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Target Age Group: 2nd Grade

Common Core: 2nd Grade Language Arts Text Types and Purposes Writing Standard 3:
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events,
include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event
order, and provide a sense of closure.

Objective: Students will demonstrate learning by incorporating at least three action verbs into
their personal narrative final drafts.

Materials: Index cards for writing verbs, each student needs a copy of their narrative draft,

Background: Students will have been working through a unit on writing personal narrative.
They will each have completed at least a rough draft of their narrative. The narratives are about a
memorable time the student had with their family.

Preparation: I will use index cards to write out verbs that students can act out. Make about 8
cards that are active, vivid verbs that will be easy to act out. Make about 4 cards that are more
vague, and will be harder to act out.

Schema Orientation:
I’ll ask students to discuss in tables what they know about verbs. If they aren’t able to build
active conversations I will guide a whole group discussion. I will define verbs as action words
during this lesson. I will provide a sentence frame on the board that shows that for a word to be a
verb, it has to be something you can do. “I can [blank].” We will talk about interesting, vivid
verbs like leap and scuttle.

Activity Orientation:
I will explain that we are going to play verb charades. I will reiterate behavior expectations at
this time. I will explain that I am going to give each group a card with a verb on it. As a group
they need to think of a way to act out the verb together. We will go around and as each table does
their verb, the other tables will guess.

I will pass out a verb card to each table and give them a minute to discuss how they want to act it
out. We will then go around the room and allow each table to act and the others to guess. We will
do this several types and the verbs will get increasingly trickier. To emphasize the importance of
active, vivid verbs I will include verb cards with less descriptive verbs such as “go” and “leave.”
These words might not be guessed so I will keep track of which groups I gave those cards to, in
case I have to jump in to rescue them.

Students will finish the drafts of their personal moment family narratives. They will use action
words, or vivid verbs, to add detail and make their stories engaging. Before they come to
conference with me they must be ready to identify at least three vivid verbs. We will then
conference and I will assess their learning by asking them to point out the vivid verbs to me.

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