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Hormones – Trigger a sudden rush of emotions.

The Two Organ system ;

1. The Nervous system – enables the body to gather information from the the
outside environment and respond quickly.

2. The Endocrine System – sow in terms of response, produce longer- lasting effect
due to hormones

Stimuli – Keeps the body working properly despite the constant changes that take place
around it.

Neurons or nerve cells – every second, hundreds of these messages are carried by
string special cells.

Neurons - Basic functional units of structure and function of nervous system.

Parts Of a Neuron………………….

 Cell Body – Contains the nucleus, which controls a the activities of the cell.
 Nucleus – Controls all the activities of the cell. Large dark structure
 Cytoplasm – Fiberlike structures.
 Dendrites – Receive and carry information toward the cell body.
 Axon – Carries messages away from the cell body.
 Myelin Sheath – Covers the axon.
 Axon Terminals (ends) – pass on messages to the dendrites of other neuron.

Types of Neurons…………..

 Sensory Neurons – Also called afferent neuron, this function is to received initial
stimuli from the sense organ.

 Interneuron – Also called connector or association neurons. Head Impulses

received from sensory neuron

 Motor Neurons – Also called offerent neurons. Transmit impulses from the brain
and spinal cord.
Signals – are important in our life. They carry information that tells us to listen.

Nerve Impulse – Wave Chemical and electrical change that is conducted along the
membrane of a neuron.

Synapse – Tiny gap, Two adjacent neurons.

Reflex – Automatic Response to a change in the environment. Simplest responses of

the nervous system

Neurotransmitters – Sending information across the synapse in the form of chemical


Main Parts of the nervous system………………..

THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) - Command center for the entire body.


 Brain – Main control center of the Central nervous system. It transmits and
receives massages through the spinal cord.
Skull – Protected and encased in a bone.
 Spinal Cord – Provides the link between the brain and the rest of your body.

Three main parts of the brain……….

 Cerebrum – Largest part of the brain. Controls thought movement,


Cerebral cortex – Surface of the cerebrum.

 Cerebellum – second largest part of the brain. Located behind the brain

Balance -

 Brain Stem – Control basic life function.

Three distinct regions make up the brain stem………..

o Medulla oblongata - Controls involuntary actions

Sense –
Sense organs –

General senses –

Two group :

Somatic sense –

Visceral Sense –

Special Sense –

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