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This book I want to dedicate to God. I want to dedicate this book to my ancestors, the people
that came before me. I also dedicate this book to dreamers. I write this book for all people that decide
to step into their gift. I have a question for you, what is your gift.


I have known since I was 17 years old what my gift was and is. Do you know yours? God
revealed to me through a dream that I am a teacher. Within my dream I was surrounded by my guardian
angel, Michael. God sent angels to deliver messages to others on many occasions. Gabriel, came to
Mary, to the disciples and others after the crucifixion of Jesus. One day my family and I went to a flea
market, I met a woman who had a booth set up within the flea market. I went to her to give it a try
because I did not believe in divination, those that read cards. I can remember her clearly she was a
Latino American lady in her late 50’s. She asked me, would you like a reading? I said sure how much are
your readings? She responded $10, so she asked me a few surface questions just small talk. She had a
true gift she didn’t read cards, she read me. She was a SEER, blessed with an amazing gift. Allow me to
reveal to you, what she got from reading me. She told me, troubles ahead, the woman that you’re with
is not your true sole mate. She also said that I would be moving, she told me where I would be moving
and what I would be doing when I got there. The SEER told me that I would become a successful writer.
So, I said to her what do you mean, will I be a successful song writer? She said no, you’re going to be a
successful author. A best seller author selling millions of books. She said you’re going to tour the world,
and you’re going to inspire millions of people.

Break down, I was married in a 12year relationship. It was revealed that the woman that I
loved dearly was occupying her time with another man. I got divorced, which caused me to be rebellious
and make unwise decisions. Which in the end caused me to get into a legal situation. The legal trouble
caused me to become a fugitive from the law. I moved north to Wisconsin Dells, Wi after a short time
their I ended up in a town called Rockford, Il a city just 90 miles from Chicago Il. Did I become a
successful author? The answer is Yes, that’s how your able to read this book.


I grew up in a small town in the state of Indiana. My hometown was full of crime, I could
name more friends that ended up in prison than I can name that graduated college. Some of my friends
died at a young age in there early 20’s. For legal purposes and respect to their families, I won’t mention
their real names.

 I have a friend, let’s call him Jamie. Jamie is what is known as a street hustler, a drug
dealer. Jamie decided to live the life of crime. Why, because he thought the street
life gave him instant results. He had the nice house the flashy cars, and beautiful
woman flocked to him. Jamie also had his own businesses that he required from
being the dealer. Until one day death came knocking on his door. He lost his life to
the streets because of a bad business deal that he had made with another dealer.
The sad part is that he was a 2nd generation drug dealer, that’s how his father died.
Keep in mind that Jamie left this earth leaving a son behind. Years pass and Jamie’s
son grows up, guess what path he decided to take? You guessed it, that’s possibly 3
generations that decided to give their life to the streets. From how things are
looking, he may head down the same road. Why, would I say that. I’ve learned that
like people think alike. The crowd that Jamie’s son socializes with are addicted to a
life a crime violence and drug trafficking. He and his crew have taken the game
further than his grandfather and father combined.

 I have another friend let’s call Joey. Joey was a star athlete in school he was an A and
B student in school and a star athlete. Joey was the captain of his high school football
team, basketball team and track and field. Joey’s plans were to become a
professional athlete after he finished college at a division 1 university. Until one day
Joey was accused of a crime that he didn’t commit. Joey was facing the capital
offense of Rape. His life flashed right before his eyes, what was he going to do?

 Joey went through a process of spending almost a year in his county jail awaiting
trial. I forgot to mention, that Joey was 17 years old at the time he was accused of
this terrible crime. After spending 7 months in jail, Joey was released by the Judge,
awaiting trial. Joey’s trial was put off for a period of 2 years, after his release. Day 1
to the trial had started, jury selection. After 3 days of being on trial, he was found
NOT GUILTY of rape, the DNA test and the doctor’s cleared him. But the jury found
him guilty of 2 count of aggravated battery. Joey was looking at the possibility of
doing 60 years in prison. He was given a 6year sentence.


The Bible says that man can either speak life or speak death. Basically, a lot of sacred
teachings believe that words have power. Words are considered, so the fraise sticks and
stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me, is not true.

Successful people vibrate at a high vibration. It’s important to not have doubters around
you in your circle. I believe in scripting and using affirmations to manifest things in my

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