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The effects of casual and ignorant sexual activities has affected our society in a very negative

way. Sex ed should be taught in a morally-based way rather than a contraceptive-based way
because it tricks many people into engaging into unmarried intercourse unplanned pregnancies,
which increases risks for STDs, and potentially abortion rates.

The effects of these actions are clear, let’s look on what is now forming to be an epidemic in the
U.S, CBS news reports that, “The United States is experiencing a "steep and sustained" spike in
sexually transmitted diseases, a new government analysis shows. Cases of gonorrhea, syphilis
and chlamydia all increased in 2017, making it the fourth straight year in which STD infections
continued to rise.” In case you were wondering the exact numbers, the total report of STDs in
2017 (not including unreported ones) were 2,295,739. Most people have STDs unknowingly, and
spread it unknowingly, which in pretty much all cases can be avoided if you do not sleep around.
But even people who do not have many partners and use protection can still get an STD.
However, if there is a couple who have not done any sexual activities before in the past, and they
engage in those activities, they cannot develop a STD. If people are taught abstinence, and can
control their urges, they can avoid all risk of getting STDs, this goes the same for their partner. If
people from a young age are taught to abstain, it will help lower the amount of STDs spreading.

Similarly, other consequences that occur from lack of sexual morale, are broken families.
According to 2018 U.S. Census Bureau, “out of about 11 million single parent families with
children under the age of 18, more than 80% were headed by single mothers.
Raw statistics show that there are 11,322,000 single parent families, which 81.5% are headed by
single mothers, and 34.0% were poor.” Most single parent children are not planned, the people
who now have to carry the responsibility of the child are usually not ready, or do not want to
carry that responsibility. While abstinence cannot help if a father/mother still wants to leave the
relationship, it will ensure that they have a child when they are ready and committed.

Lastly, the worst case scenario that can result from lack of sexual morale is abortion.
Between 1970 and 2015, CDC reports that there were nearly 45.7 million legal induced
abortions, since it was legalized. For a reference for how cataclysmic this is, PBS reports that the
death count of all U.S wars is around 1.1 million more or less. There have been over 40x the
amount of next generation children killed than those who have been killed in wars. Whether you
are pro-choice or pro-life, anyone can agree that this is devastating. Especially considering the
reasons for abortions a 2004 Guttmacher Institute survey shows that hard cases like rape incest
make much less than 2% of the reasons. The majority of the reasons being they weren’t ready,
didn’t want another child or they couldn’t handle a baby financially.
Others may argue that this education should be an unbiased teaching because abstinence usually
correlates with more conservative/religious views. This makes sense because a majority of
people think that schools should be neutral on teaching more controversial topics. However by
itself, this practice does not only have to apply religious/conservative views, it’s smart and safe
and should be implemented in classes to make society a better place. It’s the same as teaching
basic health and safety rules to children, because it does involve others and their health. It is
known that abstinence has all sorts of benefits. Bemidji Institute made a good list of the benefits,
“Academic performance, Better health, Confidence, Freedom from worry, Less stress, Peace of
mind, You won’t have to worry about birth control, Security, and Self-Respect.” The only
downsides to abstinence is that people need patience and self-control, skills that are critical to
succeeding in life.

In conclusion, the underlying problem under all the consequences of casual and ignorant sexual
activity fall under the people’s morals. Sexual freedom is encouraged in modern times, but
complete freedom is not good. Children and young adults need to be instead instilled with a
sense of responsibility and be aware and prepared for the consequences of sexual activity instead
of only being told about the fallbacks that are not foolproof. While the consequences are usually
taught, like stds for example, learners are usually just recommended to use contraceptives instead
of actually abstaining, which is the absolute safest way to avoid sexual consequences. Overall,
the way sexual education is taught should be changed to a more moral based teaching, because
our actions will affect the generations after us, and it would be unfair to them if foolish choices
of the previous generation affect the generation after in a negative way.

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