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Young Abolitionist 2017 Project Reflection

Name: Manuela Barreno

This Project Reflection is an assessment on what you know and learned through this project. Please make
sure you complete each question in a paragraph(s).

Add your shared Links below to find them for College & Career/Defense

Infographic Draft https://drive.google.com/drive/search?q=type:pdf

Infographic FINAL https://drive.google.com/drive/search?q=type:presentation

Prezi Presentation https://prezi.com/3ebms7ofrxml/human-trafficking/

Community Video Community Presentation G6B1.MOV

Section 1 : Knowledge ​(Give background information​ about the project​)

1. What was the ​assignment/project​? What were you asked to do? (Summarize - ​KT)
“In this project, I...(investigated/researched/practiced,etc) about ______________, then I
(created/built/calculated/wrote/designed/presented) a ______________ (product). The purpose of the project was to
create/learn about......” [Add as many details as possible]

In this project, I researched about human trafficking, about how Trafficker abducted children and sell them
for money. Under 5-18 age are sell to people that do sex trafficking, then I created a prezi presentation
To show the community that I was going to present to spread this warriness. The purpose of the project
was to create/learn about human trafficking what i learned that some of my favorite store have Human
Trafficking for example: Victoria's Secret, H&M, Forever 21, Apple, and Gap. When I found that I was
shock because I know that their prices is low put never knew that they have Human Trafficking. Make me
thing what to buy because that shows that I support Human Trafficking by buy this things.

2. How did your group make social change in your community through this project (design for social change)?
What did you learn about your role as a Young Abolitionist? (KT)

What I learn That I have a voice to, by going to my community and so people took their time to listen what
my group needed to say. One thing that Ii remember was when the lady said that she Is happy because
we are spreading this wariness and she said we should do this types of things for the community.

3. Artifacts: ​What content knowledge did you gain by creating each artifact (each product created)?
Describe a brief description of each artifact completed in this project.​ ​Be specific. ​“In this artifact, I
learned about... ” “I also learned how to.....”

a. Infographic: ​What is an infographic and describe how it was used. Include the design steps to
create it. (KT)
Well a infographic is where you could put any information that you want to talk about where you put facts
about the project. We had to make an idea how we are going to build the infographic so we pick mind. The
design that we create was 4 box the principles of design was Balance, and Symmetrical. We use the
questions and put more pictures in the infographic.

b. Prezi:

We had to make part in the slide so we each had a part what to put. Then we decide what to put and start
reaching.Then we ask Alexis If he could tell the story to the people that we pretend.

4. What academic ​skills ​did you need to use to complete these artifacts?​ (For example, ​“In order to
complete this artifact, I needed to be able to...”)

a. Infographic:
In order to complete this artifact, ​I needed to make two persons​ to work on the infographic and the
other two people would do the prezi.
b. Prezi:

In order to complete this artifact, I needed to be able to work with my group and contiubate each
part we need to reachered a part that we were going to do.

5. Describe​ a minimum 3 Illustrator techniques (tools) you used to create your infographic. Include the
development of your ideas at each of the 3 design phases of your final infographic. (include your design
principle (KT) )

We use the pen tool and the shape tool and text tool , the text tool was to put are information, the pen tool was to
divide the sections in the infographic, and finally we use the shape tool to make room for the title. The
principles of design was Balance and Symmetrical.

6. Collaboration: ​Describe in detail your own contribution for your team on this project. Describe the steps your
team used to complete​ the project​ including how you dispersed the workload among your team members
(who did what)?(Col)
So Dabin and Alexis did the Infographic and me and Desire Were working with the Prazi and then when
we finish we were agreeing what is good and what we could fix in the ares the we were doing,

Section 2: Reflection and Next Steps

Using details, write a paragraph explaining why this artifact represents your best work. Use the prompts
below to help focus your thinking.

7. What feedback were you given and how did help you work and improve toward your final to complete
this artifact?​ (use agency rubric)​.​ Highlight some of the feedback you received (see feedback forms) and
explain how it affected your artifact/project toward ​improvement. ​(Ag). How would you ​evaluate or critique
your own work?

This is one of my favourite Project this year because it something that is happening in our community or in
other country. I really care about childrens because I have my siblings and i don’t want any of them
happened to them. See that children are being sold to traffickers it hurts because they are treating them
like their aren't worth something. Right now we don’t know who is next and what they are doing to thee
children, same as people that work in frame they don’t get pay much they work hard for someone not pay
them at all or something.
8. Describe your experience in raising awareness to your community group presentations. ​How do you
feel you did overall? What were the challenges and what went well? How did you feel after raising awareness
about Human Trafficking? (Ag)
I think we did good in are project but we could have put more facts and put more information. Are
challenge was finding a community we're to pretend. But then we found one because of alexis because he
was going to community.

Section 3: Project Feedback

9. What recommendations or changes would you make for next year’s Young Abolitionist project? Would you
recommend this project for next year’s juniors? Why or why not?

Yes, because it something that everyone should warned of because it could happen to anyone around the world.

10. Which of the 3 projects in this semester did you favor? Describe why.

The parking day because my group we put some much effort to make are project and it was fun because I
got to know them. This project the human trafficking because it something I want everyone to known

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