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Basic Business English

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1 Job Interview

2 Office Life

3 Performance

4 Business Relations

5 Product Promotion

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1 Job Interview

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If you are going to a job interview ......

1.What kind of cloths will you wear?

2.What kind of shoes will you wear?
3.What about hairstyle?
4.What about make-up ?
5.What else do you think is important ?

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1.business-like attire 商务服饰
2.stand tall with shoulders back 腰背挺直
3.carry myself with confidence 自信满满
4.a successful image 成功的形象
5.avoid flashy colors 避免太俗的颜色 Let's review!
1.A stylish haircut is essential to a professional image.
2.I would wear the best garment I can afford.
Tips: 我会穿我能力范围内最好的服饰。
3.Don't paint on the makeup!
1.attire [ə'taɪr] n. 服饰 不要浓妆艳抹!
2.avoid [ə'vɔɪd] v. 避免 4.Ladies should not wear very high heels.
3.stylish ['staɪlɪʃ] adj.时髦的 女士不要穿太高的高跟鞋。
4.essential [ɪ'senʃ(ə)l]adj.必须的 5.Clothes should match the interview attire to the job.
5.garment ['garmənt]n.服饰 着装要和面试的工作相适应。

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Image you are interviewed for the sales......

1.Will you greet them with a handshake?

2.Can you sell yourself well in 2 minutes?
3.What's the reason for your application for this position ?
4.Why are you leaving your present job?
5.What make you think you would be a success in this position?

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1.be responsible for ...负责...
2.have a passion for... 热衷于...
3.be helpful to... 对...很有用
4.good English skills 英语能力不错
5.be confident of ... 对...有信心 Let's review!
1.I 've read the company information with internet.
2.I am suitable for this kind of job.
3.Your company enjoy a good reputation in the import.
4.Your company has a well-constructed management
5.It is a promising industry nowadays.

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How do you introduce your education background.....

1. Tell me about your major in school ?

2.Which university were you attending ?
3.Have you received any degree?
4.What is your highest degree?
5.Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

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1.graduate from ... 从...毕业
2.specialize in 专攻
3.be useful for... 对...有帮助
4.graduate student 研究生
5.Bachelor's Degree 学士学位
Let's review!
1.My majoy is Business Administration.
2.Beijing Institute of Technology is my Alma Mater.
3.I received my Bachelor's Degree in English.
1.graduate ['ɡrædʒu.eɪt] v. 毕业 我获得了英语文学学士的学位。
2.specialize ['speʃ(ə)l.aɪz] v.专攻 4.I am very interested in project management.
3.bachelor ['bætʃələr] n.学士 我对项目管理很感兴趣。
4.degree [dɪ'ɡri] n.学位 5.I think it's very useful for my present job.
5.institute ['ɪnstɪ.tut] n.学院 我认为这对于我目前的工作很帮助。
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How will you sell yourself....

1.What do you condider your major strength?

2.What is the most important to you in this job?
3.What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. What are your greatest strengths?
5.Why should we employ you ?

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1. fashion-minded 思想新潮的
2.under pressure 压力之下
3.be willing to... 愿意做...
4.be equipped with 具备...(能力)
5.be highly organized 做事有条理 Let's review!
1.I am willing to work under pressure.
2.I am an energetic, fashion-minded person.
3.Finishing a project to the best of my ability.
1.energetic [.enər'dʒetɪk] adj.有活力的 尽我所能,完成一个项目。
2.equip [ɪ'kwɪp] v.具备 4.Besides, I am honest ,flexible and easy-going.
3.highly ['haɪli] adv.高度地 除此之外,我诚实,不死板,而且容易相处。
4.ability [ə'bɪləti] n.能力 5.I like to see a job done quickly.
5.flexible ['fleksəb(ə)l] adj.灵活的 我喜欢速战速决。

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What are you answers for those difficult questions.....

1. Why did you leave your last job?

2.Why are you desirous to get this?
3.How do you rate yourself ?
4.What do you think you are worth to us ?
5.How do you handle your failure?

