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In Part A, the classroom lights are turned off, and the window is used as the object at “infinity”.

The lens is moved until a sharp image is formed. It has been observed that a sharp image is

formed on its focal length. In this case, for an object very far away, the image distance is equal to

the lens’ focal length. This will be done for both lenses given. In Part B, a light source is placed a

meter away from the screen. Sharp images were formed near the light source and a bit away.

This will be position 1 and 2. The object/image distance is recorded for both and focal length

computed for both using the thin lens equation. The process is then repeated on another lens.

Sharp images only appear where the object/image distance pairs are inverse of each other (For

example, a sharp image is formed when s = 10 cm and s’ = 40 cm, then another image is formed

when s = 40 cm and s’ = 10 cm). Computed focal lengths are close to the actual focal lengths. A

percentage error of 4.58% and 2.15% for lens 1 and lens 2 respectively.

In Part C, the image/object distance from Part B is used. Only this time, at each point, two

additional sets of data is collected by varying the distance between the light source and screen.

When plotting these points, since object and image distance is interchangeable, a downward

straight line is expected. x- and y- intercepts are equal to 1/f, and since this is a straight line, both

of the intercepts are equal. Average value for focal length is computed, and when compared to

the actual value, a percentage error of 1.96% was achieved. Magnification was also computed

using m = -s’/s, which is then compared to the actual height of the image, measured by using a

rule on the screen.


 For an object very far away (for all intents and purposes, an object at infinity) it is found

that 1/s in the equation is effectively zero. This means that the focal length will be the

same as the image distance.

 The x- and y- intercept formed by the graph of object and image distance data are equal

to 1/f.

 Object and image distance are interchangeable. Sharp images will form at these two



A bigger screen can be useful to capture the full image projected on the screen, making

measuring the image on the screen much easier and/or accurate. A more intense light for the light

source can also be used. It is tricky to tell at what point an image is officially “sharp”. A brighter

light source will make it easier to tell, which will in turn get more accurate object/image


Lenses can be seen in action on our very own eyes. As light passes into the eye, it first passes

through the cornea. Since the cornea is a curved surface, it acts like a convex lens and begins to

focus the light rays. The light then passes through the pupil and hits the lens of the eye. The lens,

also convex, further focuses the light so that it will hit the retina at the back of the eyeball. The

retina contains specialized cells that are sensitive to light; these are called rods and cones. When

the cornea and lens focus light onto the retina, the cells are stimulated and send signals to the

brain, allowing you to see The lens in our eyes are controlled by ligaments connected to the

ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens. Focusing on an object, the ciliary muscles

contract, reducing tension on the ligaments, causing the lens to be more spherical. When the eye

is relaxed, the opposite will happen.

Refracting telescopes are telescopes which use lenses, as opposed to reflecting mirrors,

which use mirrors. They focus the light and make distant objects appear brighter, clearer and

magnified. Refracting telescopes use two lenses. A big one called the objective lens, and a small

one, the eyepiece lens.

Sources: https://study.com/academy/lesson/lens-of-the-eye-definition-function.html


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