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English-10 Jacob L.

Camping final essay

Have you ever wanted to sleep in the forests of the Montana’s or take a RV

across the United States or even tent out in your backyard? If any of these appeal to

your taste then camping might be an activity for you. You might be thinking that “I don’t

want to sleep in a tent in freezing weather overnight”, but that is just scratching the

surface of what camping has to offer.

I will be researching the different types of camping and the different things that

you could use on that camping trip. There are many types of camping that can satisfy

you as a person or your family and that is fun for everyone, according to my experience

I believe that camping in a recreational vehicle with a group of people preferably people

that you like either at a campground or a start park that has activities to do outside of

the camper. Although I have found out that something I am quite intrigued by is the art

of camping out in a lean to next to the fire with a sleeping bag and bringing something to

read, eat, or play on and just let the time go by watching and listening to the nature

around you.

Do you prefer to be outside in the woods or do you prefer to sleep inside with the

heat or AC on? If you said yes to any of the two questions i just asked then camping

might be an activity that suits you. The definition of camping is the activity of spending a

vacation living in a camp, tent, or camper. This one sentence includes so many possible

options for you to do, for example you could make a camp out of wood that you chop
down from living or dead trees, you can go to a campground like Broken Wheel

Campground in Petersburg New York, or just tent out in your backyard with your kids

and set up a projector to watch a movie on and make s’mores on a campfire. One way

you could learn how to camp or all the ways to camp is online.

Some people think that if you watch something happen it’s almost as if you were

there too… most of the time when you watch something you are there but in this day in

age with the internet you can just watch something online and it feel just the same is if

you were there in real life. One very efficient way of doing this is by a platform called

you tube. YouTube is a platform ware if you are good enough at making good enjoyable

content then it can be your full time job (if YouTube monetize your videos then that pay

you in the amount of views the ads they put in your videos get but if YouTube doesn’t

have you monetized they won’t give you ads). There is a lot of different categories on

YouTube because there is no restriction on what you can post. A great source of

information is on YouTube, different channels can teach you different things about

camping. In one video you can learn how to start a fire with only sticks and in another

you can learn the basics of an axe swing so you can get the deepest cut into your tree

and waste the shortest amount of time and energy when gathering materials. Recently

there was a big spike in popularity on YouTube about a channel called primitive

technology if you don't know what this is it is a channel that records themselves living

the way that people lived in the primitive time, so he doesn't use things that he buys and

he goes to a jungle and only uses the resources that are around him. Some of the thing

that he has made is an axe from a log and a stone, a bow and arrows from a stick vines
and stones, and he has made huts out of clay. Another good YouTube i like to watch is

a Canadian guy that goes by the name Joe Robinet.

Some people hear the name Joe robinet and wonder to themselves, who is


Joe is a YouTube that films himself camping and posts them on YouTube. He has many

different videos of all his different campouts, he edits them down into an hour to an hour

and a half long (those length videos are usually one night campouts of him working

through the day, making his shelter, cooking his food, and then the morning). He has a

few videos that actually aren’t videos they are more of different parts of a long campout

with certain days in different videos. Joe has enough subscribers that watch his videos

that he can make YouTube his full time job and make the most content. Recently joe

moved away from the city and bought his dream house for his family with lots of land for

his daughter to explore, Joe to camp, and his dog to run around and not get hit by a car.

The reason i choose Joe out of all the other youtubers is simple because i like

him because he is relatable funny and everything he does is like a step by step but he

doesn't actually have to explain it because he does such a great job communication

threw his actions. This can help you if you want to learn how to make something like a

shelter or what kinds of supplies and tools you need and the best ones for the job.

In order to camp you need a shelter, there are many different shelters that can be

used when camping. For example a camper could be your shelter, a lean-too could be

your shelter or even a tent could be used as a shelter for camping. At the campground

my family and I go to we are seasonals so we pay for our campsite all year round. We
have been going there before i was born. On our site we have a fifth wheel camper with

a deck and a room on our deck that we call the shelter because it has our bar, fridge,

and oven because we don't use our campers kitchen. This is one of the many shelters

that you can camp in. Another shelter that I camp in is a lean-too. A lean-too is a ridge

pole that is about two feet longer than your height tied to two solid trees about shoulder

level with a Canadian jam knot. After the ridge pole is placed you get a bunch inch think

trees or sticks and just place the top on the ridge pole and stick the other end in the

ground. Another shelter is even as simple as setting up a tent and placing it in your back

yard or the woods.

The tools that one uses whilst camping is almost as important the camping itself.

The tools depend on the type of camping that one performs for example I could be

camping out in a camper or a cabin in a campground or state park that I rented and all I

would need is food drinks and bedding, but on the other hand if you are building a Lean-

to then you need a sleeping bad, sleeping pad, an axe, a saw, food, fire started, extra

pair of clothes depending on the climate of the area, and even something as simple as

scissors or rope. During the recent camp that we had i went camping in Grafton and i

used a sleeping bag, a sleeping bad, a thermal sheet, a wool blanket, snow pants,

jacket, boots, matches, fire wood, an axe, a saw, a knife, many lanterns, and means of

self-defense. From the examples i listed it is obvious that the supplies and tools that you

use during a campout are almost as important or even as important as the campout

itself because without these things you won't be able to survive and have fun. It also can

be more fun and safer if you camp out with another person.
Out of the many of times i have been camping not once have i been alone, i have

camped in a camper, tent, cabin, and out in the woods and not one of them was alone.

There is many tragic things that could occur when one camps alone there is also good

things but few. If you were to get injured when camping alone there's not much for you

to do once injured but if you camp with other people then there is a better chance that

you can return to safety and mend to your wounds because the other person could help

you or call someone to help you. If there was a predator it might be more scared of two

people than one. But on the other hand If you camp alone it could be like a type of

therapy and you could develop a survivalist mindset form it. Animals can play a big part

in camping too especial if you are with another person or a group.

Some people might think that animals have none too little to do with camping

but there might be more reasons that meet the eye. The animals present in a certain

location could be either good or bad, if there was squirrels and rabbits and other critters

it would be a good thing because they cannot harm you and that means that there are

nuts and berries in the area but if you’re a great shot your even better. On the other

hand the presence of a bear or a wolf would be a bad thing, most people would run if

they saw a bear or a wolf or even heard a story about it but on the other hand if you

didn't get scared off you could use the knowledge of there being a bear to try and find

berry’s or a stream with lots of salmon in it. But in order to stay safe you should bring

another person or persons with you on your camping trip. But only certain animals are in

certain areas at certain times

The temperature outside can determine how your camp out goes, that is unless

you’re in a camper. The last three campouts were all in the freezing moths of January

outside in a lean to with a campfire by your side if the sleeping bag you’re in doesn’t do

the job quite well enough through the long night. The only camping during the summer

months I’ve done was either outside in a tent or inside a camper at a campground, but

that doesn't mean that you cannot camp out in the woods in a lean to during the

summer the only difference would be that you wouldn't have to worry about staying

warm. The climate of an area is different compared to another area as well. The animals

they have can vary as well as the temperature and natural resources.



9nxy https://www.youtube.com/chan nel/UCts-8ZqS339n-9nxy3DN8Cg



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