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A838 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共6兲 A838-A842 共2004兲

0013-4651/2004/151共6兲/A838/5/$7.00 © The Electrochemical Society, Inc.

In Situ XRD and Electrochemical Study of the Reaction

of Lithium with Amorphous Silicon
T. D. Hatchard* and J. R. Dahn**,z
Department of Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3J5

Silicon is a very promising candidate to replace graphite as the anode in Li-ion batteries because of its very high theoretical
capacity. It has not yet made its way into commercial cells because of severe problems with the charge and discharge cycling of
the material. It seems that amorphous silicon and amorphous silicon-containing alloys exhibit much improved cycling perfor-
mance. Therefore, it is desirable to fully understand the reaction of Li with a-Si. To this end, an in situ X-ray diffraction study of
the reaction of lithium with a-Si has been performed. The results confirm that a new crystalline Li15Si4 phase is formed below 30
mV vs. Li/Li⫹ as first reported by Obrovac and Christensen in an article published in Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.
However, the crystalline phase only forms for films of a-Si above a critical thickness of about 2 ␮m.
© 2004 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1739217兴 All rights reserved.

Manuscript received October 1, 2003. Available electronically April 30, 2004.

In the portable electronics industry, the recent trend has been formed in a-Si thin films on cycling. These columns then cycled
toward smaller and more powerful devices. This requires batteries reversibly with little capacity loss. Maranchi et al.13 also found re-
made from materials with very high energy densities. The battery of sults similar to those of Beaulieu with excellent cycling and high
choice is currently the Li-ion battery, which typically consists of a capacities 共⬃3500 mAh/g兲 in 250 nm thick a-Si films on copper
graphite negative electrode and a LiCoO2 positive electrode. How- substrates. Netz et al.14 experimented with several alloys containing
ever, to meet the ever-increasing energy demands of modern de- silicon. Their materials were promising in terms of charge/discharge
vices, researchers are seeking new materials that will lead to smaller, cycling, but suffered from large first-cycle irreversible capacity.
lighter, and longer-lasting batteries. Many other alloy systems also experience a very large first-cycle
For the negative electrode, some of the most promising materials irreversible capacity.15-18 Wachtler et al. 15 reported irreversible ca-
include silicon, tin, and alloys containing these elements.1-5 Silicon pacities for Sn/SnSb alloys as high as 65% of first discharge. As
has a theoretical specific capacity of nearly 4200 mAh/g 共⬃9800 pointed out in the article, these high irreversible capacities may have
mAh/mL兲, which corresponds to a fully lithiated state of Li22Si5 共4.4 more to do with structure than composition.
Li per Si兲. This value is very favorable when compared to the spe- Several authors have reported that crystalline silicon be-
cific capacity of graphite, which is only 372 mAh/g (LiC6 ). comes amorphous upon alloying with lithium.19-21 Limthongkul
A crucial hurdle must still be overcome before these materials et al.20,21 collected high resolution electron microscopy and X-ray
diffraction 共XRD兲 data showing the conversion of a crystalline Si
can be used in commercial Li-ion cells. Although their capacities are
electrode into an amorphous Li-Si alloy. They proposed an electro-
very high, they do not retain this capacity over a large number of
chemically driven solid-state amorphization mechanism similar to
