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(Understanding, Characterizing, Discovering)

Positivist - Survey, Correlational, Causal Comparative,

- Example: Post Factor, Quasi, Experimental)
- Population data, statistical analysis
Interpretation - Case Study, Grounded Theory, Pheno, Ethnography, Narrative/Historical
- Qualitative Approach
Mixed Approach - 3 sequential, 3 transformative, 3 concurrent

Reporting Approaches: Examples:

a. Narrative - Denzin (Auto Biography)
b. Pheno - Mustakas, Von Manoun ( Life in Penotendiary)
c. G.T - Strauss and Corbin (Relationship Established)
d. Ethno - Wolcott (People and Place)
e. Case Study - Yin, Stake, Merian (Effects)

Data Focus
- Interviews
- Observations
- Field Notes
- FGDs
- Documents
- Artifacts
- Questionnaire

Levels of Analysis
1. Conceptual (Manual Computer Aide)
- Concept to Code
2. Relational Analysis
- Identify concepts
- define relationship between codes
- graphical display/mapping (Miles & Habler)

1. Literary Criticism
2. Discourse Analysis (Interpretation)
3. Thematic (tagging)
4. Content (inference/presence of words)
Framework Intuition
- Thinking Aids
- Display Methods
- Classification
- Coding
Emic (informant)
Etic (own)

Mixed Approach
- 3 Sequential – transformative, exploratory, explanatory
- 3 Concurrent – triangulation, transformative, rested

Quali – deeply involve, narrative approach

Pheno – understanding the life and accounts of people in a certain event/situation

- Describing the situation

G.T – ex. Life in the emergency ward/station

Huge Data Source (Powerful Insights)

Text Action Spoken
- Newspaper - Photograph - Interviews
- Books - Cartoons - Minutes of Meeting
- Magazines - Comic Strips - Radio
- Political - Emotion Pictures - TV Broadcast

1993 – Magring – Systematic Text Analysis

1992 – Huber + Miles
1995 – Weitzman + Mills
Fielding and Lee
Computer Program, NVIVO, ATLAST/N, WinMAX

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