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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 5-1 Dudley Demented

 Harry is back at the Dursleys' at Privet Drive, lying hidden below a window in the garden
so he can hear the tv news. He sees Mrs. Figg passing by, frowning and muttering to
 Aunt Petunia tells Uncle Vernon that Dudley is at the Polkiss'. Harry knows that Dudley
and his gang have been around vandalising the neighbourhood instead. He had seen them
around in Little Whinging.
 Listening to the news, there's only unimportant events. Something about a Spanish strike,
a helicopter crash, an actress's divorce and something about Bungy the budgy who lives
at the Five Feathers, reported by Mary Dorkins.
 Sudenly there's a loud crack, a cat streaks out from under a parked car, a shriek, a
bellowed oath and the sound of breaking china, and Harry draws his wand.
 Uncle Vernon is furious about Harry drawing his wand and acts like a car has backfired
to "Mrs. Number Seven" on the opposite side of the street.
 After a discussion with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia Harry walks away. He thinks the
cracking noise was someone Apparating or Disapparating. He's disappointed that he
heard very little news from Ron and Hermione, only receiving a box of Honeydukes
chocolates from her.
 He turns a corner into Magnolia Crescent, next into Magnolia Road and finally into the
park. He's thinking about the news, his dreams about Cedric and about long dark
 While sitting in a swing, Dudley and his gang pass by. Dudley is heading home and
Harry follows to go back too. At the end of Magnolia Road Harry sees Dudley parting
with his friends Piers Polkiss and Gordon. Harry starts bickering with Dudley, asking
him if he's been been beating up ten-year-olds again. Harry knows Dudley did Mark
Evans two nights ago.
 They walk through Magnolia Crescent again and Wisteria Walk. While they are arguing,
suddenly the air gets cold and the sky becomes pitch black. Dudley knocks Harry to the
ground and runs away. Harry loses his wand. Next thing they are attacked by two
 Harry can't find his wand, he uses the ¤ Lumos spell and his Wand tip lights up inches
from his hand. He tries the ¤ Expecto Patronum but only a silver whisper of vapour
comes out of his wand. He tries the Patronus Charm again but another whisp of smoke
appears. A Dementor is closing in on him now and he hears laughter and a high pitched
voice in his head. At the last moment he manages to finally conjure up his Patronus and
drives off the Dementor attacking him and the one attacking Dudley.
 Harry helps Dudley up and sees Mrs. Figg arriving. When he quickly puts away his
wand, she orders him not to put it away in case there are more Dementors around and she
seems to be furious with Mundungus Fletcher.

Chapter 5-2 A Peck of Owls

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Mrs. Figg tells Harry that Mundungus Fletcher had left to see someone about a batch of
Cauldrons that fell off the back of a broom and that it's just lucky she put Mr. Tibbles on
the case. She turns out to be a Squib. It was Mundungus Fletcher who disapparated from
the front of Harry's house. He has been following Harry.
 They walk back home taking Dudley. While walking, Mrs. Figg tells Harry to keep his
wand out, never minding the Statute of Secrecy now. This is exactly what Dumbledore
was afraid of with the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. She sees something
on the end of the street but it's just Mr. Prentice.
 There's a crack and Mundungus Fletcher appears by Apparation, holding an Invisibility
Cloak. He should have been watching Harry when he left to buy stolen cauldrons.
Fletcher says someone should tell Dumbledore and Mrs. Figg says 'yes - they - have' and
that it better be him so he can tell why he wasn't there to help. Then Fletcher
 They reach the Dursley's house and Mrs. Figg leaves. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon
are furious.
 At that moment an owl flies in bringing Harry a letter from the Ministry of Magic. The
letter indicates Harry performed a Patronus Charm in a Muggle-inhabited area and in the
presence of a Muggle. This is a breach of the Decree for the Restricion of Underage
Wizardry and therefore he is expelled from Hogwarts. As Harry already has received an
official warning for a previous offence under Section 13 of the International
Confederation of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy, Harry will need to appear at a disciplinary
hearing at the Ministry at nine on the twelfth of August. The letter is signed by Mafalda
Hopkirk of the Improper Use of Magic Office.
 Harry is about to run. There's a crack in the kitchen and a barn owl appears bringing a
letter from Mr. Weasley telling Harry to stay in the house and to not surrender his wand.
 Uncle Vernon does not believe that Harry did nothing to Dudley. Harry tries to convince
them it was Dementors. Aunt Petunia knows they guard Azkaban, as she had heard
Harry's parents talk about them.
 Another owl from the Ministry to Harry arrives, telling Harry his wand will not be
destroyed and the matter of expulsion will be decided at the hearing.
 One more owl flies in. It is from Sirius telling Harry not to leave the house.
 Harry tells uncle Vernon that Voldemort is back. Uncle Vernon wants Harry out. He
thinks that Marge was right in saying Harry should have been sent to an orphanage.
Another owl flies in with a Howler for Aunt Petunia. It's a letter saying "Remember my
last, Petunia". Aunt Petunia says Harry will stay.

Chapter 5-3 The Advance Guard

 Harry sends owls to Sirius, Ron and Hermione with Hedwig, demanding to know what's
going on. He waits for days. Four days later, Uncle Vernon tells Harry they're going out.
Harry hears sounds coming from below. The lock on his bedroom door clicks and swings
open. He goes out and downstairs he hears the voice of Moody and Lupin. Someone
uses a ¤ Lumos to make some light. Harry meets everybody and is told they're taking him

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

to Headquarters. Besides Moody and Lupin, there are Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley
Shacklebolt, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance, Sturgis Podmore and
Hestia Jones.
 Tonks goes upstairs with Harry to get his stuff. Looking in a mirror she changes her hair
colour while Harry looks at her over the top of "Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland".
She explains she's a Metamorphmagus; she can change her appearance at will. She was
born one. She got top marks in Concealment and Disguise during Auror training.
Kingsley is also an auror. She only qualified a year ago and had nearly failed in Stealth
and Tracking. Tonks uses a ¤ pack spell to pack Harry's trunk and a ¤ Scourgify to clean
Hedwig's cage. She's impressed with Harry's Firebolt, as she only has a Comet Two
Sixty. Next she uses a ¤ Locomotor trunk spell to take his trunk downstairs.
 Moody has to Disillusion Harry before they leave. He seems to have become like a
human chameleon, resembling invisibility. They mount their brooms when they see the
first signal, a shower of bright red sparks among the stars, and fly off when they see the
green second signal.
 After a while they descent into a street. Moody uses a Put-Outer to make the street dark.
They head down the streets. Moody shows Harry a piece of parchment stating the
location where they arrived. It's the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, found at
number twelve Grimmauld Place, London.

Chapter 5-4 Number Twelve - Grimmauld Place

 As Grimmauld Place appears, the group enters through the front door with a door
knocker in the shape of a twisted Serpent.
 Moody lifts the Disillusion Charm.
 The house is a bit spooky. Mrs. Weasley welcomes Harry. She tells the group which
brought Harry that 'He's just arrived, the meeting's started'. Harry is not allowed to join
the meeting which is only for members of the Order.
 Mrs. Weasley joins the meeting after showing Harry to a door with a knob in the shape of
a serpent. He enters and meets finally with Ron and Hermione.
 They know what has happened to Harry in the last days. Harry is angry with them for not
telling him any news. They explain to him that Dumbledore would not let them. Harry
bursts out in fury and rages on, showing all his frustrations from the last years.
 When Harry calms down Ron tells him that the house is the headquarters of the Order, a
secret society for all people who fought against You-Know-Who last time. They don't
know if there's any news about Voldemort. They are not allowed to meetings, although
they managed to find out some information with the Extendable Ears which Fred and
George invented. Some of the Order members have been working on recruiting more
people, and others are standing guard over something. Harry says the last one must have
been him.
 Fred and George appear by Apparating. Next Ginny comes in and tells them that the
Extendable Ears are not doing the trick. There's an Imperturbable Charm on the kitchen
door. Tonks told her how to find out. She's been testing by flicking Dungbombs at it.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Fred tell them that it is Snape who is giving the Order a report. Ginny says that Bill also
doesn't like Snape. Bill has returned from Egypt and he's meeting a lot with Fleur
Delacour who has found a job at Gringotts. Charlie is in the Order too, but he's still in
Romania making contact with foreign wizards for the Order.
 Percy turns out to have cut off all ties with his family. He had been promoted at the
Ministry, even though he failed to see that there was something wrong with Crouch. He's
been made Junior Assistant to the Minister, Fudge.
 Fudge has been trying to put down Dumbledore and the Order and deny any news about
Voldemorts' return. It turns out the Daily Prophet also has been portraying Harry as an
attention-seeking liar. It wasn't Skeeter, as she doesn't work there anymore. Hermione
thinks Fudge is behind it.
 The meeting is over. Mrs. Weasley asks who threw the Dungbombs. She thought it might
have been Kreacher, the House-elf.
 They go to the hall. Tonks bumps into an umbrella stand and they hear a horrible
screech. It comes from a person in a painting, and Sirius tells Harry the person screaming
in the photo is his (Sirius') mother.

Chapter 5-5 The Order of the Phoenix

 Sirius explains that they have been trying to get the painting of his mother down, but
they think she put a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of the canvas. This house is
Sirius's parents house. He is the last Black left.
 They go down and Harry meets there with Ron, Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Mr. Weasley.
Tonks spoils a candle on a piece of parchment. Harry thinks the parchment showed some
building plan. And also Moody, Lupin and Mundungus Fletcher are present.
 Bill makes the scrolls of parchment vanish with a ¤ Evanesco.
 Crookhanks sits on Sirius's lap. Sirius says he's been bored a long time. Wormtail
probably must have told Voldemort he's an Animagus so his disguise has been useless.
He's still wanted by the Ministry and can't go out.
 Mrs. Weasley tells Sirius there's something trapped in the writing desk of the drawing
room. It is probably a Boggart, and that the curtains are full of Doxys, and that they can
take those out tomorrow.
 Tonks is doing her Metamorphmagus routine to entertain Ginny and Hermione.
 Mr. Weasley, Bill and Lupin have a discussion about Goblins, wondering whose side
they will take. Bill has talked to Ragnok, and learned that they are still mad about the
Bagman business.
 Fred and George are listening to Mundungus telling how he fooled Will ,a Gargoyle, by
selling him toads which Will himself stole from Warty Harris.
 Sirius wants to tell Harry about the Order of the Phoenix. Ginny is sent away. Sirius tells
them Voldemort is laying low, not wanting to draw attention to himself. The Order is
working hard to prevent him from carrying out his plans. Dumbledore thinks Voldemort
wants to build up an army of Death Eaters and a great variety of Dark creatures. Fudge
seems to be trying to undermine their efforts because he does not want to believe

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Voldemort is back. Fudge also thinks Dumbledore wants his job, even though
Dumbledore showed no interest after Millicent Bagnold retired. The Daily Prophet has
been trying to discredit Dumbledore. He's already been voted out of the Chairmanship of
the International Confederation of Wizards and demoted from Chief Warlock on the
Wizengamot, the Wizard High Court and they're talking about taking away his Order of
Merlin, First Class. Voldemort has other plans too; to get something he can only get by
stealth. Like a weapon; something he didn't have last time.
 Then Mrs. Weasley stops the talk and sends the students to bed.

Chapter 5-6 The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

 They have returned to their rooms. Ron throws some Owl Treats to Hedwig and
Pigwidgeon. Harry, Ron, Fred and George discuss what they have heard. They wonder
what the 'weapon' is and who's got it. George says it's not necessarily big, as 'size is no
guarantee of power'; like Ginny, who is smaller, and she has a mean Bat-Bogy Hex.
 Next morning George wakes Harry. Mrs. Weasley needs help with the Doxys and there's
a nest of dead Puffskeins under the sofa. Hermione, Ginny and Fred will also help with
cleaning out the doxys with Doxycide.
 Sirius has been feeding Buckbeak who is kept in his mother's bedroom. He checks the
writing desk, peers through the keyhole and says he's pretty sure it's a Boggart.
 Mrs. Weasley is consulting "Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests" and they
start cleaning out the curtains. Fred pockets a Doxy and quietly explains to Harry that
they want to experiment with its venom for their Skiving Snackboxes, sweets which
make you ill so you can get out of class. They already have Puking Pastilles, Fainting
Fancies and Nosebleed Nougat. Mrs. Weasley says they'll do the dusty cabinets beside
the mantelpiece later. They contain daggers, claws, a coiled snakeskin, silver boxes
inscribed in some language and an ornate crystal bottle full of what seems like blood.
 Kreacher walks into the room, talking aloud as if nobody can hear him. Sirius asks what
he's doing and finds out Kreacher has been trying to steal stuff again to hide it before it
gets thrown out. It was a tapestry he was after.
 Sirius explains to Harry that the tapestry shows the family tree of The Noble and Most
Ancient House of Black. He's not on there anymore, as his mother blasted him off after
he ran away from home and then stayed at Jame's, Harry's father's house until he was
seventeen. Then he got his own place with gold he got from his uncle Alphard, who has
also been taken off the family-tree. Sirius Hated his family with their Pure-blood mania.
The tree also shows his brother Regulus Black who died about fifteen years ago. He used
to be a Death Eater. Sirius's parents never were Death Eaters but were in favor of
purification of the wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-born and Mudbloods and having
pure-bloods in charge. Regulus was killed by Voldemort or, more likely, on his orders.
Sirius shows Phineas Nigellus on the tapestry, Sirius' great-great-grandfather, who used
to be Headmaster of Hogwarts. He also shows the names of Araminta Meliflua, cousin of
his mother's, Aunt Elladora, who started the family tradition of beheading old House-
elves. Tonks is also related. She's the daughter of his favorite cousin Andromeda who

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

married with a Muggle-born named Ted Tonks. Andromeda is sister of Bellatrix and
Narcissa, wife of Lucius Malfoy and mother of Draco. Sirius and Mrs. Weasley are also
cousins by marriage and Mr. Weasley is something like his second cousin once removed.
Harry also sees Bellatrix is married to Rodolphus Lestrange, both of them are in
Azkaban, as well as Rodolphus's brother Rabastan. Harry remembers having seen them in
Dumbledore's Pensieve.
 Sirius doesn't like the house because of his family, but it's good for Headquarters since
it's Unplottable and Dumbledore also added his protection. Dumbledore is Secret-Keeper
for the Order.
 Later they clean out the cabinets. Sirius gets bitten by something containing Wartcap
powder. He smashes something with many legs with a book called Nature's Nobility: A
Wizarding Genealogy. They also see an Order of Merlin First Class, which Sirius's
grandfather 'won'.
 Some days they continue 'cleaning' the house, throwing away Black family possessions.
Tonks finds a Ghoul in an upstairs toilet.
 Harry still sleeps badly, having dreams about corridors and locked doors. The next day
will be Harry's hearing.

