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Administration Services
rsh, telnet, ssh, snmp, RIP, KERPEROS, LDAP, RMT, NDMP, SMTP, SNTP, WINS, NIS, DNS
Networking Services VLAN, RIP
Directory lookup services DNS, NIS, WINS
Remote administration services RSH, Telnet, ssh, SNMP, RMT, SNTP, SMTP
Security services Kerberos, LDAP

Storage, WAFL, NVRAM, RAID, Snapshot, Network services

Basic Administration
NetApp>options telnet.enable [on | off]
NetApp>options telnet.access [legacy | * | - | [host=hostname | IP]]
NetApp>options autologout.telnet.enable [on | off]
NetApp>options autologout.telnet.timeout [60 | value]
NetApp>options rsh.enable [on | off]
NetApp>options rsh.access [legacy | * | - | [host=hostname | IP]]

rsh -l root help

one telnet session

Basic Appliance Configuration

sysconfig -v
vol status -r
sysconfig -r
sysconfig -c

Displays detailed information

Displays volume and RAID group information (Note: Same as for sysconfig –r)
Displays volume and RAID group information (Note: Same as for vol status -r)
Check configuration levels of hardware against Data ONTAP™ software requirements

Editing Boot Configuration Files: /etc/rc

/etc/registry Current registry
/etc/registry.lastgood Copy of the registry as it existed
after the last successful boot
/etc/registry.bck First-level backup
/etc/registry/default Default registry

User Access:
useradmin useradd login_name
useradmin userdel login_name
useradmin userlist
Syntax: options trusted.hosts [hostnames | * | -]

The host name must be entered in the /etc/hosts.equiv file. The setup procedure
automatically populates this file.

The user must be a member of the Domain Administrators or Administrators W2K

options autosupport.support.enable [on | off]
options autosupport.mailhost [host1, …, host5]
options autosupport.to [address1, ..., address5]
options autosupport.from
options autosupport.content
options autosupport.noteto
options autosupport.doit [message]
options autosupport.enable [on | off]

sysconfig –d -r -t -v -c
vol status -r -v -d -f -s -b

df -i

RAID Group Size

options raid.timeout
options raid.reconstruct.perf_impact
options raid.scrub.enable
options raid.scrub.perf_impact
vol options <vol_name> raidtype
aggr options <aggr-name> raidtype
Options raid.timeout 36
options raid.reconstruct.perf_impact low
options raid.scrub.enable on
options rid.scrub. Perf_impact low
Vol options vol0 raid type raid_dp
aggr options aggr0 raidtype raid4

Disk Commands
Disk remove disk_name
Disk swap
Disk unswap
Disk replace [start | stop]
Disk zero spares
Disk scrub [start | stop]
Disk sanitize
Disk ID - sysconfig -r

aggr Command
aggr create <aggrname> [options] <disklist>
aggr add <aggrname> [options] <disklist>
aggr status <aggrname>
aggr rename <aggrname> <new-aggrname> <aggrname>
aggr options <aggr-name> <option-name> <option-val>
aggr offline {<atv-name> | <plex-name>}
aggr online {<atv-name> | <plex-name>}
aggr destroy {<atv-name> | <plex-name>}

vol Command
vol create <vol-name> [options] <disk-list>
vol status <vol-name>
vol rename < vol-name> <new-name>
vol options <vol-name> <option-name> <option-val>
vol offline {<vol-name> | <plex-name>}
vol online {<vol-name> | <plex-name>}
vol restrict <vol-name>
vol destroy {<vol-name> | <plex-name>} [options]
vol add <vol-name> [options] <disk-list>
vol create <flexiblevolname> <aggrname> size
vol size <flexvolname> [[+|-] size]

df -A
vol size vol0 10g
NetApp> aggr create aggr1 –t raid4 2
NetApp> vol create vol1 aggr1 2g
vol status -r
vol status vol1 -v
NetApp> aggr add aggr1 –n l
NetApp> vol rename vol1 vol2

