendered obsolete. Apart from enlightening the masses, new religious beliefs and practices. There are three types: audience cults,
education plays a vital role in the existence of peace and stability in the society and client cults and cult movements.
promotes harmony between interrelating beings. It also promotes sound economic Elements of Religion
processes and political dispensations meaning that without education, society would Sacred - refers to phenomena that are regarded as extraordinary, transcendent, and
be in a state of absolute chaos. This means that the betterment of the society depends outside the everyday course of events - that is, supernatural.
on the quality of the education that members of that society get. Legitimation of norms – Religious sanctions and beliefs reinforce the legitimacy of
many rules and norms in the community.
Rituals – are formal patterns of activity that express symbolically a set of shared
3. RELIGION - is the socially defined patterns of beliefs concerning ultimate meanings.
meaning of life’ it assumes the existence of the supernatural. Religious Community – Religions establishes a code of behavior for the members,
who belong and who does not.
- is a group of social positions, connected by social relations,  Government
performing a social role. Family
- it can also be defined in a narrow sense as any institution in a society that - is the smallest social institution with the unique function or
works to socialize the groups of people in it. producing and rearing the young.
Social Institutions
Characteristics of the Filipino Family
Examples:  The family is closely knit and strong family ties.
Universities  The Filipino family is usually an extended one and therefore, big.
Governments  In the Filipino family , kinship ties are extended to include the
and any people or groups that you have social interactions with.  In the Asian family, a great difference exists in the roles of man and woman.
A woman’s position is in the home and society is much lower than that of man
1. Institutions are purposive. What are the functions of the FAMILY?
2. They are relatively permanent in their content. Functions of the FAMILY
3. Institutions are structured. 1. Reproduction of the race and rearing of the young
4. Institutions are a unified. 2. Cultural transmission or enculturation
5. Institutions are necessary value-laden. 3. Socialization of the child
Institutions have various functions as follows: 4. Providing affection and a sense of security
1. Institutions simplify social behavior for the individual person. The ways of 5. Providing the environment for personality development and the growth of
thinking and even acting have become largely regularized and prearranged for self-concept in relation to others.
the individual before he enters in society . Social institutions provide every 6. Providing social status
child with all the needed social and cultural mechanisms through which he can
grow socially. Kinds of Family Patterns
2. Institution, therefore, provide ready- made forms of social relations and social Sociologist classified the diff. family pattern there are:
roles for the individual. The principal roles are not invented by the Membership Residence
individuals, they are provided by the institutions. nuclear neolocal
3. Institutions also act as agencies of coordination and stability for the total extended matrilocal
culture. The ways of thinking and behaving that are institutionalized “MAKE patrilocal
SENSE” to people.
4. Institutions tend to control behavior. They contain the systematic expectations Authority Descent
of the society. Group behavior is often subconsciously fixed through constant patrialchal bilineal
repetition an where there is a need for planning, the group can easily ascertain matrialchal patrilineal
from its institutions the normal modes, trends and procedures. equilitarian matrilineal
Five major social institutions:
 Family The family may be classified in diff. ways;
 Education Accg. to structure:
 Religion * Conjugal or nuclear family
-is the primary or elementary family consisting of husband , wife and -when the father is considered the head and plays a dominant role.
children. *Matrialchal
* Consanguine or extended family - when the mother or female is the head and makes the major decisions.
- it consist of married couple. Their parents, siblings, grandparents, *Equilitarian
uncles, aunts and cousins. -when both father and mother share in making decisions and are equal in
Accg. to terms of marriage, there is monogamy and polygamy authority.