Chapter 5-7 The Ministry of Magic

 Harry wakes up early, ready to go to the hearing. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, Sirius, Lupin
and Tonks are waiting in the kitchen. Lupin asks Tonks what she was saying about
Scrimgeour. He has been asking her and Kingsley funny questions.
 Mr. Weasley tells Harry the hearing will be on his floor, in Amelia Bones' office. She's
Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They go to the underground
station and take the train to the Ministry visitors' entrance, an old red telephone box.
 They descend into the ground and arrive at the Atrium of the Ministry. Harry sees a
fountain with a group of golden statues of a wizard, a witch, a Centaur, a Goblin and a
House-elf. A sign beside the pool, full of money, says that all proceeds from the Fountain
of Magical Brethren will go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
 Harry has to leave his Wand with the security wizard called Eric.
 Mr. Weasley talks to a wizard called Bob who's holding a box with a fire breathing
chicken. He says it looks like a breach of the Ban on Experimental Breeding.
 They go into a lift. A lift voice calls the names of the departments on the various floors.
On level seven, Department of Magical Games and Sports, incorporating the British and
Irish Quidditch League Headquarters, Official Gobstones Club and Ludicrous Patents
On level six, Department of Magical Transportation, incorporating the Floo Network
Authority, Broom Regulatory Control, Portkey Office and Apparation Test Centre. Some
inter-departmental memos fly in.
On level five, Department of International Magical Co-operation, incorporating the
International Magical Trading Standards Body, the International Magical Office of Law
and the International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

On level four, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,
incorporating Beast, Being and Spirit Divisions, Goblin Liaison Office and Pest Advisory
On level three, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, including the
Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, Obliviator Headquarters and Muggle-Worthy Excuse
On level two, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, including the Improper Use of
Magic Office, Aurors Headquarters and Wizengamot Administration Services.
 They leave at this floor. Mr. Weasley's office is on the other side of the floor. Although
they are still underground, the windows show sunlight. Magical Maintenance decides
what weather they'll get every day.
 They pass Auror Headquarters. Harry sees Kingsley Shacklebolt. He and Mr. Weasley
talk like they hardly know each other and Mr. Weasley prevents Harry from saying hello
to Kingsley by stepping just in time on Harry's foot. In Kingsley's cubicle it appears he's
investigating Sirius.
 The reach the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office where Mr. Weasley works in a small
office. Kingsley gives Mr. Weasley a copy of The Quibbler to give to Sirius. A memo
flies in, saying that a third regurgitating public toilet has been reported in Bethal Green.
Mr. Weasley is told to investigate immediately.
 Perkins has arrived. He tells Mr. Weasley they've changed the time and venue of Harry's
hearing and that it started five minutes ago in Courtroom Ten. They hurry to get to the
hearing. They take the lift to the Atrium. On the way up a wizard called Bode steps in the
lift and talks with Mr. Weasley. They get out of the lift, speed through a corridor, head
left, go down a stairs and arrive at Courtroom Ten. Harry is sent in.

Chapter 5-8 The Hearing

 Harry enters Courtroom Ten. He recognizes it, as he visited it inside Dumbledore's

Pensieve. Someone says he's late. When Harry replies he didn't know the time had
changed, he gets answered that that is not the Wizengamot's fault and he's told to sit
down in a chair in the front. Above him are about fifty people sitting in the benches. It's
Cornelius Fudge, addressing Harry. Percy is also there, taking notes. Fudge states the
hearing, the twelfth of August, offenses committed under the Decree for the Restriction
of Underage Sorcery and the International Statute of Secrecy. Interrogators are Cornelius
Oswald Fudge, Minister of Magic, Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of
Magical Law Enforcement, Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the
Minister and Percey Ignatius Weasley as Court Scribe.
 Suddenly Harry hears 'Witness for the Defense, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian
Dumbledore' behind him, and looking back he sees him arriving. Dumbledore charms a
chair and sits next to Harry.
 Next Harry is charged with performing the Patronus Charm. Madam Bones is impressed
he managed to produce a corporeal Patronus. Harry explains that he had to fight off
Dementors but they don't seem to want to believe him.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Dumbledore calls Mrs. Figg as a witness and she supports Harry's story. Dumbledore
continues to plea Harry's case and the jury ends up clearing him of all charges.

Chapter 5-9 The Woes of Mrs. Weasley

 Harry's hearing is over. Dumbledore leaves abruptly. The Wizengamot also are leaving.
Harry hurries to leave too and meets outside with Mr. Weasley. They see Fudge
speaking with Lucius Malfoy.
 They go back up with in lift and go back to Grimmauld Place. Everybody is relieved
Harry has been cleared.
 Harry's Scar lights up in pain.
 Sirius is looking very sad these days. They think he may have liked it if Harry had been
expelled and could have lived with him.
 They receive the new booklists for the coming year. Ron and Harry need only 2 new
ones, The Standard Book of Spells (grade 5) by Miranda Goshawk and Defensive
Magical Theory, by Wilbert Slinkhard. Ron finds out he's become a Prefect, as well as
Hermione who comes walking in. Mrs. Weasley is ecstatic. Ron may choose a present.
He wants a new broom.
 They start packing their trunks. Ron receives his new broom.
 Everybody is at Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley asks Moody to look to see what is in
the writing desk upstairs. He confirms it's a Boggart.
 Bill and Mr. Weasley arrive with Mundungus Fletcher. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Tonks
and Ginny are also present.
 Sirius tells that in his year, neigher he nor James was prefect. It was Lupin.
 Harry goes to Fred and George who are talking softly with Fletcher. They show him
Dung got them Venomous Tentacula seeds which they need for the Skiving Snackboxes.
Since it's a Class C Non-Tradable Substance it was difficult to get. They get Dung to
lower the price after commenting 'his best joke was six Sickles for a bag of Knarl quills'
 Mrs. Weasley goes up to deal with the Boggart.
 Moody shows Harry an old picture of the original Order of the Phoenix, which he found
when he was looking for his spare Invisibility cloak since Podmore didn't return his best
one. The picture shows Moody, Dumbledore, Dedalus Diggle, Marlene McKinnon who
was killed two weeks after the photo was taken, Frank and Allice Longbottom, the
parents of Neville. Also there's Emmeline Vance, Lupin, Benjy Fenwick who also died,
Edgar Bones brother of Amelia Bones, who also was killed. Furthermore Podmore,
Caradoc Dearborn who vanished six weeks after the photo, Hagrid, Elphias Doge,
Gideon Prewett and his brother Fabian who were also killed. Also there's Dumbledore's
brother Aberforth, Dorcas Meadowes who was killed by Voldemort personally, Sirius,
Wormtail and his father James and mother Lily.
 Harry, feeling sad from seeing his parents, goes upstairs. He finds Mrs. Weasley all upset
with the Boggart, shifting shape from a dead Ron to a Mr. Weasley to a dead Bill and so
on. She's trying the ¤ Riddikulus but it doesn't work. Finally Lupin comes up and the

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Boggart vanishes in a puff of smoke. Mrs. Weasley has been extremely worried with all
her family and the Order's dealings.

Chapter 5-10 Luna Lovegood

 Harry has troubled dreams about his parents, Mrs. Weasley, Ron and Hermione and about
a corridor ending in a locked door. Ron wakes him. He, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and
Fred and George get ready to go to King's Cross to take the Hogwarts Express. Moody
prefers to wait till Podmore gets back, otherwise the guard will be one short to take
 Sirius goes as Snuffles and together with Moody and Tonks, but without Podmore, they
take Harry to Platform nine and three-quarters.
 Harry says goodby and they get on the train. Fred and George go looking for Lee, Ron
and Hermione to the prefect compartment, and Harry and Ginny go look for a
compartment. They meet Neville and sit down in a compartment where Luna Lovegood
is sitting. She's very strange. Her wand is behind her ear. She is wearing a necklace of
Butterbeer corks and reading a copy of the Quibbler upside down. She knows Harry but
doesn't know Neville. Ginny tells Luna who Neville is and Luna replies "Wit beyond
measure is man's greatest treasure".
 Neville got a Mimbulus mimbletonia for his birthday. His Great Uncle Archie got it for
him from Assyria. Neville tries to shows the defensive mechanism of the plant and it
sprays all over Harry. At that moment Cho Chang comes in to say hi to Harry. Ginny
cleans up with a ¤ Scourgify.
 About an hour later Ron and Hermione turn up. They tell them that Draco is also a
Prefect, as well as Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin. From Hufflepuff it's Ernie Macmillan
and Hanna Abbott and for Ravenclaw it's Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil.
 Harry reads articles from Luna's Quibbler. It has a story about Sirius's escaping from
Azkaban and says that according to Doris Purkiss it may not have been Sirius. She says
Sirius is, in fact, Stubby Boardman, lead singer of The Hobgoblins.
 Another article is about Fudge denying plans to take over Gringotts. There's also an
article about the Tutshill Tornados and one about a wizard claiming to have flown to the
moon on a Cleansweep Six, and an article about ancient runes and a spell to make
somebody's ears turn into kumquats.
 Draco enters with Crabbe and Goyle. Draco says he'll be "dogging Harry's footsteps".
They wonder if he knew Sirius was at King's Cross.
 They arrive at Hogwarts. Professor Grubbly-Plank is picking up first-years. The coaches
to take them have strange horse-like creatures. Ron and Hermione don't see them, but
Luna does. They go into the coaches to the castle.

Chapter 5-11 The Sorting Hat's New Song

 Everybody goes to the castle and gathers in Great Hall. They see a new teacher at the
staff table. Harry recognizes her as Umbridge, who works for Fudge, from his trial.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 The Sorting Ceremony starts and the Sorting Hat sings his song, different from other
years, calling for unity amongst the Houses and warning them. Nearly Headless Nick
says the hat had given warnings before.
 Professor McGonagall goes over the names, from Euan Abercrombie who goes into
Gryffindor to Rose Zeller, who goes into Hufflepuff.
 After dinner Dumbledore announces that Umbridge will be the new Defense Against the
Dark Arts teacher. Umbridge then addresses the students. Most students find it dull, but
Hermione, afterwards, explains the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts.
 Harry goes alone to Gryffindor Tower. He doesn't know the password, but Neville arrives
and gives the Fat Lady the password "Mimbulus mimbletonia"
 Harry and Neville go up to the dormitory. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan are
already there. Seamus, who is putting his poster of the Kenmare Kestrels Quidditch team
straight, tells Harry his mother didn't want him to return to Hogwarts because of Harry
and Dumbledore. She believes the stories in the Daily Prophet. They get into an
 Neville says his grandmother always knew Voldemort would be back and that if
Dumbledore says so, it's true.