NetApp> vol options vol2

NetApp> vol options vol2 nosnap on
NetApp> aggr options aggr1 raidtype dp
NetApp> sysstat 1
NetApp> aggr options aggr1 raidtype raid4
NetApp> disk zero spares
NetApp> options raid.reconsturct.perf_impact high
NetApp> disk fail [device_id from step 1]

Hostname Resolution
NetApp1> rdfile /etc/hosts

DNS Commands
Configuration Commands
options dns.domainname domainname
options dns.enable [on | off]

Information Command
dns info

options dns.domainname dns_campus2

options dns.enable on
netstat -r
route [ -fn ] add | delete [ host | net] destination [gateway metric ]
route –s

route add default

route add host client2 bldg_router 1
route delete

routed status

Virtual Interface Commands

vif create [single|multi] <vif_name> -b [rr|ip|mc] [<interface_list>]
vif delete <vif_name> [interface_list]
vif destory <vif_name>
vif add <vif_name> <interface_list>
vif [favor|nofavor] <interface>
vif status [<vif_name>]
vif stat vif_name [interval]
The named virtual interface
vif create single SingleTrunk e1 e2
vif delete MultiTrunk1 e2 e3
vif destroy SingleTrunk1
vif add MultiTrunk1 e2 e3
vif favor e0
vif status SingleTrunk1
vif stat SingleTrunk1 10

VLAN commands
vlan create –g on <ifname> <vlanid vlanid…>
vlan delete [-q] <ifname> <vlanid>
vlan add <ifname> <vlanid vlanid…>
vlan stat <ifname> <vlanid>
vlan modify –g [on|off] <ifname>

vlan create –g on e4 2 3 4
vlan delete –q e8 2
vlan add e8 3
vlan stat e4 10
vlan modify –g off e8

NetApp> ifcong –a
ifconfig [ -a ] [<interface> [ [alias | -alias ] <address> ] [ up | down ]
[ netmask <mask> ] [ broadcast <address> ][ mtusize <size> ][ mediatype { tp | tp-
df | 100tx | 100tx-fd 1000fx | auto }]
[ flowcontrol {none | receive | send | full } ] [ trusted | untrusted ] [ wins |
-wins ]
[ [ partner { <address> | <interface> } ] | [ -partner ] ] ] ]

filer> ifconfig e0
NetApp> netdiag
NetApp> netdiag -v
NetApp> netdiag -sap

/vol/vol0/pubs –rw = host1:host2,root=host1
/vol/vol1 –rw = host2

/vol/vol0 –rw=adminshosts:host1
/vol/vol1 –rw=adminshosts:host1:host2
/vol/vol2 –rw=adminshosts:host2

/etc/hosts adminhost host1 host2

Exporting Subnets
-rw= subnet_address1/leading bits in netmask
-ro= subnet_address1/leading bits in netmask
-root= subnet_address1/leading bits in netmask

exportfs [-aiuv] [-o options] [pathname]

NetApp> license
NetApp> license add abcdefg (Obtain the license code from the Instructor)
NetApp>rdfile /etc/exports
NetApp> exports
# mount IP-address:/vol/vol0/ mkdir /mnt/filer_name/vol0
# cd /mnt/filer_name/vol0
# ls –al

Create a qtree named “nfs_tree1” from the filer’s console.

NetApp>qtree create /vol/vol0/nfs_tree1

View the qtree

NetApp>qtree status

NetApp>rdfile /etc/exports
NetApp>wrfile /etc/exports

NetApp>exportfs –a
# mkdir /mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree1
# IP_address:/vol/vol0/nfs_trees1 /mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree1
# cd mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree1

NetApp> qtree create /vol/vol0/nfs_trees2

# mkdir /mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree2
# mount IP_address:/vol/vol0/nfs_trees2 /mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree2
# cd mnt/filer_name/nfs_tree2
#la –a