cycles.5 Some actually fall below 50% of their initial capacity after
thin-film solid-state amorphization.
less than five cycles. For use in a commercial cell, the capacity
Obrovac and Christensen22 recently reported that a-Si crystal-
retention must be much better than this.
The capacity loss in these alloy materials can occur for several lizes very rapidly to a new Li15Si4 phase below 50 mV vs. Li. The
reasons. In crystalline materials, new intermetallic phases are crystalline phase then converts back to a-Lix Si during the subse-
formed on lithium insertion.5 This leads to inhomogeneous volume quent charge. This fully lithiated phase of Li15Si4 seems to be more
expansions in the two-phase regions which can cause cracking and consistent with capacities reported in the literature, despite the fact
pulverization of the material. As a result of this cracking, some of that equilibrium phase diagrams do not predict it, but instead predict
the particles may lose electrical contact with the electrode, and ca- a fully lithiated state of Li22Si5 . The theoretical capacity for this
pacity is lost. phase is about 3500 mAh/g, which is very close to the capacities
In amorphous alloys, the capacity loss occurs for a different reported in.13 This has also been discussed previously in Ref. 23 and
reason. Beaulieu et al.6-9 have shown that in amorphous alloys of has been used to help explain capacities found in a-Si1⫺x Snx films.
Si and Sn, the expansion on lithium insertion is homogeneous and In this study, we performed an in situ XRD study of the reaction
that 10-30 ␮m pieces of thin films expand and contract reversibly of lithium with a sputtered a-Si film. The XRD and electrochemical
without further pulverization. It appears that in these amorphous data are presented. Also, in Ref. 13 it was shown that the film
films, the capacity loss occurs because contact is lost because of thickness had a strong effect on the electrochemical performance.
expanding and contracting particles undergoing large volume Here we show that film thickness also has an effect on structural
changes and not because of the pulverization that occurs in crystal- changes that occur during the lithiation of a-Si films.
line films. It was shown in a previous work that amorphous alloys of
Si-Al-Sn do tend to cycle better than their crystalline counterparts.10
Similar results were found by Song et al. for Mg2 Si films, although Samples were prepared by magnetron sputtering using a Corona
their amorphous films were 30 nm thick as compared to their nano- Vacuum Coater’s 共Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada兲 V3T sys-
crystalline films, which were 380 nm thick.11 tem. The system holds up to five targets, is turbopumped, and
To take advantage of the capacity available from silicon and to reaches a base pressure of 5 ⫻ 10⫺8 Torr. 2-in. diam targets of
overcome the problems with cycling, it is necessary to study it in boron-doped Si 共Pure Tech, 99.9%兲 were used. Films were deposited
detail. Many researchers have begun studying amorphous silicon using either a radio frequency 共rf兲 power supply with a net forward
and amorphous silicon-containing alloys. Sayama et al.12 found power of 200 W, or a dc power supply of 100 W.
similar results to those of Beaulieu, in that ⬃6 ␮m columns were Films were deposited on a preweighed Be window 共Electro-
fusion, Fremont, CA兲 and on 1.3 cm diam preweighed Cu disks. The
Cu disks were cleaned with steel wool, and all substrates were
rinsed with methanol. To remove organic contaminants, substrates
* Electrochemical Society Student Member.
** Electrochemical Society Active Member. were exposed to an O2 plasma and an Ar plasma for 20 min, each
E-mail: jeff.dahn@dal.ca created with an rf power supply 共50 W net兲 attached to a Cu elec-