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1.desirous to ... 渴望做...
2.academic background 学术背景
3.be due to... 由...引起
4.career objective 职业目标
5.make contributions to... 对...做出贡献
Let's review!
1.I am hardworking,responsible in any project I undertake.
2.I am hoping to get an offer of a better position.
3.None of us was born “perfect”.
1.desirous [dɪ'zaɪrəs] v. 渴望 没有人生来就是完美的。
2.academic [.ækə'demɪk] adj.学术的 4.I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.
3.due [djuː ] adj. 因为 我确信我能将我的经验应用到这份工作上。
4.objective [əb'dʒektɪv] n.目标 5.I feel I can make some positive contribution to the comany.
5.contribution[.kɑntrɪ'bjuʃ(ə)n] n.贡献 我觉得我能为贵司做出积极贡献。
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when talking about benefits......

1.Will you ask about the welfare and holiday during the interview?
2.Do you think it is good to ask about welfare in the interview?
3.What is your expected salary?
4.What if the company offers high salary but less welfare?
5.How much holiday time do you want ?

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1.carry over 储存/保留
2.relate to 跟...有关系
3.expected salary 期望的薪资
4.monthly salary 每月工资
5.particular conditions 特殊的条件
Let's review!
1.I want to know how much holiday time in a year.
2.If I don't use the holiday time,is it possible to carry over
to the following year.
1.welfare ['wel.fer] n. 福利
3.I think salary and welfare is closely related to the job.
2.benefit ['benəfɪt] n.利益/福利
3.retirement [rɪ'taɪrmənt] n. 退休
4.I would like a monthly salary is 3000 yuan .
4.particular [pər'tɪkjələr] adj.特殊的
5.condition [kənˈ dɪʃ(ə)n] n.条件/情况
5.I don't have any other particular conditions.
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2 Office Life

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What happened in your first working day.....

1. How did you introduce yourself to others?

2.How was your feeling at that day?
3.Were there anything embarrassing ?
4.What impressed you most ?
5.Did you have a training in the first day?

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1.help sb. in... 帮助某人...
2.specific task 具体任务
3.make a difference 改变
4.treat sb. with respect 尊重...
5.experienced colleague 有经验的同事 Let's review!
1.It's my great honor to work here.
2.I didn't get any specific task in the first day.
3.All the newcomers get an on-the-time training.
1.newcomer ['nu.kʌmər] n.新人 每个新来的员工都要接受职业训练。
2.specific [spə'sɪfɪk] adj.具体的 4.By working hard, I can make a difference.
3.treat [trit] v.对待 努力工作来获得成功。
4.respect [rɪ'spekt] n.尊重 5.I would be glad to take any programs.
5.experiened [ɪk'spɪriənst] adj.有经验的 我愿意参加任何工作项目。

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As a officer ....

1.Do you know anything about computer softwares?

2.Do you know how to operate the fax machine ?
3.How often do you clean your computer?
4.Will you have backup copies for your files?
5.How do you think of the office automation?

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1.clean up ... 清理...
2.operate machines 使用机器
3.be supposed to... 本应该...
4.figure out 解决
5.be concerned 担心 Let's review!
1.The new computer software is driving me crazy.
2.I've had nothing but trouble with the computer.
3.It takes a genius to figure it out.
1.software ['sɔf(t).wer] n. 软件 只有天才才能想到解决办法。
2.operate ['ɑpə.reɪt] v.操作 4.All the backup files are on the Disk D under “Copies”.

3.figure ['fɪɡjər] v.计算 所有的备份文件都在D盘名为“副本”的文件夹里。

4.concern [kən'sɜrn] v.担心 5.I always forget to save the file before I exit.
5.backup ['bæk.ʌp] n.(文件)备份 我总是忘记在退出时保存文档。

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When you are asked to make business calls....

1. What will be your first sentence ?

2.How do you introduce yourself?
3.What if the one you are looking for is not there?
4.What kind of attitude should you have in the phone?
5.Do you think you are a good caller?

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1.speak to ... 跟...通话
2.call for... 为..而致电
3.be engaged (电话)忙线
4.leave a message 留口信
5.give a buzz (俚语)打电话 Let's review!
1.Hello ,this is Jeff from ABM Company.
2.Can I speak to Mr.Cooper, please.
3.I am calling for more details of your requirements.
1.engage [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒ] v. 参与 我打电话是想了解您这边的细节要求。
2.extension [ɪk'stenʃ(ə)n] n.分机 4.Since his extension is engaged, can I leave a message?
3.detail ['di.teɪl] n.细节 既然他的分机占线,我能留个口信吗?
4.requirement [rɪ'kwaɪrmənt] n.要求 5.I will give him a buzz 30 minutes later.
5.buzz [bʌz] n.蜂鸣声 30分钟后我给他打电话。
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As a member in the office ....