3 types of polygamy EDUCATION

* Polyandry -the basic purpose of education is the transmission of knowledge. While
- where one woman is married to two or more men at the same before education was a family responsibility, along with the community and the
time. church, industrialization changed dramatically.
* Polygamy
- where one man is married to two or more women at the same The currricula, teaching ,process of evaluation and relationships among people
time. reinforce a public image to which young people are expected to aspire. His image is
* Cenogamy concerned with preserving our heritage, adapting to social change and making
- where two or more men mate with two or more women in group change happen where it is needed.
marriage. The school is a place for the contemplation of reality, and our task as teachers
in simplest terms is to show this reality to our students, who are naturally eager about
As to line in Descent; them.
* Patrilineal At home, we teach reality to children in a profound personal, informal and
- when the descent is recognized through the father’s line. unstructured way.
* Matrilineal In school , we teach reality in professional, formal and structured way. Hence,
- when the descent is recognized through the mother’s in school there is a set of curriculum which includes knowledge subjects, skills
line. subjects and enabling subjects
* Bilineal There are teachers who facilitate learning, who teach children and youth certain types
- when the descent is recognized through father’s and mother’s line. of acceptable behavior and sees to it that children develop in all aspects:
 physically
Accg. to place of residence;  Emotionally
* Patrilocal  Socially and
- when the newly married couple lives with the parents of husband.  Academically
*Matrilocal The INTELLECTUAL purposes of schooling include the ff.:
- when the newly married couple lives with the parents of wife.  to teach basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing and mathematics;
*Neolocal  to transmit specific knowledge and
- when the newly married pair maintains a separate household and live by  to help students acquire higher –order thinking skills such as analysis,
themselves. evaluation and synthesis.
The POLITICAL purposes of schooling are:
With reference to authority (who is considered head);  to inculcate allegiance to the existing political order (patriotism);
* Patrialchal  to prepare citizens who will participate in the political order ;
 to help assimilate diverse cultural
groups into a common political order and ☺ At the international level, schools act as a place for systematically socializing
 to teach children basic laws of society. students into a set of political norms, values and beliefs or for critically
The SOCIAL purposes of schooling are: discussing and reflecting on the existing political events.
 to socialize children into the various roles, behavior and values of society ☺ At the community and society level, schools play an important role to serve
 to help solve social problems. the political needs to the local community, maintain the stability of the
The ECONOMIC purposes of schooling are: political structure, promote awareness and movement of democracy, and
 to prepare students for their later occupational roles; facilitate the planned political dev. changes.
 to select train and allocate individuals into the division of labor, CULTURAL FUNCTIONS
TECHNICAL/ ECONOMIC FUNCTIONS ☺ At the individual level, schools help students to develop their creativity and
☺ At the individual level, school can help students to acquire knowledge aesthetic awareness and to be socialized w/ the successful norms, values and
and skills necessary to survive and compete in a modern society or a beliefs of society.
competitive economy and provide staff job training and opportunity. ☺ At the institutional level, schools act as a place for systematic cultural
☺ At the institutional level, schools are service organizations providing transmission to and reproduction of the next generation.
quality service, also they serve as a life place or a work place of ☺ At the community and society level, schools often serve as cultural unit
society for clients, employers and all those concerned. carrying the explicit norms and expectations of the local community.
☺ At the community and society level, school serve the economic or At the international level, schools can encourage appreciation of cultural diversity and
instrumental needs of the local community, supply quality labors acceptance of diff. norms, traditions, values and belies in diff. countries and regions
forces to the economic system, modify or shape economic behaviors or and finally contribute to the dev. of global culture through integration of diff.
students. cultures.
☺ At the international level, school education supplies the high quality EDUCATION FUNCTIONS
forces necessary in international competitions, economic cooperation, ☺ At the individual level, it is important for schools to help students to learn
earth protection, tech. and information exchange. how to learn and help teachers to learn how to teach. Also, facilitating
HUMAN/ SOCIAL FUNCTIONS teachers’ professional dev. is one of the key functions of this level.
☺ At the individual level, schools help develop students to develop themselves ☺ At the institutional level, schools serve as a systematic place for systematic
psychologically, socially and physically, and help them develop their potential learning, teaching, and disseminating knowledge, and as a center for
as fully as possible. systematically experimenting and implementing educational changes and dev.
☺ At the institutional level, a school is a social entity or social system composed ☺ At the community and society, schools provide service for diff. educational
of diff. human relationships. Therefore one of the important school functions needs of the local community.
is to provide the environment of quality. ☺ At the international, school can make an important contribution to education
☺ At the community and society, accg. to the perspective of functionalism, for the whole world
school serve the social needs or functions of the local community, support The manifest functions of education are defined as the open an intended goals or
social integration of multiple and diverse constituencies of society. consequences of activities w/in an organization or institution. There are six major
☺ At the international level, such that both the local and international manifest functions of education in society :
community can benefit in the long run. 1. Socialization
☺ At the individual level, schools help students to develop positive civic 3. Social placement
attitudes and skills to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. 4. Transmitting culture
5. Promoting social and political integration
6. Agent of change
In addition to manifest functions all social institutions, including education , have
some latent functions, the hidden, unstated and sometimes unintended consequences
of activities w/in an organization or institution.
1. Restricting some activities
2. Matchmaking and production of social networks
3. Creation of generation gap

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