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Slide Set 3

Advancing the Baconian Scientific Project

in the Philosophical and Social Sciences
Why the entire philosophical and social sciences can be expressed in a singular
Cartesian-style noumenal two-force four-element phenomenal model.
The Two Overarching Trends of
Technology and Population Growth
Alan Buckley http://homepage.smc.edu/buckley_alan/population/worldpop.htm
The Philosophical System in thumbnails:
the Hume-Smith-V Smith/Malthusian system

• V. Smith
• Fogel chart
• http://www.divergi
• This slide set explains the need to continue the Baconian and Cartesian vision of
the philosophical and social sciences to overcome the antiscientific movement of
post-modernism and the obliteration of “objective measures and standards”
discussed by Bloom (1988) that accounts for the “fashionable nonsense” of Sokal
(1998). This slide set continues the explanation of why: (a) the Hume-Smith vs
Marx-Engels research design eliminates disconfirmed psychological, political,
economic, demographic and geopolitical hypothesis simplifying the philosophical
and social sciences in one sense; while (b) the integration of the political,
economic/demographic and geopolitical frameworks in a singular micro-macro
behavioral Cartesian style system, simplifies the philosophical and social sciences
in a second sense. In a third sense, this singular system can be expressed in a
‘two-force’ and ‘four-element’ physics style model. The system of micro-macro
behavioral frameworks explained in Slide Sets 1 and 2 explain the full range of
constructive vs. destructive behavioral dimensions of animate Beings rather than
inanimate objects, and significantly simplifies the philosophical and social
sciences to another degree.
Baconian vision of linking abstract causality to
empirical measures
• As explained in the previous two slide sets, the objective of
this project is
• to advance the Baconian scientific project in the philosophical
and social sciences to overcome the non scientific movements of
• ‘critical theory’ of the Frankfurt School and the post-modernism
of post World War II French ‘intellectualism.’
• The goal is to make the philosophical and social sciences
like physics models in terms of…
• relating abstract causal qualitative explanatory theories to
quantitative verification models and instrument measures
• to advance predictive analysis in the philosophical and social
sciences as a singular micro-macro behavioral system.
Focus on integrating the political, economic
and geopolitical frameworks first
• The opening slide sets focused on the explanation that
• the “unified theory of the philosophical and social sciences,”
• or the “unification of the behavioral sciences,”
• boils down to the integration of three macro frameworks
covering the areas of:
• political government Forms,
• economic growth/demographic proportions and
• the four category geopolitical frameworks.
The three primary macro frameworks
• Specifically, the three macro behavioral frameworks are:
• (1) Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government as the comprehensive
political framework that explains the full range of human
behaviors in terms of elite-elite rivalry and elite-mass relations
behavioral interval level outcomes; linked to
• (2) the per capita GNP ratio signifying economic growth theories
over population growth rates of change models as the economic
framework, which explains the full range of human behavior in
terms of a tight vs catastrophically loose wage labor rate dynamic;
linked to the outcome measure system of
• (3) a Four Category Geopolitical Form Model of First, Second, Third
and Fourth World countries, which explains the full range of
aggregate geopolitical outcomes.
Real World Intelligence and risk assessments
• The common theme of the macro frameworks is that
• the political (macro independent variable) and geopolitical (outcome
measure) frameworks is that
• they vary directly together via a tight versus catastrophically loose wage
labor rate continuum that account for relative equality-inequality and relative
class cohesion-antagonism spectrums.
• The economic growth/population growth proportions signified by the per
capita GNP ratio, determine the degree of relative equality and stability, that
are major factors in political risk, and PMESII, DIME and SWOT national power
assessment models.
Integrated models are superior in
predictive power
• This system is very much designed to advance real world analytical
• and the more one understands how an integrated system works in contrast to
isolated subfield arguments,
• the more inadequate the “autarkic Standard Social Scientific Model”
• (Referencing Tooby and Cosmides “The Psychological Foundations of Culture.” (1992))
First the overarching
philosophical causal architecture
• The original papers focused on the philosophical causal architecture
based on
• the Hume-Smith vs Marx-Engels research design first presented at the Society
for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics in February 2006 in
• and explained briefly in the second slide set,
• and explained in more detail in this slide set,
• and in great detail in the second slide set group.
The parallel series of frameworks
• The parallel set of empirical social scientific frameworks represents
the lateral integration of social scientific frameworks of…
• Aristotle’s Six Forms of Government to the per capita GNP ratio and the Four
Category Geopolitical Form Model,
• which is linked to the Integrated Causal Model of Tooby and Cosmides (1992)
• by sequencing post Freudian psychological subfield frameworks in series,
• required to complete the dual independent variable system.
Harsanyi (1960) criteria