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共6兲 A838-A842 共2004兲 A839

Figure 1. XRD pattern of 12 ␮m a-Si film on a Be window for use in an Figure 2. Plot of potential vs. capacity for the in situ XRD cell. The arrow
in situ XRD test cell. indicates a change in slope near 0.03 V.

trode. The film deposited on the Be window was incorporated in an

in situ XRD coin-type test cell. The cell components and assembly 1000 mAh/g or nearly 30% of the first discharge. The second dis-
procedure are described in detail in Ref. 24. The films deposited on charge is limited to 0.1 V. There is no obvious plateau in this dis-
Cu disks were incorporated in coin-type electrochemical test cells. charge, just one gentle slope. Also, at the end of the second dis-
The test cells were charged and discharged using computer- charge, there is no obvious change in slope in the voltage-charge
controlled battery testers produced by E-One Moli Energy 共Maple (V-Q) relation, and the voltage does not jump as high at the start of
Ridge, British Columbia, Canada兲. The current was chosen to pro- the second charge. These features can be explained by the XRD
vide a C/48 rate based on the theoretical capacity of the cell. The in data.
situ cell was discharged using the signature method described in Figure 3a shows potential vs. time for the in situ cell, and Fig. 3b
Ref. 25. The current was halved three times with a 30 min open-
circuit period between current steps once the lower cutoff potential
had been reached. The first discharge was to 0 V. The cell was then
charged to 1.2 V, also using the signature method. The subsequent
discharge was limited to 0.1 V.
XRD data was collected with a JD2000 diffractometer equipped
with a Cu target X-ray tube and a diffracted beam monochromator
limiting the beam to Cu K␣ radiation. The generator was set for 40
kV and 30 mA. Data was collected between 2␪ ⫽ 15° and 60° at
0.05° intervals. The count time was 12 s per point, giving total scan
times of 3 h. A total of 43 scans was completed over the course of
the experiment.
Results and Discussion
The Si film deposited on a Be window was measured with XRD
before the in situ cell was constructed to determine the structure of
the film. The result is shown in Fig. 1. With the exception of peaks
from the Be window at approximately 42°, 46°, 52°, and 53°, there
are no sharp peaks in the profile. There are two broad humps cen-
tered roughly at 29° and 52°. These humps are from the Si film and
indicate that it is amorphous, as was desired. Also, from the mass of
Si deposited and using the bulk density for Si, the thickness was
estimated to be 12 ␮m.
Figure 2 shows the potential vs. capacity data for the in situ cell
constructed from the a-Si film on the Be window. There are two very
broad, gently sloping plateaus during the first discharge. One is at
approximately 0.2 V and the other at 0.1 V. At the end of the first
discharge, the profile shows a change in slope at about 0.03 V, as
indicated by the arrow in Fig. 2. The total first discharge capacity, Figure 3. Plot of data collected for the first discharge and charge of the in
including signature discharge, is just over 3500 mAh/g. situ XRD cell showing 共a兲 potential vs. time and 共b兲 selected XRD scans. The
During the first charge, the voltage increases immediately to 0.4 circled numbers in a show the start time of the XRD scans. The numbers to
V, where there is a broad plateau. The total first charge capacity is the right in b show the scan numbers. Diffraction peaks from cell parts have
approximately 2500 mAh/g, giving an irreversible capacity of about been subtracted.

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A840 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共6兲 A838-A842 共2004兲

Table I. Comparison of Rietveld parameters

Obrovac and
Parameter This work Christensen 共Ref. 22兲
Lattice constant 10.777 Å 10.685 Å
Si 共16c兲 共x, y, z兲 共0.462, 0.462, 0.462兲 共0.459, 0.459, 0.459兲
Li 共48e兲 共0.130, 0.177, 0.865兲 共0.118, 0.156, 0.961兲
Li 共12a兲 共0.375, 0.0, 0.250兲 共0.375, 0.0, 0.250兲

