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Ace Dinkum Rug up

great, excellent true, for real, honest, genuine dress warmly

Aggro Dob in Servo
being aggravated, upset about something inform on someone or suggest someone for a service station
Ankle-biter task She'll be right
child Dodgy it'll be fine, reassurance
Arvo not quite right, suspicious Sheila
afternoon Dunny girl
Barbie toilet Shout
barbeque Fair go to pay for the next round of drinks
Barrack give someone an equal chance Show you the ropes
support (a sports team) Flick show you how things work
Bathers to get rid of someone or something Slab
garment you swim in (also swimmers, cozzies) Give someone a bell pack of 24 cans of beer
Beat up call someone on the phone Slack
an exaggeration, big talk about nothing Glam lazy
Bloke glamorous Spewin'
male Gob not happy
Bloody mouth Spud
very, used to emphasize a point (examples: Gobsmacked a potato
bloody awful, bloody amazing, absa-bloody- amazed, surprised Spunk
lutely) Good nick a good looking person of either sex
Bludger good condition Sucked in
lazy person Good on ya to be conned or tricked into something
Blue good for you (can be sarcastic) Sunnies
fight or mistake. Also a person with red hair Goss sunglasses
Bodgy gossip Ta
poor quality work or incorrectly done Have a blue thank you
Bogan have a fight Take a sickie
uncool person Hot under the collar have a day off work
Bottle-o get angry Tea
bottle shop (liquor store) Idiot box the evening meal (dinner) , or a cup of tea
Brown-eye television Thongs
to show ones bottom (anus), mooning Jumper flip flops - cheap rubber backless sandals
Buckleys sweater Trackie daks
no chance for it to happen (Play on words from a Knock something tracksuit pants
business: Buckleys and Nunn) to criticise something True blue
Buggered Lamingtons genuine; genuinely Australian
tired, broken sponge cakes coated in chocolate and grated Uni
Bush telegraph coconut university
word-of-mouth, gossip Larrakin Up yourself
Bush telly a prankster, someone who likes to have a laugh have a high opinion of yourself
campfire or starlight (telly is short for television) Little Aussie battler Vegemite
Call it a day someone bravely overcoming hardship spread for toast or bread, savoury in flavour
finish what you are doing Maccas Veggies
Cark McDonalds vegetables
die Mate Veggo
Chinwag friend a vegetarian
casual chat with someone Mucking around Wag
Crack a Fruity playing games, being foolish to skip school, truant
go crazy, insane, weird No worries Whinge
Crack onto no problem, reassurance complain
romantically pursue someone Reckon Wonky
Crook to agree, an opinion something unstable, unsteady or shaky
sick (feeling crook), bad (crook weather), difficult Rip off Wuss
(crook job), also dishonest person to cheat a coward
a rowdy/loud/disruptive person

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