Chapter 5-12 Professor Umbridge

 Fred and George advertise for people to test their products. Hermione says Lavender
also does not believe Harry and Dumbledore. At breakfast Angelina tells Harry she's
been made Quidditch Captain. George mentions they'll have a hard year with OWL's
coming up. He remembers that last year Patricia Stimpson and Kenneth Towler had
problems too, the latter having trouble because Fred put Bulbadox powder in his pajamas.
They even think about not continuing next year; year of the NEWT's.
 During break, Cho comes up to Harry for a talk. Ron starts about her supporting the
Tutshill Tornados and Cho leaves.
 At Potions they have to make the Draught of Peace. Many mess up but Snape punishes
Harry, with an ¤ Evanesco Snape vanishes Harry's potion.
 Next he has Divination from Professor Trelawney. They read from The Dream Oracle
by Inigo Imago for dream interpretation.
 Finally they have Defense Against the Dark Arts. Umbridge tells them they will learn
theory from "Defensive Magical Theory". Hermione asks about it and Umbridge
explains there will be no actual practicing spells this year. Harry gets into an argument
with Umbridge about whether Voldemort is back and as a result he gets a week detention
and is sent to McGonagall
 McGonagall warns Harry to take it easy, since Umbridge will be reporting to the

Chapter 5-13 Detention with Dolores

 Harry, Ron and Hermione return to the common room. Hermione again warns Fred and
George, who are trying some stuff on a bunch of first-years, to stop.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 In Charms they practice Summoning Charms and in Transfiguration Vanishing Spells

which are much easier than Conjuring Spells.
 In the afternoon they have Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Grubbly-Plank.
They get to study Bowtruckles. Harry asks Grubbly-Plank about Hagrid, but she does not
give an answer. Draco says that 'maybe Hagrid got himself badly injured by messing
with stuff that's too big for him'. On their way to the greenhouses Luna tells him she
believed Voldemort is back and that Harry fought and escaped from him. Some people
laugh but Luna said that people also used to think that Blibbering Humdinger and the
Crumple-Horned Snorkack didn't exist. Ernie Macmillan says he also believes Harry.
 Harry goes to Umbridge for detention. Harry has to write 'I must not tell lies' with a quill
of hers which cuts the skin of his hand simultaneously. When returning late to the
common room, Ron is still doing his homework.
 Ron doesn't tell why he's so busy and seems sneaky. Lurking behind a statue of Lachlan
the Lanky, he gives a great leap of surprise when he sees Harry and tries to hide his new
Cleansweep Eleven behind his back. Then he confesses he's practising for Keeper try-
outs. Ron sees the marks on Harry's hand from doing lines.
 During try-outs, Harry is again in detention. While he's writing lines, he's watching the
Quidditch pitch but it's hard to see much. When Umbridge checks out his hand, he get's a
sudden seering pain in his Scar. He's allowed to go
 Back in the common room, he finds out Ron is the new Keeper. Angelina tells Harry that
Ron is not fabulous but was chosen over Vicky Frobisher and Geoffrey Hooper.
 Harry talks with Hermione about the pain when Umbridge touched him. Hermione thinks
that she's not possesed by Voldemort and unlikely to be under influence of Imperius
Curse. She advises Harry to talk to Dumbledore but Harry prefers to tell Sirius.

Chapter 5-14 Percy and Padfoot

 Harry wakes up and writes a letter to Sirius. Next he sets out to the owlery. Nearly
Headless Nick warns him that Peeves is planning a joke on the next person passing the
bust of Paracelsus. During his walk, Mrs Norris passes by and disappears behind the
statue of Wilfred the Wistful.
 In the owlery he sends Hedwig away with the letter. When he watches her fly over the
Forbidden Forest, he sees the strange horse-like creature rise out of the trees, circle
around and plunge back into the trees.
 Cho enters the owlery to send a birthday-present to her mother. Next Filch storms in,
accusing Harry to have ordered Dungbombs. Cho sticks up for Harry.
 During breakfast Hermione reads in the Daily Prophet that Sirius has been spotted in
London. They think that Lucius Malfoy may have spotted Sirius/Snuffles at Kings Kross.
Another article says Sturgis Podmore has been arrested by watchwizard Eric Munch
trying to break into a top security door at the Ministry of Magic. He has been sentenced
to six months in Azkaban by the Wizengamot.
 Hermione says they should work on the essay for Sprout and start on McGonagall's
Inanimatus Conjurus Spell before lunch instead of practising for Quidditch.

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 In the afternoon they go to Quidditch practice. Malfoy and other Slytherins are watching,
trying to provoke them and making fun of them. Ron has a bad training session,
accidently giving Katie a nosebleed. Fred, by mistake, gives Katie a Blood Blisterpod and
they stop training when her nosebleed is too bad to continue.
 In the evening Ron receives a letter from Percy, brought by Hermes. He advises Ron not
to fraternize with Harry, Dumbledore and his supporters. He also says that that the
Ministry will be taking steps at Hogwarts and he should watch out for tomorrows' issue
of the Daily Prophet.
 Sirius's head appears in the fireplace, using the Floo Network, to talk to Harry. They talk
about his scar hurting, and about Umbridge. Lupin also does not like her, because she
drafted a bit of anti-Werewolf legislation two years ago. Umbridge loathes part-humans.
They tell him Umbridge does not let them train spells and Sirius explains Umbridge is
afraid Dumbledore is building his own private army to take on the Ministry of Magic.
Sirius says there's no news from Hagrid yet.

Chapter 5-15 The Hogwarts High Inquisitor

 The next issue of the Daily Prophet announces Umbridge will be the new Hogwarts High
Inquisitor, monitoring Hogwarts educational system. Percy gave comments in an
interview. Umbridge will be inspecting her fellow Professors. Wizengamot elders
Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden have resigned in protest.
 During Potions they need to make a Strengthening Solution.
 In Divination Professor Trelawney has her lesson inspected by Umbridge. Trelawney
continues her lesson on prophetic dreams, students having to use "The Dream Oracle"
again. Umbridge questions Trelawny about her history and classes. Trelawney confirms
she's the great-great-granddaughter of the celebrated Seer named Cassandra Trelawney.
She asks Trelawney to predict something but Trelawney answers the Inner Eye does not
See upon command. After a hesitation she does give a warning to Umbridge that "she's in
grave peril".
 The three have Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson next. Hermione has a discussion
with Umbridge. Harry gets another week detention and Angelina is furious because he'll
miss Quidditch practices again.
 During Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall there's another inspection by
Umbridge, as well as during Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Grubbly-Plank.
Umbridge asks her if she knows where Hagrid is but she doesn't. Grubbly-Plank says she
intends to make the students familiar with the normal OWL topics, Unicorns, Nifflers,
Porlocks and Kneazles and Crups and Knarls.
 Harry's hand is bleeding severely from detention. Hermione has some liquid containing
Murtlap tentacles for healing. She suggests to create their own group to practice Defense
Against the Dark Arts themselves. She also suggests Harry should be the teacher.

Chapter 5-16 The Hog's Head

 Hermione asks Harry again to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 In Hogsmeade they go to the Hog's Head. There are not many people inside the bar, only
a man at the bar with his head wrapped in dirty bandages, two figures in hoods at a table,
and a witch with a black veil beside the fireplace. They order some Butterbeers.
 Harry, Ron and Hermione sit at a table when the other students which Hermione invited
arrive. The group consists of Neville, Dean, Lavender, Padma, Parvati, Cho, Cho's
friend Marietta, Susan Bones, Luna, Katie, Alicia, Angelina, Colin, Dennis, Ernie,
Justin, Hanna, Anthony, Michael Corner, Terry, Ginny, Zacharias Smith, Fred,
George and Lee.
 Hermione tells them they should start practicing Defense because Voldemort is back.
Harry talks with the others when asked about Cedric. Susan says her aunt is Amelia
Bones of the ministry. They also talk about all the times Harry had his 'adventures'. They
all agree to take lessons from Harry. Hermione also tells them Umbridge is afraid
Dumbledore wants the students trained as his own private army against the Ministry.
Luna says it makes sense since, according to her, Fudge has his own private army of
Heliopaths. Now all they need is some place to meet. Everybody signs their name on a
parchment Hermione brought, hereby agreeing not to tell Umbridge.
 The group leave. Neither Ron nor Hermione liked Zacherias, but Hermione says he
overheard and the more people the better. Michael and his friends would not have come if
he hadn't been going out with Ginny. Ron instantly does not like Michael.
 They walk through the streets. Hermione buys a new quill at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.

Chapter 5-17 Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four

 Harry and Ron walk downstairs, discussing a new Quidditch move called the Sloth Grip
Roll when they see a group of people reading a large sign on the Gryffindor noticeboard.
It's a new Decree banning all type of student meetings without knowledge of the High
Inquisitor, Umbridge. They wonder if she knows about their plans, and if one of the
students might have told her. Hermione says that's not possible, as she has put a jinx on
the parchment they signed. They decide to go ahead with the plan anyway.
 Angelina tells Harry and Ron that they will also need permission for the Quidditch team.
 During History of Magic, Hedwig is at the window bringing a letter. Harry lets her in and
finds out she's hurt. Harry leaves class and goes to the staff-room to see Professor
Grubbly-Plank. She looks at Hedwig and says she's been attacked. Sometimes Thestrals
go for birds but Hagrid's got the Hogwarts Thestrals well-trained not to touch owls.
Professor McGonagall warns Harry that 'communication channels in and out of
Hogwarts may be watched'. The letter is from Sirius, telling him to meet again at the
fireplace. They wonder if the letter has been read and re-sealed by anybody.
 Draco is bragging about Lucius Malfoy's influence at the Ministry and how Slytherin
already got Quidditch permission from Umbridge. He also makes fun of Mr. Weasley,
and of Harry and says that it is only a matter of time before the Ministry sends him to a
special ward of St. Mungo's. At that moment Neville tries to get at Draco and has to be
held back by Harry and Ron.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Potions class starts and Professor Snape has his class monitored by Umbridge. They
continue working on the Strengthening Solution. Umbridge is interrogating Snape about
him wanting the job of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
 Harry is going to Divination. Trelawney is very upset because she got bad results from
her inspection.
 Gryffindor didn't get quidditch permission yet.
 Fred and George are doing a showcase of their Skiving Snackboxes. They show a
product producing a vomiting-reaction. Lee is using a Vanishing Spell to clear the vomit.
 Sirius appears in the fireplace. He knows about their plans of practicing Defense Against
the Dark Arts themselves. Mundungus told him. He was disguised as the woman in the
Hog's Head while keeping an eye on Harry. He also has been ordered by Mrs. Weasley to
tell Ron not to participate and advise Harry and Hermione likewise. She could not say it
herself, she's on duty that evening. Sirius on the other hand thinks it's an excellent idea.
He suggests to use the secret passageway behind the big mirror on the fourth floor, but
Harry says Fred and George told him it's blocked. Sirius responds with a frown and says
he'll think about other options. Then he suddenly gets alarmed and disappears, the next
moment they see Umbridge's hand coming out of the fireplace, trying to grab anything or
anybody she can get hold of.

Chapter 5-18 Dumbledore's Army

 During Charms Hermione says she suspects that Umbridge has been reading Harry's
mail, especially since Filch has accused Harry of ordering Dungbombs. She thinks
Umbridge simply was looking for an excuse to get Harry's mail. Hermione already
masters the Silencing Charm. Ron, trying the ¤ Silencio can't make it work, and both he
and Harry get extra homework.
 Angelina comes over to tell Harry she got permission for the Quidditch team.
 Hermione is having doubts about starting Defense practice themselves, although Sirius
was all for it. She thinks he may be getting frustrated about being locked in himself.
 Despite the rain, there's Quidditch practice. Fred and George even talk about how they
should have find a way to skip practice, Fred says they shouldn't have offered Angelina
to buy some Puking Pastilles, as now she would know if they use them. George suggests
trying the Fever Fudge instead. They use a ¤ Impervius to keep their glasses dry. Even
then it's difficult to stay on the broom in the rain, Harry has to do the Sloth Grip Roll at
one moment because he almost falls. After an hour they give up and go inside. Harry's
Scar hurts again. Harry tells Ron he felt that Voldemort is angry, he wants something
done and it's not happening fast enough. Now he also remembered the two prior times,
the first time Voldemort was feeling furious and the second time when Harry was in
Umbridge's office Voldemort was feeling happy.
 Back in the Gryffindor room Harry has homework to do. He is reading about the uses of
scurvy-grass, lovage and sneezewort. These plants are brain-inflaming, used in Confusing
and Befuddlement Draughts. Harry doses off and dreams about the corridor again. Harry
is woken by Dobby, bringing him back Hedwig. Dobby turns out to have taken all the

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

clothes Hermione left for the House-elves lying around; some he took for Winky. Neither
Winky, nor the other elves, care for the clothes. They find it insulting. Dobby says he
heard Harry having a bad dream. He looks at Harry and says he wishes to help Harry,
because Harry set him free. But Harry responds that Dobby can't help him. Then after a
moment Harry asks if Dobby knows a place big enough for twenty-eight people to
practice Defense. Dobby tells Harry about the Room of Requirement, a place a person
can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it's there and sometimes not,
but when it appears it's equipped for the seeker's needs. He says Filch also knows about
it. Dobby tells Harry how to find it.
 Harry calls for a first Defense Against the Dark Arts meeting. They will meet at eight at
night, opposite of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.
 In the evening, Harry uses the Marauder's Map to check if it's safe. They find the Room
and enter. It has shelves with instruments, a Sneakoscope, Secrecy Sensors and Foe-
Glass. It also has books like A Compendium of Common Curses and their Counter-
Actions, The Dark Arts Outsmarted, Self-Defensive Spellwork and Jinxes for the Jinxed.
They make Harry leader and give themselves the name Dumbledore's Army, DA.
 They start practicing, beginning with the Disarming Charm ¤ Expelliarmus. Harry
partners with Neville. Fred and George pull a prank on Zacharias, making him mute so
he can't say spells. Ginny goes with Michael. Luna goes with Justin, Colin with
Dennis. Cho practices with her friend Marietta. Marietta was forbidden to go by her
mother who works at the Ministry. Luna tells her that her father (Mr Lovegood) is
actively anti-Fudge and that Fudge claimed to have goblins assassinated, to have had
poisons developed in the Department of Mysteries and something about the Umgubular
 They plan to practice again next wednesday.

