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Wilhelm Woundt = german psycologist "founder of modern. psychology.

Titchener = structuralism psychology

william james, G. Stanley Hall, James M. Cattell.... these three promote "functionalism psychology

Charles darwin = theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel & behave(" evolutionary

Herman Ebbinghaus = associationism psychology

Edwin Guthrie = (stimulus and response ) :; temporal conguity

Edward Lee Thorndike = "satisfaction" "the law of effect".

Ivan Pavlov = involuntary behavior

Max Wertheimer = gestalt psychology

Otto Loewi = discovered "acetylchloline" respobsible in stimulation of muscles Ulf von Euler discovered
"norepinephrine" bringing our nervous system into "high alert"

Arvid Carlsson discovered "dopamine" the reward mechanisms in the brain

jean piaget -- cognitive dev't , info processing , dynamic interrelation.

Freud -- psychosexual , psychoanalytic

erickson -- psychosocial

kohlberg -- moral dev't,

skinner -- operant cond.

pavlov -- classical cond.

thorndike -- connectionism

bandura -- social learning, neo - behaviorism

gagne -- sequence of instruction

maslow -- hierarchy of needs , motivation theory

kohler -- insight learning

havighurst -- devt task theory

bloom -- bloom's cognitive taxonomy

simpson -- psychomotor domain

krathwohl -- affective domain

bruner -- constructivist, spiral curr, instrumental conceptualism

Vygotsky -- socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding

dale -- cone experience (20% remember)

kohler,koffka, weirtheimer -- gestalt psychology

locke -- tabularasa , empiricism

gardner -- multiple int.

chomsky -- language acquisition theory , fr of linguistic, nativism

ausubel -- meaningful learning, graphic organizer, assumption

cooley -- looking glass self theory

flavel -- metacognition

sandra bem -- gender schema theory

turriel -- social domain theory

sternberg -- triachic theory of int.

watson -- behaviorial theory

montessory -- transfer of learning, kinder garten preparation of children.

tolman -- purposive behaviorism and goal oriented

torrance -- creative problem solving

weiner -- attribution theory

goleman/coleman? -- emotional intelligence

ratke -- used vernacular for approaching the class.

mencius -- idealistic wing of confucianism

hzun tzu -- realistic wing of confusianism

taoism -- lao tzu

herbart spencer -- moral devt

pestallozi -- symmetrical and harmonious devt of child

rosseau -- nature of child

Arnold Gesell - maturation theory

John Dewey - Learning by doing

Froebel - Father of kinder garten

idealism -- plato
realism -- aristotle
empiricism -- locke
pragmatism -- dewey
existentialism -- hegel
philisophical analysis -- moore
essentialism -- bagley
perrenialism -- hutchins
progressivism -- dewey
reconstructionism -- brameld
behaviorism -- skinner or watson
structuralism -- helmholts or wundt?
fucntionalism -- james,nugell, or carr?
purposivism -- hormic

o socioeconomic analysis
o class relation and societal conflict
o interpretation of historical development
o dialectivcal view of social transformation
Proponent:Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

o Acquire basic knowledge, common body of knowledge
o Excellence in education
o Student centered
o 4R's (Reading , Writing, Arithmetic, Right Conduct)
Proponent: William Bagley

o Freedom of choice
o Individual Differences
o Unique individual
o Awareness of consequences
Proponent: Jean Paul Sartre

o Education are changeless- Humanistic
o Educate the rational person
o Back to basics
o constant or not changing
o Cultural literacy
o Great work of civilization
o Develops the ability to think deeply
o Student – centered
Proponent: Robert Hutchins

o Always in the process of development
o Teaching using real life situation
o Relevant curriculum, humanistic education, radical school
o Growth
o Learning by doing
Proponent: John Dewey

o values
o Unified reality with God
o Morally and mentally upright
o Mind
o Anything what is in your mind (absolute value)
Proponent: Plato

o Based on natural law
o Lecture method and memorization
o Logical and abstract thinking
o Objects exist independently of the mind
Proponent: Aristotle

o Always changing
o Interaction of individual with environment
o Essence of idea comes from the consequence of it’s
o Practical / Beneficial
Proponent: John Dewey, William James, Rousseau

o Reconstruct society
o Improvement
o Change and social reform / social change
o Awareness of societal needs and problems
Proponent: Pragmatism, Teodore, Brameld

o Back to basics
o Stimulus response to teaching
o Modification and shaping of students behavior
Proponent: John Watson

o to enable to think for themselves
o view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification
o truth exist not sensory but intellectual and deductive

o nature is the aggregate of physical objects
o idea or belief that only natural laws and forces operate in the world

o creating new idea connecting (old-new)
o nature of knowing
o learns thru experiences and ideas
Proponent: jean piaget

o loving one self
o value and agency of human beings

o knowledge comes from sensory experience
o study of human knowledge

evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's
own culture.

Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of
one's own.

Phallic stage (frued's psychosexual stage) deals about identity issue and fondles genital. Awareness that
their genital become an interesting and sensitive area of the body. In this stage the boys experience the
stage of Oedipus complex - young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother's attention and
affections. Electra complex - young girl sees mother as a rival for father's attention.

Latent stage deals about subconscious mind. The children focuses are all about school work and vigorous

Pre-genital stage deals about mature sexual relationship. Puberty to old age.

Sensorimotor - birth to infancy 0-2y/o

Preoperational (symbolic function,egocentrism,animism and intuitive thought) - 2-7 y/o preschool

Concrete operational - 7-11 y/o childhood

Formal operational - 11-onwards y/o adolescence and adulthood

ID - reside all the unconscious impulses or instinct. Newborn baby is pure ID

-incorporates personal satisfaction
-source of bodily needs,wants, desires, impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives

EGO- realistic coping behavior or part that meditates between the desires of the ID and SUPEREGO.
- incorporates decision making
- organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive,
and executive functions.
- set of psychic functions such as judgment, tolerance, reality testing, control, planning, defense,
synthesis of information, intellectual functioning and memory.

SUPEREGO - conscience, moral armchair of personality and decide whether something is right or wrong.
- reflects internalization of cultural rules, mainly taught by parents applying their guidance and influence.

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