1.Are you getting well with your coworkers?

2.Are there real friendships between colleagues ?
3.Have you ever complained about your colleagues ?
4.What kind of person are you in the office?
5.What do you think is the perfect relationship with coworkers?

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1.be fed up with ... 受够...
2.work with... 和..共事
3.to be around 在身边
4.lack in 缺乏
5.as ... as 跟..一样 Let's review!
1.I am really fed up with Mike.
2.She is a pain to work with.
3.The people are capable and nice to be around.
1.coworkers ['kəʊˌ wɜː kə] n.同事 他们都很能干,而且很好相处。
2.colleague [ˈ kɒˌ liː ɡ] n.同事 4.I have never met anyone as cheery as she is.
3.capable ['keɪpəb(ə)l] adj 有能力的 我从来没遇见跟她一样爽快的人。
4.cheery ['tʃɪri] adj.爽快的 5.The only thing I am lacking in is experience.
5.lack [læk] v.缺乏 我缺乏的只是经验。
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What about a period of leave ...

1. Will you send any requests for absence?

2.How many paid vacation days do you have?
3.Do you have to bring a doctor's note if you ask for sick leave?
4.Will you get paid when you ask for marriage leave?
5.Will you ask for a period of leave for traveling?

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1.send in ... 提交...
2.sorry to do... 抱歉做某事
3.apply for... 申请...
4.feel sick 感觉不舒服
5.a period of 一段时间
Let's review!
1.I have sent in my request for absence.
2.I will bring a doctor's note tomorrow.
3.I'm sorry to apply for 3 days leave.
1.absence ['æbsəns] n.缺席 很抱歉,我想请三天假。
2.apply [ə'plaɪ] v.申请 4.If I take this afternoon off,no one will sort the files.
3.sort [sɔrt] v.分类 如果我下午请假,就没有人把文件分类了。
4.period [ˈ pɪrɪəd] n.时期 5.I feel sick today, I will go to my boss for the leave.
5.request [rɪ'kwest] n.申请 我今天不舒服,准备去老板那里请假。

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when you are invited to a teambuilding....
1.Is there any teambuildings in your company?
2.What are the teambuildings or parties for?
3.Are there any advantages for newcomers?
4.Are there any disadvantages for the company?
5.If you are the boss, will you have any plan for teambuilding?

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1.team-biulding 团队活动
2.be familiar with sb. 熟悉...
3.be good for...对...有好处
4.be sacked for... 因..被解雇
5.gross misconduct 严重渎职
Let's review!
1.I will be a bit nervous because I am not familiar with most
2.Newcomers can know more about other colleagues.
1.colleagues ['kɒ,li:ɡ] n.同事 3.It is good for building relationships between colleagues.
2.familiar [fə'mɪljər] adj.熟悉的 有利于同事之间搞好关系。
3.build [bɪld] v.建立 4.For better understanding among the colleagues.
4.understanding [.ʌndər'stændɪŋ] n.理解 让同事之间更加有默契。
5.dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v.开除/解散 5.My company only dismisses its employees in case of gross
misconduct. 我的公司仅在员工严重失职的情况下予以解雇。
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3 Performance

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What kind of employee you are ....

1.Have you ever work overtime?

2.Have you covered for anyone ?
3.Did you get paid for overtime ?
4.How do you feel about working overtime?
5.What are good performans should an employee have?

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1.work overtime 加班
2.cover for.. 为...代班
3.get paid... 得到报酬

Let's review!
4.quitting time 下班时间
5.a period of 一段时间

1.I am covering for Jane while she is on leave.

2.No one likes to work day in and day out.
3.Employees should be paid extra for overtime.
1.overtime ['æbsəns] n.缺席 员工加班应该得到额外报酬。
2.employee [.ɪmplɔɪ'i] n.员工 4.Employers usually don't like to pay for overtime work.
3.employer [ɪm'plɔɪər] n.老板 雇主通常不愿意付加班费。
4.extra ['ekstrə] adv.额外 5.A good employee should finish his work before quitting
5.quitting [kwɪtɪŋ] adj.自由的 time. 一个好员工要在下班前把工作都做好。
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Let 's see what your working attitute is ...