Chapter 5-19 The Lion and the Serpent

 The DA meetings are showing progress. Hermione gives everybody a fake Galleon to
announce the date of the next meeting on the edge of the coins. All of them have a
Protean Charm to mimic Harry's coin so Harry can set the time. Everybody is stunned
with a Charm that is NEWT level. Terry boot asks why she's not in Ravenclaw because
of her intelligence, but Hermione says the Sorting Hat considered that but it decided on
Gryffindor in the end.
 The first Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor is coming up. Slytherins are
regularly attempting to put hexes on the Gryffindor players but Snape turns a deaf ear and
when Alicia has huge eyebrows as a result of a hex, he says she must have attempted a
Hair-thickening Charm and also refuses to believe fourteen eyewitnesses seeing Miles
Bletchley hit her from behind with a jinx. Ron is playing unpredictably, sometimes bad,
sometimes excellent. Once he made a save they compared to the Irish Keeper Barry Ryan
against the Poland Chaser Ladislaw Zamojski. Ron is being harassed relentlessly by the

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 The morning of the game Ron looks like when he had put a Slug-vomiting Charm on
himself. Angelina tells them Slytherin has two new Beaters, Crabbe and Goyle. They fly
out to the pitch where the Slytherin team is already waiting. Montague is their new
captain. The game starts, Lee doing the commenting as usual. The game is difficult for
Angelina, Alicia and Katie. Warrington scores the first goal for Slytherin. Pucey scores
the second. Suddenly Harry sees the Snitch and both he and Draco chase it. Harry
catches it and a moment later is hit by a Bludger which Crabbe hit to him after he caught
it. Crabbe is then reprimanded by Madam Hooch.
 Malfoy starts making fun of Ron, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley and next Alicia,
Angelina and Katie are needed to stop Fred from leaping at him while Harry holds
George. Then Draco makes fun of Harry's parents and the next moment Harry and
George are in a fight. Madam Hooch stops it with a ¤ Impedimenta and Harry and George
are send to McGonagall. While McGonagall is giving them detention, Umbridge comes
in and shows a new Ministry Decree, giving her supreme power over punishments,
sanctions and removal privileges of students. Harry, George, and even Fred, are banned
for life to play Quidditch and their brooms are confiscated.
 Ron comes in the common room much later, as he had been walking. Ron wants to quit
the team but when he's told about the lifetime bans he decides not to quit. Then Hermione
tells them Hagrid is back.

Chapter 5-20 Hagrid's Tale

 Harry, Ron and Hermione go and see Hagrid, taking Harry's Marauder's Map and
Invisibility Cloak. Hagrid's face and hands are full of congealed blood, cuts and bruises.
He slaps a piece of Dragon mean on his face for healing. Hagrid admits he has been away
looking for the Giants. He just got back from his mission. He starts telling about the
 He went with Madam Maxime. Dumbledore told them where to look, but they had to take
a detour to shake off someone from the Ministry tailing them. They went through France,
Poland and Minsk, and finally arrived in the mountains and found the Giants.
 In the morning, they went to see them. Dumbledore told them to bring the Gurg, the
Giant chief named Karkus, a gift every day. The first gift they brought him was a branch
of Gubraithian Fire and told him it is a gift from Albus Dumbledore with respectful
 The next day they brought him a Goblin made battle helmet and they talk to him. Karkus
heard of Dumbledore and the fact that he argued against the killing of the last Giants in
Britain. He seemed interested in what Dumbledore had to say, as were some others who
spoke a bit English.
 That night there was a fight between the Giants, in the morning Karkus was dead and the
new Gurg is Golgomath. When they went over to present a roll of dragon skin as a
present, Hagrid was caught and Maxime had to rescue him using Conjunctivius Curses.
 They spent a few days waiting in hiding. They found out Death Eaters were bringing
Golgomath gifts.Hagrid had recognized Walden Macnair.

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 They look for Giants in hiding to see if they can find some who would consider taking
their side. Macnair and the others were trying to find them. They find three Giants in
hiding. Later some more come but then Golgomath's lot raided the caves and after that
these Giants didn't want anything to do with them anymore.
 Hermione asks Hagrid about his mother Fridwulfa, but Hagrid was told she died years
 Suddenly Umbridge knocks on the door and the three hide under the Invisibility Cloak.
Hagrid meets with Umbridge for the first time. Umbridge seems to be looking for Harry
Ron and Hermione. She saw footprints in the snow towards Hagrid's cabin. She questions
Hagrid thoroughly and asks why Hagrid went away. He answers that it was for health
reasons and a change of scene. She asks 'Mountain scenery?'. Harry suspects Umbridge
knows where Hagrid has been. She finally leaves.
 Hermione suggests to Hagrid to teach something acceptable, considering a coming
inspection by Umbridge. Harry has something different and interesting in mind and much
more impressive. He's been bringing them on for years, and he reckons he's got the only
domestic herd of it in Britain. Hagrid is deaf to Hermione's objections to teach something
 Hermione uses an Obliteration Charm to leave no tracks in the snow on the way back

Chapter 5-21 The Eye of the Snake

 Hermione tries to convince Hagrid again to teach accepted material but Hagrid can not
imagine 'anybody rather studying Knarls than Chimaeras. He still does not want to tell
what he's keeping in the Forbidden Forest, it's a surprise.
 Hagrid has his first lesson. He takes the class into the Forbidden forest. After ten minutes
they stop and Hagrid puts a half a cow on the ground. Harry sees great black winged
horses emerging from the darkness. Most people appear not to see them. Only two other
people, a Slytherin boy and Neville see them too. Hagrid explains they are Thestrals.
Hermione explains only people who have seen death can see Thestrals.
 Professor Umbridge arrives for an inspection. Hagrid explains the students they started
with one male and five femail Thestrals. Tenebrus is the name of the first born in the
Forest. Umbridge deliberately makes Hagrid's inspection awfull. Neville tells Umbridge
he saw his grandfather die.
 Christmas is coming and Harry is invited to spend it at the Weasleys. At the last DA
meeting Dobby has decorated the room. Harry quickly pulls down a mistletoe when Luna
points it out and she says that was good thinking because they're often infested with
Nargles. Angelina tells them Harry, Fred and George have been replaced for the
Quidditch team. Ginny is the new Seeker and the new Beaters are Andrew Kirke and Jack
Sloper. Everybody in DA is making progress. After the meeting is over, Harry remains
alone with Cho, she's crying about Cedric.
 Half an hour later Harry returns to the common room, Hermione is writing a letter, Ron is
doing homework. Hermione asks and Harry confirms that he and Cho kissed. Hermione
knows about Cho crying all the time these days. She mentions the letter is to Viktor.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Harry goes to sleep and he dreams. While dreaming, the dream changes and he feels his
body smooth, powerfull and flexible. He's gliding between metal bars across the floor. He
sees strange vibrant colours in the dark. He turns his head and goes into a corridor. First it
seems empty but then he sees a man sitting on the floor, his outline gleaming in the dark.
He wants to bite the man but has more important work to do. The man moves, a silver
Cloak falls from his legs as the man jumps to his feet, drawing a wand. Then he rears
high and strikes three times, the man yells in pain and falls silent.
 Harry wakes up, his Scar in agony. Ron is standing over him looking frightened. Harry
manages to say that Mr Weasley is attacked and seriously hurt by a huge Snake. Neville
goes for help. McGonagall arrives and Harry tells her what happened.

Chapter 5-22 St Mungo's Hospital

 McGonagall takes Harry and Ron to Dumbledore's office. They hear voices coming
from the room. They enter. Harry tells Dumbledore what happened. Dubledore does not
look at Harry but asks how he saw it. Harry says he saw from the Snake's perspective,
through its eyes. Dumbledore calls two of the Headmasters in the pictures on the walls,
Dilys and Everard, he tells Everard to raise the alarm and both move out of their pictures.
Harry now understands who had been talking when they had knocked on the door.
Dumbledore tells them the Headmasters can go to other places where their pictures hang.
Then he sends Fawkes away to send a warning. Next he takes a silver instrument and tips
it with his wand. It makes clinking noises and green smoke comes out of it, then a
serpents head forms and Dumbledore talks with it. The head dives in two and then
Dumbledore makes it go away.
 Everard retuns to his portrait. He yelled for someone to check. They found Mr Weasley
covered in blood. He says he ran along to Elfrida Cragg's portrait to get a good view.
Moments later Dilys returns and tells Mr Weasley was taken to St Mungo's Hospital.
McGonagall is send to wake the other Weasley children. She asks about Mrs Weasley but
Dumbledore answers that that will be a job for Fawkes after he's finished keeping a
lookout for anybody approaching.
 Dumbledore takes an old blackened kettle and performs a ¤ Portus on it. He calls one of
the other Headmasters called Phineas wearing Slytherin colours of green and silver, and
tells him to go to his other portrait to deliver a message. Phineas complaints he's too tired
but Headmaster Armando Dippet says they are honour-bound to give service to the
present Headmaster. Phineas is send to tell Sirius that Mr Weasley is hurt and Harry and
the Weasleys will be arriving shortly. Harry recognises Phineas's voice from the picture
in the bedroom in Sirius' house.
 Ginny, George and Fred come in with Professor McGonagall and all will be send to
Grimmauld Place. There is a flash of flame and Fawkes leaves a single golden feather, it's
Fawkes's warning. Professor Umbridge must know they are out or their beds. They take
the old kettle which Dumbledore charmed into a Portkey and when Dumbledore looks at
Harry, Harry suddenly feels an intense hate for Dumbledore while his Scar burns white-

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 The next moment the portkey takes them away to Grimmauld Place and they arrive in the
basement kitchen. Sirius askes what happened and Harry tells again, only not that he was
watching from inside the snake because Fred, George and Ginny might think something
of it. Fred, George an Ginny want to go to St Mungo's immediately but Sirius convinces
them that's not wise and they wait for Mrs Weasley to get there. Fawkes drops by a scroll
of parchment accompanied by a tail feather. It's from Mrs Weasley, sying Mr Weasly is
still alive and she's going to St Mungo's, they need to stay there and she'll send news.
 After hours of waiting, Mrs Weasley arrives and she tells them he'll be all right. They'll
go there later, Bill is with him now.
 Harry tells sirius about the dream and about the flash of hate he felt for Dumbledore just
before they transported by portkey.
 In the morning they go to St Mungo's, accompanied by Tonks and Moody. Tonks is
interested in Harry's vision, asking him if he has any Seer blood in his family. The
entrance is at a department store called Purge & Dowse Ltd. They enter into a crowded
reception area. It's full of witches and wizards, some having strange symptoms like a
witch with steam coming from her mouth, a warlock clanging like a bell when he moves.
Healers are walking all around.
 They enter the queue for Enquiries. Harry sees a portrait of Dilys Derwent, the
Headmistress he saw in Dumbledore's office. At the desk he sees the different
departments, Artefact Accidents on the ground floor, Creature-Induced Injuries on the
first, Magical Bugs on second, Potion and Plant Poisoning on third, Spell Damage on
fourth and Visitors' Tearoom / Hospital Shop on fifth.
 On the front of the queue an old stooped wizard with a hearing trumpet is there to see
Broderick Bode and next a wizard with his daughter who has sprouted wings, they are
sent to the fourth floor. They're next and send to the first floor, Dai Llewellyn Ward.
They arrive at the ward and see that Healer-in-Charge is Hippocrates Smethwyck and
Trainee Healer is Augustus Pye.
 In the ward Harry sees a portrait with written by it Urquhart Rackharrow. It says he's the
inventor of the Entrail-expelling Curse. There's only three patients. Mr Weasley says he's
fine, only the bleeding does not want to stop so he can't leave yet, it seems that there was
some unusual kind of poison in the snake's fangs that keeps the wound open. He has to
keep taking a Blood-Replenishing Potion.
 One of the two other patients, a wizard, has been bitten by a Werewolf. The other one, a
witch, does not want to tell what bit her, so they think it must have been something she
was handling illegally. He also says he's been reading in the Daily Prophet that Willy
Widdershins was arrested, he turned out to be behind the regurgitating toilets. They found
him when one of his jinxes backfired and he was unconsious. Widdershin came off the
charge, possibly 'gold changed hands'. Now he's been caught trying to sell biting
doorknobs to Muggles, two Muggles are in St Mungo's at that moment.
 They are send out of the room to let in Tonks and Moody, but they overhear some part of
the conversation with Extendable Ears, they're worried about the connection Harry and
Voldemort have and if Harry is a risk or at risk.