• The linear description of the model in terms of disciplines is
• an instinctual drive system from evolutionary theory,
• linked to a composite of post Freudian psychological theories,
• linked to the Government Form, macroeconomic
theories/demographic statistical models,
• linked to the Four Category Geopolitical Forms Model.
• This system followed the guidance of Harsanyi (1960) to link
• evolutionary theory to psychological personality theories to explain
• and then link that to political and economic modernization and
development theories,
• to explain the interaction of the various cultures in the post Industrial
Era of global transportation and communications.
Secondly, the significance of
a ‘dual motive’ theory
• Secondly, the system of laterally integrated frameworks was
reworked to meet the “dual motive” criteria of Harsanyi
• The dual motives of
• the pursuit of self-survival and survival of the species in
evolutionary theory,
• and the pursuit of resources and mates in anthropology and
sociology, and
• the pursuit of economic gain and social status as suggested by
• are all very similar and represents the underlying human behavior
of the micro and macro behavioral sciences.
Dual Force physics models
• The significance of the dual motive theory is their relevance to making the
social sciences like the physical sciences.
• The inspiration of this aspect of the model came from
• an explanation of aeronautics models at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
• explaining Von Neumann’s role in developing the early computers at Princeton for
Aeronautics modeling.
• Aeronautics models are based on
• the two force of gravity and atmospheric density
• as they relate to the four factors of lift, thrust, weight and drag,
• as they relate to the mission specific requirements,
• and cost constraints of the aircraft based on a Pareto-style optimality of
• maximizing utility in terms of balancing the quality, cost and speed of construction
requirements of the end user.
Dual micro and macro behavioral motives
• In this case,
• the triple set of dual motives is the underlying behavioral theme of the
psychological, political, economic/demographic and geopolitical
• where the three macro frameworks of politics, economics/demography and
the geopolitical model,
• all vary directly with economic growth/population growth proportions of the
dependent variable.
Dual motives and the
four element PCGNP ratio
• This relationship makes it possible to
• link the triple set of dual motivations to
• the four basic elements of the per capita GNP ratio of C+I+G/n-person polity
in a behavioral sense.
• The per capita GNP ratio simplification is
• the integrative element that links together the disciplines of politics,
economics and demographics
• as they directly determine geopolitical outcomes.
Harsanyi (1960)—“qualitative at first,”
“quantitative” if possible
• In terms of Harsanyi, the idea was to create
• an “integrated explanatory theory” “qualitatively” at first,
• and if possible, “quantitatively.”
• It is the per capita GNP ratio that links
• the qualitative system to existing statistical models
• that makes the quantitative aspect of a “unification of the
behavioral sciences” feasible.
• In this sense the per capita GNP ratio is
• the crossroads of the philosophical and social sciences
• and meets E. O. Wilson’s criteria of “consilience” and “complexity.”
Using empirical measures
to operationalize “philosophy”
• Eventually the idea is to use the lateral integration of the
social scientific frameworks
• i.e. the “integrative explanatory theory” of Harsanyi,
• or the “unification of the behavioral sciences” to Gintis (2006),
• to operationalize as many areas of foundational, political and
economic philosophy as possible
• as mentioned in the slide sets 1 and 2, but not explained.
Using Cartesian models to advance the
Baconian project
• Cutting to the chase, as everything is explained in detail in
the slide set series,
• this system is expressed in a system of dual continuum causal
qualitative frameworks
• in a Cartesian-style system to meet Harsanyi 1960 criteria of
creating an ‘integrated explanatory theory”
• as a “core model” of the social sciences in one sense,
• and used to operationalize as much of the philosophical landscape
as possible in a second sense.
The Ancient Greeks
• The ancient Greeks set up the University system so
• the master discipline of Philosophy could look for patterns emerging from the
information obtained by the comparative political and economic social sciences.
• The Hume-Smith vs Marx-Engels research design…
• and parallel social scientific model being introduced in this slide set series…
• merely wishes to return to the original concept of the Ancient Greek University
• In more modern terms,
• the Ancient Greeks designed the discipline of philosophy to be the joint operations
fusion center of information
• received from a multitude of subordinate operations centers and information
gathering entities.
Dual motive theories operationalizes
Being and Time as it relates to Becoming
• The bottom line is that the entire philosophical and social
• can now be placed in terms of Martin Heidegger’s two conceptual
variables of Being and [changes in Form over] Time,
• as it relates to the concept of “Becoming.”
• The two conceptual variables are operationalized by
• (1) the dual motive system and the lateral integration of psychological,
political, economic/demographic and geopolitical outcome measure
frameworks that operationalize Plato’s concept of Forms in a modern
sense, where…
• (2) the micro and macro behavioral frameworks relate to the two trends
of technology and population growth, which determine the changes in
the Four Geopolitical Forms which operationalizes Heidegger’s concept