NetApp> qtree create /vol/vol0/nfs_tree3

# vi exportfs

cifs shares sharename

cifs shares –add sharename path [-comment description] [-forcegroup name] [-
maxusers n]
cifs shares –change sharename [-comment description | -nocomment] [-forcegroup
groupname | -noforcegroup] [-maxusers n | -nomaxusers]

cifs shares –delete sharename

cifs shares
cifs shares webfinal
cifs shares –add webfinal /vol/vol3/qtreepubs “New web pubs” –maxusers 30
cifs shares –change webfinal –nomaxusers
cifs shares –delete webfinal

cifs access share [-g] [user | group] rights

cifs access –delete share [user | group]

cifs sessions -d
cifs sessions growe_NT
cifs sessions
cifs sessions growe
cifs sessions –s
cifs sessions –s growe_NT

NetApp> license add <license code>

NetApp>cifs setup
NetApp> qtree create /vol/vol0/cli
NetApp> qtree status
NetApp> create shares –add cli /vol/vol0/cli
NetApp> cifs shares cli
cli /vol/vol0/cli everyone / Full Control
NetApp> cifs shares –change cli –comment ‘Share created via CLI’
NetApp> cifs access vol2 userx rwx
NetApp> cifs access vol2 userX read
qtree create [path]
qtree security [path [unix | ntfs | mixed]]
Qtree oplocks [path [enable | disable]]

qtree create pubs

qtree create /vol/projects/engr
qtree security / ntfs
qtree security /vol/projects/ mixed
qtree oplocks /vol/projects/engr enable
qtree oplocks /vol/projects/ disable
NetApp10>tree status
Modifying the /etc/usermap.cfg File

NetApp> qtree create /vol/vol0/mixed_tree

NetApp> qtree security /vol/vol0/mixed_tree mixed
NetApp> options cifs.trace_login on

snap create [ -A | -V ] [volume_name] [snapshot_name]

snap list [ -A | -V ] [volume_name]
snap delete [ -A | -V ] [volume_name] [snapshot_name]
snap delete [ -A | -V ] -a [volume_name]
snap rename [ -A | -V ] [volume_name] [old_file_name] [new_file_name]
snap reserve [ -A | -V ] [volume_name] [percent]
snap sched [ -A | -V ] [volume_name [weeks [days [ hours [@list]]]]]

snap create engineering Friday5pm

snap list engineering
snap delete engineering Friday5pm
snap delete –a vol2
snap rename engineering nightly.0 firstnight.0
snap reserve vol2 25

vol options [volume_name] nosnap [on | off]

vol options [volume_name] nosnapdir [on | off]
options cifs.show_snapshot [on | off]

vol options vol2 nosnap on

vol options vol2 nosnapdir on
options cifs.show_snapshot on

NetApp> snap list vol0

NetApp> snap sched vol0 1 3 4@8, 10, 12, 14
NetApp> snap create vol0 newsnap1
NetApp> df
NetApp> snap reserve
NetApp> snap reserve vol0 5

# rm hosts.bak
# cd /mnt/filer_name/vol0/.snapshot/mysnap/etc

quota [on | off] [volume_name]

quota resize [volume_name]
quota logmsg {on[<interval>] |off} [-v <vol> | all]
quota report [-s] [-u | -x] [-t] [path]
quota create [qtree_name]

quota on vol1
quota resize vol1
qtree create /vol/vol2/ teachpubs

quota report -u
quota report –a /vol/vol1/techpubs

NetApp> aggr create aggr1 –t raid 2

NetApp> #Comment : Create “vol1” and qtree “tree1”
NetApp> vol create vol1 aggr1 2g
NetApp> qtree create /vol/vol1/tree1
NetApp> #Comment: Turn quotas on “vol1”.
NetApp> quota on vol1

arp, setup, config, snmp, ifconfig, software, lun, source, man, vif
cifs, nfsstat, config, nis, httpstat, ypcat, ipsec, ypgroup, nbstat, ypmatch, nfs
date, passwd, download, ping, dump, priv, echo, rdate, ems, reboot, environment,
restore, fcp, route, help, routed, hostname, savecore, ifstat, secureadmin,
igroup, snap, ipsec, source

rdfile /etc/exports
wrfile /etc/exports
mv /etc/exports /etc/exports/old

statit –b -r -n
statit –e <flag>

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