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Chapter 5-23 Christmas on the Closed Ward

 Harry is back at Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley is worried about him. He thinks he's
the weapon Voldemort is after; a way to spy on the Order of the Phoenix.
 Phineas Nigellus appears in his frame and talks to Harry, who wants to run away. He
brings a message from Dumbledore, telling him to stay where he is. He has another
dream about the corridor, it gets clearer every time he dreams about it.
 It's Christmas. Hermione has come back from skiing holiday and talks to Harry. She
came on the Knight Bus. He also talks with Ron and Ginny. Ginny tells Harry he's not
being possessed, she knows what it's like from experience.
 For Christmas presents Harry gets a Broom Compass and a homework planner. From
Sirius and Lupin he got books titled Practical Defensive Magic and its Use Against the
Dark Arts. Sirius seems more happy then ever. From Hagrid he got a magically protected
wallet with fangs, from Tonks a model of a Firebolt, from Ron Every Flavor Beans, from
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley the usual hand-knitted jumper and some pies and from Dobby, a
 Fred and George Apparate and tell them their mother is crying because Percy sent back
his gift.
 Harry gave Hermione a book called New Theory of Numerology. Hermione also has a
present for Kreacher and they go to his bedroom to leave it there. In Kreachers bedroom
they see pictures among who one of Bellatrix Lestrange, the glass mended with
Spellotape. Nobody has seen Kreacher lately.
 They go by car to St. Mungo's and wait in line at the reception, Bill joins them.
Somebody in front of the line is sent to the fourth floor to Spell Damage. Next they go to
Mr. Weasley. He asks if anybody has seen Healer Smethwyck.
 They have a discussion about Mr. Weasley trying stitches to close his wound, a muggle
remedy, after Trainee Healer Augustus Pye suggested it.
 All but Mrs. Weasley go up to the tearoom on the fifth floor. Some Healer in a painting is
bugging Ron that he's got spattergroit.
 On the Spell Damage floor they see Professor Lockhart and a Healer [named Miriam
Strout] 'invites' them to visit him. The Healer leads them into the Janus Thickey Ward by
unlocking the door with a ¤ Alohomora. They go along. The Healer tells them it's their
long-term resident ward, they have been making improvement with Mr Bode who seems
to be regaining the power of speech though not speaking any language they recognis.e
Lockhart talks about his fanmail from Gladys Gudgeon. In a bed opposite they see a
wizard called Broderick mumbling to himself who receives a potted plant as christmas
present. Two beds further a woman called Agnes is covered in fur.
 Harry sees Neville and his grandmother. They meet with them both but Neville seems
embarrassed. His grandmother says Neville should be proud of his father Frank and
mother Alice.
 When they leave Harry tells the others it was Bellatrix Lestrange who used the Cruciatus
Curse on Neville's parents untill they lost their minds.

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Chapter 5-24 Occlumency

 Kreacher turns up again, he seems to have been lurking in the attic and looks in a better
mood then before. Sirius spends more and more time upstairs with Buckbeak.
 At Grimmauld Place Harry is called to talk to Professor Snape in the kitchen. Sirius is
also waiting sitting at the table. Harry is told that Dumbledore want him to learn
Occlumency, an obscure branch of magical defense against external penetration. To
Harry's regret Snape will be teaching him. Even Sirius asks why Dumbledore can't teach
Harry but Dumbledore left the task to Snape. Sirius and Snape get into an argument and
almost end up fighting but then the Weasley family walk in. Mr Weasley is completely
 The next day they take the Knight Bus and are escorted by Tonks and Lupin. Sirius
gives Harry a package saying it contains 'a way of letting him know if Snape's giving him
a hard time'. The Knight bus is full of people. They pay Stan the conductor. Stan tells
Harry that he and Ernie don't believe the stories about Harry. The ride is very bumpy and
Ron complains. Stan says he got a tip to have them skip the queue, right after they let off
Madam Marsh, who's not feeling well, at a small pub. They fly through Hogsmeade and
arrive finally at Hogwarts. They say goodby to Tonks and Lupin. Tonks tells Harry to do
well at Ocllumency, Snape is a superb Occlumens.
 Harry talks to Cho and he makes a date for Valentine's Day.
 Entering Snape's office, he sees Dumbledore's Pensieve on the desk. Snape tells Harry he
needs to learn Occlumency to protect himself from Voldemort. Voldemort is highly
skilled at Legilimency, the ability to extract feelings and memories from another person's
mind. They are safe now since time and space matter in magic, Voldemort is at a
considerable distance and the walls and grounds of Hogwarts are guarded by many
ancient spells and charms to ensure the bodily and mental safety of everybody. Only the
curse that failed to kill Harry seems to make the connection between Harry and
Voldemort an exception. Snape tells Harry that Voldemort realised Harry was there when
Voldemort was possessing the snake and Harry saw events through its eyes.
 Snape puts some of his memories in the Pensieve.
 Next Snape uses a ¤ Legilimens to enter Harry's mind, and Harry relives all kind of
memories. Snape can see all of them, among them the Sorting Hat telling Harry he would
do great in Slytherin, the time that Hermione was in the Hospital wing and covered with
black hair, the time that a hundred Dementors were closing in on him beside the lake.
Harry manages to break the mind-invasion when the memory of Cho and the mistletoe
come up. Snape is rubbing his wrist which shows an angry weal, like a scorch mark. He
asks if Harry meant to produce a Stinging Hex, but Harry apparently did it without being
aware. Snape tells Harry to repell him with his brain and not need to resort to his wand.
 They trie again and this time memories flash by of a great black dragon, his parents
waving at him from an enchanted mirror and of Cedric Diggory lying dead on the ground.
 Anoter time they try and now he remembers Mr Weasley leading him through a corridor
and Harry suddenly he knows and he's down on the floor again. He realises the corridor

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he's been dreaming about is a corridor in the Ministry leading to the Department of
Mysteries. He asks Snape what's in the Department but Snape sends him away.
 Harry finds Ron and Hermione in the Library and tells them about the corridor in the
 Back in the common room, Fred and George are selling a new item, Headless Hats,
which use some kind of Invisibility Spell to make their heads disappear.
 Harry goes up to his room. When he enters, he hears a maniacal laughter ringing in his
ears and feels an extatic happiness. Harry has blacked out. When it's over he tells Ron
that Voldemort was feeling happy, something he has hoped for has happened.

Chapter 5-25 The Beetle at Bay

 They find out why Voldemort was so happy. The next morning Daily Prophet has an
article about ten Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban. It shows the names and crimes
they had been convicted for. Among them Antonin Dolohov who was convicted for the
murder of Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Augustus Rookwood who was convicted for
leaking Ministry secrets to Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange who was convicted for the
torture and permanent incapitation of Frank and Allice Longbottom. The Ministry had
announced the breakout last night, Cornelius Fudge the Minister said he thinks it's related
to Sirius Black's escape last year, presuming Sirius was their outside help.
 The newspaper also contains an article about Broderick Bode who was found dead in his
bed at St Mungo's, strangled by a pot plant. Healer Miriam Strout who was in charge of
the ward has been suspended. The article also stated the pot plant was a cutting of Devil's
Snare. Hermione thinks Bode was murdered intentionally. She suddenly has some insight
and leaves to send a letter to someone.
 Hagrid is on probation.
 Word spreads around about the Death Eaters escape. Susan Bones, whose uncle, aunt
and cousins all had died at the hands of some of them, tells Harry during Herbology
while they work on Screechsnap seedlings that she now had a good idea what it felt like
to be him. It seems the whole school now starts to think differently about Harry.
 Umbridge announces another decree which states teachers can not give students non-
subject related. Lee Jordan 'uses' it to argue with Umbridge she can't tell Fred and
George off for playing Exploding Snap in the back of the class. He gets the same
punishment Harry got and Harry recommends him essence of Murtlap.
 All Divination and Care of Magical Creatures classes are now inspected by Umbridge,
either Hagrid or Trelawney likely will get sacked. Trelawney increasingly hysterical talks
get regularly interrupted with questions about Ornithomancy and Heptomology. Hagrid is
also not doing well in teaching his classes when Umbridge is inspecting.
 In DA everybody is improving, Neville made more progress then anybody, working
relentlessly on every new jinx and counter-curse that Harry thought them. He was
improving so fast that he was the second one after Hermione to master the Shield Charm
that Harry teaches them at some point.
 Harry's scar is irritating almost nonstop and dreaming of the corridor every day.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 On Valentine's Day Harry after Hermione receives a letter, she asks him to meet her in
the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade at three. He meets with Cho. They talk about
Quidditch, and Oliver Wood. Cho thought he got taken by Pride of Portree but Harry says
it was Puddlemere United.
 At Dervish and Banges they see a poster announcing rewards to tips leading to recapture
of escaped Death Eaters. They both think it's strange that there are no Dementors all
around, like the time that Sirius escaped.
 Next they go to Madam Puddifoot's which is full of couples. Madam Puddifoot brings
them drinks. Harry asks Cho to come with him in the afternoon to meet Hermione and
Cho suddenly turns more distant. Cho starts to talk about Cedric but Harry does not want
to talk about him. Cho becomes all upset and leaves.
 Harry goes to the Three Broomsticks. He sees Hagrid who start to talk some hardly
understandable stuff about family and all. He meets early with Hermione who is sitting
at a table with Luna and Rita Skeeter. Hermione thinks it's a good idea for Harry to now
publicly tell his story about Voldemort's return, the Death Eaters he saw and everything.
The Prophet will certainly not print it but Luna's father (Mr Lovegood) is the editor of the
Quibbler and he'll publish it. Harry tells his story

Chapter 5-26 Seen and Unforeseen

 Luna doesn't know when the next issue of the Quibbler will come out, her father (Mr
Lovegood) has been expecting an article about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks.
 Hermione explains Harry what 'went wrong' with their date and how he should have had
more tact.
 Ron and Ginny tell that Quidditch practices are not going well. Hermione, looking up to
find her copy of Spellman's Syllabary, says Quidditch is creating bad feelings and tension
between the houses.
 At the Quidditch match they lose by ten points when Ginny finally catches the snitch
under Hufflepuff Seeker Summerby's nose.
 Harry dreams about a black door and almost opens it when he's woken by Ron making a
 Harry receives many letters, his interview has been published in the Quibbler. Luna says
it came out yesterday. Some letters are positive, other are not so friendly. One particular
reader recommends 'a good course of Shock Spells'. Umbridge comes over to their table
and Harry tells her he gave an interview. By midmorning there's a new decree prohibiting
all students from having the Quibbler in possession.
 In the next days all students have read the article and public opinion about Harry is
positive again. Also Cho and Seamus make up with Harry. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle are
talking in the library with a boy called Theodore Nott when harry is looking for the book
he needed on Partial Vanishment. Harry named all their fathers as Death Eaters.
 Luna says the Quibbler sold so many copies, her father had to reprint.
 At night Harry dreams again, seeing through the eyes of Voldemort. A man called
Rookwood asks for forgiveness. Voldemort seems to have been badly advised. Avery

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

had told Voldemort Bode would be able to remove it. Rookwood says Bode could never
have taken it and would have known he could not, that's why he fought Malfoy's
Imperius Curse so hard. Voldemort has Avery sent in. Voldemort turns toward a mirror
and Harry wakes up when he sees Voldemort's reflection in the mirror.
 When going back to sleep his Scar lights up in pain again, Harry knows that somewhere
Avery is being punished.
 Hermione figures Bode must have been murdered because of this. When he tried to
remove the 'thing' something happened to him which made his brain go all funny and he
could not talk sensible. But in St Mungo's he started to recover and they couldn't risk him
getting better and telling everybody. Hermione figures that Malfoy probably got Sturgis
Podmore with the Imperius Curse too. And now Rookwood has told Voldemort how to
get what he wants to obtain.
 Harry has Occlumency lesson again. Snape asks him about the memory of his dream
about a man kneeling in a dark room. Snape wonders how Harry feels about having
dreams about Voldemort. They practice more, Snape uses the ¤ Legilimens to enter
Harry's mind, Harry uses a ¤ Protego to defend himself. At that moment he sees
memories belonging to Snape. Snape forces Harry out of his mind, Harry staggers
backward toward some shelves. Snape uses a ¤ Reparo to repair the fallen jars. Harry had
used a Shield Charm. They try again and now Harry sees himself hurtling along the
corridor toward the Department of Mysteries, opening the black door and getting into a
black-walled and black-floored circular room lit with blue-flamed candles and more
doors around him. Snape breaks the connection and asks Harry to explain himself. Then
they hear a woman scream and Snape gazes at the ceiling. They go to see what it was.
 It is Professor Trelawney. It turns out Umbridge has sacked her. Trelawney is hysterical.
Professor McGonagall tries to calm her down. Next Dumbledore enters, he had been out
in the grounds, and tells Umbridge that Trelawney may be sacked but she does not have
to leave Hogwarts. Flitwick helps with a ¤ Locomotor trunk to get Trelawney and her
luggage up to her room again. Dumbledore also found a new Divination teacher, and next
the Centaur Harry recognizes as Firenze walks in.

