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Physical Science Diagnostic Test

PART A Multiple Choice
Write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes each statement.

__________ 1. Scientists try to answer questions about the world by conducting

a. data. b. experiments. c. hypotheses. d. classifications.

__________ 2. Elements that lack most of the properties of metals are

a. compounds. b. solids. c. radioactive. d. nonmetals.

__________ 3. A ball tossed in the air falls back down to the ground because of
a. gravity. b. electricity. c. magnetism. d. friction.

__________ 4. When light hits an object, it can be

a. reflected. b. refracted. c. absorbed. d. reflected, refracted, or absorbed.

__________ 5. Electric current will only flow through a circuit that is

a. open. b. closed. c. parallel. d. series.

__________ 6. All of the choices are metric units of measurement except

a. centimeter. b. liter. c. mile. d. millimeter.

__________ 7. A mixture of salt and water is an example of

a. a solution. b. a compound. c. an element. d. an alloy.

__________ 8. A force that opposes the motion of an object is

a. gravity. b. weight. c. friction. d. pressure.

__________ 9. The state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape is
a. solid. b. liquid. c. gas. d. plasma.

__________ 10. An instrument used to measure air pressure is a

a. thermometer. b. graduated cylinder. c. barometer. d. psychrometer.

__________ 11. The loudness of a sound is measured in

a. decibels. b. watts. c. wavelengths. d. hertz.

__________ 12. A subatomic particle that has no charge is

a. a proton. b. an electron. c. a neutron. d. a molecule.

__________ 13. An unstable element whose nucleus breaks down is said to be

a. heavy. b. metallic c. a mineral. d. radioactive.

__________ 14. Force per unit area describes

a. density. b. pressure. c. velocity. d. work.

__________ 15. A measure of the pull of gravity on an object describes the object’s
a. mass. b. volume. c. density. d. weight.

__________ 16. To express velocity, you need to include speed and

a. mass. b. direction. c. acceleration. d. friction.

Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Diagnostic Test
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Diagnostic Test (continued)

PART A Multiple Choice (continued)
__________ 17. A mixture of two or more metals is called
a. a compound. b. an alloy. c. a suspension. d. an insulator.

__________ 18. The process of heat transfer through liquids and gases is
a. convection. b. conduction. c. radiation. d. condensation.

__________ 19. The tendency of an object to float in a fluid is called

a. density. b. specific gravity. c. buoyancy. d. pressure.

__________ 20. The tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion is called

a. action force. b. resistance. c. friction. d. inertia.

PART B Matching
Match each term in Column B with its description in Column A. Write the letter
of the correct term in the space provided.

Column A Column B

_________ 1. the ability to do work a. gravity

_________ 2. the transfer of heat from one object to another b. lens

_________ 3. the center of an atom c. mass

_________ 4. an object that bends light rays d. chemical equation

_________ 5. one way to describe a chemical reaction e. metals

_________ 6. describes the strengths of acids and bases f. magnetism

_________ 7. force that keeps the planets in their orbits g. nucleus

_________ 8. elements that are shiny, malleable, and good h. conduction

conductors of electricity
i. energy
_________ 9. the amount of matter in an object
j. pH scale
_________ 10. a force that makes certain objects attract or
repel each other

PART C True/False
Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the underlined
term to make the statement true. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

____________________ 1. The length of a classroom can be measured with a meter stick.

____________________ 2. Elements are made of more than one type of atom.

____________________ 3. New substances are created in chemical reactions.

____________________ 4. Copper, silver, and gold are examples of nonmetals.

____________________ 5. Objects move when balanced forces act on them.

Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Diagnostic Test
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Diagnostic Test (continued)

PART D Fill In
Complete each sentence with a term from the box.

volume properties energy simple machines compound

1. When atomic nuclei are split, a large amount of _____________________________________ is released.

2. The amount of space an object takes up is the ______________________________________ of the object.

3. Size and shape are two __________________________________________________________ of all objects.

4. Water is an example of a ___________________________________________________________________ .

5. Levers and pulleys are types of _____________________________________________________________ .

PART E Interpreting Visuals

Use the illustrations to answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the instrument being used to measure temperature? _________________________

2. Which has a higher temperature, Beaker A or Beaker B? ________________________________________

Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Diagnostic Test
Name Class Date

Diagnostic Test (continued)

PART E Interpreting Visuals (continued)
Label the parts of the wave in the spaces provided, using the terms wavelength,
trough, and crest.

3. Part A ______________________________

4. Part B ______________________________

5. Part C ______________________________

PART F Written Response

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. CONTRAST: What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? Give one
example of each. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. COMPARE AND CONTRAST: How are sound and light similar? How are they different?


3. ANALYZE: A person uses a lot of energy pushing against a solid stone wall. Will that person
accomplish any useful work? Explain. ________________________________________________________
4. ANALYZE: How does the mass of an object affect the object’s weight? ____________________________

5. INFER: As you stand on a sidewalk, the pitch of the siren on a moving fire engine is getting higher.
What can you infer about the motion of the fire engine relative to your position?


Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Diagnostic Test
Answer Key
Physical Science Diagnostic Test
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. d 14. b 15. d 16. b
17. b 18. a 19. c 20. d

1. i 2. h 3. g 4. b 5. d 6. j 7. a 8. e 9. c 10. f

1. true 2. only one 3. true 4. metals 5. unbalanced

Fill In
1. energy 2. volume 3. properties 4. compound 5. simple machines

Interpreting Visuals
1. thermometer 2. Beaker B 3. wavelength 4. trough 5. crest

Written Response
1. In a physical change, the appearance of an object changes, but its chemical properties do not change. The substance
remains the same. In a chemical change, new substances with new physical and chemical properties are produced.
Crumpling a piece of paper is a physical change. Burning a piece of paper is a chemical change.
2. Sound and light are both forms of energy. They both travel in waves. Sound waves travel slower than light waves.
Sound waves are longitudinal, while light waves are transverse. Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum, but light
waves can.
3. No; in order for work to be done, a force mustmove through a distance. Although the person will use up a lot of energy,
the wall will not move, so no useful work will be done.
4. Weight is a measure of the pull of gravity on an object. The greater the mass of the object, the more it will weigh
5. The fire engine is moving toward you, causing the frequency, and pitch, of the sound waves from the siren to increase.

Concepts and Challenges in Physical Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM

(c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Diagnostic Test

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