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To the extent that we are incomplete with our childhood past,

we will tend to self-sabotage our lives.

Here is a free analysis tool to support you to identify your incompletions and
heal your past traumas and upsets.

I invite you to discover how your childhood incompletions are limiting

your happiness and abundance so you can move your life forward powerfully.

Am I acting courageously in life ENOUGH to deserve the GOALS and DREAMS I truly
desire for myself and my loved ones?

Tough question, right?

To get there, you have to learn to share your truth, speak up for yourself, ask for
help, be vulnerable, and take real action every day to gain the kind of momentum
that gives you confidence and success.

You have to fully commit to your growth, read good books, do the work of asking
hard questions, get personal development coaching, and demand a lot from
yourself... while also loving yourself and giving yourself trust, respect,
appreciation, and credit along the way.

Denise and I share our hard lessons learned about this in Day 6:

Watch Day 6 Transformation Week!

Get notifications via Messenger as we release each day.

Did You Miss Any of the Training?

If so, you can now get the entire recordings and worksheets from all 7 days of
Transformation Week as a BONUS when you join my HPX Coaching Program. (Coaching
members get Transformation Week Course, plus me LIVE every single month for 2
hours, teaching tactical strategies and practices for dramatically improving your
life. Includes event tickets and more). Click here to join this limited time only
offer that includes Transformation Week course - and all the videos, audios,
worksheet, and community - free with coaching!

How to Participate

1. Watch the training and ask questions here.

2. Use #TransformationWeek on social media to get shoutouts and gifts.

3. Enjoy the audio on the go - we'll upload the audio on HPX Podcast.

I know you'll love this training, so take it while you can, or go get the entire
recordings and course free as part of my HPX Coaching program.

As Denise says:

"Remember that you can choose to be ordinary, or you can choose to become

So go be extraordinary!

- Brendon & Denise


Transformation Week ends tomorrow!

Hi Miguel,

I recently told you about an incredible gift to help you boost your confidence and
live your best life.

Have you downloaded the 8 Minutes To Confidence Affirmations yet?

If not, make sure you do as the benefits are many and this is a limited offer.

This gift merges the amazing benefits of both a guided meditation and some
empowering affirmations in a soothing confidence building audio!

Using this gift to boost confidence will help you see things from a very different
perspective, a universal perspective, by tuning out the negatives and focusing on
the positives.

Make sure to grab your copy today and begin feeling the benefits right away.

For decades, natural doctors have been on a quest to find the �Holy Grail� of pain

they have been searching for a remedy that blesses you with the ?pain-killing
rush ? of opioid drugs like morphine� ?but without the risk of addiction or

Now a doctor has uncovered a? breakthrough, powerful, natural painkiller... ? that

works with your body�s natural mechanisms to ?renew? your achy joints from the
inside out.

And in fact, it�s so effective at stopping pain... Even some mainstream doctors are
now saying it�s ?better than morphine � yet safer than aspirin!

Te invitamos este viernes 07 de junio de 2019 a partir de las 10am, al taller en

l�nea �Manual Laboral 2019, CFDI de n�mina y Factores de riesgo Psicosocial�.
Adapta tu empresa a los cambios fiscales-laborales que se dieron en 2019 de la mano
del C.P. Alberto Monroy Salinas.

Este taller en l�nea servir� para actualizar los controles laborales,

corroborar que la emisi�n del CFDI de n�mina se realice de forma correcta y aplicar
la NOM-035-STPS-2018, que promueve un mejor entorno en los centros de trabajo, para
prevenir los factores de riesgo Psicosocial.

Dirigido a:

Contadores P�blicos, Personal de Recursos Humanos, Patrones y cualquier persona que

tenga contacto directo o indirecto con la contrataci�n de trabajadores, timbrado de
los XML�s de la N�mina o se encarguen de mantener un buen entorno laboral.
Lo b�sico en la contrataci�n de los trabajadores

Identificaci�n entre un trabajador sindicalizado y uno de confianza

Relaci�n de trabajo
Tipos de contrato a ofrecerle al trabajador para evitar riesgos al patr�n
Periodicidad de pago dependiendo del tipo de trabajador
Jornada de trabajo que debe de laborar el trabajador y su relaci�n con la NOM-
Requisitos del contrato de trabajo incluye cambios a la reforma laboral 2019

Calculo y emisi�n del CFDI de n�minas

Determinaci�n del salario diario con base en un salario mensual neto, salario
base de cotizaci�n (SBC), salario diario integrado (SDI) y salarios variables
(diferencias bimestrales).
An�lisis de las claves de percepciones y deducciones a utilizar para la
elaboraci�n del CFDI, incluye cambios a la reforma laboral 2019.
Descuentos de cuotas sindicales
Casos en que se emite un CFDI con tipo de n�mina �O� y cuando emitir con tipo
de n�mina �E�
Plazo para el timbrado de los CFDI
Manejo correcto del nodo de otros pagos, subsidio al empleo en el CFDI,
anticipos de sueldos, pr�stamos, vi�ticos y pagos por separaci�n.
Correcci�n de errores en los CFDI
Matriz de los CFDI
Ejemplos de CFDI de n�mina y asimilados a salarios
�Comprobante impreso o CFDI como comprobante de pago?

Factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo (NOM-035-STPS-2018)

�Qui�nes tienen obligaci�n de cumplir con la NOM-035-STPS-2018?

Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial
Medidas de prevenci�n y acciones de control
Obligaciones del patr�n
� Identificar y analizar los factores de riesgo psicosocial
� Evaluar el entorno organizacional
� Identificar a los trabajadores que fueron sujetos a acontecimientos
traum�ticos severos.
Obligaciones de los trabajadores
Gu�a de referencia para el ejemplo de POL�TICA DE PREVENCI�N DE RIESGOS

Preguntas en vivo al presentador

En la sesi�n en l�nea, podr�s realizar preguntas al presentador referente al

tema fiscal-laboral. Estas son contestadas completamente en vivo y si se requiere
se puede ejemplificar en un caso pr�ctico.

Herramientas para el asistente (plus)

Durante el taller en l�nea, el presentador brindara al asistente herramientas

�tiles para el tema fiscal-laboral.

Datos generales del Curso en L�nea

Fecha: viernes 07 de junio de 2019

Horario: De 10am a 1pm (horario del centro de M�xico)
Lugar: �En l�nea! (webinar)
Costo: $1,149
Se entregar�: Diapositivas, Hojas de Excel de Control, Ejemplos (casos pr�cticos),
Reconocimiento y Grabaci�n.
Apartar mi Lugar!
Asi se imparten los talleres en l�nea de ContadorMx

Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step
of your life!

To shift your life in the desired direction, you must powerfully shift your

Reprogram your subconscious mind

Your mind, when given the proper suggestion, will eventually manifest...

SUCCESS from failure,

HEALTH from disease,

PROSPERITY from poverty,

FRIENDSHIP from isolation,

LOVE from loneliness.

For nothing is impossible to the subconscious mind, and it operates entirely by


Here, take these positive suggestions from this eBook "Reprogram Your Subconscious

Remember... you are what you think and with your thoughts, you make the world.

To your inner peace,

Meditation Mastery Secrets Team

Here is this week�s instalment of LEGENDARY TIPS FOR BRILLIANT PEOPLE where I tell
you some of the stuff I�ve been thinking about, reading and doing. This week, I
have a book recommendation, a quote, a show recommendation, an answer to a personal
question and an interesting article. Also please check out my latest book Thinking
on Purpose, co-authored with Dr Richard Bandler and Dr Glenda Bradstock.

1. I�ve been reading The ONE THING by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, an excellent
book on prioritisation and productivity.

2. This quote from the Legend Jim Rohn really resonates with me�.

�Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.

Failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.�

3. Although it�s not easy to get to, I highly suggest if you can find a good deal
and are in New York, Chicago or London, get along to HAMILTON, the musical. One of
the influences for my TEDx talk in terms of style, it is the greatest show I have
ever seen. The music is beautiful, lyrics are incredibly well put together and the
story is nicely told. A terrific way to learn about that period of American

4. Here is this week�s personal question:

Q If you could travel anywhere with any means of transport which one would it be?

A. A train for sure. The best way to travel!

5. To Change the Way You Think, Change the Way You See � an article. Fascinating
research shows the power of not just thinking differently but how seeing things
differently can help us think differently. Highly suggest checking it out!!

Hope you are still getting value from my podcast. If anyone you know would enjoy
it, please feel free to share it with them.

As always, feel free to email me at

Hi Miguel,

Have you ever heard the phrase... "Ask and you shall receive" ?

This is SO true and SO false at the same time...

It's a proof that the Law of Attraction works - But why so many people fail with

So, if you want to discover the scientific truth about the Law of Attraction...

Then you have to watch this documentary

Warning: This video has the power to change your life

Today's Free E-Book is one of the most comprehensive and practical guides you can
get to experience the extraordinary healing powers of holistic medicine.

Sarah Orwell, a Holistic Health Practitioner, is giving away her ground-breaking

book so that you can improve your health through a positive mental attitude, a
healthy lifestyle, a health-promoting diet, along with plenty of practical tips.

The Lost Book of Healing offers a variety of holistic approaches to treat ailments

High Blood Pressure
Chronic and Acute Pain
And as many as 80 ailments�
This amazing eBook is a perfect reference manual to the world of holistic health,
providing clear guidance in the use of the best natural remedies for all kinds of
illnesses, big and small.

We're Back!
Transformation Week Starts Now!

Is it possible to change your life in 7 days?!

Let's find out. Transformation Week is back, and all new!

For the next 7 days, Denise and I are running Transformation Week and releasing an
entire course for you - at no cost. It's only up for 7 days - after that you'll
have to buy it. So attend now and enjoy it free. Just our thanks for being with us
on our own transformational journey these last few months.

We just unlocked Day #1 on how clarity can change your life forever:

You deserve to live your best, most fulfilled life!

However, without confidence, that will be hard to do...

Luckily I�ve found the ultimate dynamic duo for essential confidence building:

Receive 8 minutes to Confidence Guided Meditation

This gift merges the amazing benefits of both a guided meditation and some
empowering affirmations in a soothing confidence building audio!

Using it to boost confidence will help you see things from a very different
perspective, a universal perspective, by tuning out the negatives and focusing on
the positives

The Law of Attraction can be TOUGH.


There's so much HYPE out there, it's hard to tell the signal from the noise.

My friends at "manifesting.com" created a special TRAINING video that unveils the

SCIENTIFIC TRUTH behind the Law of Attraction.

In it, you'll learn the 5 proven steps to manifesting ANYTHING in your life --
including more money, happiness and love.

It comes to you from ABC host, Carl Harvey -- and is streamed live from his villa
in Bali.

All you have to do is watch this powerful Law of Attraction training video.

I loved it.

That's why I'm sharing it with you today.

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