Chapter 5-27 The Centaur and the Sneak

 Harry and Ron have their first Divination class by Firenze. Firenze greets Harry and says
it was foretold they meet again, all other students are in awe. Firenze tells them his herd
banned him from the Forbidden Forest because he agreed to work for Dumbledore. They
look at the stars like with astrology. Firenze reveals the stars tell that in the past decade
wizardkind was living through a calm between wars, Mars suggesting that the fight must
break out again soon.
 After class Firenze asks Harry to tell Hagrid that his attempt is not working and he would
do better to abandon it.

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 OWLs are drawing nearer. Hannah Abbot is the first to receive a Calming Draught from
Madam Pomfrey.
 DA meetings keep Harry from getting miserable. They are practicing the Patronus
Charm. During practice Dobby comes to warn them that Umbridge is coming. They all
 Harry is tackled by a Trip Jinx by Draco. Umbridge arrives and sends Draco and Pansy
to look for the others.
 Umbridge takes Harry to Dumbledore. In his office McGonagall and Fudge are also
waiting. Kingsley Shacklebolt and another tough-looking wizard are positioned like
guards by the door and Percy is sitting holding a quill and parchment.
 After seeing Dumbledore give a hint, Harry replies to Fudge he does not know why he's
there. When Fudge looks at Umbridge, Harry sees Dumbledore give the carpet the tiniest
of nods and the shadow of a wink. Harry keeps pleading innocence.
 Next Umbridge goes to fetch their informant. She comes back with Marietta. Umbridge
mentions that Marietta's mother, Madam Edgecombe works at the Ministry at the
Department of Magical Transportation at the Floo Network office, she has been helping
them to police the Hogwarts fires. Marietta raises her head and her face is horribly
disfigured by purple pustules and form the word 'SNEAK'. Marietta told Umbridge about
the DA and the Room of Requirement. Since Marietta saw herself in the mirror she
refuses to tell anything more.
 Umbridge also mentions they have a testimony from Willy Widdershins that Harry met
with the other students in the Hog's Head to plan it. McGonagall accuses them that that's
why he was not prosecuted for the regurgitating toilets.
 Dumbledore argues that that was before the decree on student societies was in effect, so
Harry is innocent. Harry thinks he hears a rustle and Kingsley whispering, also it looked
like something brushed his side. Marietta now denies there have been meetings after the
 Umbridge gets angry at Marietta and starts shaking her. Dumbledore and Kingsley tell
her to control herself.
 Then Umbridge shows the list Pansy found in the Room of Requirement, all the DA
names are on it.
 Dumbledore takes all the blame. He tells them he won't come quietly and has no intention
to be send to Azkaban. Fudge looks at Kingsley and the other guard. Dumbledore warns
the other Auror, Dawlish, not to use force. Fudge orders Dawlish and Shacklebolt to take
 After some hectic events, Harry is on the floor, McGonagall had forced him and Marietta
down. Fudge, Dawlish, Shacklebolt and Umbridge lay motionless on the floor. Fawkes
flies around. Dumbledore explains Shacklebolt had modified Marietta's memory during
the interrogation.
 Dumbledore leaves, he says he's not going in hiding though. Dumbledore again tells
Harry he must study Occlumency as hard as he can, he will understand why soon enough.
When Dumbledore touches Harry, he feels his scar in pain and a sudden hate and anger
towards him. Next thing Dumbledore and Fawkes disappear.

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Chapter 5-28 Snape's Worst Memory

 The next day there's an announcement stating Umbridge has replaced Dumbledore.
Draco tells them he's member of the Inquisitorial Squad and takes points of Gryffindor
House. Fred and George tell them that Montague also wanted to dock points but they
threw him in the Vanishing Cabinet. They don't care anymore about getting in trouble
and plan to do some mayhem.
 Filch tells Harry that Umbridge wants to see him. Harry is brought to her office.
Umbridge offers Harry something to drink but Harry is suspicious and pretends to drink.
Umbridge asks him where Dumbledore and Sirius are but Harry says he doesn't know.
Umbridge believes him but warns him that all communications are watched, except for
her own fireplace. Next thing, there's a loud BOOM.
 Downstairs someone seemed to have set of an enormous crate of enchanted fireworks,
probably it was Fred and George. Umbridge tries a ¤ Stupefy to stun a fireworks rocket
but it only makes it worse, exploding with tremendous force. All over the castle there's
fireworks and classes are completely disturbed for the rest of the day.
 At night in the common room Fred and George tell them they used all of their Weasley's
Wildfire Whiz-bangs and are taking orders for their new products, among which a Basic
Blaze Box and a Deflagration Deluxe. Harry drowses into sleep and has his corridor
dream again. He goes through the circular room and opens a door and entering a long
rectangular room full of an odd mechanical clicking and flecks of light on the walls. He
goes on to the end of the room and opens a door. He enters a dimly lit Hall high and wide
as a church, containing rows of shelves with dusty spunn-glass spheres. There's
something in this room he really wants badly, his Scar is hurting. Next thing, he's woken
up by a fireworks.
 The next day when Harry goes to his Occlumency lesson, he meets with Cho and they
have an argument. Arriving in his office, Snape is putting some of his memories into the
Pensieve. Before they start Draco rushes in, calling Snape because Umbridge needs his
help, Montague has been found. Snape leaves with Draco. Harry's attention falls on the
Pensieve and he looks into it seeing one of Snape's memories.
 In the memory they have OWLs. Harry sees his father James Potter and Sirius and some
girl eyeing hopefully at Sirius. He also sees Lupin and Pettigrew. Flitwick tells the
students time is up and to put down their quills, he specifically tells someone called
Stebbins to put it down too. James is playing with a golden Snitch. James seems to be
full of himself. James and Sirius pick on Snape. With a ¤ Expelliarmus James disarms
Snape and with a ¤ Impedimenta he freezes him. With a ¤ Scourgify he 'washes Snape's
mouth' but then Harry's mother Lily Evans appears and tells them to leave Snape alone.
Snape recovers and hits James with a jinx. James charms Snape upside down but lets him
go when Lily tells him to. Snape goes for his wand again but Sirius uses a ¤ Petrificus
Totalus to freeze Snape again. James seems to be very conceited and arrogant.
 Next thing, Harry is out of the memory. Snape is back in the office. Harry is sent away
and told not to come in his office ever again.

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Chapter 5-29 Careers Advice

 Harry feels bad about the way he saw his father. In the library Harry tells Ginny he'd like
to talk to Sirius.
 There's an anouncement and all fifth-years will meet with their Head of House. Harry,
Ron and Hermione look at posibilities in some flyers. Gringotts is looking for Curse
Breakers. Fred and George heard from Ginny that Harry wants to talk to Sirius and
suggest to do it in Umbridge's office after creating some diversion.
 Harry sees Hagrid coming limping out of the forest going to his cabin.
 Snape ignores Harry completely, for the better since now he manages to concoct an
Invigoration Draught easily.
 Harry goes to his career meeting with McGonagall. Umbridge is also there. Harry tells
McGonagall he has been considering becoming an Auror. She says that it's difficult, you
need at least five NEWTs. He'll need to take at least Defense Against the Dark Arts,
Transfiguration, Charms and Potions. McGonagall and Umbridge get into an argument
and next Harry may go.
 In the afternoon Harry he enters the office of Umbridge using Sirius's knife and under his
Invisibility cloak. Using Floo Powder he enters with hishead and goes through the Floo
Network to Grimmauld Place. He sees Lupin who goes to fetch Sirius who has gone
upstairs to look for Kreacher. He talks to them about what he saw in the Pensieve. Both
tell him that James and Sirius were a bit of idiots and arrogant when they were fifteen but
they changed after that. Harry tells them that Snape won't teach Occlumency anymore.
They say Harry has to tell Snape he's not to stop giving lessons, there's nothing so
important as Harry learning Occlumency. Harry hears footsteps and goes away.
 Filch comes in and Harry just in time hides under his cloak. Filch is looking for an
Approval for Whipping, finds it and leaves. Harry leaves too.
 Fred and George converted an corridor of the Gregory the Smarmy statue into a swamp.
Umbridge is about to punish them when they summon their brooms with an ¤ Accio
brooms and fly off leaving Hogwarts. Before they leave anybody who wants to buy a
Portable Swamp can come to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley.

Chapter 5-30 Grawp

 Fred and George's leaving becomes something of a legend. Peeves causes more trouble
then he ever had before. Someone put a Niffler in Umbridge's office. Ron and Hermione
wonder how Fred and George managed to buy a premises and Harry explains he gave
them his Triwizard winnings.
 Hermione urges Harry to take Occlumency lessons again. Ron had heard him dreaming.
Harry had the same dream again, passing through the corridor, the circular room, the
room fullof clinging and inside the cavernous room full of shelves with spheres, towards
row number ninety-seven, turned left and then woke up.
 Last Quidditch match for Gryffindor has arrived, it's against Ravenclaw. During the
game, Harry and Hermione are called by Hagrid to go with him. He takes them into the

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Forbidden forest. He's armed. He tells them that the Centaurs are livid with Firenze and
that they almost kicked him to death, Hagrid had to save him.
 Hagrid shows them a Giant tied up with some ropes. He has been trying to teach him
manners and English. It's his half-brother called Grawp. Hagrid wants Harry, Ron and
Hermione to take care of him in case he gets fired. Hagrid wakes Grawp up and shows
him Harry and Hermione.
 They go back and encounter the Centaurs. A centaur called Magorian tells Hagrid he
knows he's not welcome. Harry also sees Bane. Hagrid argues with Magorian. Magorian
says this time Hagrid can leave since he's acompanied by his young. Bane mentions
Harry and Hermione are not Hagrid's children but students. Anyhow they are send to
leave by Magorian since slaughter of fouls is a crime.
 They get back to the castle and find out the Quidditch match is over, Gryffindor won.

Chapter 5-31 OWLs

 Harry and Hermione tell Ron about Grawp.

 OWLs are getting close. Harry hears Draco bragging that his father is close to the
Wizarding Examinations Authority. Neville does not think it's true because Griselda
Marchbanks is a friend of his grandmother and she never mentioned the Malfoys.
 In the meanwhile, a big black-market trade in aids to concentration is growing. Ron is
tempted by Baruffio's Brain Elixer. But Hermione stops him and says it doesn't work; nor
does Dingle's Powdered Dragon Claw. They are fake.
 McGonagall gives people their OWL examination tables. She mentions strict Anti-
Cheating spells, banning of Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Detachable Cribbing
Cuffs and Self-correcting Ink.
 First exam on monday is Charms. Harry tests Hermione. Hermione accidentally hits
Harry in the nose with Achievements in Charming. Parvati and Lavender practice a
Locomotion Charm.
 During dinner they see the examiners arrive. Professor Marchbanks asks Umbridge where
Dumbledore is. She mentions she examined Dumbledore personally in Transfiguration
and Charms when he did NEWTs.
 After Charms theory exam, students are called in alphabetically for practical exam.
Hermione goes together with Goldstein, Goyle and Daphne Greengrass. After a while
it's Harry's turn who is examined by Professor Tofty. Harry needs to do some Levitation
Charm, a Colour Change Charm and a Growth Charm.
 The day after is the Transfiguration exam and next is Herbology.
 Then Harry has Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. Professor Tofty heard from his
friend Tiberius Ogden that Harry can conjure a Patronus with the Patronus Charm. Harry
shows it with a ¤ Expecto Patronum. Hermione still has an Ancient Runes exam.
 Again someone put a Niffler in Umbridge's office.
 Harry's exam in Potions goes well. In the Care of Magical Creatures exam Harry has to
identify a Knarl, demonstrate how to handle a Bowtruckle, feed and clean a Fire Crab and
choose a diet for a sick Unicorn.

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 Divination does not go to well. Astronomy theory exam went well enough. In the evening
Harry has the practical exam. During the exam Harry sees five or six shadows moving
over the lawn. He hears a distant knock and a dog barking. He sees Hagrid open the door
and six people enter. Harry hears a roar. Then a loud BANG. Harry sees the six people
trying to stun Hagrid. Harry hears Hagrid say the name of one of them. It is Dawlish,
which Harry knows is one Fudge's Aurors. Another one is Umbridge. A Stunning spell
catches Fang. Then they see Professor McGonagall speed over to the scene. She's caught
by four Stunners at the same time and blown off her feet. Hagrid runs away with Fang.
 It turns out it was Lee who had been putting Nifflers in Umbridge's office.
 During his final exam, History of Magic, Harry, while staring at Parvati's back, wishes
he could only perform a little Legilimency to know the answer on a question. While
closing his eyes and burying his face in his hands, the answer comes to him. He drowses
off in thought.
 He is walking along the corridor again, through the circular room, the long rectangular
room full of an odd mechanical clicking. Through the cathedral-sized Hall full of shelves
with glass spheres, reaching number ninety-seven and turning left. At the end of two rows
he sees someone on the floor. It's Sirius and he hears Voldemort performing a ¤ Crucio
on him and ordering him to take it for him.
 Harry wakes up with his Scar on fire.

