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Selectividad Fonética

Os adjunto todas las preguntas posibles de fonética que han puesto en

selectividad los últimos años, las que salgan repetidas no os las pongo, cada
una de ellas lleva su comentario, con alguna “clave”, y palabras típicas que os
pueden aparecer, espero os sea de ayuda.

Examen 1

Pregunta 1: diptongo /ei/, muy típico. Aquí busca siempre la palabra “they”,
pero cuidado, porque “their” no vale ok? Algún ejemplo del texto sería
“they”, teenager, same (también aparece mucho), “daily”, “famous”, etc.

Pregunta 2: . Ya sabes que esto equivaldría a la “ch” española, por lo que

es sencillo. Tenemos children, riches…

Pregunta 3: Te adjunto los sonidos en los que tendría que acabar cada verbo
para ir en un grupo u otro
i. When the regular verb ends in a vowel sound or voiced consonant sound (B, G, L, M, N, V,
Y and Z), the -ed ending is pronounced /___d__ /.

ii. When the regular verb ends in an unvoiced consonant sound (K, F,P, -SH, -TCH or X), the
-ed ending is pronounced /___t__ /.

iii. The -ed ending is pronounced /id/ when the verb ends in the consonant sounds ___d__
and __t___ .

Por lo tanto, “filmed” pertenecería a la “d” porke el sonido sería la “m”

Examen 2

Pregunta 1: el diptongo /ai/ es junto al /ei/ el que más preguntan. No te

compliques, porque hay palabras muy típicas que siempre suelen salir en los
textos. En este tendríamos “like”, “despite”, “tried”, “by”…, como puedes ver
algunas van a aparecer siempre en los textos.

Pregunta 2: las vocales largas suelen preguntarlas mucho. Ya sabes ke la

doble ee suele convertirse en i:, y también la letra “r” alarga las vocales.
Algún ejemplo de este texto sería “three”, “fifteen”…
Pregunta 3: la “th” en ingles puede tener estos dos sonidos. No hay ninguna
regla para decir si va con uno u otro, pero no te preocupes, porke las

palabras que ponen no son dificilísimas. En este caso sería la

Examen 3

Solo vamos a ver la pregunta 3, porque las demás ya las hemos visto. Esto lo
preguntan mucho, siempre que te pongan un verbo en –ing, se pronunciaría

con la . Esto siempre ok? Es un regalo de pregunta jejeje.

Examen 4
Bueno, tanto para esta pregunta como para la tercera persona de singular
del presente, aplicamos “el truco del almendruco”, que es el siguiente:

Voiceless (sordo) /s/ : PETAKA: /P/, /T/, /K/

Voiced (sonoro) /z/: BODEGA: /B/, /D/, /G/ Y LIMONERO: /L/, /M/, /N/,

Puesto que “lovers” pertenece a limonero, en el texto podríamos tener

owners, dogs, levels, feelings…

Si sigues esta regla no vas a tener ningún problema, te lo garantizo.

Examen 5


Today, millions of travellers are using the Web to learn about destinations, find
last-minute bargains, locate hotels, and plan their adventures. Travel agents can still be
tremendously helpful, particularly for complex international journeys. However, the
Internet puts the tools for trip planning into the hands of average computer users,
enabling them to plan their own trips, at any time of the day or night.

After choosing a destination, travellers can use the Net to find schedules and fares for
airlines, hotels, and rental cars. Then, if they so choose, they can book online. The most
important booking websites let travellers compare rates among hundreds of airlines, hotel
chains, or car rental companies.

While the Web offers remarkable tools for finding bargains and making bookings, it's
much more than a one-way medium. Its inherent beauty is its interactive aspect -- in other
words, through the Net travellers can find others with similar interests and get advice from them.

The Net is an efficient tool for trip planning, and, under the right circumstances, an
excellent way to save money. Yet the benefits extend far beyond finding good deals and some
people are finding that planning a trip can be almost as enjoyable as the excursion itself.

Write a word from the text that includes the same consonant sound as “composition"

Ya sabes que este sonido suele ser “t” o “sh”. Algún ejemplo del texto sería
“destination”, intarnational…. Sobre todo busca siempre una palabra que
acabe en “tion”, que siempre habrá alguna.

Examen 6
1. Which of the following words has the same sound as "earn" /з:/. (0.25)
1. Girl, 2. Wear, 3. Efforts

El sonido /з:/ suele ir detrás de la consonante “r”, por lo que es muy fácil de
reconocer. En este caso sería “girls”.

Examen 7


Fawlty Towers is one of the finest situation comedies British television has ever seen.
The concept for Fawlty Towers was born in the Gleneagles Hotel in 1971. John Cleese was
staying at this hotel, while filming a programme. The hotelier at that time was a man of infinite
rudeness called Donald Sinclair. There was a case of mistaken identity with a customer’s bag.
Eric Idle left his bag by the front door of the hotel. When he returned later that day, he could
not find it. Idle asked Sinclair if he had seen the missing bag and Sinclair responded that it was
not his business.

Fascinated by Sinclair and his furious dislike of guests, John Cleese decided to stay on
at the Gleneagles and even invited his wife, the actress Connie Booth, to stay with him. The
pair of them observed Sinclair’s unusual behaviour. Three years later, John and Connie decided
to draw upon their experience at the Gleneagles, and Fawlty Towers was created for the BBC

Although Fawlty Towers is now considered one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, the
initial reactions received from the press and public were mediocre. However, by the time the
last episode had been broadcast the show had become immensely popular.

(a) Write two words from the text that include the same vowel sound as "corn" /ɔ:/.

Estamos ante la “o” larga. Y a sabes ke las erres alargan las vocales,

entonces te aconsejo buscar palabras con r. En el texto nos valdría “born”,

“door”, etc.

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