1. How many times did you late for work?

2.How many times did you leave early?
3.Did you get any punishments about that ?
4.Should a employee do those kinds of things?
5. Did you have any excuses for leaving?

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1.late for 迟到
2.get sth. done 把...做好
3.knock off 下班;停工
4.as long as 只要
5.type up 打印出来
Let's review!
1.I swear not to be late again.
2.The traffic was crowded for 2 hours.
3.I want to get off work early tomorrow.
1.knock [nɑk] n.敲门 我明天想早点下班。
2.excuse [ɪk'skjuz] n.借口 4.I want to knock off half an hour earlier.
3.swear [swer] v.发誓,保证 我想提前半小时下班。
4.crowded ['kraʊdəd] adj.拥挤的 5.As long as you can get that report typed up before you
5.reminder [rɪ'maɪndər] n.提醒 leave. 只要在你走之前把报告打完就可以。

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When the company has to lay off some emplyees ....

1.What kind of person you think will be dismissed?

2.What are the common reasons for letting go ?
3.What can we do to avoid being fired?
4.Have you been fired and why?
5.Is it better to change the one's job than give him the sack ?

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1.get the hook (美俚)被解雇
2.turn away sb. 解雇某人
3.lay off sb. 裁员
4.be sacked for... 因..被解雇
5.gross misconduct 严重渎职
Let's review!
1.The company is downsizing and has to lay off some
2.Some of them are hard working but their work is average.
1.hook [hʊk] n.钩子 3.A few worker tend to be negative and complain a lot.
2.negative ['neɡətɪv] adj.负面的 有一些人很负面而且很多抱怨。
3.sack [sæk] v.解雇 4.Some workmen are sacked for stealing.
4.co-worker ['kəʊ,wɜ:kə] n.同事 有些工人因为盗窃被解雇。
5.dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v.开除/解散 5.My company only dismisses its employees in case of gross
misconduct. 我的公司仅在员工严重失职的情况下予以解雇。
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When gets a pay-raise ...

1. Are you working for a pay-raise?

2.What do you think can help you to get a raise?
3.What do you think about your work?
4.Why companies are offering a pay-raise?
5.Is it a encouragement only ,why?

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1.pay-raise 加薪
2.gross salary 总收入
3.give sb. a raise 给..加薪
4.same position 同样的职位
5.a encouragement 一份鼓励
Let's review!
1.My yearly gross salary has increased by PMB50000.
2.I think they are giving me a raise next month.
3.We are in the same position, but they get more than me.
1.gross [ɡroʊs] adj.总的 我们是同样的职位,但是他们的工资比我高 。
2.increas [ɪn'kris] v.增加 4.All of us need some reasons for a raise.
3.position [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n] n.职位 大家都需要理由让公司加薪。
4.encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ] v.鼓励 5.It's always a big surprise for me to get a raise.
5.offer ['ɑfər] v.提供 每次加薪水都是一次超大惊喜。

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when someone is working for a promotion ...

1. What does a promotion mean to you?

2.Are you eager to get a higher position?
3.What kind of employees are easy to get a promotion ?
4.Do you agree that higher position has much more duties ?
5.What is your target position for now?

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1.get a promotion 升职
2.be eager to ... 渴望...
3.much more 更多
4.a chance of 一次...机会
5.clerical department 办公部门/文职部门
Let's review!
1.I 'd like to have a chance of advancement.
2.I've worked as a typist for about 1 year.
3.I 'd like a secretarial job in the clerical department.
1.promotion [prə'moʊʃ(ə)n] n.晋升 我希望到办公部门做秘书工作 。
2.eager ['iɡər] adj.渴望的 4.I have the seniority and I can do the job.
3.secretarial [.sekrə'teriəl] adj.文书的 我具备应有的资质,而且我会把工作做好的。
4.seniority [.sini'ɔrəti] n.资历 5.The department doesn't have any challenge at all.
5.clerical ['klerɪk(ə)l] adj. 办事员的 这个部门已经一点挑战性都没有了。

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When you want to quit your job ...

1. Have you ever thought of quitting your job?

2.What was the reason for you resignation?
3.What should you do when you want to quit?
4.Were you thinking of jumping ship?
5.What did you learned from your previous job?

