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5 Hair Myths We All Blindly Believe

Nowadays, hairfall has become one of the most common problem faced by both men and
women. It is normal to lose 50-100 strands of hair everyday, which are replaced by new ones.

When it comes to excessive hairfall, people start believing in fictions spread by some
companies and individuals in order to sell their product. In fact, this is very misleading as one
should seek knowledge and information about the root cause of it.

• Myth : Diets have no influence over hair loss.

Insufficient intake of nutrients and following an unhealthy and unbalanced diet can cause
malnourishment in the body as it may lack vitamins and minerals. This leads to dehydration of the
scalp and can trigger excessive hair fall. Consuming more of hair supplements which contain zinc
and biotin will not have any impact on hair growth.
• Myth : Experimenting with hair color, dry shampoos and other similar products aid hairloss.

These applications cause damage to the hair strands, not to the hair follicles, which are located
under the skin.

• Myth : Over styling your hair can cause hair loss.

There is no evidence stating that using blow dryers and flat irons can cause thinning hair.
However, too much heat and drying may lead to brittle and breakable hair. Therefore, it is
important to apply good quality hair serums and hair protectant sprays before styling.

• Myth : Brushing your hair 100 times a day stimulates hair growth.

Brushing your hair does increase blood circulation but it should kept to a minimum as it’s a
practice from a long time ago when people used to wash their hair once a week and frequent
combing served a useful purpose of distributing natural oil from the scalp to the ends.
Nowadays, most of us wash our hair everyday or thrice a week, which leaves our scalp dry and

• Myth : Shaving your head will fix the problem

Shaving your head will remove damaged hair that has been affected by heat styling or coloring
but it will not have any impact on hair growth cycle.

If you still follow these myths blindly, then get ready to sacrifice your precious hair and arrange a
hefty sum of money to spend on hair transplants, hair building fibers and wigs.

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