ment was performed on scan 16 of the in situ cell using Rietica.27

The cell parts were again removed from the pattern, and the inten-
sities were corrected for absorption by the Be window. The space
group of Li15Si4 is I4̄3d 共cubic兲. The lattice constant was 10.777 Å.
Si atoms are on the 16c sites 共0.462, 0.462, 0.462兲 with Li on the
48e sites 共0.130, 0.177, 0.865兲 and 12a sites 共0.375, 0.0, 0.250兲.
Table I presents a comparison of the parameters found in this work
with those reported by Obrovac and Christensen.22 The results are
close, which is comforting, given that the data for this work was
collected through a Be window and included reflections from cell
Figure 5 displays scan 16 along with the fit obtained with the
parameters just described. The fit is good. Even though the Li15Si4
phase does not appear in equilibrium phase diagrams for this sys-
tem, we believe that this is the phase that forms at the bottom of
discharge for a-Si.
Figure 4. An expanded view of scans 11 through 15 of Fig. 3, showing the
Figure 6 shows the remaining XRD scans taken of the in situ
bottom of the first discharge. The arrow indicates the change of slope in V-Q
cell. These cover the second discharge/charge cycle of the cell. For
corresponding to the crystallization of the film.
this cycle, the discharge was limited to 0.1 V. No peaks of the
Li15Si4 phase appear, indicating that no crystallization occurs 共the
large peak at 26° that appears on scan 29 is a result of carbon paint
shows selected XRD patterns taken from the cell. The circled num- added to the cell during scan 28 to improve conductivity between
bers in Fig. 3a represent the time of the XRD scans, and the num- the Be window and the cell case兲. This is presumably because the
bers to the right of Fig. 3b indicate scan numbers. To make the potential was not lowered to about 0.03 V. The potential vs. capacity
changes occurring in the X-ray patterns more clear, the peaks due to plot does not contain the slope change that was indicative of crys-
the cell parts have been fitted and then removed by subtraction. tallization on the first cycle. Also, when the charge begins, the po-
The first change that occurs in the patterns is that the two humps tential does not rise nearly as dramatically as it did on the first
from the a-Si become a little sharper and shift to a lower angle. This charge.
is due to the expansion of the Si host matrix as Li atoms are inserted Using the features in the capacity vs. potential plot that are as-
to form a-Lix Si. This behavior continues until scan 13. At the start sociated with the formation of a crystalline phase in the a-Si films,
of scan 13, the film is still amorphous, with the lower angle hump we can now use electrochemical data to study the structure changes
shifted to below 25°. During this scan, the potential of the cell
begins to change slope at about 0.03 V. Also, a series of new peaks
begins to form between 40° and 45°. We also see that at the start of
scan 14, there are new peaks forming between 20° and 27°, and that
the broad humps from the a-Si have largely disappeared.
Figure 4 expands the portion of Fig. 3 in the range of scans 11 to
15. From this figure, the formation of the new peaks clearly occurs
sometime between the start and finish of scan 13. They are not
present at the start of the scan but are present at the end. Each scan
took approximately 3 h, so the crystallization giving rise to these
new peaks must have occurred very rapidly. The crystallization can
be associated with the change in slope of the voltage profile that
occurs during scan 13.
During scans 16 to 23, the first charge, the new peaks slowly
disappear, and the humps from a-Si return in what appears to be a
coexisting phase region. This set of scans corresponds to the broad
plateau that is seen in the capacity vs. potential plot 共Fig. 2兲 during
the first charge. Clearly, at the bottom of discharge, the a-Lix Si crys-
tallizes rapidly to form a new phase. During the subsequent charge,
this crystalline phase is converted back to a-Lix Si.
Based on the charge transferred and the mass of Si in the cell, the
stoichiometry of the crystalline phase can be estimated. A composi-
tion of Li15Si4 would correspond to about 3580 mAh/g. From Fig. 2,
the first discharge had a capacity of just over 3500 mAh/g, so we
suppose that the crystalline phase that forms is indeed Li15Si4 , in
agreement with Obrovac and Christensen.22 Li15Si4 is assumed to Figure 5. Plot of scan 16 共dots兲 and the Rietveld calculation 共line兲 using the
have the same structure type as Cu15Si4 and Li15Ge4 , as described in parameters for Li15Si4 described in the text. The data has been corrected for
Ref. 26. To help verify that this could be the case, a Rietveld refine- absorption by the Be window.

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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共6兲 A838-A842 共2004兲 A841

Figure 6. Plot of data collected for the second discharge and charge of the in
Figure 7. Plots of 共a兲 potential vs. capacity for a 4.5 ␮m thick a-Si film, 共b兲
situ XRD cell showing 共a兲 potential vs. time and 共b兲 selected XRD scans. The
circled numbers in 6a show the start time of the XRD scans. The numbers to dQ/dV vs. potential for a 4.5 ␮m thick a-Si film, 共c兲 potential vs. capacity
the right of 6b show the scan numbers. Diffraction peaks from cell parts have for a 2.4 ␮m thick a-Si film, 共d兲 dQ/dV vs. potential for a 2.4 ␮m thick a-Si
been subtracted. film, 共e兲 potential vs. capacity for a 0.5 ␮m thick a-Si film, and 共f兲 dQ/dV vs.
potential for a 0.5 ␮m thick a-Si film.