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1.quit one's job 辞职
2.jump ship 跳槽
3.run out of 用完了/没有了
4.be suck in 被困在...
5.because of sth. 因为...
Let's review!
1.I have been trying ,but I don't think I'm up to this job.
2.To be honest, I want to be in a different environment.
3.I 've run out of steam.
1.quit [kwɪt] v.辞职/退出 我已经失去动力了 。
2.resignation [.rezɪɡ'neɪʃ(ə)n]n.辞职 4.I don't want to be suck in a rut.
3.previous ['priviəs] adj.之前的 我不想停滞不前。
4.rut [rʌt] n.乏味的生活 5.I quit just because of the dissatisfying salary.
5.dissatisfy [dɪs'sætɪsfaɪ]v.不满足 我辞职只是因为对工资不满意。

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4 Business Relations

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You are now selling things to your me...

1. Can you tell me some details about your products?

2.Would you please quote us price on CIF basis?
3.How long does your offer remain valid?
4.Will you have any discounts if I place an order ?
5.May I have your lowest price for 50 tons of tea CIF HK port?

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1.a steady demand 稳定的需求
2.CIF basis 到岸价
3.place an order 下订单
4.rock-bottom price 最优惠的价格
5.a proper discout 一定的折扣 Let's review!
1.We have a steady demand for high-class goods of gloves.
2.You can see the material is superior with latest styles.
3.We will quote our rock-bottom price.
1.valid ['vælɪd] adj.有效的 我们会给您报最优惠的价格。
2.steady ['stedi] adj.稳定的 4.We also allow a proper discout according to the quantity.
3.superior [sʊ'pɪriər]adj.占优势的 我们会根据订货的数量给予一定的折扣。
4.latest ['leɪtist] adj.最新的 5.Thank you again for your interest in our products.
5.proper 'prɑpər] adj. 恰当的 再次感谢您对我们产品的关注。

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When the buys are placing an order....

1. What kind of informations should you collect ?

2.What details should you focus on ?
3.What if you don't have the products in stock ?
4.Will you recommand some similar products to the buyers ?
5.How to convince the buyers to place an order ?

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1.out of stock 没有存货
2.in stock 有存货
3.focus on 专注于
4.have sth. back 补货
5.recommend sth. to sb. 推荐某物给某人 Let's review!
1.Rainbow socks are one of our best selling goods.
2.But they are out of stock at the moment.
3.We expect to have them back in stock in 10 days.
1.convince ['vælɪd] adj.有效的 我们预计十天后补货。
2.recommend [.rekə'mend] v.推荐 4.We can proovide you with another brand of similar quality.
3.expect [ɪk'spekt] v.预计 我们可以给您提供同样质量不同品牌的产品。
4.similar ['sɪmɪlər] adj.相似的 5.You can place a trial order for the sunflower socks too.
5.trial ['traɪəl] n. 试用 您也可以订购一下向日葵牌袜子作为试单。

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Comfirm about the packaging before shipping...

1.What functions do you think a package can perform?

2.What is important when packaging for a products?
3.Who will pay for the packaging changes?
4.Will every detail of package be included in the contract?
5.What if the packaging didn't be done strictly according to
the contract ? 47

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1.out of stock 没有存货
2.in stock 有存货
3.focus on 专注于
4.have sth. back 补货
5.recommend sth. to sb. 推荐某物给某人
Let's review!
1.Generally speaking,buyers bear the charges of packaging.
2.The packages are strong for long distance transportation.
3.We expect to have them back in stock in 10 days.
1.function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n] n.功能 我们预计十天后补货。
2.recommend [.rekə'mend] v.推荐 4.We can proovide you with another brand of similar quality.
3.expect [ɪk'spekt] v.预计 我们可以给您提供同样质量不同品牌的产品。
4.similar ['sɪmɪlər] adj.相似的 5.You can place a trial order for the sunflower socks too.
5.trial ['traɪəl] n. 试用 您也可以订购一下向日葵牌袜子作为试单。
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When it comes to the insurance....

1. Why should we have insurance for orders ?

2.What should the insurance cover ?
3.How many sorts of insurance do you know ?
4.How much should the insurance premium be ?
5.Is it better to have a insurance or not?Why ?

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1.insurance premium 保险费
2.marine insurance 海运保险
3.sort of 种类
4.serve sb. with sth. 提供..给某人
5.invoice value 发票金额 Let's review!

