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Pierce Khoury pd.

Fitness Project reflection Project

The meaning of the S.M.A.R.T Goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable,

Time Efficient and its basically a guideline to a good workout plan. For my SMART goal I was

trying and did accomplish my main and overall goal of becoming stronger in the weight room. I

repeatedly moved up the weight by 10 pounds and reached my goal of weight and improved on

my cardio. After doing the same speed on the treadmill and stair stepper, it became easier and

easier every week. This was relevant to me because I play many sports and have to be in my top

physical shape for every single one of them.

Specific- My overall F.I.T.T. workout hits ever main workout. Chest/Back on Mondays, Light
Legs on Tuesdays, Arms/Light back on Wednesdays, Cardio and Flexibility on Thursday,
Push/Pull day on Friday, Light back/ Heavy Legs on Saturday, and take Sundays off. Also have
another two rest days during the week which will be scattered so its not just like Mondays and
Fridays I’m not doing.
Measurable- Everything is measurable because its all weight I can do now and achievable weight
I can get to. Also, this is measurable because it is humanly, this workout will not get me
overgrown or bigger than I want to be. This workout plan also fits with my football workout
Attainable- My goal is attainable because I have enough time to do it. Its also attainable because
I like the workout plan too. The fact that I like the plan gives me more motivation to do it and
work on achieving my goals.
Reasonable- This is reasonable because anyone could do this workout plan. They could and
would succeed the goals of this plan. Also, the workouts are not bad either, they are the
essentials of weight lifting.
Timely- Finally, my plan is timely because it does not take that long. It would only take 30 min.
max. Also, if you are on track it would take even less amount of time.
For this project during class I ran the mile under 7 minutes and did enough pushups and

curl ups there for I did not have to them again in the winter, but I still feel and know that I did

better and improved. For my mile time in in Fall I got a 6 min. and 13 second mile and both 75
for pushups and curl ups. I know if I would do them again I know I could match the time or do

better. My goal was achieved by moving up 10 ponds every week. I would not change anything

because I reached my goal and then some.

My F.I.T.T plan was basically a waste of time because I never needed it once and was

never planning on using it because I can remember and not have to write it down. Also, the

activity logs were not helpful to me basically because it just took up my time and I did the same

thing every week for cardio and just had to move up 10 lbs. every weak for weight.

I had no obstacles and or challenges to overcome because it was very simple, straight

forward. I would not change anything of course because I didn’t have any problems. Then, me

personally I did not learn anything in this project other then how to write what I did for a

workout small and neat in accouple boxes.

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