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10th Year Teacher: Deolinda Russo

I. Rephrase the following sentences beginning them as suggested below.

1. Jane didn’t know my address, so she didn’t send me a postcard from London.
If she had ___________________________________________________

2. When the sun shines all through the weekend there are lots of traffic jams.
If the sun shines ______________________________________________

3. I didn’t remember what was said at the conference because I wasn’t paying
I would have ___________________________________________________

4. If new forests aren’t planted everywhere, the earth will soon become a desert.
Unless ______________________________________________________

5. We have no public park. Children have no place to play.

If we had _____________________________________________________

6. Unless they had a powerful force, they wouldn’t win the battle.
If they ______________________________________________________

7. Unless you work hard you will fail.

If you don’t __________________________________________________

8. I don’t want to buy that house because it’s very small.

If that house _________________________________________________

9. She doesn’t go out more often because she is too weak.

She ________________________________________________________

10. He is too fat because he doesn’t take any exercise.

He _________________________________________________________

11. Thomas failed his exams last June, so he took them again in September.
If Thomas hadn’t_______________________________________________

12. You didn’t know him well, so you thought he was a very serious man.
If you had ____________________________________________________

13. Send him a telegram now and he gets it this evening.

If you _______________________________________________________

14. He doesn’t write to me and I don’t write to him.
I won’t ______________________________________________________

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronoun.

1. My sister, ___________ lives in New York, thinks she lives in the best place on
2. Youngsters ___________ love to wear trendy clothes often spend most of their
allowance on clothing.
3. Brands such as Nike and Gant, __________ are extremely popular among teens,
should consider their price range.
4. Advertisements __________ portray skinny models can promote an unreal ideal of
5. My best friend, __________ teenage daughter has just spent her entire monthly
allowance on a pair of trainers, is worried about the effects of advertising on teenage
6. Finally I’ve found the information ___________ I was looking for.

III. Rewrite the following sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. These are the pictures. They were laughing at them.

These __________________________________________________________

2. Franchising allows you to start a business. It doesn’t require a lot of money to invest.
Franchising ______________________________________________________

3. Advertising is very important nowadays. Most people are influenced by it in every

Advertising ______________________________________________________

4. My car was quite old. It was destroyed in a crash.

My car __________________________________________________________

5. I work for a very demanding entrepreneur. He does business with Asian companies.
I work __________________________________________________________

6. Australians celebrate Harmony Day. They want it to become a world celebration.

Australians ______________________________________________________

7. That girl is Lucy’s sister. She worked as a volunteer in Africa last year.
That girl ________________________________________________________

8. We met a lady yesterday. Her children go to the same school as mine.

We ____________________________________________________________

9. London is a big city. My parents live there.

London _________________________________________________________

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