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La Rosa Lecture Notes


1. Definition of complex numbers
Complex conjugate, magnitude
Operations: Addition, multiplication, reciprocal number
2. Representation of complex numbers in polar form
The Euler’s representation z = a + ib = Aeiθ
3. Expressing the equation for the “forced harmonic
oscillator” in complex variable
4. More on complex function formalism
Time averaging of sinusoidal products
1. Definition of complex numbers
2. Representation of complex numbers in polar



In short,
 Anytime we write Ae
we actually mean Acos() + j A Sin()
 Ae is simply easier to manipulate
3. Expressing differential equations in complex
 Consider the following equation, where all the quantities are real
d 2x dx
m 2  b  kx  Fo Cos(t ) (1)
dt dt
This is the Eq. that governs the dynamic response of an oscillator
under the influence of a harmonic external force FoCos(t ) .
We are looking for a solution x = x(t)
 We can always consider a parallel Eq.
d2y dy
m 2  b  ky  Fo Sin (t )
dt dt
Notice the force is now Fo Sin(t )
(Different force, different solution; hence the use of y instead of x.)
Judiciously, and since the Eq. is linear, we multiply the Eq. by the
complex number j; thus
d 2 jy djy
m 2 b  kjy  Fo jSin (t ) (2)
dt dt
 Adding (1) and (2)
d 2 [ x  jy ] d [ x  jy ]
m  b  k [ x  jy ]  Fo [Cos(ωt )  jSin (ωt )]
dt 2 dt
By defining
z  x  jy (3)
The above Eq. takes the form
d 2z
m 2  b  kz  Fo e j t
dt dt

Compare Eq. (4) with Eq. (1)

 Thus, if we managed to find the complex function z(t) that satisfies

(4), then the solution of Eq (1) can be obtained using,
x= Real (z) (5)

In Section 2.2C “Studying atomic electronic excitations using a

mechanically forced harmonic oscillator model,” shows how to solve Eq.

4. More on complex function formalism

Ref: Amnon Yariv, Introduction to Optical Electronics
In problems that involve sinusoidally varying time functions we can save
a great deal of manipulation and space by using the complex function
formalism. As an example consider the function

ã(t) Complex

The exceptions are cases that involve the product (or powers) of sinusoidal
functions. In these cases we must use the real form of the function 1.1-3.

 Example where the distinction between the real and complex form is not
d a~(t )
necessary: Consider the problem of taking the derivative of a(t)

d a~(t )
 Example in which we have to use the real form of the function: Consider
the product of two sinusoidal functions a(t) and b(t)

 Using the real functions we get

 Were we to evaluate the product a(t) b(t) using the complex form of
the functions, we would get
a~(t ) b (t )

Time averaging of sinusoidal products

Another problem often encountered is that of finding the time average
of the product of two sinusoidal functions of the same frequency.

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