Chapter 5-32 Out of the Fire

 Professor Tofty wants to take Harry to the Hospital Wing. Harry says it's not necessary.
Next he hurries to see Professor McGonagall but Madam Pomfrey tells Harry she's been
transferred to St. Mungo's. Then he goes to find Hermione and Ron. Harry tells them
Voldemort's got Sirius inside the Ministry. Hermione thinks it's rather fishy and wonders
if Voldemort is trying to get Harry inside the Department of Mysteries.
 Ginny and Luna walk in. They set up a way of distracting the Slytherins Inquisitorial
Squad and Umbridge to sneak into her office to check if Sirius is at home. Harry goes to
fetch Sirius's knife and the Invisibility cloak. On his way someone tells him that a end-
exam celebration will be held and that Harold Dingle reckons he can sell them some
Firewhisky but Harry hardly hears it.
 Harry and Hermione enter Umbridge's office and using Floo Powder Harry enters with
his head and goes through the Floo Network to Grimmauld Place. Only Kreacher is there
who has nasty injuries to both hands, which are heavily bandaged. Kreacher walks away,
saying he is going to chat with his mistress. Harry asks him if Sirius went to the
Department of Mysteries and Kreacher answers that Master will not come back from the
 Next thing, Harry is caught by Umbridge. She had Stealth Sensoring Spells placed al
around her doorway. Hermione is held tight by Millicent Bullstrode. Harry also notices
Malfoy and outside Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville are held by several Slytherins, among
them Crabbe and Warrington.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Umbridge sends Malfoy to get Professor Snape. When he arrives, Umbridge asks for
another bottle of Veritaserum but Snape tells her he gave his last bottle to interrogate
Harry. When Snape is sent away, Harry shouts out that 'He's got Padfoot at the place
where it's hidden'. Snape answers that when he wants to hear nonsense he'll give him a
Babbling Beverage.
 Umbridge decides she'll use a Cruciatus Curse to make Harry talk. She mentions it was
her who sent the Dementors after Harry last summer; adding what Fudge doesn't know
doesn't hurt. The moment Umbridge wants to perform the curse Hermione intervenes and
tells Umbridge they will tell her. Hermione lies, saying that Harry tried to talk to
Dumbledore to tell him 'the weapon is ready'. Umbridge takes Harry and Hermione to be
shown the weapon.

Chapter 5-33 Fight and Flight

 Hermione leading, she, Harry and Umbridge go out of the castle into the Forbidden
Forest. They walk a long time.
 Suddenly about fifty Centaurs appear. Magorian asks who Umbridge is and what they are
doing in the forest. Umbridge offends the Centaurs and binds Magorian with a ¤
Incarcerous. Next thing all the Centaurs storm at Umbridge. Harry sees the red lightflash
of a Stunning Spell, and then she is overpowered and taken away. Ronan says Harry and
Hermione should not be harmed because they are foals, but other Centaurs don't agree.
 At that moment Grawp appears and seems to be looking for Hagrid. He recognizes
Hermione and keeps saying he wants Hagrid. When he makes a grab, the Centaurs shoot
arrows at him. Harry and Hermione manage to get away.
 Then Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville appear. They had managed to escape from the
Slytherin's Inquisitorial Squad. They used Stunning spells, a Disarming Charm. Neville
used a Impediment Jinx and Ginny got Malfoy with a Bat-Bogy Hex.
 Then they take some Thestrals to fly to the Ministry.

Chapter 5-34 The Department of Mysteries

 Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville fly on the Thestrals and arrive at the
Ministry to rescue Sirius.
 The Ministry is completely empty. They pass the fountain in the Atrium and the desk
where normally the watchwizard is, and enter the elevator to level nine, the Department
of Mysteries. Next they go through a black door and down the corridor. Like in his dream
they go through the door on the end of the corridor into a large circular completely black
 Neville closes the door and for a moment they only see the bunches of shivering blue
flames on the walls and their own reflections. The circular wall is rotating. The try one of
the doors and enter a long rectangular room with an enormous tank of green liquid with
pearly-white objects in it. Luna guesses they are Aquavirius Maggots, but Hermione says
they are brains. Ron sees more doors in the room but Harry thinks it's wiser to go back
and try another door in the circular room.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 With a ¤ Flagrate Hermione marks the door before shutting it.

 They try another door and enter a rectangular room (D*C*) with a great stone pit with
stone benches all around the room like an amphitheater. On the bottom is a stone
Archway hung with a black veil which is fluttering slightly. Harry hears faint whispering,
murmuring noises coming from the other side of the veil. Luna hears them too. Hermione
reminds Harry, who's transfixed on the archway, that they need to look for Sirius.
 In the circular room they try a new door but it's locked. Hermione tries a ¤ Alohomora
but the door won't open. Harry tries Sirius's knife but the door stays shut and the knife is
melted. Luna says "You know what could be in there?" but Hermione answers that it's no
doubt something blibbering. The wall spins and stops again.
 Harry tries another door and he recognizes it as the right one. They enter a room with
dancing diamond-sparkling light. There are clocks gleaming from every surface. The
source of light is a towering crystal bell jar at the far end of the room. Inside the crystal
they see a tiny jewel-bright egg which opens and a hummingbird emerges, flies up and
regresses back, born back into the egg. They continue and Harry recognizes the door they
need to go through.
 When they enter they find the place, the church size Hall with shelves covered in small
dusty glass orbs. Each orb has a yellowing label underneath it. Some have a weird glow,
while others are dull and dark. They look for row ninety-seven and find it. At the end of
the row there's no Sirius.
 Ron shows Harry one of the orbs with Harry's name on it. The label reads:

S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D.
Dark Lord
and (?)Harry Potter

 Hermione and Neville warn Harry not to touch it but he still takes the orb. Then they hear
a voice telling Harry to turn around slowly and give it to him.

Chapter 5-35 Beyond the Veil

 In the Hall with the spheres Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville are eye to
eye with Lucius Malfoy and a dozen Death Eaters. Malfoy is ordering Harry to give the
Prophecy to him.
 Among the Death Eaters is Bellatrix Lestrange who tries to get the Prophecy with a ¤
Accio but Harry manages to hold it using a ¤ Protego. Malfoy tells her to back off and
Harry figures out they want the glass sphere unharmed.
 Bellatrix threatens to hurt Ginny. Harry responds he'll smash the Prophecy first and then
asks why Voldemort wants it. Bellatrix gets furious with Harry daring to speak
Voldemorts name and tries to put a ¤ Stupefy on Harry but Malfoy deflects it. The spell
hits a shelf and several orbs are shattered. They see two figures, white as ghosts, unfurl
themselves and begin to speak. Some of what they hear is '... at the solstice will come a
new ...' , which the figure of an old bearded man says and, '... and none will come after,
...'from the figure of a young woman. The figures then melt into thin air.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Harry has an idea and warns Hermione

 Malfoy asks if Dumbledore never told Harry that the reason he bears his Scar is hidden in
the bowels of the Department of Mysteries. Voldemort tried to lure him here so Harry
could retrieve the Prophecy. Only those about whom Prophecies are made can retrieve
them. The Prophecy is about Harry and Voldemort. It would not have been smart to get it
himself since the Ministry conveniently has been ignoring his return. Apparently he
failed trying to have Sturgis Podmore and Broderick Bode take it.
 Next thing Harry calls for his friends and the five of them shout a ¤ Reducto to explode
the shelves opposite to them. Hundreds of spheres burst apart.
 They start to run. Ron, Ginny and Luna sprint past him, Harry is caught by the shoulder
but Hermione uses a ¤ Stupefy to free him. They run again and get back into the room of
the bell jar. Hermione shuts it with a ¤ Colloportus. Ron, Ginny and Luna went the
wrong way. They hear Malfoy telling Nott to leave someone with injuries, and Jugson to
come back because they need to organize. He tells Bellatrix and Rodolphus to take the
left, Crabbe and Rabastan to the right, Jugson and Dolohov the door straight ahead,
Macnair and Avery through some other way, Rookwood another, and Mulciber to go
with him.
 Harry, Hermione and Neville head towards the circular room. Someone uses a ¤
Alohomora to open the door that Hermione blocked and then two Death Eaters draw
 Harry hits one of them in the legs with a ¤ Stupefy. The other is halfway through a ¤
Avada on Hermione when Harry topples him and they fall together to the ground. Neville
casts a ¤ Expelliarmus in their direction and both Harry's and the Death Eaters wand flew
out of their hands. Neville casts a ¤ Stupefy but misses the Death Eater, the spell hits a
cabinet with hour-glasses. It falls apart on the ground, springs back up on the wall, fully
mended, then falls down again and shatters.
 Next before the Death Eater can do a ¤ Stupefy, Hermione hits him with the same spell.
He falls to the ground and his head sinks through the surface of the bell jar. Hermione
uses an ¤ Accio to give Harry back his wand. They see the Death Eaters head shrinking
inside the bell jar until it's a baby's head and back to normal. And before he pulls himself
together it shrinks to babyhood again.
 They hear a crash and a scream and head towards the black hallway again. Two more
Death Eaters come at them from that direction. They veer left into a small dark cluttered
office and shut the door. Before Hermione can finish a ¤ Colloportus to lock the door the
two Death Eaters burst in and both of them stop Harry, Hermione and Neville with a ¤
Impedimenta. One of the Death Eaters calls for the others but Hermione shuts him up
with a ¤ Silencio. Harry freezes the other Death Eater with a ¤ Petrificus Totalus. The
other hits Hermione wordlessly with a spell. A purple flame hits Hermione in the chest.
She goes to the ground and lies motionless. Neville gets up but the dumb struck Death
Eater kicks through Neville's Wand. It splits in two and into his face. The Death Eater
takes off his mask and Harry sees it's Dolohov. When the baby-faced Death Eater comes
in, Harry hits Dolohov with a ¤ Petrificus Totalus. Hermione is still alive. Neville takes
Hermione's wand. His broken wand used to be his father's.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Harry checks the room with the sparkling lights again. He sees the shattering and
repairing cabinet again and suspects it contained Time-Turners. They go into the circular
room. Neville takes Hermione. The marks have faded from the doors. Before Harry
chooses a new door, Ron, Ginny and Luna enter. Ron is giggling and Ginny's ankle is
broken. They were chased by four Death Eaters in a room full of planets. When one of
the Death Eaters grabbed Ginny's foot, Luna used a Reductor curse.
 When they are about to enter a new door, three Death Eaters arrive, led by Bellatrix
Lestrange. A Stunning Spell shoots around the room. They get through a door just in time
and Harry shuts it with a ¤ Colloportus. They are back in the Brain Room. While they are
busy locking the doors, five Death Eaters enter. Ron casts a ¤ Accio brain and one of the
brains burst from the tank to Ron. Its tentacles wrap around Ron. Harry tries to get it off
using a ¤ Diffindo but the tentacles don't break. A Death Eater stuns Ginny. Neville tries
to stun them but with his broken nose he can't manage to say the stunning spell correct. A
Death Eater tries to stun Neville but misses. More of silver lights like arrows are sent to
Harry and Neville but miss.
 Harry starts to run, trying to lure the Death Eaters away from the others. He goes into the
room from where the Death Eaters had come. Harry falls down stone steps and lands
down in the Archway room (D*C*). Harry sees the five Death Eaters from the Brain
Room descend toward him, while many more emerge through other doorways. Harry
climbs backward onto the dais of the archway. The Death Eaters halt and gaze at him.
Dolohov is bleeding from the Body-Bind Curse. Neville catches up to help but is caught.
Bellatrix performs a ¤ Crucio on Neville to make Harry hand over the Prophecy. Harry
gives up and is about to hand it to Malfoy.
 At that moment Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, Sirius and Lupin storm in, Tonks sending a
Stunning Spell at Malfoy. The members of the Order rain spells down upon the Death
 Harry is grabbed by a Death Eater. Neville pokes Hermione's wand into the Death Eater's
eye. Harry hits him with a ¤ Stupefy. His mask comes off, revealing that it is Macnair.
 Harry sees Moody's eye on the ground, Moody is lying on his side and bleeding from the
head. Moody's attacker, Dolohov, hits Neville with a ¤ Tarantallegra. He then tries the
same spell he used on Hermione now on Harry, but Harry blocks with the Shield Charm
¤ Protego. Dolohov tries to get the Prophecy with an ¤ Accio but at the same moment
Sirius rams Dolohov. Both then get into a Duel.
 Harry freezes Dolohov with a ¤ Petrificus Totalus. A green light narrowly misses Sirius.
 Harry wants to take Neville and get out but he's caught by Malfoy. Harry throws the
Prophecy to Neville. Malfoy points his wand at Neville but Harry stops Malfoy with a ¤
 Harry helps Neville up the steps to get out. Neville puts the Prophecy in a pocket.
Neville's robe tears, the Prophecy falls out, one of Neville's floundering feet kicks it away
and smashes it on the step beneath them. Harry sees a pearly white figure rise in the air.
In all the noise of crashes and screams they can't hear a word of the prophecy.
 Suddenly Dumbledore shows up. One of the Death Eaters tries to flee but Dumbledore
simply pulls him back with a spell. Now only Sirius and Bellatrix are still battling. Sirius

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

is hit with jet of light and he falls through the veil hanging from the arch. He seems to
have just fallen through but did not reappear on the other side. Harry wants to go to the
curtain to pull him back out but Lupin holds him back and says there's nothing Harry can
do. It's too late, he's gone.

