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What's Blooming Now on Mount Diablo

* = New this report ** = New to our list 182 in bloom as of 5/30/2019

White/Mostly White Date Yellow/Orange + Green Date Red/Pink Date Blue/Purple Date
Bellardia 4/19 Blow Wives 4/15 Bee Plant 4/2 American Brookline 4/18
Bitter Root 5/1 Blue Elderberry 4/15 Brewer's Rockcress 1/12 Arroyo Lupine 3/5
Black Sage 3/20 Brewer’s Western Flax 5/12 California Honeysuckle 5/7 Blue Dicks 2/1
Blue Dicks (white form) 3/17 Broad-leaf Stonecrop 5/17 California Milkweed 4/25 Blue Witch 1/31
Blue-eyed Grass (white form) 4/18 Bush Monkeyflower 4/16 California Rose* 5/26 Blue-eyed Grass 3/17
California Blackberry 4/15 Calf Lotus 3/19 Chaparral Clarkia 5/15 Blue-eyed Mary 3/17
California Buckeye 5/7 California Butterweed 4/25 Chaparral Cottonweed or Minute Willowherb 4/28 Buck Lotus 5/9
California Everlasting 3/15 California Dandelion 5/9 Chaparral Pea 5/9 Chaparral Broomrape 4/28
California Fluff Weed 4/2 California Lomatium 4/25 Cobweb Thistle 4/25 Chia 4/20
California Larkspur 5/1 California Poppy 1/30 Colonial Onion 4/20 Chinese Houses 4/15
California Mustard 4/26 Chaparral Sunflower* 5/26 Cut-leaf Geranium 2/23 Common Jewelflower 4/10
California Tea 4/30 Checker Lily 3/16 Dove-foot Geranium 3/24 Coyote Mint* 5/30
Chamise 5/7 Climbing Bedstraw 3/17 Elegant Clarkia 5/7 Dove Lupine 3/7
Chaparral Clematis 3/23 Clustered Broomrape 4/30 False Baby Stars 4/1 Downy Navarretia 5/15
Clay Mariposa Lily 5/23 Coast Arnica 5/20 Giant Trillium 3/17 Gambel’s Milkvetch 4/28
Climbing Morning Glory 4/3 Coffee Berry* 5/30 Hairy Pink/Grass Pink 4/26 Greater Periwinkle 4/13
Common Eucrypta 4/30 Colchita 3/29 Hedge Nettle (Wood Mint) 4/23 Harvest Brodiaea 5/22
Cow Parsnip 4/20 Common Dudleya 5/3 Hillside Pea 4/2 Indian Breadroot 5/9
Cream Bush 5/18 Common Monkeyflower 3/19 Holly-leaf Redberry 4/30 Italian Thistle 4/17
Douglas Sandwort 5/23 Deerweed 4/30 Hooker’s Onion* 5/22 Ithuriel’s Spear 3/26
English Plantain 4/15 Downy Buttercup 4/17 Indian Clover 4/15 Mt. Diablo Jewelflower 4/20
Fern Phacelia 3/28 Golden Ear-drops 5/14 Indian Paintbrush 3/17 Ookow 4/15
Field Bindweed 4/22 Golden Yarrow 5/1 Lesser Herb Robert 4/23 Persian Speedwell 4/13
Fremont’s Star Lily 3/7 Great Valley Gumplant 5/14 Long-spurred Plectritis 3/7 Purple False Gilia 4/17
Hill Morning Glory 5/9 Harlequin Flower 4/7 Milk Thistle 5/8 Purple Salsify 5/18
Hill Star 3/27 Hartweg’s Tauschia 3/17 Owl’s Clover 3/20 Royal Larkspur 4/20
Hop Tree 4/7 Michael’s Rein Orchid 5/4 Pink Spineflower 4/30 Scarlet Pimpernel (blue form) 4/30
Iodine Collinsia 5/12 Miniature Suncup 4/11 Red Larkspur 3/17 Silver Bush Lupine 4/2
Knotted Hedge Parsley 4/29 Mount Diablo Globe Lily 4/1 Red Maids 2/1 Skullcap 3/20
Mariposa Lily 5/1 Mount Diablo Sunflower 4/4 Red Ribbon Clarkia 5/7 Spreading Larkspur 3/17
Miner’s Lettuce 2/18 Mountain Violet 3/11 Red Sand Spurry 3/19 Western Larkspur 5/15
Mount Diablo Phacelia 4/17 Mule's Ears 3/31 Red-stem Filaree 2/17 Winter Vetch 3/18
Oakland Star Tulip 4/18 Narrow-leaf Bush Sunflower 3/7 Rose Clover 3/24
What's Blooming Now on Mount Diablo
* = New this report ** = New to our list 182 in bloom as of 5/30/2019
White/Mostly White Date Yellow/Orange + Green Date Red/Pink Date Blue/Purple Date
Pitcher Sage 5/7 Narrow-leaf Mule Ear 5/9 Scarlet Pimpernel 3/14
Poison Hemlock 5/6 Pestle Parsnip Lomatium 5/23 Serpentine Collomia 5/2
Rattlesnake Weed 5/12 Pineapple Weed 4/2 Serrated Onion 3/25
Rock Phacelia 5/7 Prickly Sow Thistle 3/14 Sickle-leaf Onion 5/1
Soap Root 5/12 Rosilla* 5/30 Snowberry 4/30
Sticky Cinquefoil 5/6 Sacramento Valley Buttercup 2/23 True Baby Stars 4/7
Water Cress 4/29 Serpentine (Phlox-leaf) Bedstraw 5/2 Waltham Creek Clarkia 5/11
Western Waterleaf 5/12 Sheep Parsnip 3/9 Whisker Brush 4/15
White Nemophilia 3/9 Silver Puffs 3/27 Windmill Pink 4/30
Windmill Pink 4/30 Slender Madia 4/20 Winecup Clarkia 4/23
Woodland Star 3/25 Small Suncup 3/14 Woodland Columbine 4/15
Woolly Morning Glory 5/20 Smooth Cat’s Ear 4/12 Woolly Paintbrush 2/1
Woolly-tuft Malacothrix 4/28 Sourclover 4/29
Yarrow 3/29 Southern Honeysuckle* 5/28
Yerba Santa 4/2 Tall Tidy Tips 4/16
Threadstem Madia 5/23
Tidy Tips 4/17
Whispering Bells 5/8
Wild Radish (white/yel./pink) 2/28
Wind Poppies 4/20
Winter Cress 3/14
Woodland Woollythreads 4/26
Woolly Indian Paintbrush (yellow) 4/28
Woolly Sunflower 4/16
Yellow Mariposa Lily 5/4

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