of the films on lithiation/delithiation. Figure 7 shows a comparison

of results from two coin cells made from a-Si films deposited on Cu 0.03 V. Films of 0.5 ␮m or thinner never showed evidence of crys-
foil and one channel of a combinatorial cell plate with pure a-Si 共for tallization in our experiments. Films thicker than 5 ␮m always crys-
a description of combinatorial cell plates, see Ref. 28兲. Figures 7a tallized upon lithiation. Figures 7c and d show that films about 2.5
and b show the potential vs. capacity and dQ/dV vs. potential for a ␮m thick sometimes crystallize and sometimes do not. It appears
4.5 ␮m thick film, respectively. Figures 7c and d are the correspond- that there is a critical thickness of about 2.5 ␮m, below which films
ing plots for a 2.4 ␮m thick film, and Fig. 7e and f are those for a of a-Si do not crystallize upon lithiation and above which they do
0.5 ␮m film. crystallize. However, many other factors could also play a role in
Figure 7a shows the same features in the potential vs. capacity whether or not films crystallize, including, e.g., deposition condi-
plot as the in situ cell. At the bottom of discharge, the slope changes tions, morphology, adhesion to the substrate, charge/discharge cur-
共indicated by an arrow兲, indicating the formation of the crystalline rent, and temperature.
Li15Si4 phase. This is mirrored by the peak in dQ/dV at about 0.03
V indicated by an arrow in Fig. 2b. Also, on the start of charge, the Conclusion
potential jumps sharply to 0.4 V, where the Li15Si4 phase converts
In this paper, the results of an in situ XRD study of the lithiation
back to a-Lix Si in a two-phase region. This conversion is accompa- of a-Si were reported. At the bottom of discharge 共below 0.03 V兲,
nied by a sharp peak in the dQ/dV plot of Fig. 7b at 0.4 V during thick films of a-Si rapidly crystallize to form a crystalline Li15Si4
charge. phase. On delithiation, the a-Si phase reforms. The samples do not
In Fig. 7c, at the bottom of discharge there is no change of slope recrystallize during subsequent discharges if the voltage is kept
in the potential-capacity relation. Also, the cell potential does not go
above 0.1 V. Features in the dQ/dV vs. potential and potential vs.
as high at the start of charge. In the dQ/dV vs. potential plot for this capacity plots can be associated with the crystallization of the
cell 共Fig. 7d兲 there are two broad humps, one at 0.3 V and one at 0.5 sample. These features can now be used to determine the structure
V during the first charge. During the second discharge of this cell, changes that a sample undergoes without the use of XRD. Also, the
there is a slight change of slope in the voltage-capacity curve near film thickness may play an integral role in determining if the sample
0.03 V, and on the subsequent charge the voltage rises much more crystallizes during lithiation. A critical thickness seems to be around
quickly to 0.4 V. In the dQ/dV vs. potential plot, the two humps 2.5 ␮m, although more study is needed to find the exact value and to
during charge have disappeared and are replaced by one sharp peak determine the effects of other variables.
at 0.4 V.
Figure 7f shows the dQ/dV vs. potential plot for a 0.5 ␮m thick Acknowledgments
a-Si film studied using slow sweep 共0.03 mV/s兲 cyclic voltammetry.
This film was cycled 10 times, with no evidence of crystalline The authors acknowledge the support of this research by the
phases forming 共no sharp peaks in dQ/dV vs. potential兲. At the end Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 共NSERC兲
of each discharge the electrode’s potential was held fixed at 5 mV of Canada. T.H. acknowledges NSERC, the Walter C. Sumner
while the current relaxed 共Fig. 7e兲. Even this aggressive procedure Foundation, and the Izaak Walton Killam Foundation for scholarship
did not induce the formation of the crystalline Li15Si4 for this thin support.
film. Based on Fig. 7, it seems that the film thickness is very impor- Dalhousie University assisted in meeting the publication costs of this
tant in determining if an a-Si film crystallizes during lithiation near article.

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A842 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 151 共6兲 A838-A842 共2004兲

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