Chapter 5-36 The Only One He Ever Feared

 Harry can't believe Sirius is gone. Lupin tells him 'He can't come back, because he's d---'
There's still some battling going on.
 Dumbledore has immobilized the remaining Death Eaters in the middle of the room.
Moody is trying to revive Tonks. Kingsley is going after Bellatrix. Lupin lifts Neville's
hex with a ¤ Finite.
 Kingsley is hit by a spell and Bellatrix runs away. Dumbledore aims a spell at her but she
deflects it.
 Harry goes after her through the room with the brains. She casts a spell over a shoulder
and the tank rises in the air and tips. Harry avoids them by sending them back up in the
air with a ¤ Wingardium Leviosa. Ron, Ginny and Luna seem to be all right. Harry
follows Belatrix. She has gone through the circular room back into the corridor to the
lifts. The door closes when Harry is in the circular room and the walls spin. Harry shouts
aloud asking where the exit is, and a door right behind him flies open. He goes through
the corridor into the lift and into the Atrium.
 Bellatrix is almost at the end of the hall at the telephone lift and aims a spell at Harry.
Harry ducks behind the Fountain of Magical Brethren. Harry is utterly enraged and casts
a ¤ Crucio on her but it has little effect. Bellatrix asks if Harry never used an
Unforgivable Curse before; telling him you have to mean them. She also tries to hit Harry
with a ¤ Crucio but misses and hits the head of the fountain wizard statue, which falls to
the ground. Harry aims a ¤ Stupefy at her but she counters it with a ¤ Protego.
 Bellatrix gives Harry one last chance to hand over the Prophecy to save his life but Harry
tells her it's gone. Pain shoots across his Scar. Voldemort knows and he won't be happy
with Bellatrix. Bellatrix refuses to believe and tries to ¤ Accio the prophecy but in vain.
 Voldemort appears in the middle of the hall. He tries to put the ¤ Avada Kedavra on
Harry but is saved by the headless golden statue of the wizard in the fountain which has
sprung alive. It leaps between Harry and Voldemort and the spell glances off its chest.
Dumbledore has come.
 Voldemort sends another jet of green light at Dumbledore. Dumbledore turns and is gone
in a whirling of his cloak. He reappears behind Voldemort and waves the other statues to
life with his wand. The statue of the witch pins Bellatrix to the floor. The goblin and the
house-elf run to the fireplaces and the centaur gallops at Voldemort, who vanishes and
reappears beside the pool. The headless statue moves Harry away from the fight.
 Voldemort tries another killing curse at Dumbledore but misses. Dumbledore flicks his
wand and creates an enormous spell. Voldemort is forced to conjure a shining silver
shield out of thin air to deflect it. Voldemort states that Dumbledore is not trying to kill
him. Dumbledore answers that there are other ways of destroying a man; that merely

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

taking Voldemort's life would not satisfy him. Voldemort says there's nothing worse then
death, but Dumbledore says he's quite wrong. Dumbledore keeps approaching Voldemort
lightly without any sign of fear or worry whatsoever.
 A new jet of green light from Voldemort is interfered by the centaur, who blasts in
pieces. Dumbledore conjures a long thin flame from his wand and it wraps itself around
Voldemort, shield and all. Then Voldemort turns the flame into a Serpent and turns back
on Dumbledore. Voldemort vanishes. The moment he reappears above the pool, there's a
burst of flame in midair and Fawkes swallows a jet of green light by Voldemort.
Dumbledore makes the snake vanish in a whisp of dark smoke and next the water in the
pool rises up and covers Voldemort like a cocoon of molten glass.
 Voldemort disappears and the water falls down. Dumbledore tells Harry to stay where he
is. He now looks frightened.
 Suddenly his scar bursts open in pain beyond imagining. He's 'fused together with the
creature with red eyes, bound by pain'. When the creature speaks, it uses Harry's mouth.
It tells Dumbledore to kill him, saying 'If death is nothing, Dumbledore, kill the boy ...'
Harry thinks "let the pain to stop, to let him kill us; end it ... death is nothing compared to
this ... and I'll see Sirius again". And when his heart fills with emotion, the bond loosens
and the pain is gone.
 Harry is all right. The Atrium is full of people
 The statues of the goblin and the house-elf are leading Cornelius Fudge. A man called
Williamson tells Fudge he saw Voldemort grabbing a woman and Disapparating. Fudge
saw it too. Dumbledore tells Fudge and the Aurors that downstairs are more Death Eaters
contained in the Death Chamber bound by an Anti-Disapparation Jinx. Fudge sends
Dawlish and Williamson to check it out.
 Dumbledore will explain everything to Fudge as soon as he has sent Harry back.
 With a ¤ Portus Dumbledore turns the head of the wizard statue into a Portkey to send
him back to Hogwarts. He orders Fudge to remove Umbridge from Hogwarts and to stop
the Aurors searching for Hagrid.
 Dumbledore looks at his watch with twelve hands and tells Fudge he can spare half an
hour. Then he tells Harry he'll see him in half an hour and Harry is sent back with the

Chapter 5-37 The Lost Prophecy

 Harry is back in Dumbledore's office. He keeps thinking it's his fault Sirius is dead.
Phineas Nigellus asks Harry why he's in Dumbledore's office. The other Headmasters
wake up and Harry wants to leave but the office is locked.
 Dumbledore arrives through the fireplace and puts Fawkes back on its tray of soft ashes.
Dumbledore tells him all the other students are all right.
 Harry is angry at himself and Dumbledore. Dumbledore tells Harry pain is part of being
human and Harry gets furious, trashing silver instruments and saying that then he doesn't
want to be human; he's had enough. Harry wants to leave but Dumbledore does not let
him. Dumbledore says Harry is not nearly as angry with him as he ought to be.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Dumbledore considers it his fault that Sirius died. Not completely responsible. Sirius was
brave, clever and energetic, but not someone to sit safe at home. Nevertheless Harry
should never have had to believe Sirius was in danger. That's what Dumbledore should
have made sure of.
 Dumbledore starts to explain about Harry's Scar and his mental connection with
Voldemort. Because he suspected a two-way influence, he told Snape to teach Harry
Occlumency. He could not do it himself, risking Voldemort using Harry to spy on him.
He even felt a shadow of Voldemort stir behind Harry's eyes on the rare occasions they
had close contact the past year. By keeping Harry at a distance he had been trying to
protect him.
 The night Mr. Weasley was attacked, Voldemort realized he could use Harry to trick him
into getting the Prophecy he has been desperate to hear ever since he regained his body.
 Harry feels guilty. Dumbledore tells him Kreacher lied to Harry when he checked for
Sirius. After Sirius told Kreacher to 'get out' he took it literally and went to Narcissa
 Snape also checked on Sirius after Harry's cryptic warning. The Order has other methods
of communicating. When Harry didn't come back from the Forest, he alerted the Order
members who went to the Ministry at once. Snape requested Sirius stay at Grimmauld
Place and he went to the Forest to search for Harry. Sirius however went to the Ministry
too and instructed Kreacher to tell Dumbledore where they had gone. Kreacher had told
Narcissa that Sirius cares most about you and that Harry considered him a mixture of
father and brother. Kreacher injured Buckbeak to keep Sirius out of the way the moment
Harry would check in Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore is good in Legilimency and knew
whether Kreacher was lying or not. He 'persuaded' him to tell the full story. Although
Kreacher did bad things, he has been made the way he is by his family.
 Harry argues with Dumbledore about Snape but Dumbledore has convincing explanations
for Harry's doubts.
 Dumbledore explains why Harry had to grow up at the Dursleys. He was protected there
by an ancient magic. The fact that Harry's mother died to save him gave him a protection
that flows in his veins. Harry is protected by his mother's blood. Dumbledore left him
with her sister and only remaining relative Petunia. By taking Harry in, Petunia sealed the
charm Dumbledore had placed upon Harry. The bond of blood became the strongest
shield Dumbledore could give Harry. It was Dumbledore who sent the Howler last year
to remind Petunia.
 Five years ago Harry survived an encounter with Voldemort. At that time Dumbledore
could not tell Harry why Voldemort wants to kill Harry. In the second year, he survived
an encounter again. In the fourth year another time. Then Dumbledore should have told
Harry everythihg but he still cared too much about Harry's happiness to put another
burden on him.
 Now Dumbledore does. He tells Harry Voldemort wants to kill Harry because of a
prophecy made shortly after his birth. Voldemort knew it had been made but not its full
contents. He wants it. He wants the knowledge of how to destroy Harry.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Harry says the prophecy is smashed, but Dumbledore responds that what has smashed is
only a record, kept by the Department of Mysteries. Dumbledore reveals that he was the
one to whom the prophecy was made. He can recall it perfectly.
 It was sixteen years ago, when in the Hog's Head he was seeing an applicant for the post
of Divination teacher.
 Dumbledore takes his Pensieve and with his wand prods it. A figure rises, it's Sybill
Trelawney and Harry hears the prophecy;:

`The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. born to
those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies . and the
Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord
knows not . and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live
while the other survives . the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord
will be born as the seventh month dies .'

 Dumbledore explains that it means that the person who has the only chance of conquering
Voldemort was born at the end of july, nearly sixteen years ago. This boy would be born
to parents who had already defied Voldemort three times.
 Then he tells Harry that at that time it could have been him or Neville. The official record
of the prophecy was re-labelled by the keeper of the Hall of Prophecy after Voldemort's
attack on Harry as a child. After Harry got his scar it made Harry the person about whom
the prophecy was made. Dumbledore could have chosen a pure-blood, Neville, but chose
Harry, a half-blood. Harry escaped Voldemort four times so far.
 Voldemort acted at once because the eavesdropper in the Hog's Head only heard the first
two lines. He did not know there might be danger; Harry has power the Dark Lord knows
not. Harry says he doesn't
 Dumbledore tells him that in the Department of Mysteries there is a room that is kept
locked at all times. It contains a force more wonderful and terrible than death, than
human intelligence, then the forces of nature. It's also the most mysterious. This power
Harry possesses in such quantities and which Voldemort has not at all. This power took
Harry to save Sirius, and saved him from possession by Voldemort because he could not
bear to reside in a body full of the force he detests.
 The end of the prophecy means that one of them, either Harry or Voldemort, has to kill
the other.

Chapter 5-38 The Second War Begins

 The Sunday Prophet announces the return of Voldemort. Fudge has confirmed it. He also
tells that there has been a mass revolt of the Dementors of Azkaban. Dumbledore is
reinstated as Headmaster and member of the International Confederation of Wizards and
Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.
 Harry and Hermione are visiting Ron in the Hospital wing. Ginny and Neville have
nearly recovered and Luna came with them. Ron is recovering from the brain tentacles.
Madam Pomfrey gave him Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Luna's father (Mr Lovegood) sold the article of Harry's interview, Luna and her father
will go to Sweden and see if they can catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.
 Flitwick got rid of Fred and George's swamp but left a tiny patch as a kind of momentum.
 Umbridge is lying in a bed at the opposite side. Dumbledore rescued her from the forest.
Umbridge is in shock.
 Harry goes to see Hagrid. On his way he encounters Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They
argue and before they can hex each other Snape emerges from a staircase. He wants to
take housepoints but Gryffindor has none. Then Professor McGonagall arrives and gives
Harry and his friends fifty points each.
 Then he's sent away and goes to Hagrid. Hagrid had been hiding. He wants to find a
lady-friend for Grawp.
 The last day of school has arrived. When packing his trunk he notices the package Sirius
once given him. It contains a small square mirror. On the back Sirius wrote that it is a
two-way mirror and he's got the other one. By saying his name in it they can talk to each
other. He used to use it a lot with James. Harry tries it but it doesn't work. Sirius won't
 Harry goes to look for Nearly Headless Nick. Nick has been expecting him. It happens
sometimes when somebody suffers a loss. Harry asks about ghosts and people who died
coming back. Nick tells him not everyone can come back as a ghost; only wizards. Nick
says Sirius won't. Some wizards can leave an imprint of themselves upon the earth but
very few wizards choose that path. Nick was afraid of death and chose to stay; he's
neither here nor there. At the Department of Mysteries they study this matter.
 Harry sees Luna. Ginny told her Sirius was his godfather. Harry remembers Luna can see
Thestrals and asks who she saw die. Luna says she saw her mother die. She liked to
experiment and one of her spells went wrong. She says she still has her dad and that it's
not as if she'll never see her Mother again. Luna refers to the Archway and the voices
behind the veil.
 Harry goes back with the Hogwarts Express next day. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle have
been waiting to attack Harry but they unfortunately tried to ambush him in a
compartment full of DA members. They end up looking like three gigantic slugs.
 In the train Harry hears that Cho is seeing Michael Corner. Ginny now is seeing Dean.
 At King's Cross Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Fred and George are
waiting. Also the Dursleys are waiting. The Order members tell the Dursleys that they
will make certain they are not mistreating Harry.


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