of Becoming in terms of contemporary projection analysis techniques.
Becoming is trend projection analysis
• By laterally integrating psychological, political,
• to the two trends of technology and population growth and geopolitical
• this model links the individual, to family, and small groups in social
• to the macro areas of study making a natural progression leaving no gap in
the series of Forms.
• The entire range of foundational, political and economic philosophy…
• can be operationalized via the per capita GNP ratio based macroeconomic
theory/demographic models,
• as alluded to in Slide Set 2, but not explained.
The Baconian Project vs Post-modernism
• The system is designed to overcome the antiscientific
movement in the philosophical and social sciences as
explained by
• Tooby and Cosmides 1992, Wilson 1998, Pinker 2002 and Buss
2005 in evolutionary psychology,
• and by Allan Bloom in The Closing of the American Mind (1988),
Sokal and Bircmont in Intellectual Impostures (1997) and Stephen
Hicks 2004 Explaining Post Modernism (2004) in the discipline of
• The discipline of philosophy ceased to perform this function
• in the anti-behavioral-scientific era of post modernism,
• but can be restored with the system being described in this slide
set series.
Post-Modernism and the obliteration of
“objective measures and standards”
• To use Blooms phrasing,
• the aim of post modernism is essentially to obliterate “objective
measures and standards” in the philosophical and social
• Thus far, the post-modernist movement in the Western
University system
• has been successful in stunting the Baconian and Cartesian
project of…
• advancing objectivity through the advancement of the scientific
method in the human studies.
Meeting Harsanyi’s and Gintis’ criteria
• This system of qualitative theories meets…
• all of Harsanyi’s objectives in qualitative terms,
• and is designed to connect to existing statistical models in
macroeconomics and demography…
• to become a quantitative model in the subsequent steps as explained
in the triple trifecta project of Slide Set 1.
• In this sense,
• the model was designed to be merged with macroeconomic and game
theoretic mathematic frameworks of Harsanyi in the later steps,
• was reworked again to meet the five criteria of Gintis 2009 of: “(a)
gene-culture coevolution, (b) sociopsychological theory of norms, (c)
game theory, (d) the rational actor model and (e) complexity theory. “
(page 222)
7 qualitative steps, 1 quantitative
and 1 data collection step
• The process was explained in the section entitled the
“triple trifecta project” in the first slide set, and again in
this slide set.
• The first seven qualitative steps were designed
• to meet the major aspects of a philosophical theory gleaned from
The Strauss and Cropsey text History of Political Philosophy
• In this sequence,
• the objective of step 8 is to turn the qualitative system into a
quantitative system
• in preparation for step 9 of connecting the model to a data
collection system for several areas of geopolitical analysis.
Engaging the ‘quants’
• The purpose of this introduction to this slide set is
• that due to the size and scope of the project,
• the more people with interdisciplinary economic expertise to move the
mode through steps 8 and 9, the faster the project can evolve.
• In this sense, the qualitative aspects of the model are achieved
as discussed in the “triple trifecta project,”
• and the expertise of the comparative economics, interdisciplinary
economic and behavioral economics, and game theoretic communities…
• is needed to advancing the “unity of knowledge” in science (E. O.
Wilson, Consilience 1998),
• by filling in the “void where the social sciences should be.” (Tooby and
Cosmides 1992)
Constructively competitive games
• A constructively competitive race to…
• complete steps 8 and 9 of the triple trifecta project…
• would transform a unified explanatory theory of the philosophical and social
• to a baseline equation of the philosophical and social sciences…
• if a forum could be developed to advance the project.
• Currently there is…
• (a) no master discipline in the Western University system, and
• (b) there is no JEL code for this type of comparative political and economic
systems endeavor.
Integrating political, economic/demographic
and geopolitical frameworks…
• The finished product of this slide set series represents the raw material for
the quants.
• To extend the conclusion of Slide Set 2, the integration of the macro
frameworks of:
• politics, economics/demographics, and the Four Category Geopolitical Form Model,
• which includes relative equality, relative stability, relative living standard measures as
they relate to,
• political risk analysis, and PMESII/DIME and SWOT national power assessments,
• actually would lead to representing the philosophical and social sciences to a two-
force, four element physics-style model,
• and achieve many longstanding objectives in the process.
• Slide Set 4 will explain the full scope of the research design, model and real
world analytical applications in much more detail.
The research design in thumbnails:
principle writings of Hume and Smith in the
foundational, political and economic order


1738 1748 1751 1758


1759 1763 1762 1776 and-corporate-culture/

The research design in thumbnails:
writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the
foundational, political, economic order

1848 1859 1867

1884 1883 1845 1856 (P 1932) 1876 1880 Friedrich_Engels
The research design in thumbnails:
aligning foundational, political and economic theories since the
Enlightenment Era
(Nietzsche has 2 columns of foundational)

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