1.An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard.

2.We can serve you with a broad range of coverage
against all kinds of risks for sea transport.
1.premium ['primiəm] n.保险费
3.The risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance.
2.marine [mə'rin] adj.海上的
3.hazard ['hæzərd] n.危险
4.We have requested an amount 20 % above the invoice
4.coverage ['kʌv(ə)rɪdʒ] n.保险范围
value. 我们要求高于发票金额20%的保险金额。
5.breakage ['breɪkɪdʒ] n. 损坏

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When comes to the Payment...

1.What are the payment terms in your company ?

2.Why some companies insist on L/C payment?
3.Which payment term is the safest ?
4.Which payment term can offer security to seller and buyer?
5.Will you make a concession on the terms of the payment?

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1.letter of credit 信用证
2.D/P(Documents against payment)付款交单
3.D/A(Documents against Acceptance)承兑交单
4.serve sb. with sth. 提供..给某人
5.invoice value 发票金额
Let's review!

1.We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit.

2.D/A and D/P are not accepted.
1.irrevocable [ɪ'revəkəb(ə)l] adj.不可撤销的 3.We insist on a letter of credit (LC).
2.insist [ɪn'sɪst] v.坚持 我们坚持采用信用证付款。
3.consult [kən'sʌlt] v.咨询 4.Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required
4.deposit [dɪ'pɑzɪt] n.保证金 deposit to a minimum.
5.minimum ['mɪnɪməm] n. 最低限度 您可以和开证银行商量下,看能否把开证押金减少到最低限度。

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The need of delivery on time....

1. What is the most important part of delivery?

2.What should the consigner have when taking delivery of goods ?
3.What if the consigner get a damaged shipment from the consignee?
4.How to avoid damage shipments?
5.How to use the insurance?

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1.send sb. to do sth. 派遣某人去做某事
2.in good shape 完好无损
3.deliver sth, 运送某物
4.on time 提准时
5.be crushed 被压碎
Let's review!

1.We can deliver the goods on time.

2.About two-third of the shipment is disqualified.

1.consigner [kən'saɪnə] n.发货人 3.The consignee should send someone to look at it.

2.consignee [,kɒnsaɪ'ni] n.收货人 发货人应该派人查看。

3.delivery [dɪ'lɪv(ə)ri] n.交货 4.The order was in good shape when it left our factory.

4.crush [krʌʃ] v.压碎了 货物离开工厂的时候完好无损。

5.disqualify [dɪs'kwɑlɪ.faɪ] v.不合格 5.Some packing cases were crushed.

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5 Product Promotion

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When promoting your products...
1. Does your company has its own promotional channel?
2.What is the most popular way to promote?
3. How do you think of the online media?
4.Have you ever tried the website marketing?
5.What about the trade fair ?

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1.promotional channel 推广渠道
2.network advertising 网络广告推广
3.website marketing 网站营销推广
4.online media 在线媒体
5.trade fair 商品贸易展示会
Let's review!
1.Celebrity endorsement is an effective promotional channel.
2.Network media coverage to increase the influence of the
1.promotional [prə'moʊʃən(ə)l] adj.推销的 3.Many individual owners put in their ads on the site.
2.endorsement [ɪn'dɔrsmənt] n.宣传 许多个人商户都在网站上投放广告。
3.coverage ['kʌv(ə)rɪdʒ] n.新闻报道 4.We can also promote by the search engine optimization
4.celebrity [sə'lebrəti] n.名人 我们还可以通过搜索引擎优化推广。
5.individual [.ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl] n. 个体 5.We can send some promotional information to the user,
allow customers to pay a return visit site.
我们可以向用户发送一些促销信息,让客户回访网站。 57
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How to promote your products.....

1.Do you any advertising company to promote your products ?

2.How do you think of advertising?
3.Is advertising cost a lot?
4.Which kind of advertisements do you prefer?
5.Will you make a concession on the terms of the payment?

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1.trade fair 商品交易会
2.D/P(Documents against payment)付款交单
3.D/A(Documents against Acceptance)承兑交单
4.serve sb. with sth. 提供..给某人
5.invoice value 发票金额
Let's review!

1.We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit.

