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Classroom Management

I believe that having relationships with my students is key to successful classroom

management. I need to show my students that I care for them and truly want what is best for
them. They need to be able to trust me and we need to have a positive relationship. If I don’t
have positive relationships with my students then they will not listen to me or respect me.

Community Building
Job system
The students will build community by participating in a job system. This allows students to feel part of the
class and teach them responsibility.
Student of the week
I will also have a student of the week. They will be able to come in and share about their life and who
they are. Students will get to learn the similarities and differences between one another and it will help
them build relationships.

(Room to room)- Students will have numbers assigned to them on the first day of school. They will line
up in number order whenever they have to go to recess, lunch, the library and so forth. They will be
expected to have a straight line with hands behind their back and mouths closed. They will not be able to
leave until they show these expectations.
(Subject area to subject area)- Whenever it is time to change activities, there will be a bell rung.
Students will have to stop what they are doing and put their hands on their head. They should be frozen
and quiet. I will then play a song such as the Jeopardy theme song while they move to the carpet or the
next activity.

Whole group instruction/Small group Instruction

Clip system
I will use a clip system to correct and praise student behavior. I will have the students move their clip up if
they are on task or doing an excellent job. I will have students move their clip down one color if there is an
unwanted behavior. If they fix their behavior throughout the day, then they will be able to move their clip
back up. I will have a calendar that corresponds to the clip chart. Every day the student will color the box
on their calendar with whatever color they ended up on for the day. They take this calendar home each
day so their parents can see.
Marble jar
If the class is working quietly and all on task, then I will add marbles to the jar. If the class is too loud or
there are too many kids off task at once, then I will take marbles out. When the jar is full then the class will
earn extra free time, play time, or a treat.
Positive reinforcement
I will use a lot of positive reinforcement in my class. I will point out when kids are doing the right thing and
praise them for it. I have seen this work very well. For the most part they like to be noticed when they are
doing well. Other kids want to do well when they see other kids getting praised for what they are doing.

Parent communication
I will send a weekly email to the parents. The email will discuss what the learning goals are for the next
week and any important reminders. I will also send home positive notes to a few kids throughout the week
so that parents are informed when their child is doing well in school. I don’t want to just focus on the
negative. If there needs to be an intervention with a child, I will call the parent or have them come in and
meet with me to discuss their child’s behavior.

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