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Adam S.

Bolton April 24, 2002


MIT 8.02 Spring 2002

Assignment #8 Solutions

Problem 8.1
An LRC ir uit.

L L = 15 mH
C R = 80

V(t) C = 5 F
V ( t) = V0 sin(!t)
V0 = 40 V

(a) As dis ussed in le ture (and in Gian oli Se tion 31-6, p. 780), in an LRC ir uit, the
driving frequen y at whi h the urrent rea hes a maximum (resonan e) is
!0 = p =
1 1 = 3651:5 rad=s :
(0:015)(5  10 6)
(b) From Gian oli Se tion 31-5 (pp. 776-779), we have
I (t) = I0 sin(!t ) = sin(!t ) :
R2 + (!L 1=!C )2

(Note: Gian oli adopts the onvention t = 0 when the urrent in the ir uit I (t) = 0.
In this problem, our onvention is to take t = 0 when the sour e voltage V (t) = 0.
So, to apply Gian oli's results to our situation, we shift the origin in time a ording to
!tGian oli = !tus .)
Thus we have
! (rad/s) !C 1 (
) !L (
) R2 + (!L 1=!C )2 (
) I0 (A)
0.25 !0 913 219 13.7 220 0.18
!0 3651 54.8 54.8 80 0.50
4 !0 14606 13.7 219 220 0.18
( ) For ! = !0 , !L = 1=!C , and thus the phase angle  between the peak urrent and peak
sour e voltage is zero (see Gian oli Equation (31-10a), p. 778). This gives
I (t) = 0 sin !0 t :
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 2
Sin e I = dQ=dt, we have for the harge on the apa itor
Q(t) = os !0t :
!0 R
(The \integration onstant" must be zero: our solution for the ir uit behavior has assumed
that the voltage a ross the apa itor, and hen e the harge on the apa itor, is purely
sinusoidal in time.) So,
UC (t) =
1 Q2 = V02 os2(! t) = V02 L os2 (! t)
2 C 2!02R2 C 0 2R 2 0
= (0:0019) os2 (!0t) (Joules),
1 V 2L
I (t) = LI 2 = 0 2 sin2 (!0 t)
2 2R2
= (0:0019) sin (!0t) (Joules).

Problem 8.2
Average power dissipated in an LRC ir uit. (Gian oli 31-20)
(In the opinion of the solution author, the instantaneous power P = IV of this problem
should be alled the \power delivered by the power supply", not the \power dissipated in
the ir uit".)

From I = I0 sin(!t) and V = V0 sin(!t + ), we have

P = IV = I0 V0 sin(!t) sin(!t + ) :
Next we make use of the trigonometri identity
sin( + ) = sin os + os sin ;
P = I0 V0 [sin2 (!t) os  + sin(!t) os(!t) sin ℄ :
The average of sin2(!t) over one period is 21 , while the average of sin(!t) os(!t) is zero, so
we have 1
P = I0 V0 os  ;
as advertised.
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 3
Problem 8.3
Width of resonan e peak. (Gian oli 31-30)
(Note: to be onsistent with previous notation, the problem statement should really ask for
the di eren e between the two frequen ies where I0 = 12 I0;max.)

The results of problem 8.1(b) suggest that driving frequen ies ! = !0 and
p ! = 1!0 will
give the same peak urrent I0. We an see this plainly if we use !0 = 1= LC to re ast the
expression for I0:
V0 V0
I0 = q = q : (1)
R2 + (!L 1=!C )2 R 1 + RLC (!=!0 !o=!)2

Now, let !+ and1 ! be the two driving frequen ies on either side of the resonan e peak
that give I0 = 2 I0;max = 12 V0=R. In view of (??), they will evidently be related to !0 by
!+ = !0 and ! = 1 !0 for some . If the resonan e peak is sharp, I0 (! ) falls of very
qui kly on either side of !0, so !+ and ! must be relatively lose to !0. Thus we an take
= 1 + Æ , with Æ  1. This gives !+ = (1 + Æ )!0 , ! = (1 + Æ ) 1 !0  (1 Æ )!0 , and
!  !+ !  2Æ!0. For ! = either !+ or ! ,
! !0 2 1 2  (2Æ)2 = 4Æ2  (!)2 = LC (!)2 : (2)
! !

!0 !
 (1  Æ)
(1  Æ) !02
We an now nd ! by plugging (??) into (??):
I0 = I0;max =)
2 R 1 + RL (! )2 2R

This solves easily to give p

!  L3R ;
as we were to show.
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 4
Problem 8.4
Traveling waves on a string.