2.D/A and D/P are not accepted.
3.We insist on a letter of credit (LC).
1.irrevocable [ɪ'revəkəb(ə)l] adj.不可撤销的
2.insist [ɪn'sɪst] v.坚持
4.Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required
3.consult [kən'sʌlt] v.咨询
deposit to a minimum.
4.deposit [dɪ'pɑzɪt] n.保证金
5.minimum ['mɪnɪməm] n. 最低限度

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As a seller, when you are attending a fair....

1. What do you think of a trade fair ?

2.What will you usually do at the fair?
3.What do you think it is the most difficult part for you?
4.Are you a good seller in the show?
5.What is the advantages and disadvantages of a fair ?

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1.trade fair 商品交易会
2.D/P(Documents against payment)付款交单
3.D/A(Documents against Acceptance)承兑交单
4.serve sb. with sth. 提供..给某人
5.invoice value 发票金额
Let's review!

1.We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit.

2.D/A and D/P are not accepted.
1.irrevocable [ɪ'revəkəb(ə)l] 3.We insist on a letter of credit (LC).
adj.不可撤销的 我们坚持采用信用证付款。
2.insist [ɪn'sɪst] v.坚持 4.Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required
3.consult [kən'sʌlt] v.咨询 deposit to a minimum.
4.deposit [dɪ'pɑzɪt] n.保证金 您可以和开证银行商量下,看能否把开证押金减少到最低限度。
5.minimum ['mɪnɪməm] n. 最低限度
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How to promote your products.....

1.Do you any advertising company to promote your products ?

2.How do you think of advertising?
3.Is advertising cost a lot?
4.Which kind of advertisements do you prefer?
5.Will you make a concession on the terms of the payment?

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1.trade fair 商品交易会
2.D/P(Documents against payment)付款交单
3.D/A(Documents against Acceptance)承兑交单
4.serve sb. with sth. 提供..给某人
5.invoice value 发票金额
Let's review!

1.We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit.

2.D/A and D/P are not accepted.
1.irrevocable [ɪ'revəkəb(ə)l] 3.We insist on a letter of credit (LC).
adj.不可撤销的 我们坚持采用信用证付款。
2.insist [ɪn'sɪst] v.坚持 4.Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required
3.consult [kən'sʌlt] v.咨询 deposit to a minimum.
4.deposit [dɪ'pɑzɪt] n.保证金 您可以和开证银行商量下,看能否把开证押金减少到最低限度。
5.minimum ['mɪnɪməm] n. 最低限度
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After shop selling....

1. What would you do for your collecting ?

2.What will you usually do at the shop?
3.What do you think it is the most difficult part for you?
4.Are you a good seller ?
5.What is the advantages and disadvantages of it ?

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1.a steady demand 稳定的需求
2.CIF basis 到岸价
3.place an order 下订单
4.rock-bottom price 最优惠的价格
5.a proper discout 一定的折扣
Let's review!
1.We have a steady demand for high-class goods of gloves.
2.You can see the material is superior with latest styles.
3.We will quote our rock-bottom price.
1.valid ['vælɪd] adj.有效的 我们会给您报最优惠的价格。
2.steady ['stedi] adj.稳定的 4.We also allow a proper discout according to the quantity.
3.superior [sʊ'pɪriər]adj.占优势的 我们会根据订货的数量给予一定的折扣。
4.latest ['leɪtist] adj.最新的 5.Thank you again for your interest in our products.
5.proper 'prɑpər] adj. 恰当的 再次感谢您对我们产品的关注。

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How to have some agencies for promoting your goods...

1.Is it a good choice to have some agencies?

2.What should a agency do for the goods?
3.Is advertising cost a lot?
4.Which kind of advertisements do you prefer?
5.Will you make a concession on the terms of the payment?

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1.a steady demand 稳定的需求
2.CIF basis 到岸价
3.place an order 下订单
4.rock-bottom price 最优惠的价格
5.a proper discout 一定的折扣
Let's review!
1.As our sole agency,you are not expected to handle the
sale of similar products of other origins.
2.We will offer very high commission.
1.agency ['eɪdʒənsi] n.代理
3.Terms for out agents are usually very favorable.
2.consider [kən'sɪdər] v.考虑
3.commission [kə'mɪʃ(ə)n] n.佣金
4.We also allow a proper discout according to the quantity.
4.favorable ['feɪv(ə)rəb(ə)l] adj.优惠的
5.proper 'prɑpər] adj. 恰当的
5.Thank you again for your interest in our products.
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