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Cat 1


a small amount of food that is
eaten between meals, or a very
small meal
1 /snæk/ SNACK (N)
Dutch origin
Eg : I had a huge lunch, so I'll only
need a snack for dinner.
a small bag for carrying things in,
which is made of cloth and sewn
into the inside or onto the outside
2 /ˈpɒk.ɪt/ of a piece of clothing POCKET (N)
French origin
Eg : She thrust her hands deep
in/into her pockets.
a large area of land covered with
trees and plants, usually larger
3 /ˈfɒr.ɪst/ than a wood, or the trees and FOREST (N)
plants themselves
Latin origin
a set of connected or related
French origin
4 /tʃeɪn/ CHAIN (N)
Eg : She has built up a chain of
180 bookshops across the
a good spiritual creature in
stories or some religions, usually
5 /ˈeɪn.dʒəl/ represented as a human with ANGEL (N)
Greek origin

Cat 1
to break or cause to break
without complete separation of
the parts
6 /Kræk/ CRACK (V)
German origin
Eg : The walls cracked and the
roof collapsed in the earthquake.
a reptile with a long cylindrical
7 /sneɪk/ body and no legs SNAKE (N)
German origin
a sudden attempt to hold, get or
take something
8 /græb/ German origin GRAB (V)
Eg : She grabbed her keys and
rushed out.
a circular house made of blocks of
hard snow, especially as built by
9 /ˈɪg.luː/ the Inuit people of northern IGLOO (N)
North America
Inuit origin
bread which is shaped and baked
in a single piece and can be sliced
10 /ləʊf/ LOAF (N)
for eating
German origin
a flat surface, usually supported
by four legs, used for putting
11 /ˈteɪ.bl  ̩/ TABLE (N)
things on
Latin origin

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