(a) For any traveling wave of the form

y = a sin(kx !t) ;
a is the amplitude, k is the wavenumber,  = 2=k is the wavelength, ! is the frequen y
in radians per se ond (f = !=2 is the frequen y in Hertz), T = 2=! is the period, and
v = !=k is the speed of the wave. For our wave,
y = 0:4 sin[ (0:5x 200t)℄ (x, y in m, t in se )
and we have
a = 0:4 m
k = 0:5 = 1:57 m 1
 = 2=k = 4 m
! = 200 = 628 rad=s
(f = !=2 = 100 Hz)
T = 2=! = 0:01 se
v = !=k = 400 m=s :
(b) At t = 0, the equation of the wave is
y (x; t)jt=0 = 0:5 sin(1:57x) :
At t = 1=400 se (= T=4), the equation is
y (x; t)jt=1=400 = 0:5 sin(1:57x =2) = 0:5 os(1:57x) :
Following is a plot of y vs. x for these two times:




y (cm)




-0.4 t=0
t = 1/400 sec
-4 -2 0 2 4
x (cm)
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 5
( ) The transverse (y-dire tion) speed of a point on our string is
= a! os(kx !t) ;
with maximum value
= a! = 251 m=s :

dt max

(d) If we lamp the string at two points a distan e L m apart and observe a standing wave
of the same wavelength as above, then L must be an integer number of half-wavelengths:
L = n=2 (n = 1; 2; 3; 4; : : :) :
For our value of  = 4 m, the rst three possibilities are:
n= 1 L = 2 cm

n= 2 L = 4 cm

n= 3 L = 6 cm
If L is to be stri tly less than 10 m, there are 4 possible values for L: 2 m, 4 m, 6 m, and
8 m.

Problem 8.5
Standing waves on a string.

(a) A standing wave of the form

y = a sin(kx) os(!t)
has the same wavelength, et . as given in 8.3(a) above. Thus, for
y = 0:3 sin(3x) os(1200t)
with x, y in entimeters and t in se onds, we have
k = 3 m 1
 = 2=k = 2:1 m
! = 1200 rad=s
(f = !=2 = 191 Hz)
T = 2=! = 5:24  10 3 s :
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 6
(b) The times of interest are t = 0, t = 1:31  10 3 s = T=4, and t = 2:62  10 3 s = T=2:
y (x; t)jt=0 = 0:3 sin(3x)
y (x; t)jt=1:3110 = 0:3 sin(3x) os(=2)  0

y (x; t)jt=2:6210 = 0:3 sin(3x) os( ) = 0:3 sin(3x) :


Following is a plot of y vs. x for these three times:




y (cm)



-0.3 t=0
t = 1.31e-3 sec
t = 2.62e-3 sec
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
x (cm)
Compare the evolution of this standing wave with the evolution of the traveling wave of
problem 8.3.
( ) As in 8.3( ), the maximum transverse speed is


dt max
= a! = 360 m=s :
(d) One ould interpret this question in one of two ways. If by \speed of propagation" we
mean the so- alled phase speed, then it is
v = !=k = 400 m=s :
If on the other hand we mean the speed with whi h this parti ular waveform (standing wave)
travels along the string, then it is zero. (See plot under (b) above.)
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 7
Problem 8.6
Distan e sensing with sound.

bat L
(a) The time T between the emission and return of the bat's pulse to a wall L meters
away is T = 2L=va , where va is the speed of sound in air. Thus a distan e un ertainty L
orresponds to a time un ertainty T = 2L=va . For L = 0:2 m and va = 344 m=s
(1 atm at 20ÆC), we have
T = 1:2  10 3 se :
(b) Suppose the bat in our methane- lled ave sends out a pulse whi h overs a distan e
La tual . The bat will re eive the re e ted pulse after a time T = 2La tual =vm, where vm is the
speed of sound in methane. If the bat per eives that he is in air, he will interpret this time
delay as being due to an apparent distan e
vT va
Lapparent = a =
2 vm La tual :
For va = 344 m=s and vm = 432 m=s, this gives
Lapparent = 0:8La tual :
So the bat will per eive things as being loser than they a tually are by a fa tor of 0.8,
be ause the signals return faster than he expe ts.
MIT 8.02 Spring 2002 { Assignment #8 Solutions 8
Problem 8.7
Design a ute.

(a) When the system os illates in the fundamental mode, the length of the tube (open open)
is half the wavelength, so the length of the ute should be L = =2. Wavelength is related
to frequen y f (in Hertz) and sound speed va by f = va , or  = va=f , so that L = va =2f .
For f = 261:7 Hz and va = 344 m=s,
L = 0:657 meters :
(b) For a modern equal-tempered s ale, the frequen y of any given note is 2 ' 1:0595

times the frequen y of the note one half-step below (note frequen ies may also be found
tabulated). This allows us to al ulate the ne essary e e tive tube lengths for ea h note
from L = va =2f , and hen e the orresponding key spa ings L:
Note f (Hz) L (m) L (m)
C 261.7 0.657 (0)
C℄=D[ 277.3 0.620 0.037
D 293.7 0.586 0.034
D℄=E[ 311.2 0.553 0.033
E 329.7 0.522 0.031
F 349.3 0.492 0.030
F ℄=G[ 370.1 0.465 0.027
G 392.1 0.439 0.026
G℄=A[ 415.4 0.414 0.025
A 440.1 0.391 0.023
A℄=B[ 466.3 0.369 0.022
B 494.0 0.348 0.021
C 523.4 0.329 0.019
(Note: the somewhat jumpy progression of L's is due to round-o error.)


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